Reality (BnHA)

By Sinful-stories

78.3K 5K 844

It's not everyday that a new teacher and a whole new class is suddenly introduced to the curriculum. Especial... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 15

3.4K 234 38
By Sinful-stories

The day went by as smoothly as it could. The sun was shining, the students were suffering, and Kokoro was working on some ideas to better improve everyone's quirks. She sat under a tree near the students so she could observe how everyone was progressing— and so the heroes could keep an eye on her.

Currently she was watching Kirishima and Ojiro spar with each other, tapping the tip of her pencil against the notebook in her lap.

"What do you think?" Aizawa asked, walking up to her.

"So far everyone seems to be doing okay, or, as okay as they can do while they're training with this kind of schedule." She leaned her head back as she watched Ojiro's tail make contact with Kirishima's hardened arm once more. "I'm already seeing improvements in Iida's speed as he runs past me and Bakugo's explosions are already seeming to have a larger scale of size. Ibara's already able to reach her vines out a little further and it looks like Setsuna has better control over her detached limbs." She paused as she watched an eye float past them with a hand under it, waving at the two of them, Kokoro smiled and waved back as she watched it float away, "Most of the other improvements are with their endurance and stamina and I won't be able to gauge that just yet."

"Right. Well, by the end of this week hopefully they've improved enough and have managed to think of a few different super moves."

"We're starting that Wednesday, right?" Kokoro asked, looking up at Aizawa and seeing him nod, "Well, what if we prerequisite Wednesday with something to get them thinking about creative ways they could use their quirks?"

"What do you suggest?"

Kokoro tensed up, "Uh, well, I haven't thought that just yet." Kokoro said, "I'll think about it."

"Well, while you think about it don't forget to takes notes on how the students can improve. I need to go make sure nobody's dead." Aizawa said as he started walking away. "If you want me to actually consider any idea you have get it to me anytime before dinner."

"Yes sir." Kokoro said, browing her head slightly before getting back to observing the students.


But the end of the day the kids looked like zombies, and Kokoro could practically see the life drain from their eyes as Pixie-Bob and Ragdoll announced that they'd have to cook their own dinners, though thanks to a small speech from Iida, the class' moral seemed to rise just enough to get them started in cooking.

While the students were making the curry outside, Kokoro was helping Mandalay with making dinner for the adults and Kota— there was no way any of them would eat what the students made. Kokoro was pretty sure she overheard Todoroki mention that he used to fry eggs on the left side of his chest.

"Kota! It's time for dinner!" Mandalay called out once they had finished, when she got no response she stepped out ad looked around, "Where is he."

"I think I saw him walk towards the forest. I can bring him his dinner if you want me to." Midoriya offered.

"Would you, I appreciate it. While you're there make sure he's safe, Kay?" Mandalay said, handing a plate of rice and curry to Midoriya.

"Right." Kokoro watched as the boy grabbed the plate and walked towards the forest, presumably where Kota had gone off to.

Once they had plated the rest of the food Kokoro and Mandalay joined the rest of the adults, Kokoro sliding in on the edge right next to Aizawa.

"Have you come up with an idea?" Aizawa asked, looking at Kokoro as she sat down.

"An idea for what?" Vlad asked.

"Ah, well, in short I was thinking of having the students do something to start thinking creatively before Wednesday, where the have to start thinking of their Super Moves. It would help ease them into thinking the range of their quirks. And to answer your questions, Aizawa, yes. I have." She puffed out her chest proudly as sparkles seemed to surround her.

"Whatcha thinking of?" Ragdoll asked, leaning forwards slightly.

"A test of courage!" Kokoro exclaimed, "It can be a class A against Class B type of thing. One class works on scaring the other class as they go through a specific route in teams. It will help the kids start thinking on how they can utilize their quirks to scare the other class. It's a fun game that also helps ease them into creating their own super moves."

"Thats... actually a pretty good idea." Mandalay said. "We just so happen to have a forest path that would be perfect for that type of thing!"

"How do we know it's not some type of plan to get the students to split up?" Vlad asked, looking at Kokoro with slightly narrowed eyes.

Kokoro balled her hands into fists and held them in her lap as she kept a neutral expression on her face, "You guys don't have to go along with it, it's just an idea." She said. By now the mood around the table had grown tense, and Vlad had not stopped glaring at her, making Kokoro shift uncomfortably in her chair. "Well, I have some notes to fo over so I'm gonna head back to my room and look over them!"

Before anyone could stop her, she slid off the edge of the seat and started walking towards the room she was sleeping in. To be honest with herself, she was kind of surprised that it had taken this long for a remark from Vlad. He was one of the teachers that avoided her like the plague, and insisted on being in the room or on the field while she taught his class— for both Criminology and Quirkless Defense. Out of all the teachers he seemed to distrust her the most. Sure, it was probably justified to him, and she had expected more of the teachers to be like that but for the most part they had started to warm up to her ever so slightly.

Once she got back to the room she pulled out a notebook and sat down at the table near the back of the room. To keep her mind from what had just happened she started flipping through the pages to try to think of different ways everyone could improve their quirks.

"You seem to be deep in thought." A voice said, causing Kokoro to jump and look beside her, seeing Aizawa standing right next to her, plate in hand.

"Oh, Aizawa. I didn't hear you come in. Why're you here?"

"You can't really be left unsupervised while you're at the camp."

"Oh... right." Kokoro leaned back and rested her head on the wall behind her. "Sorry to make you leave the others."

Aizawa just shrugged, "I didn't really feel like talking, besides, you didn't eat dinner."

"I said I wasn't hungry." Kokoro said, only for her stomach to contradict her words a few seconds later by growling.

"It's irrational to skip meals. Eat." He placed the plate he was holding in front of Kokoro before sitting in the seat opposite of her and placing some chopsticks alongside the plate. "Anyways, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Aizawa stared at her and for some reason Kokoro felt like he knew she was lying. "You don't seem like the type to listen to other people's problems." She said.

"It's not good to hold in what you're feeling. It can distract you from doing your job right." Aizawa said, crossing his arms and leaning back.

"I'm guessing this is your way of telling me to speak?"

"Don't ramble on too long. I have to take the kids who failed their finals to remedial classes. And you're coming with."

"Right right. I'll keep it short, don't worry." She let out a small sigh and ran a hand through her hair, "I know the other teachers don't fully trust me, and I don't blame them I wouldn't either if I were in their shoes. But when they openly accuse me of plotting against them or even thinking that I'd do anything to hurt the students... I just wish the other teachers knew that with my quirk being suppressed and Nezu making sure I don't have any actual weapons— not to mention the constant supervision— I can't do anything, even if I wanted to."

Aizawa hummed, "Trust is hard to build back up, especially after it's broken by something of the caliber of what you've done."

"Yeah... I know that." Kokoro muttered, and for a few seconds the two of them sat in silence before Aizawa stood up.

"Let's go grab the remedial class. I don't want them getting to comfortable in their rooms."

"Right." Kokoro said, standing up and following the dark haired teacher out of the room. "And Aizawa."


"Thanks for listening to me. Not a lot of people would do that for me now a days."

Aizawa was quiet for a second before shoving his hands into his pockets. "It was nothing. Let's go."

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