
By purplelove1999

800 76 167

Art is , colors , war , literature , and music . For Art William he likes to know a piece of everything but p... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32 (last chapter)

Chapter 18

20 2 1
By purplelove1999

"So his father is an ambassador, what's wrong with that ? " Dorothy says as she takes a sip from her coffee.
It was the weekend and I was talking with Dorothy , after I heard about the new news I just wanted to talk about it with someone , I couldn't talk about this with Lilly because of tyler so I decided to tell her when I see her.

"It's just I don't know , big news " I say.
"Yes it is,  I've seen him a couple of times here at the hospital paying the bills "

"What's he like? " I ask.

"He's overly confident I can say that and he's a bit of a snob , nothing like Arthur or mrs Suzy his mom " She says.

"That's good to know before I get to meet him " I sigh.

"Just don't worry about it bella , you're an amazing woman , art already know that and I bet his father will know it too"

"You really know how to make me speechless " I chuckle.

"It's only the truth dear " she smiles.

I smile back as I notice miss Penelope Welles barging in and looking all over the place as she walks towards us .

"I'll give you 10 dollars that today Jeremy will finally talk with her " I say challenging.

" you're on bella " she laughs.

"Hi Bella,  hey Dorothy can you please tell me where can I find Dr. Jeremy ? "She says adjusting her hair.

"Wait right here , I'll call him for you " Dorthy says as she takes the phone.

"You look really nice today " I say.
And she really did , everyday she looks like she's going on a runaway show , with her stylish clothes and her big blonde hair.
"Oh thank you bella , it feels good that someone acknowledges my hard work " she says, then she looks down to her shoes in defeat then tiredly says
"I just want him to give me a chance .. he's the choice that I fully chose by myself without dad or his staff interfering like they always do in my pitiful glamorous life" she says sarcastically.

"Ever since I came here with my dad because of his heart condition , he was nothing like the men I've dealt with , he was genuinely nice and wasn't after my money "
I know Penelope is a good person , anyone can tell that , this isn't because she wants something so she gets it , its about something that she needs and wants to treasure it and it's definitely a good sign , I didn't want Jeremy to lose such a woman.

"Dear I'm sorry Jeremy says that he's going to have a surgery in 10 minutes so he won't be able to come " Dorthy says sadly but then looks at me in victory.

"Oh , okay thank you Dorothy , I'll see you around bella " she says with a smile and throws me a kiss.

"Sometimes I feel like she's the real life Barbie , if my daughter saw her she'd love to have her autograph " Dorothy says and I laugh.

"Yeah " I say.

"It's pay time bella " Dorothy says.

"Fine " I say defeated and give her the money.

"Jeremy wait until I see you " I mentally threaten.

I leave Dorothy and went to see Jeremy , I burst the door of his office open , startling him .

"God you frightened me I thought you were her " he says relieved as he went to close the door behind me.

"Because of you I lost a bet and payed 10 dollars " I say blaming him and took a seat on his chair.

"What?! you made a bet on me?" He says in disbelief.

"Jeremy everyone here is betting on you and Penelope" I say.

"I'm really hurt , unbelievable " he says shaking his head as he takes a seat.

"No I'm the one who's hurt you lied to me !"

"Bella I agreed but I didn't say when will I talk to her" he sighs.

"Oh yeah right It's my fault sorry ... but please you really have to give her a chance , you never know maybe she's what you need " I say while walking to open the door when Jeremy was deep in his thoughts and looked sideways right and left and thankfully found Penelope .
"HEY !  Penelope ! Dr Jeremy is right here come,  he's waiting for you" I yell and wave to her, she smiles and jog towards me.

"I'm going to kill you bella " he cries.

I leave laughing before he can catch me and went downstairs, to the cafeteria.
I ordered a drink and sat by the table.
My phone started to ring , I checked the caller ID and it was art.

"Hi , Are you still at the hospital ? " he says.
"Hi handsome , yes I am " I say and take a sip.
"Okay I'll be there in 5 " he says and hangs up.

We're supposed to meet up today , he said that he wants to go with me somewhere but told me it's a surprise.
I went outside after he called me , he was waiting by his car , with his arms folded and with his back pressed back on the car, he was wearing a black shirt with denim jeans and his hair was pushed back , he was staring at the ambulance that came in and the people who were rushing the patient in, he didn't move or anything, just stared deeply like taking it in.

I approached him and put my arms around his waist.
"Hi " I say .

He smiles and says " don't copy my style " and wraps his arms around me.

" sorry I stole your signature " I laugh.

"Come on before we're too late " he says as we get in the car.
I fasten my seatbelt as he drives .

"So you want to take me somewhere ?" I say.

"Not just somewhere I want to take you everywhere " he says focusing on the road while intertwining his hand with mine.

I blush and I clear my voice and say "well it better be good , because I'm breaking my routine for you" I say.

"Do you think having a routine is better?" He asks.

I stay quite for awhile and then say
"I-I just don't like change , I'm afraid if I do something new I'd lose something else , that's why I prefer routine , no surprises, having the same plan knowing what's next"

"It's okay to have a routine bella , just don't let it steal away all the things that you still didn't do " he says as he looks towards me.

"It's just scary to find parts of me I never knew about " I say slowly.

"And I'll be there to love each and every part " he says while giving me a kiss in the back of my hand.

