The King: Eternal Monarch (Jo...

By Agnotius

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1st Story: They Call Him The Unbreakable Sword, Bullshit AU following after Lee Gon fixed everything but neve... More

They Called Him The Unbreakable Sword, Bullshit: 2
They Called Him The Unbreakable Sword, Bullshit: 3
They Called Him The Unbreakable Sword, Bullshit: 4
They Called Him The Unbreakable Sword, Bullshit: 5
They Called Him The Unbreakable Sword, Bullshit: 6
They Called Him The Unbreakable Sword, Bullshit: 7
They Called Him The Unbreakable Sword, Bullshit: 8
What A Fever Brought to Us: 1
What A Fever Brought to Us: 2
What A Fever Brought to Us: 3
What A Fever Brought to Us: 4
What A Fever Brought to Us: 5
What A Fever Brought To Us: 6
What are you (am I)?

They Call Him The Unbreakable Sword, Bullshit: 1

2.8K 95 13
By Agnotius


I LOVE YEONG AND NOBODY CAN STOP ME (Woo DO Hwan did a really GREAT acting playing both Yeong and Eun Seob)

Sometimes I really feel Lee Gon took him for granted. Nobody can stop me thinking Yeong loves his king more than that.

Also I really love the chemistry between Yeong and Sin Jae, not close but actually closer than that so here I'm.

I want to write where they almost lost Yeong and finally realize how important Jo Yeong is to them.

[Chapter 1: TwoBullets and Two Stabs]

The fact was obvious.

They all knew, Jo Yeong was one of the strongest men in the kingdom. The captain of the royal guard who also excelled in the military when he served voluntarily.

Funny how it seemed; the unbreakable sword the King possessed never wavered no matter what.

At every scene.

At every danger.

The sword always knew how to take action, fast and sharp.

Even Sin Jae (Hyeon Min) who was one of the best fighters in his squad would think twice to fully go hand-in-hand combat with Yeong.

The perfect shield and weapon at the same time, many authorities wanted to claim but yet he was exclusively only for the King of Corea.

It was somehow suffocating for Yeong at sometimes, though he would never admit that.

The man would always speak with so much pride how much blessed he was as the unbreakable sword who would stand before the gunfire for his beloved King, Sin Jae would scoff after hearing those words.

He didn't hate to be one; if you gave him a chance to re-write his history. He would surely choose to be the same, the royal guard who would die in the battlefield for his one and only King.

But sometimes when people just see his strong side, his cold façade, the thin smile as a formality.

People tended to forget, in fact, Yeong was indeed a normal human who could die with a simple bullet to his heart.

Maybe because of the same reason, he never forgets his bulletproof vest. Always in alert before or behind Lee gon. To protect the persona people put on him.

Gon also trusted his life to Yeong and the bodyguard couldn't think any higher gift for him than that.

Unfortunately, there was time at night when he was all alone in his private chamber.

The one he moved in the time he was promoted as the royal guard's captain, do they think I'm not a human, he would wonder .

Only people who already worked for him for years, in an example like Ho Pil, though the second-in-command also needed time to guess what the man thought with the lack of his expression.

Sometimes Yeong wondered if he would break in the future, what if I'm not unbreakable.

It was a deafening silence inside his head when it happened, though he was sure soon after everyone screamed at the top of their lungs.

He had promised Sin Jae, he would take two days break and they could catch up what he had abandoned.

His so-called friend-with- benefit grinned happily, without intention to hide the happiness when he promised about it the last time they met.

Sin Jae still thinking about the offering to work in the kingdom's investigation squad, so he didn't have any special card to have free entry to the palace and that meant little chance to spend his time with Yeong.

It hurt, so fucking hurt even with the vest, he had trouble breathing and he felt his knees buckled.

It was purely his fault, in his opinion, to miss it until the last moment before the gun being fired.

He saw the slight glint from the tall building not so far from them, the glistening viewfinder of the sniper that unluckily not just one.

He remembered pushing both Gon and Tae Eul to the ground, shouting to the hidden microphone inside his inner wrist. His shoulder burnt and his ears rang, he stood up and suddenly he lost balance.

A second shot being fired as he got up while trying to evacuate Lee Gon. Tae Eul beside the King with a shocked face, Yeong could only see her eyes because the mask covering her face but he knew.

Extra guards came running to them, surrounding them to create a barrier to protect The King and his secret girlfriend.

