Love, Loss and Living

By KellyAlaska

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Bette and Tina have gone their separate ways. So much has happened over the last 10 years. Things are never... More

Prologue and Things Change Chapter 1
It was suicide Part 2
The Unexpected Part 3
The Return Part 4
The News Part 5
Carrie Part 6
Crossroads Part 7
Angelica Porter-Kennard Part 8
Promises Part 9
Transitions? Part 10
Revelations Chapter 11
A new day Chapter 12
A Journey Long Overdue Chapter 13
Unexpected Crisis Chapter 14
Jumping into the Unknown Together Chapter 15
Unconditional Love Chapter 16
Is anything really possible? Chapter 17
Try, Trust, Try and Trust Again Chapter 18
Life's Unpredictability Chapter 19
The intensity, The emotion, The honesty Chapter 20
Understand the Weeds; Understand the Forest Chapter 21
Retrouvaille Chapter 22
Beginning Again Chapter 23
The Greater the Obstacle, the More Glory in Overcoming it Chapter 25
All Dressed Up Chapter 26
Ebb and Flow of Life Chapter 27
The End of One Journey is the Beginning of the Next Chapter 28 and Epilogue

Family Chapter 24

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By KellyAlaska

One month later

Bette sat in bed staring at the ceiling, listening to the quiet. She had the house entirely to herself, because Angie had spent the night at Tina's. Angie had developed her own schedule which appeared to Bette as combining both homes into one. She would start her day at one home and end it at another. Guess that is how teenagers manage the homes of divorced parents, Bette had thought. Ever since the trip to New York, Angie seemed to be doing better. It appeared that Angie's worries had been addressed. Dr. Stewart had helped Angie with opening up about her worries to Bette and Tina.  Neither of them had realized the level of impact their problems had on Angie. Now that Angie had voice her worries, Bette and Tina had spent more time talking to Angie to sooth her concerns. Her academics were back on track and she did not play sick as often. It was good they caught this early, so it did not impact her grades. Most of the colleges Angie applied to were highly competitive East Coast schools and more in likely she would be accepted to one of them. Bette took a long deep breath at this thought, but she kept reminding herself of what Tina had said, "She is only leaving us physically, we will always have her in our hearts and minds." This was a nice thought, but Bette liked it better when her people were around her.  Whether she liked it or not, Angie was beginning to move into adulthood and that meant leaving home.

It was Sunday, so she was going to put that worry away until Monday. Tonight was family dinner night. It was Bette's turn to cook and she hadn't a thought as to what she would make. She slipped out of bed and headed down to the kitchen to start some coffee. The house was too quiet when Angie was not around.  The noise had become more comforting over the last couple years when Bette had been struggling with so many losses.  Hopefully, she won't have to deal with the loneliness brought on by the quiet if Tina moves in before Angie is off to college, she thought. Bette shook her head, it was too soon to be thinking about the changes to their living situation. 

