By LeshanTC

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A medical romance, This story revolves around the emergency Room of AADHI's MULTI SPECIALITY HOSPITAL that is... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17

chapter 5

213 12 0
By LeshanTC

"Dr.anand i didn't get you", nam sounded confused

"I'm drunk tell Eve shoooryyy Dont shtell Sharad he will puncchh meeesssh too"

"Ok will do"

"He did not freeshhhze dont complain him hesss goosshd guy"

"Ok Dr.anand see u tomorrow good night", Nam was releived that he did not call back. For it has been more than 2 hours anand kept calling and blabbering about pradeep, sharad and Eve.

Nam had noticed in the evening that Eve  was waiting for a long time even after her shifts. Nam had to push her out for it was getting late. Now by 11pm Nam was sure Eve would be in bed so she just left a voice message imitating Anands drunk voice.

Omkar was taken for surgery it may take 4 hours, it was assessed that he may need many surgeries within gap of every two weeks according to his health.

Mr.yogeshwar was standing outside the OT "Sir it will take time please wait in your room"

"no no im good im positive everything will be fine Dr.sharads back so im happy"

"WHAT do you mean hes back ?"Nam asked

"After his wife died in a car crash he stopped practicing, there was a lot of problems in his personal life too. The delhi papers were all about him, then he was gone didn't know where". Yogeshwar said

Nam was silent "Im sorry doctor please i think i have said too much hes a great doctor please if this is something bad for his career please please i beg of you do not let it out ",Yogeshwar was frantically asking Nam to forget what she heard

"Sir our hospital is know for doctors on how they treat a patient and not their personal life."

Yogeshwar seemed releived

"I'm going for my rounds if u need anything contact the receptionist."

"Yes thank you", said yogeshwar

Nam needed a walk to collect her thoughts and calm her nerves.

She remembered Eve saying once his wife n kids were not with him. But he had boxes full of his wife's  and kids dresses Nam felt her heart going towards sharad.  She was determined that she will never think of sharad in a personal level when she had arrived for duty earlier today now it was all gone with the wind.

But Nam decided that she was not going to ask sharad about it and keep her distance. For she did not like the dream she had got that was so realistic of sharad asking her sorry and a peck on her cheeks

By 4am omkar was brought into the critical care unit. sharad was talking to Mr.yogeshwar when his eyes caught Nams eyes he saw her wantingly pull away her gaze and walk away.

Nam was finishing her rounds and she had to cross Sharads room she saw the doors were opened and was a little hesitant to cross it so she took the stairs to go down and came back up through another set of stairs just to avoid sharad.

When she came up she saw him standing in front of his office expecting her.  She ignored him and went for rounds. "Dr.namratha in my office" sharad called when she stepped out of a room.

Nam felt like she was walking into a memory she was trying so hard to forget.

Sharad had a sheet of paper in front of him it looked like a building plan.

"Doctor namratha what do u think" sharad pointed out the nurses station at every floor and a doctors room near the emergency Room

"good idea ", Nam was too formal

"Thank you for your inputs doctor we will be starting soon that will be all", Sharad was way too formal than Nam.

Nam checked her message and saw Eve sent her many voice messages it was all forwards of dr.anand sent her sorry Nam was laughing she was happy that they both have hit it right.

Nam waited for dr. Anand the next day. Anand stepped into the hospital saw Nam and took an above turn and tried to escape.

Nam ran behind him" Doctor wait",

Anand was embarrassed seeing Nam who was laughing "Are you for real ?"she asked

"You ask a girl out and you ditch her on the 1st date where are your manners young man",  Nam asked with a fake anger

"now you sound like my grand ma ",Anand said with fake innocence." listen Doctor namratha I didn't mean it i just got carried away", he continued.

"Go apologize dont beat around with your ego"

"yes mam", Saluted anand

"hey Anand dont hurt her ,do not give false hope, i know you are a good soul thats why i introduced her to you"

"trust me" anand said his hands on his heart

Nam drove away with full knowledge that sharad was watching her the whole time from his room.

