exchange students (5sos fanfi...

By irisibens

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"We thought maybe it's good for you to live with another family for a while..." dad said. "WHAT?!" we both ye... More

exchange students (5sos fanfic)
Chapter 2: living with a boyband?
chapter 3: meet the boys
chapter 4: new house, new bedrooms
chapter 5: surpise!
chapter 6: Christmas presents...
chapter 7: Christmas Eve
Chapter 8: spa and Starbacks
Chapter 9 - Part 1: new years eve-meeting the grandparents
chapter 9 - part 2: new years eve party
chapter 10: first day of school
chapter 11: Valentine
chapter 12: meet my parents
chapter 13-part 1: Brit awards
chapter 13- part 2: Brit awards
chapter 14- part 1: festival weekend
chapter 14-part 2: festival weekend
chapter 15: don't bully her!
chapter 16: detention
chapter 17-part 1: spring break
chapter 17-part 2: spring break
chapter 17-part 3: spring break
chapter 18: party hard!
chapter 19: really? He's your brother!
chapter 20: home alone
chapter 21: back to England
chapter 22: funeral
chapter 23: imposible without you!
chapter 24: I'll be fine...
chapter 26: misunderstood
chapter 27: making up
part 28: Prom
chapter 29: the after party
chapter 30: Britsh invation
chapter 31: surfing, concert and off to somewhere new
chapter 31: part 2
chapter 31: part 3: Peter Pan
Chapter 31 part 4: Frozen.
chapter 31: part 5: the little mermaid

chapter 25: dresses everywhere!

27 0 0
By irisibens

** Iris' POV**

Prom is in three weeks and since Luke asked me to be his date; I'll need to buy a dress. Amber would help me choose a dress. I just got out of my dress while Luke was still fast asleep in my bed. I walked to my closet and took cow printed trousers and a pink crop top with music notes on it. my black timberlands look nice under this trousers so I took them. I did on some simple make up and changed my phone cover from 'Pink Floyd' to 'More issues than VOUGUE'. before leaving my room I took my airplane neckless, a little pink handbag with a bow and my 'Stay Cute' jacket. I gave Luke a quick kiss and headed downstairs. Amber, Anne and Ashton were already downstairs eating breakfast.

Anne was going to bring us to the mall and Ash was waiting for Mikey and Calum. I sat beside Amber on the counter and asked for my Yorkshire Tea because I couldn't find it. I was slowly starting to get a panic attack or something and I was really trying to stay calm.

"It's under the sink with your and Amber's cereals" Anne answered.

"Oh my God, thank you Anne!" I said as I took the box of tea.

I took some boiling water and made my Yorkshire Tea with two sugars and a cloud of milk. When we were about to leave to the mall, Ashton grabbed her arm.

"Where are you going?" He asked her.

"We're going to the mall." She answered confused.


"For a prom dresses."

"Do y-you have a date?" He asked disappointed and I could see where this was going.

"No, I'm just helping Iris..." she sighted.

"Well, I thought maybe you would like t-to go with m-me..." he stuttered and blushed.

Aww how cute! I knew this would happen.

"Okay." She said ice cold, took my hand and we walked outside.

"Oh my God!" I said excited. "I knew this was going to happen!" I was jumping around...

"SHOTGUN!" I yelled and got into the front seat before Amber even reached the car. Amber was silence the whole drive to the mall. When Anne dropped us off I asked her what the hell was bothering her.

"Nothing, I'm just tired.' She answered and gave me a fake smile.

"I'm your sister, I can see you're lying... you can tell me!" I said as I leaded her to a bench. We sat down and I looked at her. "Well, tell me what happened!"

"Normally Tyler would be my date." She started but before she could continue I interrupted her. "So, why didn't you tell Ash?"

"If you would let me continue, you would know... things aren't going really well between us lately."

** Amber's POV**

I told Iris what happened last night.


"Calum, why would you say something like that?" I asked while we were walking down the street.

"Did you look at her? She was hot!" He answered.

"Never call a girl hot! She's not a fucking stove or something!" I said as he chuckled.

"Okay, she was stunning, almost as beautiful as you." He smiled and took me in a hug but the moment was soon to be ruined by my 'lovely' boyfriend pulling Calum away from me quite harshly. This resulted with me face palming the floor and Tyler hovering over Calum.

"EX-CUUU-SEE ME, what the fuck was that for?" I yelled as I pulled myself in a sitting position. Tyler ignored me and kept saying nasty things to Calum.