Bette grabbed the bag of coffee and smiled. Angie had been taking on the responsibility of purchasing the coffee. She liked fancy brands, a taste she got from her other mother. A good French roast, black and Bette was good to go. She went into her office and turned on her laptop, hoping to sort through a few emails while the coffee was brewing. An email popped up from Peggy as she scrolled down the list. Her time in Paris for the most part was uneventful. Peggy quickly volunteered to help with the search for the owner's of Maxine's painting. She had jumped at the chance to work on the mystery of Maxine Porter. Bette got the sense that Peggy, although kept herself busy with many of her interests, was mentally not challenged. The search for information about Maxine would get her mind fired up and moving. Bette was grateful for the help being that Bette could not stay in Europe chasing after leads. She had a job to do back in Los Angeles running Peggy's foundation. Bette had just started getting back into things when she jumped on a plane following her love sick heart, Bette smiled at the memory of her recent visit to New York with her family. She quickly read the email that indicated that Peggy had found out that Maxine continued painting and was locally popular but she had never showed formally. Peggy had thought this was why Bette had not known about Maxine. Bette grinned as she stood up and grab some coffee before she headed upstairs. There are more paintings, she thought, so she could still be alive. Bette found herself surprisingly intrigued. What would her mother say if Bette walked back into her life?  She furrowed her brows, would her mother want Bette back in her life?  Bette chewed her bottom lip as she thought about the various scenarios that could occur if in fact her mother was still alive.  Bette pondered the situation with her mother the entire time she prepared herself for the day. She had again thought long and hard about pursuing her mother.  Is closure something she really needed to be able to be fully present and emotionally available to Tina?  Would it help her get past the mental block that was paralyzing her ability to be fully intimate with Tina?  The questions kept rolling over in her head.  The thought occurred to her that sometimes what we want and what we need are two different things.  Bette finally told herself to let go of the what ifs and put her attention on things she could control.  She had a family dinner to plan. Family dinners took on a whole different meaning, now that she and Tina were trying to reconcile.

She was eating Avocado Toast at the kitchen counter flipping through a receipt book when her cell buzzed. Bette smiled as she read the text from Tina and then called her number.

"Good morning," Bette smiled into the phone. "How did you sleep."

"Still a bit tired, your daughter wanted to go to a midnight showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. I didn't even know people still did that sort of thing." She said laughing. "It was fun though."

"Ok, well..." Bette furrowed her brows, "I will leave that one to you."

Tina laughed. "So what do you have planned?'

"I have to go grocery shopping for tonight. Shane said she would be here around 5p. Nat's kids are with Gigi tonight, so Nat and Alice will be coming over too. A full table." Bette smiled to herself.

"What are you going to make?"

"It's a surprise. I am going to try something new.  I figured with all of you here, I could use you as testers." Bette gave a chuckled that rose into a smile.

"I am sure it will be great. You have come a long way from boiling an egg being your only cooking skill." Bette could hear Tina's laugh and imagined the twinkle in her hazel eyes that went with the laugh. "How about I head over early to help you out. With that many people, it will be a bit of a job cooking the needed amount of food."

"Sounds good, but what about Angie?"

"Angie is going over to her friend Chance's house. I think they are headed out for the afternoon, but she said she would be home in time for dinner." Tina paused, "I think she has a crush on him?"

Bette's brows furrowed. She knew Angie had been spending a great deal of time around this young man. The break up with Jordi took awhile for Angie to get over.  First loves are always the toughest, Bette thought.  Chance and Angie had been friends since last year. Bette wasn't too surprised that Angie's eye wondered towards a boy. Today's teens seem to change their gender preference like they change their socks.  This new concept of fluidity was strange but Angie was comfortable with herself and that is all that mattered, Bette thought to herself. This boy was very into art like Angie and they spent a lot of time going to museums. Moving through many romantic attractions is normal for a teen, she kept telling herself. It was the other part, sexual behavior, that got Bette worried.

"Stop frowning," Tina jokingly said. "He's a good kid.  I will see you later."

"Sounds good." Bette smiled at the phone as she thought about how well things had been going between them. They had been seeing a lot of each other and it was not always focused on sorting through their issues. Tina's compassion, warmth and humor were sharing space with all the other complicated emotions and Bette found herself in a similar situation with her emotions, revealing the progress they had made in resolving their issues. Dating again was proving to be quite enjoyable for both of them.  She smiled at the thought of planning what would be their next date.  It was Tina's idea to alternate, allowing each other to plan a date.  Tina's plans were always so simple, yet heart warming.  Bette of course went all out, dating for her was always about going big.  She always thought, why do it if you are not out to impress.  The problem was that Tina knew all her tricks, so planning the surprise part was proving to be challenging but fun.  She wrote a note to remind herself to make a few calls regarding Hot Air Balloon rides on Monday while at work.  Bette put her plate in the sink and began humming as she grabbed her keys and headed out the door.


