By LeshanTC

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A medical romance, This story revolves around the emergency Room of AADHI's MULTI SPECIALITY HOSPITAL that is... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17

chapter 11

194 11 0
By LeshanTC

Eve felt like waking up from a dream that she didn't want to end. Anand was staring down at her "hey gorgeous" he kissed her forehead "sleep we got time today is our off remember", he said.

All she remembered was at school when the office staff came in and told something to the teacher and she looking towards Eve. Eve thought it was for Nam for she had seen such expressions before when someone had passed away and students went crying. She wanted to protect Nam and so hugged her.

But when Eve's name was called she only remembered Nam crying out loud and shaking her. Eves eyes were tearing up. Her dad had passed away due to an heart attack and she didn't know what it was then.

Anand wiped her tears away,"Hey baby im here ",he said and hugged her tight and rocked her like a baby

"Anand don't mistake me but but i would love Nams company now ",She looked at him

"Thats alright go take bath and get ready, and you sure want to make the announcement today?"

"Yes lets do it today" she said resting her head on his chest.


Sharad had taken an morning off as he had promised Nam to have lunch with the kids in Fortress. He loved the place the place made him take a step he had dreaded. He wanted to see how Nam was coping up so he left early by 5am.

He was a bit worried he didn't find Nam in her bedroom nor in his, He saw her curled up on the living room couch. he sat on the Couch and was admiring her. he had no idea why he had fallen for her.

Nam opened her eyes and immediately got up as if in shock.

"Did i scare you ?"he asked

"no no no my sub conscious mind was sleeping back at my house its just that its all coming back to me", Nam smiled

"The bed was not comfortable?"sharad asked

"ahhhhmmmm ahh no i felt a bit claustrophobic as its a new place so i slept here and left the balcony door open a little", Nam said

"what was i thinking i should have known and made proper arrangements", Sharad was frustrated

"Hey nothing to worry what time is it only 5.45am your early",Nam said yawning

"You sleep for some more time i will also take some rest then we can order breakfast"

"Hey sharad thats ok i can cook no problem and im not sleepy anymore",she got up to freshen up

"Whats this sharad pointed to a package"?

"Eve gave it for us as a moving in gift i thought i will open when you return go ahead open let me freshen up"

When  Nam returned the parcel was opened sharad was sitting lavishly on the couch "Eve has great taste yes its for us but its upto you how we put that into use and when" sharad had a naughty smile on his face

Nam was curious and she pulled out the content and a lacey bra fell off "what the sh.. ohh dear" Nam felt shy and closed her face with the package

"so when can i see the present put to use" Sharad tried pulling it from Nam , Namplaced it inside her wardrobe 'she embarrassed me', Nam felt awkward to face sharad

"Namratha coffee or tea ",Sharad asked

"Tea" Nam said shyly walking from her room

"Thats ok i have seen far sexier lingerie than these" Sharad tried to ease her up "Nam why shy?"he said handing her a green tea.

Nam looked at the tea and sharad and reached out "Wait do you hate green tea?" Sharad asked

"Is my face so readable" Nam smiled

"what tea do you like" he asked

"hey let me" Nam offered

"No tell me what you like ",Sharad was persistent

"cardamom n ginger tea", Nam replied.

"Do you know what i like" he asked

"Morning you take strong coffee with less sugar,11am a lemon tea, by 5pm you take your herbal tea", Nam finished and looked to see sharad staring at her

"Did you love him?" he asked

"who dr.pradeep?"

"No deepesh?" sharad asked bluntly

Nams expression changed "I don't think so for i didn't feel anything like this with him ",she said looking at the floor

"Like what Nam?" he asked still not blinking or taking eyes off her

"Like how you make me feel,  alive!"She looked up at him and smiled and shrugged.

