Connected by the soul

By Celestes_sstories

45.5K 839 37

You just turned 21 and your new to L.A. A new lifstyle, new people, A WHOLE NEW LIFE More

Connected by the soul: chapter 1
Connected by the soul: Chapter 2
Connected by the soul: Chapter 3
Connected by the Soul: Chapter 4
Connected by the Soul: Chapter 5
Connected by the soul: Chapter 6
connected by the soul: Chapter 7
Connected by the soul: Chapter 8
Connected by the soul Chapter 9
Connected by the soul: Chapter 10
Connected by the soul: chapter 11
Connected by the soul: Chapter 12
Connected by the soul: chapter 13
Connected by the soul: chapter 14
Connected by the soul: chapter 15
Connected by the soul: chapter 16
Connected by the soul: Chapter 17
Connected by the soul: chapter 18
Connected by the soul: chapter 19
Connected by the soul: chapter 20
Connected by the soul: Chapter 21
Connected by the soul: chapter 22
Connected by the Soul: Chapter 23
Connected by the Soul: chapter 24
Connected by the soul: chapter 25
Connected by the soul: chapter 26
Connected by the soul: chapter 27
Connected by the Soul: chapter 28
Connected by the soul: chapter 29
Connected by the Soul: chapter 30
Connected by the Soul: Chapter 32
Connected by the Soul: chapter 33
Connected by the soul: chapter 34

Connected by the Soul: Chapter 31

738 17 0
By Celestes_sstories

"Finally." Jake laughs as we approach the group. "Yeah seriously, what took you so long?" Kat asks. Colby just looks over to me, unsure if I want him to say anything. I look at him then back to the group. "Nothing." I say to them, taking a seat next to Corey on the old couch. Colby sits on the other side of me. "Are you okay?" Sam asks. "Yeah. I was just feeling a little uneasy about tonight." I say, only telling half of the truth. "I felt that one." Corey lightly laughs, but it sounded kind of like he still meant it. "I'm fine now though. You should probably start to record, before it gets too late." I say. "Okay." Sam says with a light smile. He hits record then explains that we are gonna do a ritual and if nothing happens we'll bring out the Ouija bored. After that he hands the camera to Colby, while he sets up the table. Colby walks over to the tripod that's already set up and set's the camera on the stand. We all sit at the now set table and hold hands. I feel a sense of nervousness start eating away at me, but I suck it up and pretend it's not there, in fear of ruining the video. I sit facing the window in the back, that faces Corey and Jake's back. I glance at it and notice something pass by. I get freaked out and look at Kat, but she didn't see anything. I let it go, considering we haven't even started doing anything yet. Sam begins talking. "If there are any spirits here we welcome you." He says, and nothing happens. "Anyone. Any sailors, spirits or ghosts." When he said spirits the flame on one of the candles slightly escalates. "Did you see that?" Kat immediately asks. "Yeah." I say in surprise. "What?" Sam asks. "The flame just grew when you said spirits." Jake answers. I nod my head agreeing, still in fear. "Maybe this isn't a good idea." Corey says. "Well we can't quit now. We barely even saw anything and what if it's a good spirit or ghost." Colby says. "I agree." Sam says. "Fine. Let's continue." He sighs. I glance over to Colby, but he didn't seem to notice, so I look forward again. "So you said that it flamed up at spirit?" Sam asks. "Yeah." Kat, answers hesitantly. "If your a spirit, we ask you to make your presence noticed." Sam calls out. Nothing happens. "Do something, anything, to let us know your here." Sam says. Once again, nothing happens. "Maybe one of you guys should talk. I'm clearly not getting a response. Remember we all have to be open to it." Sam states. "Okay. If there are any ghosts or spirits we all welcome you. Please let us know your here." Colby says. The room goes silent and we don't hear anything. Colby sighs at the lack of content we get. "I'll try." Jake says. "If there are any spirits I welcome you. We could talk or watch SpongeBob or something. Even go fishing. Just show your present right now." Jake says. Everyone gives him a sarcastic look. "What clearly nothing working and they're sailors. I'm just saying would would sound appealing if I was a sailor. I'm just trying to make them want to be here." Jake says shrugging. I just shake my head, but honestly it was hard not to laugh at that. "If there are any spirits we welcome you. Anyone at all." I say aloud. We waite a while and nothing happens. I sigh in both relief and disappointment. I feel bad, because I don't feel completely like I'm open to the ghost. What if it's my fault nothing is happening. "Please if you mean no harm then neither do we. I promise. Just reveal yourself in some way." I say, trying to let go of my fears, for the sake of my friends and boyfriend. The window starts shaking before it burst opens and closes again. "Oh my god!" Corey yells. I jump in my seat. "What was that?" Jake asks. "Maybe it's just windy?" Kat tries to say to calm herself down. "Maybe we just shouldn't do this?" Corey says. "No. We can't stop now. We don't know what that was, but if it's here, we can't just leave. We promised no harm and so did it by revealing itself." Sam says. "He's right. I promised." I agree. Corey looks over to me with his worried gaze, then back to Sam. "Fine." He says, nodding his head. "Bri." Colby hesitantly says. I look over to him. He just stares at the table. I look down to see a single red and orange leaf sitting there. "Oh my god." I whisper out. "What is it?" Jake asks. "Autumn are you here?" I ask as tears prick the rim of my eyes. The leaf just blows over to me, despite there being no breeze in the room what so ever. I jump back, out of my chair this time. "I'm sorry. I can't do this." I say covering my mouth as tears fall down my face. I sit there in shock, not even able to get up. I don't know what's going on. I don't know if that was a dream or vision or what all this means. I'm just scared. The group all comes to me as I sit there crying, completely freaked out and lost. "What's wrong? What was that?" "Whose Autumn?" "Are you okay?" They all ask, kind of overwhelming me even more. I hear Colby's voice break through over everyone elses. "It's okay." He repeats wrapping his arms around me. I take in a few sniffs trying to stop crying. I wipe my eyes, before taking in a deep and shaky breath, then letting it out. Damn I know I'm going to have to explain this again to everyone. So much for just forgetting it ever happened. It's like I have to relive it every ten minutes instead.

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