Later that day

Bette walked into the house carrying two bags of groceries. She smiled to herself as she pulled out a bottle of Italian Pinot Gris, Tina's favorite. When they had lived together, Bette always kept a few bottles on hand. It was always what Tina would reach for when having a causal glass of wine. Bette frowned when she remembered the last time Tina drank a glass of this wine in the house. The look on Tina's face when Tina had realized that she couldn't read Bette. Bette recalled just standing there watching as a defeated look came across Tina's face. For the first time Bette had seen that Tina had felt she had lost something too when they broke up. It was also the night Bette took the necklace with her wedding ring off her neck realizing her own defeat with the knowledge of Tina getting remarried. Many things had changed since that night.  Getting to this point in their relationship was a welcomed surprise to both, Bette had thought she had lost Tina forever. Through their individual therapy, they had each come to realize that they both had scars that ran deep.  Some of the memories had faded and the details were hard to recount, but others were sharp.  It was the sharp memories that were the obstacles.   Over time their unconscious minds had changed the memories and what had preserved them were the morphed emotions that were attached to them. It was the hurtful emotions that clouded the memories making them harder to resolve.  Bette knew they had an idea of what they wanted their life to be, but how they were going to get there was the question they were still trying to work out.  Bette continued to remove items from the bag while she thought, when she noticed movement in the backyard.

Bette smiled when she saw Tina on her knees working on the garden. All the difficulties that they had gone through in the last year had gotten them to this point. They were now talking everyday, they actually had developed a routine, talking on the way to work each morning and just before bed each night. Hearing the timber of Tina's voice brought a calm to Bette that she had not felt since the day she watched Tina walk out the door.  Bette recalled how in therapy Dr. Klein had said that that people can forget many things, but they can't forget how people made them feel.  Bette thought it was nice that both of them were now remembering the good feelings more than the bad.  Everyday, Bette felt more whole.  She knew Tina completed her, but in all the turmoil that Bette had been going through, she had lost where actually Tina fit in it all.  It seemed like a life time ago that they had started slowly putting the pieces back together, it had been torturous at times opening themselves up to each other with naked honesty.  At times it would seem that the shattered mess was beyond their reach to put back together.  Then the excitement that a date brought and the time together would help them rediscover a part of themselves that they had lost, with that another layer of balm would be put in place.

Bette stepped out into the backyard and walked causally towards Tina who was engrossed in her gardening and had not noticed Bette approaching her. Couple's therapy hadn't started yet, but they had it scheduled with a therapist that Dr. Cron had recommended. Keeping the individual therapy in place had been a good decision as they continued to struggle with their own individual issue. Both Tina and Bette thought they would need all the support they could get with navigating their reconciliation.

"Hi," Bette said with a big smile as she approached.

Tina looked up and smiled back. "Hey, you got back sooner than I thought," she squinted lifting her hand giving her eyes some shade.

Tina's face was sunburned, indicating that she had been out in the garden for a while. Her hands and legs were covered in dirt, which clearly wasn't an issue for her.

"You forget your hat." Bette smiled.

"I realized that when I got here. I wasn't sure where you kept yours and a little sun wasn't gonna stop me," giving Bette a warm smile. Tina stood up brushing the dirt off her legs. She left a line of dirt across her forehead as she wiped sweat off her brow.

Bette smiled and leaned over and kissed Tina's nose. "Your nose is the only clean spot. Are you finished?"

"Yeah... your gardeners..." Tina shook her head.

"It was your garden, hell, this whole backyard was your design. If you want it back, it's yours." Bette shrugged her shoulders while opening her arms wide.

Tina raised her eyebrow and bit her lip. "Well.... I do have some ideas." Giving Bette a shy smile.

"Have at it, I won't touch it. All I have done over the last couple years is cut a check," Bette laughed. "Why don't you get cleaned up and we can discuss it more over a glass of wine. I think you have some clothes in the guest room you can change into."