"Hey" anand

"Hi doctor how May i help you ?"Eve could not hide the disappointment in her voice

"im Dr.Anand a pediatrician i joined her some 3 years ago and i have been watching you. just found the courage to talk to you". He handed a rose to her secretly and told Eve "You are stunning and you steal my breath away every time i see you. will you have a cup of coffee with me". Anand asked Eve

Eve was dumbfounded her mouth opened her mind was searching for words

Anand continued "im sorry for what happened yesterday. I promise it wont happen again will you forgive me gorgeous"

"Dr.anand", Eve said "my duty ends by 5pm will let you know the results later" Eve moved away for she didn't want to faint

Eve was jumping with joy she needed Nam now. Oh how much she missed her now. Anand had said what Eve wanted to say to him since the day he joined.

she dialed Nam "Nammm... he asked me out"

"yeah i know ,you told me" Nam sounded sleepy

"No , now , ohh Nam babes you must be here i would have let you hold me when i faint"

"faint into his arms ,now that you have him" Nam mocked in between yawning

"its just coffee babes" Eve said a little disappointed

"what did you want for the 1st date a hug and a kiss", When Nam said this her sleep vanished totally, her brain was processing the memory with sharad

"well I wouldn't say no" Eve said

"fine im closing my bedroom today while I'm on duty"

"Ok but why", Eve asked

"i dont want my room to be contaminated the, virgin's room", Nam laughed

"oh shut up I'm blushing, bye catch you later",  Eve disconnectd

"bye..  Nam said her words trailing along." she checked the time was only 9am she opened the blinds of her room and was staring at sharads apartment.

Her personal phone alerted her that she had a message she opened it to see her picture as of how she was standing now and a comment "you look hot." Nam closed the curtains and blocked the number.

Eve was in cloud 9 she had asked Nam to bring a best evening dress. By 4.45pm Nam reached the hospital. She had brought a cold shoulder white floral knee high dress for Eve and a denim jacket so she will be comfortable while riding the bike.

Eve got ready by 5.30 pm the plan was to meet Anand in Bangalore Cafe coffe day(ccd). 

Nam warned Eve, "Dont loose your heart at a first touch or kiss , better maintain a distance,  learn about even his darkest secret and then decide the next step"

"Dear lord when did you sell your soul to my mom", Eve teased but she knew that advice came from the depth of her friends heart "Nam is there something I need to know ,something thats bothering you ",Eve asked

"Did I really sound that old go have some fun girl friend", Nam smiled

Eve smiled and hugged Nam "I'm there for you always darling"

"i know now go" Nam sent her away

Sharad was watching her and she was avoiding him.  When Nam entered the hospital she saw pradeep with a bandaged nose.

"Some bar fight", whispered matron with a smile. Nam remembered Anands phone call and couldn't control her laugh.


The trustee who interviewed sharad was paying a visit regarding the construction. Sharad was with with him explaining the problems and the improvisation.

"Im impressed Dr.sharad! IN a span of two weeks you have made great differences, Ahospital admin who truly works for his boss and his subordinates. well done" they both shook hands

Sharad found Nirvik strong and bold SOMEone so young a trustee of a great family. Sharad liked to work with Nirvik he found it easier to connect. He didn't fail to notice the hot stares from the female staffs.

"Well where do you stay Doctor"

"lotus enclave"

"isn't that the same place that Nam lives" he asked

Sharad now felt like an Alpha male who is to defend his territory "Yes" he said making his voice more rough.

"Where are they the ER duo ?"

"Their shifts are changed so sister Evangeline is in the morning shifts and doctor Namratha on night shifts the nurses shift keeps changing ",Sharad said

"You are really someone amazing doctor. It was impossible to make them both take a break. we even gave them paid vacation they wouldn't go. You are a genius, how did you do that?"

"i just changed the whole setup not just one ",Sharad was feeling irritated.

"Theres Nam",  NIRVik was moving slowly behind Nam who was writing her files

nirvik swooped Nam off her feet and swung her,  Nam was all teeth and giggling "Nirvik stop this is hospital"

Sharad wanted to punch Nirvik, all the respect for Nirvik Vanished.


It was 8pm Eve felt that the time ran very fast. Her bike was parked near the entrance toll, Anand offered to drop her and pick up the bike himself , she refused.

In the Ccd they had spoken a lot except the matters regarding work and family. He made her laugh,  he enjoyed Eves sarcasm and wit, their mutal interests were more or less similar.