And I smile , knowing that I can trust him , knowing that his presence will help me go through anything even if it's unexpected even if I don't have a plan , he'll be there ready and the best part is that he won't have a plan because his presence is enough to help me.

"So we're here " he says. I look outside and I see art's house.

"Your house?" I ask confused.

He parks the car and we get out .
As he takes my hand , we go to the elevator and reach the rooftop.
The door opens and there was a helicopter right in front of me.

"Oh my god " I say and cover my mouth.

"Say hi to Roxanne " he says and laughs at my reaction.

"Why do you have a helicopter ?" I say.

"And why did you name it Roxanne ?" I chuckle.

"Its my grandfather's , he gave it to my dad when he was my age at his birthday" Art says .

"And well grandpa named it"

"It's so cool though , like wow you can go to any pla-" I stop and then looked at art.

"Oh no are we going to ride it? " I ask.

"Yes" he says with a sly smile.

"No art no , I-I'm .. I'm afraid of heights " I say and take a step backwards.

"It's okay I'll make sure that you don't fall and besides you just made that up" he says and takes my hand.

"B-but "

He stops and stands in front of me while saying "Trust me okay?"

I take a breath out and say "okay"

We climbed in to the passenger seats and put the headsets on.
Art starts the engine and got ready to departure , I take a breath out and looked out of the helicopter.
Slowly it started to rise and before I know it we were already flying through the clouds.
"I wanted to show you the sunset today" Art says shouting, and points in front of us.

I look in front of me and it was beautiful , the orange and the red color blending with the clouds around us , as the sun was setting saying it's goodbye but leaving behind it's warmness.

"It's beautiful " I shout to art with a smile.
As I close my eyes and enjoy the air that was coming in.

"Do you feel the Unlimited power ? , absorbing all the colors , making you feel all the feelings?" Art shouts.

"Yes" i say knowingly with a teary smile.

"That's what routine was stealing away from you .. unlimited power" art says smiling as he puts my hair behind my ear.

He was fabulous and the way he was driving this helicopter as easy as a car turned me on.
I couldn't think about anything as the air kept tickling my now rosy face except how joyful his surprise was.
The colors of the sunset was reflected on art's face in a pretty way , which made him look irresistible not to look at.
I saw the people the size of ants and I let go of the noises of the city. Me. Him. Only. Even the sun left us alone.

We arrived back at art's house after that, we go to the living room and sat at the couch.

"Where is lee?" I ask.

"He's at a friends birthday party, he had to get a wizard costume because it's a Harry Potter theme party , he dragged me to the mall in the early morning just to get it. "he sighs.

"When I first watched Harry Potter I wanted to marry him , he was just the cool little wizard suitable to take my 8 year old hand " I laugh and he joins me.

"I wanted to marry Emma Watson " he says.

"I loved how she stood out in the movie  , she was unique in her own way"

"you have me now so forget about her" I say seriously.

"Done " he says as he laughs quietly.

"So who taught you how to use the helicopter?" I ask.

"Grandpa did " he says .

"Well You did a great job today , the road wasn't bumpy " I laugh and hug him .

"But thank you for today it was amazing" I smile.

"Still There's so much that I want to show you " he says and holds my face in his hands .

I look at him patiently and say "then show me"

He looks at my eyes then at my lips , then he kisses me slowly putting his hand at the back of my neck, he kissed me slowly just like how I absorbed all the colors when I saw the sun setting, I was slowly absorbing him all in.

Then my phone rang.
He pulls away and says " this better be urgent" and I chuckle.

"Hey lil" I say.

"Where are you?" She says.

"I'm with art why?"

"I'm at your house woman , I thought you were here " she sighs .

"I'm sorry You should've called me first lil" I sigh.

"Why call you ? I never did , you never go out at the weekends " she says , well that's true.


"And besides Marco is here and I don't want it to be awkward , you know me I blabber shit when I get nervous so come right now " she says threatening.

"Okay okay bye " I say and hang up.

"Want to come and hang out with me and lilly and Marco? " I say as a question .

"Okay ?" He chuckles.

"Ugh I just wanted to have you for myself today" I sigh and give him a side hug.

"I blame you , you answered the phone "

"Damn it" I say and close my eyes.

"Come on it will be fun " he says and takes my hand and got me up.

We arrived at my house shortly, as We entered finding lilly and Marco sitting at the couch watching a movie.

"Hey guys" I say.

"Bella you came " Lilly says relieved and hugs me .

"Hey Art " Marco says with a smile

"Marco hey  " art says and takes a seat.

"Art hi " Lilly says as he greets her back.

"I'm sorry for interrupting your date " Lilly whispers to him as he whispers back,

"you owe me."

Lilly laughs nervously and I took a seat next to art on the couch.

"So what were you watching ?" I say.

"Fight club " Marco says.

"Nice one , should we order pizza ? " Art Asks.

"Yeah I'm really hungry" I say as I take the phone and order.

"So one pepperoni large and the other is large plain cheese right?" I say checking with everyone.

"Yes señorita " Marco says as he watches the movie.

"Bells don't forget the drinks please " Lilly says.

I ordered the and it came shortly after , we gathered around the table in the living room and art helped me with plates , moreover we all laughed together on how lilly wanted took 4 pizzas for herself quickly as soon as we opened the box.
And art and Marco were arguing about who was going to eat the most.
And I took a moment to look at them They were happy and I was happy and that made me feel warm inside.

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