Tina raised her eyebrow, "What clothes?"

"I found a few things after you left. I just put them in the guest room in case you ever needed something."

Tina smiled, "Lucky for me. I'm gonna take a shower. I'll be out in a bit."

"I kept the guest room as you left it the last time you spent the night. I also put in your favorite hygiene supplies," giving Tina a bright smile.

The two women walked up to the house. Bette watched Tina as she headed towards the guest room. Bette held her breath as her visual excursion took in each and every curve. Bette felt her center tighten, she shifted and moved her legs just enough to recognize that she was already wet. They had not begun a physical relationship. Although both had said it would take time, Tina had already indicated that she was ready. Bette on the other hand continued to be paralyzed by her trust issues. Whenever a kiss became passionate, Bette's anxiety would rise and she would reflexively freeze up. Tina never said anything and indicated she was fine with where they were at in their relationship. It was times like this that Bette saw this issue becoming a problem.

Bette was finishing up chopping up vegetables when Tina walked in towel drying her hair. "So glad there were fresh clothes here. I hadn't thought out what I would look like after gardening. I should have known better."  Tina gave a bright smile, "Anyways..." Tina saw the bottle of wine sitting on the counter and smiled. "Where did you find this?"

"I know a wine store that orders it from time to time. I called and luckily they had a few bottles. I bought a few to stock up." Tina's mouth slowly turned into a curve leading to a broad smile. The one thing that had not changed with Bette, was how generous and loving she was towards those she cared about. She would remember the little things, like a favorite brand of wine, a favorite shampoo, to have them on hand to make people more comfortable.

"Why don't you grab the bottle and glasses and I will meet you out on the patio? I am almost done prepping."

Tina nodded, "okay," grabbing the bottle and glasses, throwing the towel in the laundry area as she headed outside.

Tina sat sipping her wine staring off towards nothing thinking how much her and Bette had gone through together.  Twenty years of highs and lows, a lost child, infidelity so many hurts towards each other that they had braved through together and as individuals.  So how odd she thought to find themselves back at the beginning. Their reconnection had been progressing slowly, but recently Tina had been finding herself wanting it to move along quicker.  She had a burning need for Bette's touch and her patience was starting to wane.  She knew that taking it slow was best for the long term success of their reunification, but her physical needs were beginning to control her mind and her body whenever she was with Bette.  A gnawing troubling thought kept surfacing, was Bette still physically attracted to her, did she desire her sexually.  Tina kept pushing this thought out of her mind but as time passed, she was thinking more and more that it might be true.  Tina's body had been experiencing changes more of late.  The active vibrant athletic girl Bette fell in love with all those years ago, now was a middle aged mother with all the body changes that went with it.  Maybe it is just too soon for Bette, she thought.  Leaving had done more damage to Bette emotionally than Tina would have ever thought.  Tina's guilt would surface from time to time putting a damper on whatever they were doing at the time.  But they were making progress, albeit slow as it felt, the new foundation they were trying to build together would be stronger in the long run.  They had a lot of living to do together and impatience wasn't going to get them there any faster.  Tina laughed to herself when she thought of what Dr. Cron told her at her last appointment, "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans." 

Bette heard Tina laugh as she walked up and sat down. "What's so funny?"

Tina smiled, leaned over and poured Bette a glass from the bottle that was sitting on the table. "Nothing, just a random thought.  Nice afternoon."

"Yeah, it's cooling down now. We seem to be having the makings of a heat wave." She paused, "We should avoid elevators for awhile." Bette smiled moving her eyebrows up and down, giving Tina a knowing look.

Tina chuckled, she felt goosebumps rise as a fleeting image crossed her mind of the elevator make up sex they had all those years ago. She sighed, took another sip. "I have been thinking..."

