Ninjago: The Cursed Child

By AriaLord

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The ninja discover the prophecy of the green ninja, then they discover is the prophecy of the purple ninja, t... More

Chapter 1: Rise of the Snakes
Chapter 2: Home
Chapter 3: Snakebit
Chapter 4: Never Trust a Snake
Chapter 6: The Snake King
Chapter 7: Tick Tock
Chapter 8: Once Bitten, Twice Shy
Chapter 9: The Royal Blacksmiths
Chapter 10: The Destined Ninja
Chapter 11: All of Nothing
Chapter 12: The Rise of the Great Devourer
Chapter 13: Day of the Great Devourer
Chapter 14: Darkness Shall Rise
Chapter 15: Pirates Vs. Ninja
Chapter 16: Double Trouble
Chapter 17: Ninjaball Run
Chapter 18: Child's Play
Chapter 19: Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Chapter 20: The Stone Army
Chapter 21: The Day Ninjago Stood Still
Chapter 22: The Last Voyage
Chapter 23: Island of Darkness
Chapter 24: The Last Hope
Chapter 25: Return of the Overlord
Chapter 26: Rise of the Spinjitzu Master
Chapter 27: The Surge
Chapter 28: The Art of the Silent Fist
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31: The Titanium Ninja
Chapter 32: The Invitation
Chapter 33: Only One Can Remain
Chapter 34: Versus
Chapter 35: Ninja Roll
Chapter 36: Spy for a Spy
Chapter 37: Spellbound
Chapter 38: The Forgotten Element
Chapter 39: The Day of the Dragon
Chapter 40: The Greatest Fear of All
Chapter 41: The Corridor of Elders
Chapter 42: Winds of Change
Chapter 43: Ghost Story
Chapter 44: The Crooked Path
Chapter 45: Grave Danger
Chapter 46: Curseworld Part 1
Chapter 47: Curseworld Part 2
Chapter 48: Infamous
Chapter 49: Public Enemy Number One
Chapter 50: Enkrypted
Chapter 51: Misfortune Rising
Chapter 52: On a Wish and a Prayer
Chapter 53: Wishmasters
Chapter 54: Operation Land Ho
Chapter 55: The Way Back
Chapter 56: Day of the Departed
Chapter 57: The Hands of Time
Chapter 58: The Mask of Deception
Chapter 59: The Jade Princess
Chapter 60: The Oni and the Dragon
Chapter 61: Snake Jaguar
Chapter 62: Dead Man's Squall
Chapter 63: The Quiet One
Chapter 64: Game of Masks
Chapter 65: Dread on Arrival
Chapter 66: True Potential
Chapter 67: Big Trouble Little Ninjago
Chapter 68: Firstbourne
Chapter 69: Iron and Stone
Chapter 70: Radio Free Ninjago
Chapter 71: How to Build a Dragon
Chapter 72: The Gilded Path
Chapter 73: Two Lies, One Truth
Chapter 74: The Weakest Link
Chapter 75: Saving Faith
Chapter 76: Lessons for a Master
Chapter 77: Green Destiny
Chapter 78: The Darkness Comes
Chapter 79: Into the Breach
Chapter 80: The Fall
Chapter 81: Endings
Chapter 82: Wasted True Potential
Chapter 83: Questing for Quests
Chapter 84: A Rocky Start
Chapter 85: The Belly of the Beast
Chapter 86: Boobytraps and How to Survive Them
Chapter 87: Ninja vs Lava
Chapter 88: Powerless
Chapter 89: Ancient History
Chapter 90: Under Siege
Chapter 91: Vengeance is Mine!
Chapter 92: Prison
Chapter 93: Would You Like to Enter Prime Empire?
Chapter 94: Superstar Rockin' Jay
Chapter 95: Racer Seven
Chapter 96: The Speedway Five-Billion
Chapter 97: Stop, Drop and Side Scroll
Chapter 98: The Temple of Madness
Chapter 99: Game Over
Chapter 100: It Begins
Chapter 101: The Curse of Yin
Chapter 102: Darkness Rises
Chapter 103: Decision
Chapter 104: Balance
Charter 105: Ending

Chapter 5: Can of Worms

5K 110 29
By AriaLord

In the gaming area, Kai was about to play his game when Lloyd comes up behind him.

"Hey, Kai! Ha. Saw Cole beat your high score. You should have seen it. It was pretty spectacular" Lloyd said

"Uh, you must be talking about "Sitar Legend." This is "Fist to Face 2." No one beats me on my game" Kai boasted

"Huh. Could be wrong. See ya!" Lloyd whistles as he walks away.

Kai checks the high score on his game and finds the Black Ninja's profile on the scores: 9370, 7277, 5759, 4209, and 3224.

"Huh? Cole!" Kai shouted angry

In the kitchen, Cole is preparing dinner.

"Mm-mm! Violet Berry Soup, my culinary achievement. If the recipe is not followed exactly..." Cole tries a bit, but screams from the taste.

Lloyd looks in "By the way, I saw Jay spice things up. I told him not to, but he said your cooking could use it. Bye, Cole!" He leaves.

Cole spits out the taste "Jay!"

On the upper deck, Jay has kendo gear on as he prepares for his routine with a Sparring Robot.

Jay gets out his nunchucks "Let's ease our way into this. How about level 2, shall we?"

He turns the sparring bot on, but it soon comes up to level 9.