Inside the car  the A/c felt very cold but the presence of Anand made her hot. Eve was trying to stay calm

"For the 1st time in my life im loving these traffic jams it lets me spend the time more with you," Anand said

Eves throat was dry she didn't dare to speak 'say something Eve ',she told herself

"You Ok?" anand asked touching her shoulder the skin to skin contact made her shiver and his hands lingered a little longer than he intended

"yess.... im good", she said

"Whats got your tongue Eve did i say something wrong",

"Nope", Eve replied

"There there just park there I will get my bike ",Eve said she was about to jump out of the car

"Eve let me park ",said anand he drove really slow blaming the traffic just before parking he kissed Eves shoulder.  before she could react a Eve's phone rang and the spell was broken. Eve searched for her phone while anand got her keys and went to get her bike.

"It was Nam", Eve told Anand when he handed her the key

"So was it a checkup call or an escape call", asked anand joking

Eve laughed "None of the above Nirvik is in town"

"Thats great Nam will have a company today you need not worry. Do you need a company? ",anand winked

"Well not today and in case of EMERGENCY will call you" Eve and Anand laughed

Eve drove her bike and anand followed her behind making sure she reaches home safely.

On reaching the lotus enclave Anand called her" Hey Eve so do i have the permission to message and call you"

"Yes you do", answered eve

"Well think about it and let me know if you are okay with us meeting for coffee weekly once especially during your day duty"

"I have given it a thought and i like it lets meet for coffee next week then good night Anand",Eve said and went into the apartment she rushed in as she was afraid that she may invite him inside

"Hey Nam im hungry", Nirvik called

"Wait for me in the cafeteria i will join you "she answered

When Nam went down to the cafeteria she saw Nirvik and Sharad deep in conversation and Sharad was eyeing her as if she was a prey.

Nirvik caught a glimpse of her and beckoned her , he pulled a chair next him.

He ordered a stuffed roti and a vegetable cutlet for her

"Thats too heavy vicky ",she protested

"Eat you have lost weight" Nirvik said

Sharad could not control his laugh

"Im sorry," he said when nirvik gave him with a questioning look. "Doctors In the 1st response team need to watch their weight or else its difficult for them to respond"

"But they do need strength to lift or hold a patient in distress ",snapped Nam

"That's a fair point",said Nirvik

"Yeah strength and obesity are different i agree ",Smirked Sharad

"Yes doctor its so nice of you to you worry about your emergency teams Health and let them worry about being healthy or obese so their spouse doesn't have any difficulty", Nam spat out at Sharad

"Woow Nam that's not a way to talk to a cheif", Nirvik stopped her

"Oh thats not a problem this actually eases the  tension and distance between a chief and subordinate", Sharad answered with full of sarcasm.

As nams food arrived she started to gobble up the food "you really think I have lost weight vicky "Nam asked eyeing sharad

"Honey i can say it I just lifted you and spun you, you weigh very light than the last time."

"fine i will take  leave now see you around" sharad told to nirvik

"yeah see you later", Nirvik bid him goodbye

"why do you have hatred for him so much", Nirvik asked Nam as soon as shard left

"nothing he changed my shifts he fucking changed everything", Nam said

"Ease up on him Nam its all for the good of our hospital"

"Yeah thats why I didn't want him removed."

Before Nam could finish a call for the emergency team was requested.
"Nam will pick you up in the morning" Nirvik shouted to the running Doctor

She gave him a thumbs up and ran.


A case of stroke was on the way. Nam was ready with her team the Mri room was ready to determine if its a haemorrhage(bleeding) or a clot causing the stroke.

Neurologist and a neuro surgeon was called in.

The patients Bp was high and he had his left side paralysed he responded to stimulus, his reflexes were normal, but there was a mild disorientation of place and time. Nam sent him to MRI and was filing the paper works by cross referencing the 1st reports by the accompanying doctor. She had to wait for the MRI.. she needed to talk to the RMO about the Operation schedule for Madhu

She saw a shadow on the background "Vicky why are you waiting i will ...", she hadn't finished the sentence when a hand grabbed her hips and spun her around she knew exactly who it was

"nahh you do weigh the same ",sharad said and walked away.

nam wanted to shout instead she broke the vase on the table.

"clean it up", sharad came back and instructed her.

Nam felt nauseous she hated Sharad more and more she swear she will get back at him.