"Dangerous thing Kennard!" Bette gave a playful smile as she took a sip of her wine. "Oh... nice vintage," as she drew her tongue absentmindedly across her lips.

Tina watch as Bette's tongue took in the drops of wine that hugged her lips. "Ha ha," Tina gave a half smile with a tilt of her head as she felt a warmness travel through her. Taking a breath to regain focus, "Seriously, since you offered, I am thinking of planting the tomatoes back where Kit and I...." Tina paused, swallowed hard and tentatively continued, "Umm, planted vegetables when we first bought this place." Tina watched Bette closely. The one subject that seemed to be an unsaid off limits in any form just popped out of Tina's mouth.

Bette gave a smile that did not reach her eyes, "Okay," she paused took a breath indicating she wanted to say more, but then stopped.

"Bette?" Tina said cautiously. Tina's eyes matched her verbal expression with a hint of regret.

Bette looked at Tina, her eyes never lied. Tina's eyes always told the story of her thoughts, her words and her heart. Bette knew that Tina regretted not being here for the unfortunate events involving Kit that culminated in her death. They hadn't spoken about it, though they both knew it was something that needed to be aired out. Bette had thought it was something probably more appropriate to talk about with their new couple's therapist but she found herself wanting to talk about Kit now. The anniversary of her death had just past. Bette had been talking about Kit in the last few individual therapy sessions more than her relationship with Tina. However, her resistance was waning, she didn't want to be strong, she didn't want to be disciplined. Bette felt safe for the first time in a long time to show weakness outside of therapy and with that the tears began to stream down her face.

Tina moved her chair closer to Bette, pulling Bette close allowing her to undo herself in Tina's arms. Bette allowed herself to fall freely into the embrace and sighed with a peaceful relief as she took in the familiar and comforting scent of Lavender. "I'm sorry..." Bette said as she tried to rise, but Tina's embrace was firm and sincere. Bette eased her withdraw from this familiar sanctuary. "I miss her so much," she whispered into Tina's chest. There was no ability or desire to hide what she was feeling.

"I know... I miss her too." Tina said sadly.

Bette pushed through the hurt and continued on. She knew it was a conversation that had been needing to materialize since her and Tina's path of reconciliation was firmly settled in place. This was a subject that had to be resolved if they were going to be successful. "Did you know I found her?  Bette said, not pulling away from Tina's embrace. 

"Yes," Tina hesitated, "Alice and Shane told me.  I can't imagine what that must have been like for you."   Tina felt the beginnings of moisture bleeding through her shirt where Bette laid her head.

Tina felt Bette swallow hard, followed by a deep breath.  "I had just gotten myself together, her death hit me so hard.  Maybe because it was so unexpected.  I guess I still felt a little dependent on her emotionally," Bette said sadly as she reflected back on that time. 

Tina waited and listened.  Tina made no indication that she was told the whole story about what had happened to Bette after Tina had left and Kit had passed.  "Kit was very important to all of us," she said softly.

Bette shook her head in agreement that was still laying on Tina's chest.  Bette wasn't ready to tell Tina about the alcohol and women and especially about the night Kit found her.  "You know," Bette hesitated, "I had never seen a dead person before.  It took me the longest time to figure out she hadn't passed out."  Bette closed her eyes tight trying to stop the flow of tears.

Tears filled Tina's sad hazel eyes.  She didn't know what to say or how to comfort Bette, so she just held her and quietly continued to listen, stroking her back softly.

"It was just so hard seeing her that way.  The band around her arm... the needle laying right by her, that wasn't the Kit who..." Bette abruptly paused and began to tremble. The confusion she felt at her sister's actions and senseless death engulfed her. Bette had been here to feel the pain and experience the trauma. She pushed back the anger that had risen from the confusion, trying to reconcile why the one person she needed most at that time wasn't around by choice. With these thoughts, Bette's trembling stopped. Bette could feel the change in her body as the negative feelings passed through her.