"Namratha!.... like what?", when ever he calls her Namratha his voice got deep and the brown of his eyes grew darker

"The same way you feel sharad", Nam said with a naughty smile

"Do you know Nam men fall for what they see and women fall for what they hear"

"if thats true you wouldn't have fallen for the plain  ordinary and dull looking doctor .Namratha"

"i didn't fall for her,  i fell for the naughty and quick witted Namratha who transforms into a sincere and dedicated doctor when shes on duty"

Nam was blushing as he spoke his mind. both were playing games of words rather than proclaiming their love. for they both loved to leave the L word hanging around just to see who says it first.

"Namratha this is our house now and you need not check with me for each and everything you can go ahead you have the full freedom"

"Ohh yeah how about i cook a full non vegetarian meal", Nam asked raising her eyebrows and smiling with triumph

"I don't mind im a vegetarian just for the past 7 years , Madhu couldn't stand the smell during gestation and post partum so when she quit,  i quit too. But my kids are pure non vegetarians. So i don't have a problem with that."

"So will you try them if i cook", Nam asked not knowing what to expect

"i don't know", he said with an empty stare

"Hey so im going to meet Eve after breakfast, how about by 12.30pm we start from here and go to the Fortress"

"Sure" sharad said knowing she was trying to pull him out of his black hole.


WHEN the 4 of them reached THE FORTRESS An old lady in her late 50 came towards Sharad

"You must be Sharad Heard about your donations thank you" She said "well im Caroline Eves mom" she said

"Nice to meet you. please dont mention" Sharad told her

"How are you doing today?" Nam hugged her

"Good Nami"

"There they are my sweet couples" Caroline went to receive Anand and Eve

They spent the whole noon with the kids  there. Sharad noticed Caroline was a little indifferent towards Nam,But Nam didn't seem to have notice that and went along with them.

"So we wanted you all to know" Anand announced "Eve and i have decided to tie the knot"

Nam screamed with joy and hugged Eve "woow great news dear ", she hugged Her friend.
"happy for you both", sharad congratulated them

"Well so when are you planning', Asked mrs Caroline "dont push it far make it as soon as possible"

"You decide mom" Eve let her mom decide

"How about in a month and a half" Caroline suggested

"Will we able to do all the arrangements" Eve asked doubtfuly

"Don't worry why are we here we will take care Nam offered i can ask.... ",before she continued Caroline stopped her

"Nami please we are already in debt to your family for all the help we have received atleast this let me take care"

"Please aunty let me..", she stopped as sharad secretly held Nams hands and gestured to stop.

"How about you Three go for shopping today. Bangalore is the best for bridal clothing just go have a look and you can decide about other details too", Sharad spoke up

"Good idea ",Caroline jumped "we are going today and lets start we have very less time"

"Mom I can go later shopping with Nam" Eve told her mom

"Eve i have important business to deal and Nam is joining for duty today so we are taking leave you continue", sharad told them and pulled Nam along

"See you aunty around you guys enjoy" Nam shouted following Sharad

"Whats wrong why did you drag me from there?" she asked once they were in the car

"You need to know where you are wanted or not and move away" Sharad was angry

"Sharad aunty Carol is... shes bit odd yes but she has a good heart ",Nam informed sharad

"You see her like that because you have a pure heart. I forbid you to meet her or involve in Eves affairs while shes here"

"I only moved in yesterday and now you are taking control of who i should talk or meet", Nam was in frustration

Sharad stopped the car "Namratha look at me! look at me, I don't want you to get hurt. thats why. if you think im wrong tell me this why don't you like her calling you nami?"

"Deepesh used to call me like that" Nams face was blank "she too started to call me Nami from the time i was engaged imitating him"

"Have you told her not to do so"

Nam nodded a No "but Eve has but she never stopped"

Sharad pulled her close and kissed her head "from now on I will be with you throughout never leaving your side , our duty,  our free time , our offs will be together i will not let anyone hurt you Nam, its a promise", he said.

"ok time to rejoin duty, doctor lets go" and he started the car again

"Sharad you have been to the Fortress before?"