Gun being triggered and Yeong never thought the situation would get any worse after the second bullet but then a scream echoed and random people from the crowd marched toward them.

It was no surprise about some people hating Lee Gon and wished him to dethrone, never guess they would attack at the very same time in the rushed date the King had with Tae Eul.

The situation after time-travelling and removing Lee Lim from the long history made both of Yeong and Gon a little bit too careless.

Yeong only brought five to six people to guard the King in his secret date including him, making them a little bit troubled to fight the enemies.

He was already breathless when he noticed one of the bad guys approached Tae Eul who looked to the other direction, he widened his eyes as he ran to her side.

Too busy with the whole sudden attack, she gasped at the time Yeong hugged her from behind and a painful groan hit her like a truck.

Ho pil came with more guards, she was still with the mask and holding Yeong together with Gon who shouted medic!

Yeong felt the blood from the dagger being stabbed to his hip and back was drenching his shirt, he blinked several times and he was glad Gon chose to do this date late at the night with fewer people and it was easier to erase the CCTV later.

He closed his eyes slowly, ignoring the voice of his King and his girlfriend from the other dimension, I need to take care of the CCTV later.

It was ironic, to think back at it again and remembering his forever one-sided love.

He fell in love when he was four, obvious to it till he was a blooming male who was ready to voluntarily serve his country.

Maybe he already got a feeling when he accompanied Lady Noh to send Gon to serve the military two years ago, but he fully aware at the time he decided to enter the military when he hit the right age.

It was slow, yeah, but when you particularly live with the person you love; the affection and feeling might blur and Yeong kind of lost.

Since that time, Yeong understood how sad his life going to be.

How painful and thorny his path would be, but he chose to stay.

Chose to accept the offer as the royal guard after he finished his military service, he already decided when he was four after all.

Though the idea stating he would forever be the unbreakable sword and nothing more pained him.

He was used to the dull pain, sometimes spending time with random people to ease himself a little.

I wish the feeling never change, I wish it's platonic and nothing more.

But it was never platonic, and maybe it used to be but not anymore.

He was okay, a little bit happy when he knew his highness wasn't interested with anyone but then, the cruel voice whispered; all because your beloved King loved a woman that nobody knows even exist.

It's never because of you.

You're nothing but a tool for him.

You're should be grateful to at least have a chance to be his tool.

But never hope to be something more.

It was stabbing him, every night while the lonely dark sky accompanied him in his balcony.

"Ten steps back"

"Including you, Yeong"

That might be the moment his heart broke once again, he was confused to follow which pieces.

His lifetime dedication vanished so fast, so simple, like it was nothing when the woman of Gon's dream came.

Just like, the world once again slapped him, telling him and proving his predictions to be true.

You're nothing to him.

And like a fool, his pathetic self who was too obedient, too loyal; he couldn't bring himself to resent the woman at all.

Tae Eul was a strong woman, a kind one and different.

Rather than hating her, Yeong started to see her as a special one too.

Someone said when you loved someone too much, you would start to favour what they loved too and Yeong agreed.

He found himself protecting Tae Eul as if the woman meant his life and yes, she meant his life because she was Gon's life and Gon meant a whole universe to Yeong.

When he was sleeping, the faint machine sounds as the background music.

'Maybe dying protecting her isn't bad,' he thought, heart beating slowly; too slow.

Maybe with this, your majesty would remember me more than his unbreakable sword.

Maybe I would be more than a tiny piece of his life.

Yeong was lost, sleeping for more than a week after the incident. Tae Eul cried because I shouldn't go at that night!

Gon was no better because it was him who gave the idea and ignore Yeong's warning; saying it might be dangerous and he had a little time to prepare the security protocol.

Meanwhile Sin Jae, the man was neglecting his job after hearing the news and sat beside Yeong's bed. Looking to Yeong's face with the ghostly paleness he hated so much.

"Wake up," Sin Jae said slowly, Yeong breathed slowly. The other man gazed at the machine with so much hatred.

He recalled what Tae Eul said when he met her.

"The wounds weren't that serious," she had said.

"But oddly, oddly Yeong hasn't wake up," she sobbed brokenly and Sin Jae's heart clenched.

He could guess why Yeong chose to sleep, for a while, he was going to make sure Captain Jo won't sleep for too long.



I love Yeong.

So much.

Like, SO MUCH.


Votes n comments maybe :)

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