Iron To Arrows

بواسطة Nyxie_Lorn

3.4K 74 9

Niki Beyer has been the responsibility and, overall, world of Tony Stark since she was but 6 years old. Now a... المزيد

Character Introduction
Chapter 1: The Godfather
Chapter 3: Buisness and Pleasure
Chapter 4: Billionare
Chapter 5: City Abroad
Chapter 6: Flashes
Chapter 7: Cabana
Chapter 8: Reassigned
Chapter 9: Fish Out of Water
Chapter 10: The Pairing
Chapter 11: Shot Glasses and Chardonay
Chapter 12: Gamblers
Chapter 13: Recovery 101
Chapter 14: The Revival
Chapter 15: Warden
Chapter 16: Save Me
Chapter 17: Toxic
Chapter 18: Black Hearts
Chapter 19: Shielded
Chapter 20: The Crime
Chapter 21: Entrapment
Chapter 22: Danger Zone
Chapter 23: Shelter In The Storm
Chapter 24: Victimized
Chapter 25: Night Changes
Chapter 26: Time
Chapter 27: Escape
Chapter 28: Self Recovery
Chapter 29: Like Father Like Daughter
Chapter 30: New York Lights
Chapter 31: Skin and Skylines

Chapter 2: Memories in Moscow

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بواسطة Nyxie_Lorn

That evening we immediately packed our belongings and headed out towards Moscow the next morning. Changing the RSVP last minute caused for some major time crunching but we pulled it off and I, reluctantly, made why way onto the jet after our things had been packed and loaded.
"I don't understand why Rosie didn't just have this party in New York." Tony semi-whined while leaning back in his seat. He was positioned across from me in private jet. Twiddling around with a rubiks cube. The only major thing I could despise about Tony was his, often, narcissistic mannerism. He had this baffling way of going completely for and then against something in a round 15-20 seconds. Anything that offered an inconvenience to his usual schedule became a giant bore to him. Even if it was a glamorous party. Some days he seemed more hormonal than most females but I guessed I cared for him anyways.
He was family, not biologically, but still he was home. Him, Pepper, Happy, Rhodes and others; had all become my family since Tony had taken me in when I was young.
"He's a Russian artist." I tried explaining the logic as best as I could but Tony was never really into art. "It only makes sense to call people there to see his work first hand. I thought you wanted to attend this Gala?"
"Eh. that was before I got dragged all the way to Moscow."
"Why don't I just brief you on everything you need to know." I was hoping to deter his focus from the negativity and back towards the actual "business" that needed to be planned.
"Fine." He mumbled as leaned back further and closed his eyes.
"I'll be the translator as Mr. Rosidin does not speak English to well."
"Yeah, guy sounds like he's talking with a wad of gum in his throat." Tony proceeded to lean forward from within his chair and pour himself a drink.
"Yes well-" I tried to finish my briefing, but he interrupted.
"How many languages can you speak?" He randomly inquired. His face full of curiosity which, again, he already knows all this.