"Yes it gave me a clearance of mind and heart about what i want" Sharad said

"Woow what was that?"

"you! Namratha i wanted you" he said focusing on the road


"So anand whats your future plan" Caroline was asking her soon to be Son in law

"We are planning to settle either in Bangalore or hosur" he said driving them for shopping, Anand didn't want to shop like this he wanted sharad by his side the same way Eve wanted Nam.

"ohh no abroad plans ?"she asked

"i have  no plans to leave india" anand said

"she got an opportunity you know"

"yes she told me, and i love her for that leaving such an opportunity and staying back for her friend"

"i thought she will stay here for 6 months and then go back to Work  abroad" Caroline sounded pissed

"mom enough dont start ", Eve told Caroline

" You are serving in this hospital who's owners are filthy rich and you people get to be working always if you go to abroad and come back then you can settle for life ",Caroline wouldn't stop complaining

"This hospital actually provides us everything, including the peace at heart not even an unnecessary blood test is to be ordered. I get that you are worried about us thank you so much". Anand told her

"Yes If Eves father could have worked in a better place and saved money, it would have been used for her studies rather than krishnan helping us", Caroline's voice was full of anger and disappointment, "instead look where we are Eve. I don't want you both to be just service oriented, try to save for your future and kids"

"and Eve  dont even  show the marriage dress to Nami. shes a bad omen"

"MOM stop it enough", Eve shouted. and Anand hit the breaks his patience was running out

"Mom Even before Dad passed away Nam is my friend and she will always be. Nam has been forcing me to go abroad since day one . She even got many recommendations for me but I refused. As anand said you get a satisfaction working here, I know you hate her because you always compare the life she has and that i don't have. Thats from the love you have for me. Dont you ever Talk about Nam like that again or you are not invited for our wedding. Do you understand Mom" Eve told her Mom in a harsh tone.

Caroline nodded in shock.

"Now darling lets go shopping" eve said with a sweet smile.

Anand was so disturbed by Eve's Moms behaviour, she was a sweet lady when he first met her but when it comes to Nam she was totally different. He knew very well why Sharad excused himself and Nam. he thought it would be better if he apologize for Caroline's behavior.

When back at home Eve brought the topic up," im sorry for my Moms behaviour, Her anger on my Dad has turned on Nam she used to compare how my life was and how Nam enjoyed wealth"

"I need to apologize to Sharad", Anand told her. "I know him well he won't allow Nam to socialize with us when your Mom's around"

"Nam doesn't mind, the truth is she doesn't even notice my mom being harsh to her. Why must sharad have such control over her?"

"Thats called self respect and he has that a lot and he hates his loved one being treated badly."

"now you are blaming my Mom", Eve said a bit harshly

"Eve if Nams father treats you this way i would have punched his face. i have seen Nams family treat you. They treat you equal. Im not blaming you im just confused, between Friends being hurt and family thats all lets not argue over this Eve"

"i didn't argue. i get that what you are going through. but i can't do anything about it. I can't take sides with my Mom or Nams side. Thats the package. Take it or leave it", Eve folded her hands

"Eve lets not start a fight over this",Anand hugged her

"dont touch me. Thank God i gave that lingerie to Nam, or it would have been a waste."

"you did what?" Anand asked

"yeah i did"

"why did you do that? you should have kept this information away from me."

"What? why?" Eve asked confused

"i had imagined you in those lingerie now when i see Nam.... "Anand was trying to imagine

"No dont you.... you.." Eve tried to hit him he tackled her and locked between the walls "no one comes between us", He said

Eve ended the conversation with a kiss.

Eve was afraid that Anand would find her mom annoying regarding Nam. She didn't want a rift between her mom and her lover because of her friend. Nam wouldn't mind she knew that. Even when her mom used spit words of venom on Nam she would answer it with a smile, and never complained.

All she asked was for not to call her Nami and after that her mom started to call Nam as Nami very frequently. Now Eve was afraid that a rift in her family will be because of her mom and her best friend.