Lloyd whistles "Hey, Jay. I saw Zane try to repair the sparring bot earlier. Isn't that your expertise? Later, bro" He once again whistles as he leaves.

"Wait! What?" Jay tries to turn the sparring bot off, but it laughs as it starts hitting him. "No! No! Zane!"

Zane, in his pajamas is about to hang his laundry as Lloyd came up to him, whistling.

"Hello, Lloyd. What brings you up here this fine morning?" Zane asked happily

"Kai wanted me to pick up his Ninja suit. He said he threw it in with your whites" Lloyd searches the laundry and finds it "Here it is. Thanks" He leaves

Confused, Zane gets out one of his Ninja suits and discovers it is now pink and gets angry.


"You couldn't just be happy with the top score. You had to rub it in my face!" Kai shouted

"Do you know how long it took me to make that? Three days. Three days!" Cole shouted

"It's an unsaid law, okay? You don't touch a man's robot!" Jay shouted

"How am I supposed to strike fear in this?" Zane take out his ruined Ninja suit "It's pink!"

Master Wu enters as the Ninja argue with each other before opening the bathroom door, where Lloyd was hiding and he laughs evilly. The Ninja looked and saw the spices that he used to ruin Cole's soup, some tools he used to damage Jay's robot and the detergent he used to ruin Zane's Ninja suits.

Kai, Cole, Jay, and Zane gasped "You did this?"

"Boys, I get first dibs" Cole goes up to Lloyd to punish him.

Wu stopped Cole "No dibs. I put him up to this for today's lesson. I wanted to show you the destructive power of rumors and that jumping to conclusions can only lead to trouble. Did you ever think to find out if the accusations were true?"

"Uh, no offense, Sensei, but let me jump to this conclusion: today's lesson is lame" Cole said

"Yeah, why can't you just teach us to paralyze your enemy with one finger, or find out if a man is lying by the twitch of his nose?" Jay questioned

Wu sighed "Because not all lessons are about fighting. And I misplaced my lesson book"

Kai took Wu's lesson book out of Lloyd's back pocket "You mean this lesson book?"

Lloyd looked annoyed "It was the perfect plan until—" Cole closes the door on him.

Nya voice was heard over the speaker "If you're done fooling around, I could use you guys on the bridge. We do still have a snake problem to attend to. Over and out!"

Kai groaned "It's one thing to let the son of your nemesis live with you. But having my sister here? I mean, come on! I thought this was a Ninja headquarters"

Nya came back on the speaker "You do know I can hear you... over and out!"

Kai slaps his head before the Ninja go to the bridge.

"Last we heard of Pythor, he stole the Map of Dens from Lloyd and his friend, and is now on his way to open the last two Serpentine tombs" Nya informed them

"Ugh, don't remind me" Lloyd groaned "She's still missing too"

"Well right now Pythor's our most dangerous threat. If he finds those tombs before we do, with his intellect and all four tribes unleashed, there's no telling what he'll do" Wu said

Jay sighed "But those tombs could be anywhere. Without the map, we might as well just throw darts at a map"

"Good idea. Why don't we?" Nya throws two darts at a map "These are the two locations of the Hypnobrai and Fangpyre tombs, and this is Pythor's tomb" she places another dart on the map "After many hours of ruminating on why the tombs were placed in these three precise locations, I discovered a secret pattern. If you notice, all three are in line with the Ninjago symbol for serpent. So the last two tombs should be here and here" Nya said pointing at them

"There's little time. Kai and Jay, you head to the Venomari Tomb. Cole and Zane, you take the Constrictai Tomb" he hands them the flute "And take this. You might need it if you run into Pythor. Good luck, Ninja"

"And what am I gonna do?" Nya asked

"Yeah, what are we gonna do?" Lloyd questioned earning looks from Nya

"Nya, I need you here to make sure Lloyd doesn't get into any more trouble" Wu said

"Yes, Sensei" Nya agreed annoyed

"Alright let's go, boys. We got some snakes to club" Cole said


Aria walked up the steps and rang the doorbell of the only family member she actually likes. He opened the door.

"uncle Lou" she said happily

"ah Aria welcome" he hugged her happily  "come in come in"

Aria walked into her uncle's house and sat down on the couch.

"Are you here for the upcoming Ninjago Talent Show?" Lou asks excitedly

"yeah" Aria smiled "of course that's why I'm here, I knew it was coming up and you always choregraph my routine"

"hm" Lou looked at her suspiciously "did you get permission to leave school?"

"...yes" Aria lied

"Good then, I'll start choregraphing immediately" Lou says happily

Aria smiles "great, I'm sure I'll win again"


Later that night the ninja all sitting at the table.

"You know, whether it was in a lesson book or not, we used the destructive power of rumors to our advantage" Cole said

Kai nodded "And now the Serpentine are further away than ever from getting their act together"

"We sure did, we stopped the Serpentine from uniting and you know, I don't think we would've gotten out of there if it hadn't been for Zane" Jay replied

"Don't thank me. Thank Lloyd. If it hadn't been for his laundry skills, we all would've been found" Zane said and everyone laughs

Lloyd comes in with Zane's white gi "Well, it took me twenty loads, but your suit's no longer pink. And Cole to show that I'm sorry, I got you a can of nuts" Lloyd held out a can of nuts to Cole

"Uh, haha, yeah. Don't think I don't see what this is. When i open this, a bunch of snakes are gonna pop out, right? Yeah, no thank you" Cole opens the fridge, only to have snakes pop out.

Everyone laughs.

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