"Ty, leave him alone already! He did nothing wrong!" I said while I helped Calum up.

"Oh so hitting on my girl is okay?" He asked angrily.

"He wasn't hitting on me, he was just being nice! You should really try that sometimes!" I said as I walked away, pulling Calum with me.

We walked into the house and I was absolutely furious! Who the hell did he think he is? Calum is my best friend and he hasn't the right to treat him like that just because he's jealous! Calum walked to the kitchen and I followed him.

I took a seat near the window as Calum made us some tea. When the water was boiling, he took two cups and filled them with the steaming liquid. He handed me a cup with a box with different tea flavours. I choose some green tea and Calum had some natural tea as he sat across of me.

"Well, thanks for saving my ass." He said with a shy smile.

"Not a problem at all! He's being a dick lately but don't worry about it, I'll handle it." I smiled back.

"Amber, you can't control him! Trust me..." He said with concern in his voice.

"Let the queen handle this business and don't you worry your pretty, little mind about it!" I said and stood up.

"Amber, serious..." He began but was interrupted by Iris running in the kitchen while screaming; "HE-EEEELP ME-EE, THERE'S A SPIDER IN MY CLOSET AND IT'S GOING TO EAT ME!" She hid behind my back as Calum was laughing his butt off.

"Calum, go kill that monster so we can go back upstairs please." I said and he sighted but went upstairs.

He killed the spider and removed it from the closet. Iris went upstairs while Calum went to the living room where the other guys were. I stood in the kitchen for a little while but then realized I was standing in the middle of the kitchen, looking in some distance. I walked upstairs as my phone started ringing. Without checking the caller ID I picked up.

~~ On the phone ~~

"hi?" I asked.

"Amber, what the hell? Do you really think you can walk out on me like that?" Tyler asked

"Oh my God, Tyler... shut up already! I don't want to hear your bullshit! Call me back when you've calmed the fuck down!" I said as I was about to hang up on him.

"Don't you dare hang up the phone you little twat!"

"Excuse me? Would you like to repeat that? I really hope I heard you wrong..."

"What? The twat thing? You've heard me right babe!"

"Don't 'babe' me! You little annoying dickhead..."

"But you are my babe, right?"

"Not sure about that at the moment..."

"You can't dump me..."

"Oh but I can..." I said and hung up.

~ End of flashback~

** Iris's POV**

Amber told me about her love trouble with Tyler...

"Oh I would totally have hung up after the 'Babe' thing!" I said annoyed.

"I know... I just don't know what to do now..." she sighted.

"But I do" I said exited and Amber looked at me. " we are going to shop and get cute and hot dresses and stuff and we are going to have a good time and you'll forget about him" I smiled and she smiled back.

"Come on" she said and took my hand.

We walked into Forever 21. I took a blue dress witch was short in the front and short in the back, a soft pink dress which was very open in the front, a pink sparkly dress with a bow, a dress that had a black top and salmon pink skirt, a blue dress with a little bit of pink in it and last but not least, a blue dress with something that looked like flowers. Amber took a long white dress, a long soft pink one, a long soft greenblue-ish, and a long off-white pink one and a long off-white dress. We went to the changingstalls and I got in first ,to start I tried the pink one with the bow on (star) and I liked it but something was wrong I just can't say what. So I went out and asked Amber.

"Well, something is wrong here I just can't put my finger on it." I said.

"Wrong colour" she said and I went back in the stall.

The next dress I tried on was the blue one with pink in it (music). When I looked into the mirror I realized it was damn baby blue so was the one with the flowers (balloon).

"Defiantly not!" I said as I walked out of the stall. "It's Manchester City blue!" I said as Amber laughed her but off since she knew how much I hate that football team.

I walked back into the stall and tried on the others. The last one I tried on was the pink one that was very open in the front (ice cream).

"And what you think?" I asked amber as I came out of the changing stalls.

"Nice but something is wrong" she said

"What?" I asked confused.

"You'll need boobs in this dress and we all know you almost have no boobs. And this dress makes it look like you've got nothing!" she laughed.

"Not funny Amber... but hey, I went from and A cup to a B cup" I winked before looking in the mirror and pushing my boobs together.

"Oh my God!! I look like Caroline from back home haha" we both laughed before I went back into the stall.

**Amber's POV**

When Iris was out of the changing stall, I walked in and tried on a long off-white dress with a wide, golden belt under my chest (car). It was nice but I think it's a little bit too long. I walked out of the booth; "Well, what 'cha think?" I asked her and she studied every inch of me...