During shopping Caroline didn't allow Eve to even take a picture of her wedding  dress as she knew that Nam will see the pic. Caroline had taken the wedding dress also along with her. Even though Anand tried to postpone the shopping as he wanted his parents to be present too in choosing the dress.

Eve didn't miss Anand giving a disgusting look. all she can do was to only postpone any arguments and pray Anand doesn't bring it up. Now she was angry on Sharad for bringing up the shopping idea.


Nam felt like her head was about to explode there was a lot of pending work as the 1st responders head were different from day to day there was a lot of paper work to be done. some legal documents to be signed and all of them were just sleeping in the folder.

she went to the head nurse Lalitha "i need you help to sort things out which is been pending for 2 and a half month"

Lalitha opened folder of the duty doctors list and they both storted out the doctors who hadn't finished paper work and signed the legal forms when she looked up a shadow that was looming over she saw sharad peering into her work

"hello doctor sharad how can i help you?" Nam asked

His face lit up with a side smile

Nam just rolled her eyes

"its nice to see you back at work doctor carry on have you had your dinner if not would you like to join me", he asked

time was 9pm "ok sister lalitha you have your dinner and then lets finish this off"

Nam walked a little behind sharad just as she used to do before.

while they were seated Sharad laughed "so  you are maintaining the professional distance i see"

"We are just co workers here shar.. ahh doctor"

"are you afraid that "THE MANAGEMENT" will come to know about our secret endeavor"

"My God why are you sounding like as if its a terrorist act"

"well thats how you are acting. Eat up", he said

"i don't want to put on weight ",she said

"Trust me i can carry you even if you put on 20 more kilos. you are back to work after a long break eat up" he said

"Sharad so tell me something what were you thinking when you sent me this pic" she showed him the pic of Nirvik and herself

"when did this happen why is he shirtless in your room" Sharad asked

"So you don't know?"

"im usually direct with my questions and i don't have a cheap spying or stalking habit"

"oh dear its not you then i have been blocking all the numbers thinking its you and not complaining to the police"

"What do you mean ",sharad asked

Nam showed many pictures of Nam describing her as hot,sassy, etc etc

"I will see to it you don't worry", Sharad assured her

"Sharad you are not playing with me right is it a prank or something?"

"Baby" he held her hand and it said many things. "Go finish off the work and come meet me."

Nam had been so long of the impression that it was sharad admiring her and was happy and enjoying it.

Nam completed her work and she made the available doctors finish the paper works.

Some legal documents needed Sharads signature so she carried it to him.

"May i come in doctor ",she asked so formally

Sharad saw Nam by the doorway and he couldn't prevent his dream flashing by his mind he had to bite his teeth and control the urge to pull her into his arms

"Yes doctor what can i do for you?"

"These are the legal documents you must have looked for and signed and done the necessary its never too late" she handed him the documents

"Why did you not do your duty properly you know that this could lead to later problems, even though there was no one stable you should have checked on them you are the chief of ER, say something", Nam asked sharad who just sat there like a rock and all he did was to swallow her with his eyes

"You talk too much Dr.Namratha and that makes me lose my control . so how about you answer my questions first?"

"Yeah shoot"

he put in front of her all the pics she had received from the unknown and sent to him "this guy must be your fan look at him he has admired you and enjoyed your beauty"he said with a smile in his tone

"Enough of all this i know you are mocking me im leaving ",she got up

"Namratha!" he called and all her resolution broke "I want you to wear such clothes when at home let me also enjoy your beauty. and not wear those kurthi and pyjamas where i can see onky your face"

"Now i don't know if its sarcasm or real".

"do you have the phone where you receive the pics with you"

"Yes i have"

"ok hold on ",Sharad made a call

"all ready", he asked on the phone

in 5 minutes time Nam received a picture of a shirtless guy hugging a girl only her head was visible the caption read when is my turn. before she could open it Sharad said "received" on the phone

"Ewee thats Eve and Anand how can i un see this", Nam dropped her phone

Sharad laughed, "my partner in crime Anand along with his partner helped in tbe operation now do you believe its not me somewhere someone has been watching you through your window will find him soon. He doesn't know you have shifted" Sharad smiled.