"Bette?" Tina said softly feeling Bette stiffen in her arms.

Choosing her words carefully, trying not to show the surfacing anxiety and anger that came from the hurt, "I think I understand now why you didn't come to the funeral. I know you knew I was still in love with you... I still am." Bette smiled as she felt the reassuring warmth of Tina engulfing her and giving her the courage to continue. "You were right, it would have been complicated and confusing for both of us. But," Bette hesitated for a long moment, trying to gain control over her emotions that were beginning to seep out of her, "We still needed you, both Angie and I," Bette said choking back the tears.  Bette felt Tina's chest rise and fall when she had stopped talking.

Bette's words were soft, emotional and controlled, the resounding weight of them was heavy on Tina's ears.  They had begun lowering the walls they each had up and had started sharing their deepest of feelings and thoughts. It was only a matter of time when they were going to get to the hard stuff, Tina thought. Tina wiped her tears with the back of her hand and slowly said while still held Bette tight, "I didn't abandon you guys, I felt the sorrow too. Kit was a sister to me, even during our break up, she didn't judge me."  Tina hesitated, "When I looked back, I realize I needed you guys too. I even knew Carrie thought I should have come," Tina hesitated again, "But I just couldn't. I know it's hard to understand my perspective, I was afraid of what might happen between us, I was just... I don't know how to explain it."

"But you had to have understood how we would have seen it." Bette raised her head from Tina's chest and wiped her eyes. "I know Shane and Alice called you, even when I told them not to. They didn't understand either." Bette hesitated, "I think that is when they started looking at you differently and encouraged me to move on. It was just so hard for all of us." Bette took a long pause, "It was such a waste of a life." Bette looked down shaking her head. "The truth is that I probably needed you more as a compassionate friend, as family more than my wife," Bette looked at Tina with sad eyes.

Tina sighed as her lids filled to the brim as her eyes relayed her uncertainty. She understood the subtle pain in Bette's eyes as it was nearly a reflection of her own. "I was hurting and trying to get past the divorce, it just seemed like coming back for the funeral was a bad idea at the time."  Tina paused and leaned in closer to Bette. She looked deep into her eyes, "I know saying I needed space is vague and confusing to everyone, but that is exactly what I needed at the time. I wouldn't have been good to anyone, not even to myself." Tina swallowed hard looking at Bette as she paused waiting for Bette to respond.  After a long moment, her voice broke when she said, "Please say something."

Bette looked down, not knowing what to say, "I guess... I am a little surprised. I honestly didn't know this was how you felt. I mean, you asked for the divorce, I thought..." Bette continuing to look down, gave a sad chuckle and sighed.

Tina looked at Bette, she knew they were in an extremely vulnerable place. She slowly met Bette's deep brown eyes as Bette rose her head. Tina knew this was a hole that she had burned into Bette and filling it piece by piece would be hard. She didn't want her words to fall flat. She knew communicating honestly was the only way to earn Bette's love and trust back so Bette would be able to fully embrace forgiveness and commit completely both emotionally and physically. "Thought what?"

Bette took a long moment, "I thought you hated me," Bette said sadly as a single tear moved down her face following the path of the others.  Bette watched Tina, she didn't want her to give a reactionary response, she just wanted Tina to be honest about what she was feeling, nothing more.

"Hate you?" Tina paused looking at Bette in surprise.  "I could never hate you.  I was more afraid of my feeling for you and I was trying to put them away. I had convinced myself that they were intrusive and an obstacle to what I thought I wanted and needed. Whether it was right or wrong doesn't really matter now, that was how I was feeling at the time. It was what motivated my decision to stay away, but that is not who I am anymore. You are everything to me, you complete me, I don't know how I lost sight of that.  I know what I did was hard on you. I don't think we will ever agree on this, but we need to move past it if we really want this reconciliation to work." Tina knew it was now Bette's decision and she held her breath waiting for Bette's response.