"It's nice but you'll trip over it..." She said and I laughed.

"That's what I thought!" I said and walked back in the booth, I took the long soft greenblue-ish one with sparkles all over the top (strawberry). I liked it but the colour didn't suite me... I walked out of the stall and looked at Iris...

"There's something wrong with the colour, don't you think?" I asked her.

"Yeah, it's not really your colour..." She answered and I walked back to try on the next dress which was a long white one with a really deep décolleté and a nice triangle thing on the back.(banana)

"Are you getting married to Ashton or something?"

"Excuse me? No, I'm not getting married..."

"But you wouldn't mind either, would you?" Iris smiled and I sighted.

"Shut up Iris!" I said as I walked back in the stall while Iris started to laugh. I took an off-white pink one with some over the shoulder pendulum of grey flowers (smiley face). I actually like this dress. I walked out of the stall.

"What do you think? I think I like it..."

"Are you really sure you're not getting married because with the last two dresses it sure looks like it!"

"Oh my god Iris, can you please stop... if someone's getting married it'd be you and Luke not Ash and I!" The next dress was a pink one with an off the shoulder thing, it was nice and all but also too long. (gost)

"It's too long, don't you think?"

"Yeah, just like the white one..."

"Okay this was the last one..." I said as I walked back in the stall and got dressed again.

When I was ready, Iris and I left to Topshop looking for dresses because these dresses sucked. We walked in the shop, Iris went off immediately. I looked around and took about four dresses, when I had chosen the dresses I liked, I went to search Iris. She had found 5 dresses she liked.

We walked to the changing stalls and for a change, I went first. To start I took a salmon pink dress with an open back and tried it on (cat); I hated how I looked in it. I'm totally too short to wear this!

"IRIS... why can't I grow?" I asked as I walked out of the stall.

"Well, some people are meant to be little forever! We need minions in real life!" She laughed her butt of.

"Oh you need some new humour!" I said as I was about to try on the next dress which was an off-white-pink dress with sparkles all over the top(sun). It was okay but I could tell it wasn't the one.

"There's something wrong but I couldn't put my finger on it." I said as I showed her the dress.

"I'm not quite sure but it makes your hips look huge..." She answered.

"Okay, let's try the next one." I said and went back in the changing booth.

The next dress was a bright blue dress with a silver drawing on top(pig); it was nice but not quite my colour. It's so hard for me to find the right dress. This is defiantly not the dress I want to wear for prom.

"I don't like the colour..." I said.

"Well, yeah... I don't think it suits you either..." She said.

"Thanks for the honestly!" I said winking exaggeratedly.

"You know, you can count on me bitch." I heard her say as I as I putted on the next and also the last dress which was a long off-white-pink dress with a silver bra thing on top that makes my boob come out really well(diamond). This is the one!

"I think this is the one!" I said as I walked out of the booth.

"OH MY GOD, Amber you look gorgeous!" Iris yelled. "This is defiantly the one!"

"Okay, I'll go change and then you can show your dresses." I said and changed into my regular clothes.

**Iris' POV**

When Amber was done it was finally my turn. I tried on a off white dress with a lot of sparkles on it (crown).

"are you a Christmas tree?" she asked when I walked out of the stall.

"not funny Amber."

"yes it was! But I just don't like the bottom of the dress"

"me neither" I said and walked back into the stall.

The next dress was a purple dress with little diamonds on it (palm tree).

"what 'cha think?"

"I don't like the diamonds" she said and scrunched her nose.

"key" I said and went back into the stall.

This dress was a salmon pink one with a sparkly belt. (heart)

"what about this one."

"its really pretty but, it makes you look really pale." She said and turned her head a side.

I sighted and tried on the next dress. a simple blue dress (ring). I liked it before I tried it on. The collar doesn't suit me. I was to lazy to show it so I tried on my last dress. a soft purple dress that was short in the front and long in the back. it had little lance drawings on it and it was very pretty.

"I want this one" I smiled as I walked out of the stall.

"oh my gosh! Its beautiful! You look like a princess!" she gasped.

I giggled and walked back into the stalls. I changed back into my normal clothes and left the stall. We paid and went to look for shoes. I had purple one's that mashed my dress and Amber got some white heels but the heel and the bottom were silver sparkles.

We went for necklaces and bracelets and stuff. We also looked for bow ties for the boys. A pink one for Ashton and a purple one for Luke.

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