"Thank you" she said

"Fkkk", he swore

"Im sorry what did i say?"

"Nam are you like acting or whats this? why are you so formal with me?"

"This is hospital Sharad what do you want me to do?"

"Be mine" Sharad said with the same emotionless face

Nam was confused "Sharad i can but you need to let me in. you very well know why im like this. but i don't know anything about you. Im actually confused. i know that you have feelings for me but how far can i hold on it sharad?"

Sharad knew that he must open up to Nam but he was afraid to. What if she finds fault with him? What if she judges him from his past? Sharad didn't want to lose Nam.

Nam walked beside him bent down and kissed his forehead "whenever you are ready Sharad. take your time. just dont make me wait for eternity.


Nam met Eve before finishing her duty.
"hey I didn't see any pics of your shopping" Nam complained

"Mom didn't like anything she said she will get it from back home." Eve lied

"thats a good idea plus anands parents may also like to have a look" said Nam

"So how about we both go for my wedding shopping you know all that we planned and like how we shopped whole 2 days before your... Im sorry it just" Eve was feeling bad she didn't want to bring it up but it just slipped out of her tongue.

"Hey its ok Babes you know that im out of that right. Its a new beginning", Nam hugged her friend and was about to leave when Anand came in. Both exchanged awkward looks and didn't speak much.

Eve and sharad laughed at their partners for they knew exactly the image running in their head.

it had been a week since Nam moved in with sharad. Even though Sharad had been trying to connect he felt that he need to open up for he only felt that they connected just at a platonic level and he wanted much more than that. it was their off day.

Nam was wearing a blue denim shorts and a black loose long tees and making breakfast for both of them.

Sharad stood close to her that his breath was on her ears.

"I can't cook if you disturb me" Said Nam trying to push him.

"How about i help you", saying so Sharad started to hold her hands and pour the dosa batter onto the tawa in the shape of heart

Nam laughed "you are a doctor and you know thats not a heart"

"You should appreciate my talent not criticize it." when the dosa was cooked he placed it in a hot box and he spun her and carried her to the couch.

"you are lighter than what i thought Namratha"

"How about we finish our breakfast and then Talk", Nam insisted

he held her hand Nam knew that it was time and sat next to him. he was looking at her hand and running his thumb over it.

"Namratha my past is so bad I don't know how you will react its been selfish of me to keep you for me, by hiding my past in the fear that you may leave me."

Nam could understand his internal conflict. she just sat there in silence and let him talk

"I was a playboy in my youth. i didn't believe in relationships or commitments.  i am arrogant, egotistical and i haven't asked sorry to anyone ever. I thought I was one of a kind till i found my female form, Madhu!"

Nam tightened her grip.

"I proposed to her and she made me take test to see if i was STD free", sharad laughed "I found that cute and that waa her form of saying yes."

"i never looked back after that , my world was Madhu and our life together. I got married when i was doing my MD, Many thought and blamed that she was a gold digger, but she was not. She wanted to prove that so we moved to Delhi, and started our life from scratch, the stars were good for we got good placements with high salary."

"When did it all start" Nam asked

"After moving to Delhi, the culture is so different there. She didn't like the dressing of the women there. she became possesive over me which then turned into doubt. She thought that every women wanted her husband"

"its natural sharad you are such a person" Nam told him leaning on his chest and he put his hands over around her.

"When she got pregnant we were over joyed  and when i knew she was carrying twins i was in cloud nine. When her doubts increased on days she was on off i thought it was pregnancy brain."

Sharads voice waa breaking. Nam stayed calm she let him take his time.