Bette rolled what had just been said in her head trying to process every word, every feeling. She ran her hands through her hair ending with rubbing the back of her neck, not giving Tina eye contact as she continued to think things through.  How could she love this woman so much, crave this woman, feel so empty without her and yet be hurt so deeply by her. Bette tried to push through the memory of the hurt to think logically.  Tina was right about one thing, they needed to move past this. In the time Tina was away, Tina had become more confident and secure with herself, if anything positive came from their separation it was her ability to recognize the strength within herself, Bette thought. Her honesty took courage, hell coming back and facing the consequences of her actions took courage. Bette sighed and let out a long breath, "You're right," she noticeably swallowed thickly. "I know you well enough to know that you would have had to have felt something was pretty important to keep you from us at a time like Kit's death. I am not sure if I completely understand, but I respect it was how you felt at the time. There is nothing we can do about it now." She placed her hand on Tina's knee. "Thank you for telling me." Bette looked at Tina with contemplation still in her eyes.  "I have felt lost for so long and being frustrated and angry at you has been exhausting."

"I know how you feel."  Tina said sincerely.  She was still looking at Bette for some indication that they would be able to move past this.     

Bette gave Tina a warm smile, stood up and reached her hand out to Tina. Tina slowly rose never breaking eye contact with Bette.  She moved closer and put a tentative first kiss on Bette's lips.  When she wasn't rejected she continued to kiss Bette softly, tenderly trying to convey how much she wanted and needed Bette.  Bette slowly slid her hands around Tina's waist and brought her closer pressing herself against Tina giving her a fuller, deeper kiss savoring the feel of Tina's tongue on hers.  After a long minute of tasting each other, sufficiently sating each other emotionally, Bette slowly pulled away leaning her head against Tina's, "I missed you so much it scared me sometimes."

"I love you Bette, I never stopped, things just got confusing for a minute.  I will try to never let that happen again." Tina said as she looked at Bette with misty eyes. 

Bette slowly stepped back, giving Tina a slow rising smile.  "We should get dinner started." She took Tina's hand in hers and they headed together towards the house. As they entered, Bette recalled something Dr. Klein had told her about forgiveness. "It's given without the other knowing it or even at times deserving it. Forgiveness works quietly. The words don't have to be heard and the the person being forgiven doesn't even have to care. It's a gift that can't be earned and it is cleansing for the giver." Bette smiled, as she felt herself releasing more of the emotional toxins and refocusing on what was important for her happiness.

Nat and Alice arrived first with a bottle of wine soon after Bette and Tina finished preparing dinner. Shane followed soon after. The house was filled with laughter as the playful banter among friends went back and forth. Tina and Bette set the table and called everyone over as they placed the food out for dinner. Bette had been experimenting with various Indian cultural cuisines. She wasn't sure how everyone would like the food, but they were family, who better to experiment on, Bette had thought.

"Wow," Alice said, it smells good. "What's this?"

"Indian Chicken Curry," Bette said as she poured herself a glass of wine. "Give it a try and tell me what you think. It is a new recipe."

Everyone took a few bites and one by one they smiled and nodded that it was good. Bette's mouth curved into a big smile of satisfaction, cooking had been something that she had been working on for a few years. Tina had always done the lion share of cooking, but with them both working and a child in the home, Bette had to upgrade her skills beyond boiling an egg.

"Great, so what has been going on around here? I have been so busy since I got back, that I kinda got out of the loop." Bette said smiling as she leaned back in satisfaction with a successful cooking experiment.

"Well, since you are asking." Alice looked from Shane to Bette and continued, "We have started planning the Center's fundraiser. We are doing another auction." Alice gave a broad smile as she continued to look back and forth between Shane and Bette.

"I'm in," Shane smiled. "I had a great time last year and I am not talking about the auction," giving a sly smile.

Tina gave Shane a hard look and moved her eyes with a tilt of her head over at Angie.