Morning by 6am Nirvik came to pickup Nam.He looked like he came directly from the bed even without brushing.

If sharads stare was a laser beam Nirvik would have burst into flames. Sharad saw Nam run and get into the car chatting and giggling. 

Sharad remembered what ever Pradeep has said. His mind was totally confused. he needed to see that madhus operation goes on smoothly when he went to check he found That Nam had not booked the OT

Sharad arranged the necessary and waited for Pradeep. he checked pradeep for alcohol,"oh shut up sharad i never drink the day before of a surgery" pradeep protested. "Just checking," sharad answered.

"I need you to go out of here sharad go and rest", pradeep answered


When Sharad reached home he accidentally saw Nams bedroom from his room and saw a chiseled bare torso  in her room. Sharad felt untold rage.

"Nam Nam where my clothes that i left here last time?".

"Its on the lower shelf wrapped in a red bag theres your brush too go take a bath and breakfast will be ready" Nam

"Can i get my coffee atleast" nirvik asked

"nope brush first"

"you are the worst ",he said and went to get ready.

Nam received a message from a new number, a picture of Nirvik without his shirt and Nam giving him coffee the caption said "hope you had a great time."

She did the same as before blocked the number.

Nirvik dropped Nam for her duty in the evening a little early she was wearing a blue jean and black tees and got down with shopping bags. Eve greeted Nirvik with equal joy. He seemed to be mocking Eve for something and dr. Anand joined to greet Nirvik and the laughter echoed Sharad was watching this and his anger was about to explode.

His raw animal instinct was acting up he wanted to pounce on Nirvik and tell him to leave. Nam gave her shopping bags to Eve and joined her duty.

When Nam came out after she had changed into her work clothes, Matron Jennifer was rushing towards her "Dr.sharad wants to meet you"

"Sure where?"

"In his room"

'Oh dear God not there again'.Nam thought and walked into the room.

"Dr.Namratha you need to concentrate on work if you find it difficult take a break"

"What did i do?"Nam questioned

"Ask what you didn't do.why was the ot not booked for Madhu"

Nam realized what she had done.

"I'm sorry  it was my mistake i was distracted"

"Well to say in your words may be your harmons did it, since you are ovulating you are distracted towards physical needs rather than your duty" Sharad answered typing into his laptop threw Nam's blood report

" thats too personal"

"Personal whats there personal between us" sharad stood in front of her and so close to her

"Now tell me what you have against madhu whats personal between you two that you refused to book that poor girl an OT" sharad questioned her

"i did not refuse i just forgot", Nam replied feeling guilty

Sharad strode past her and looked outside his room and found many staffs and anand standing near his room "what?" sharad asked and everyone vanished

Sharad banged the door close and Nam started to panic

"open the door please or let me atleast close it"

"what are you trying namratha ?"

"Im not trying anything please i accept i did wrong im ready  to accept my punishment but please open the door."

Sharad saw her sweat and twist in her chair "why did you forget? ", sharad asked

"You" nam replied

"Me i thought it was nirvik"

"Nirvik not at all it was you you moron" shouted Namratha

"Mind your words Namratha"

"Well well well is it because i called you obese ",sharad laughed

"Well Nirvik is stronger than you so i feel lighter for him and maybe you are weak", Nam just pricked the Man's ego. Sharad grabbed her by both the hands and squeezed her.

"It hurts sharad" Nam tried to free herself

"I just dont knw what to do with you Nam" sharad released "Just stay out of my sight and Dont you ever mix personal with ur profession dr.namratha ",sharad said

"Well sharad PERSONAL and professional i think you need to make a mark. When ever you see a girl named madhu in a car crash and you freeze now thats called Ptsd and you are not fit for duty ,your wife is dead and gone dont kill all the other madhus", Nams reply was like a fire directed from hell

"Get out" sharad shouted "you know nothing you live in a bubble Nam and you have not faced life i hope life doesn't give you anything harsh or u may not lose the love of your life like me" sharad's words came of harsher than he intended

Nam slapped him hard "you think you have had a hard life and my life was a platter given to me. you know nothing"she told him

"you are suspended from active duty for 2 days active from now on"

Nam showed him her middle finger and walked out

she found anand and the matron standing on the floor

matron came towards her and anand went to see sharad.

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