"post partum it got worse, no treatment or counseling could help her. first it was just verbal, at home. outside home she was sweet. Then she started shouting at women who wore shorts and reveling clothes who spoke to me."

Nams hands automatically went to her shorts, n legs Sharad gave a slight laugh
"I first spoke back and tried to reason out when i felt there was no way i started to stay silent and she took it as my guilt and the verbal abuses turned Physical. There were days when i had to lie that i had a fall or hide from my parents when they visited us so they didn't see my Wound"

NAM sat up and kissed his cheek. She wanted to say something but she didn't find any.

"She convinced my Parents that i was sleeping around. They had no difficulty in believing it." Sharad said with a sad smile.

"One day she herself came forward to get herself checked up. It was when she was diagnosed with clinical Schizophrenia. After that the way i looked at her must have changed for to me,  it was actually not her fault. she was ok for a week after therapy sessions,then it would again start with greater intensity. My kids..."he choked

Nam wiped his tears and put her hands around his neck"its ok" she said controlling her tears

"My kids used to scream at first then they too started to believe that i was a swine. They loved me but was afraid to hug or talk to me in front of their mom. The day before the accident my kids were hitting and using cuss words that kids at their age are not supposed to know. My daughter told my Son 'Men are pigs you are one like dad so you are a bad boy' and i saw my son believe it"

"im sorry", Nam said tightening her hug.

"next day morning i told madhu that i wanted a divorce, Evening when i came back her medical records were all burned , she was ready to take my kids and move away. I didn't let my kids Go. thats the only thing im proud of. she left in white rage, in 30 minutes i got a call about the accident. i left my kids with my neighbors and rushed to see madhu being pulled out of a smashed car."

The image ran through his mind "i dont remember praying before that but i prayed that she doesn't leave me at least for my kids sake. But even in death she made it hell for me, she declared i was the reason for the crash for i drove her out and my kids will be in danger if they were with me." Sharad sighed gazing far away.

"She was a good mother, a very good doctor, she was never after my family's wealth, but her parents were and she knew that. so she would never allow me to help her parents or never allow them to ask me for money. She always would say she earn & she would support them." Sharads face showed the deep love he had for Madhu.
"It was me", sharad continued "who destroyed it all i must have hidden all my past endeavors so she would trust me"

"Sharad shhh shhh its no time to blame its schizophrenia that turned her like that not you or not anyone else. The disease is as such" Nam consoled him.

"No its me if only have i not asked her for a divorce she would still be alive."

Nam didn't know how to pull him out of his misery. She blurted out the first thing that came to her mind "Sharad i promise you that after our marriage i will not suspect you nor fight with you connecting your past. now im hungry lets eat ",she got up

"What did u say?" Sharad asked

"im hungry...." Nam dragged

"No before that"

"your past, or my promise... what did i say ",Nam asked

"Our marriage", Sharad said

"Yes whats in that? you really think i moved in to sleep in a different house for i was bored of the old one? " ,Nam asked

"now get up" Nam tried to pull him
"you are over weight sharad"

"No you are weak ",he said pulling her into his arms when the phone rang..


collapse of an half constructed five storied building trapping the construction workers wanted doctors on the sight. When Nam and Sharad arrived at the scene Anand and matron met them and was briefing them. There were doctors from many hospital who had volunteered to help.

"Looks like they have been employing child labour and they are trapped in between the 3rd and 4th floor mostly we are aiming to pull them back we have already rescued 10 of them don't know how many are still down there", aNand informed

They got down to work The fire fighters were there removing the debris,

Sharad was attending cases with Cardio thoracic injuries and giving Cpr to the necessary. And also helping the fire fighters to rescue the people trapped.

Nam and Matron were in first aid department and Anand was helping the injured children.

It took them the whole day by night 8pm Matron came to Nams side "Doctor why don't you take some rest"

"Thats okay i think we were able to safe many"

A call for help from an volunteer shouting a doctor been caught under the debris.   Nam felt a sudden panic, for its been long since she had seen sharad.

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