"9. At least fluently." I replied without looking up from my Ipad, hoping, the topic didn't derail his concentration to far off track. I didn't see why he needed to ask the question; he was just stalling from responsibility at this point. Any normal individual would have fallen asleep by now but Tony could never rest on flights.
"9" that's amazing really. Truly brilliant."
"Thank you." I replied quickly trying to get the conversation back on track.
"Don't you get confused?" He inquired further.
I sighed in defeat and put my the tablet down on the table in the seat beside me.
"I mean how do you keep all them at knowledge in your head." He continued asking pestering questions.
"How do you become an expert in physics over night?" I shot back with a smirk.
"Touché. Still don't know how you do it. Your brilliant."
"I wouldn't say that." I smirked slightly before attempting to readdress the meeting topics; still no luck.
"No, you are the most intelligent person I know. Well you know excluding me."
"Oh yes of course excluding yourself." I replied sarcastically.
He continued to ramble on, "I mean you graduated high school at 15, had a masters degree complete three years later and now just got awarded you Ph.D. in English and Linguistics. Your expert on a variety of subjects, including Biology and Genetics. You also know a lot about cars, which is odd, but the non the less impressive."
The last sentence, I could tell, was thrown in as a minute detail and I quickly acknowledged it.
"I knew it!" I shouted while pointing at him.
"Knew what?"He asked curiously.
"You fixed the car didn't you? And it was the starter wasn't it!" I smiled confidently at my success.
"Maybe." He replied quickly and took a sip of drink. I was about to call him out when Friday announced that we would be landing in 5 minutes.
I shook my head when she was through talking, "And this is your sick and twisted way of apologizing for it. Isn't it?"
"Pretty much yeah." He confessed and stood up quickly, "We should probably get our stuff, you know so we can hurry to to the Gala. Hate to be late."
"Oh come on!" I shouted "Admit it." No way I was letting him derail this conversation. Tony never fessed up go
"Oh fine," he cleared his throat, "you were." He stopped as if the words were tearing into his very soul.
"I waaaaas...." I repeated humorously and waited for him to fess up.
"Right." He whispered quickly.
"Uh what was that." I put my hand to my ear.
"Right, You were right." He spoke quickly before turning and jetting his way towards the front of the plane.
"Thank you."  I said confidently while grabbing my brief case and exiting plane.
Later that evening...

"Are you ready!?" I strutted impatiently into Starks room and glanced over at the clock on the wall. We were going to be late if he didn't hurry soon. Not that I was thrilled to attend this session, but the sooner we got there the sooner we'd be done and could leave.
We had landed in Moscow around 5pm just an hour before the Gala so there was, basically, no time to get ready.
" Yeah just about." He said, fiddling with his tie for a moment, before turning towards me. "Why are you in such a- What the heck are you wearing?!" His words were cut short upon seeing my attire. His eyes widened as he quickly looked me up and down.
"A dress." I spoke dryly as I put on my earrings. It was a satin to be specific. Champagne in color with thin straps and a v-shaped neckline that was thoroughly covered in lace detailing. I paired it with pearl accessories and a pair of dark, contrasting, jeweled pumps that I soon would regret for they were not of great comfort to wear.
"Yeah no-" Tony started being overbearing when Pepper came into the room.
"Are you guys ready?" She smiled and came  towards us in her long sleeve, red, evening dress.
"Tony, has a problem with my dress." I remarked while crossing my hands over my chest.
"Uh, yes I do." Tony quipped immeasurable. "And that's Father Tony to you young lady." I scoffed in disbelief but thankfully Pepper was on my side.
"Oh come on Tony," Pepper spoke sweetly. "It's not that bad and we got it especially for the occasion."
"Yeah!" I spat back, "And what about Peppers dress?!" I tried addressing her own fitted attire.
"Peppers my employee. She can wear whatever she likes."
Pepper's mouthed opened wide at his remark and she firmly smacked Tony on the back of the head.
He gave her a slight glare and she sent him a warning look. I chuckled at their little rivalry and Pepper absolute refusal to take Tony's crap.
"Don't be such a scrooge Tony. Nicki's a big girl." Pepper pleaded with him and, eventually,
Tony sighed in defeat.
"Great now let's get going because we don't want to be late." Pepper added in a chipper manner while looking from me to Tony.
"Okay new rule though, I'm taking her shopping from now on." Tony added as he followed Pepper out of his room.
"Uh! Not happening." I butted in quickly, knowing the disaster that would result in.
"Yeah well either way Happy is officially fired from his role as your bodyguard if he lets you leave the stores with stuff like that."
"What am I supposed to do? Have him take pictures of me in the clothes and send then you for approval?!"
I had just about had it when Pepper interjected once more. "Okay okay you two! That's enough."
"Well she started it." Tony complained as we stepped on to the elevator.
I scoffed and was about to smack Tony on the back of the head, but Pepper placed her hand on my arm.
"Just let it go." She spoke calmly, taking my hand in hers. I gave her a nod of assurance and thanks as we made our way outside to the limo.

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