Shane looked at Angie, who had chuckled and then over at Tina mouthing, "Sorry".

Tina smiled and nodded. She then fixed her gaze on Bette who was looking down at her food as she moved it around. Tina knew Bette was listening and Tina was interested in how Bette was going to handle this ask from Alice. Bette made a bundle last year for the Center and it was natural for her to be asked to return. But, things were very different now.

Nat quietly watched the discussion as she continued to eat. She was focusing on Tina, trying to read how she felt about the auction. A lot of things happened at the auction last year emotionally for Tina. Although both she and Bette had come a long way, this event could stir up some residual emotions about Carrie and Tina's engagement.

"Awesome, Shane." Alice then looked at Bette, who still had her eyes down at her food. "Bette? People are asking if you are going to be up there again. One woman said she would pay a hell of a lot more then 10k for a date with the legendary Bette Porter."

Bette choked on the bite she had just taken as she looked up at Alice. She reached for her wine and took a healthy drink, catching Tina's eyes with hers.

Shane watched Bette closely. Bette had changed so much in the last few months. It had occurred to Shane that Tina actually was the part of Bette that was missing. She was glad her friend was finally happy again.  For that matter, she was glad they were both where they were supposed to be.

Bette took a deep breath, took another long drink of her wine, then sat her wine glass down noticing that everyone was looking at her at this point. "I will donate 10k to the cause. My social calendar is pretty full already." Bette said, a flirtatious smile grew on her face as she looked over at Tina. Tina smiled back as she broke eye contact and looked down at her food, taking another bite.

"Well, I guess it is for the best. Your meat tag is gone and I don't think you will actually bring in as much money as you did last year." Alice paused and smiled mischievously, "Here's to Tina the meat tag buster." Everyone laughed and toasted Tina for putting an end to the multitude of uncomfortable and unwanted advances towards Bette.

Angie smiled, enjoying the banter that continued at the table as the family poked fun at each other and laughed together. Her eyes moved causally back and forth between her parents with a noticeable sense of security and calmness. The troubled youth had gotten herself back on track and focused on things a 16 year old should be concerned about.

"So when is Dana's Grill opening up," Alice inquired. "We have been waiting forever."

"We ran into a few problems that slowed us down. I am hoping maybe by midsummer sometime. I am starting to regret that I took on this addition." Shane said taking a bite of her dinner.

"Really, what happened?" Bette inquired with concern in her tone.

"The licenses for one. I thought it was just going to be an addition, but the City is looking at it as its own business. It's complicated but I will figure it out."

Bette nodded her head in a reassuring manner. "I am sure you will and we will all be their for the opening when it happens." Everyone at the table smiled and nodded in agreement.

Alice then put her sights on Angie. "So I hear you have a new male beau."

Angie's eyes grew big and her mouth opened wide, "I can't believe you told them I have a boyfriend." Angie exclaimed, looking at her Mama T.

"Hey it wasn't me." Tina smiled teasingly raising her hands in defense before she took a sip of her wine.

"Angie and Chance sitting on a fence..." Alice began to chant.

"Stoooopp!" Angie said blushing. Looking to her parents for help and only received more laughs.

Nat leaned back. She was new to this group, but she was finding her place.  She could see the depth of their friendship and the love they had for each other.   She was grateful she was welcomed into their family so openly and sincerely. Nat had been watching Tina and Bette all night, the way they moved together like a well practiced dance. The unspoken conversation that went between them and was continuing right before her eyes as they all sat at the table. You hear all the time how people are meant to be with each other, but when its real everyone around the couple knows it to be true. Nat didn't take much credence in the term soulmate, but in the case of Tina and Bette, it definitely described what these two were to each other. Nat smiled, it was going to be interesting watching this relationship mend itself.

"What are you smiling about?" Alice inquired lifting her eyebrows.

"Nothing, just watching you guys." Nat took a sip of her wine.

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