Weird Charm - Jenlisa

By blue_waverrrr

183K 4.5K 250

One is the daughter of a great business family. Smart, talented and not mention a beautiful woman. The other... More

2 - Request
3 - New Job ?
4 - Discussion
5 - Meeting you
6 - Showdown
7 - Chilling
8 - First Day
9 - First day's Bicker
10 - Words
11 - Intruder
12 - Regret
13 - Oppa
14 - Unexpected
15 - Step one
16 - Choices
17 - Incident
18 - Enemy ?
Extra 1.0
19 - Dinner
20 - Dinner (Part 2)
21 - Hands-on throat
22 - Pizza Delivery
Update !!!
Chapter 23 - Business
chapter 24 - Unwanted rest
Chapter 25 - Old friend
Chapter 26 - History
Chapter 27 - Jichu The Great Counsellor
Chapter 28 - Is it enough?
Chapter 29 - A date with you
Extra 3 - Aftermath
Chapter 30 - My Promise to You
Chapter 31 - A Part of You
Chapter 32 - Moonlight Dance

Extra 2 - Healing wounds

1.6K 30 0
By blue_waverrrr

It's been a week after the success of Jennie's plan, people both in and out of the company have been discussing the sudden change. Some are unhappy with the CEO approach while some are just relief that everything seems to be progressing smoothly. 

Lisa was nither of the parties. She trusts Jennie from the moment the CEO told her the grand plan, and there isn't a time where Lisa would find herself doubting Jennie's skills. So it was only natural that she would find herself busy grinding away with Jennie in the office until the clock hits 1 in the afternoon before one of them (most of the time, Lisa) suggest to take a break and grab lunch together.  

Though, today was... different. 

Before either of them complain about their hunger, a woman budge into Jennie's room and dragged Lisa out from her place. And now, 15 minutes later Lisa finds herself sitting in one of the many cafes near the company with the said woman in front of her. 

"So, what do you wanna eat?" The woman asked so casually as if she hasn't dragged Lisa from her work, not before getting into a small fight with Jennie. 

Small as in a "no shouting" type of fight, besides the "THE HELL, TEE?!" exclaim from Jennie, when the woman rushed in and startled the CEO. Jennie tried to stop her from taking Lisa, who was just watching the event unfold because honestly, she doesn't feel like she has any say in this, but failed as Jennie and Lisa both allowed this to happen weeks prior. 

This was a date. 

A date that was requested from the company's infamous rebel as a way to piss off their CEO. And, well its a good way to get to know someone new so the rebel didn't mind one bit.

Jennie and Lisa were so focused on the grand plan that both of them have forgotten the said deal. Lisa didn't mind it much, she was going to have lunch anyway. Jennie, on the other hand, was a bit reluctant to let Lisa go, though she didn't protest much when Tee took Lisa by the arm and walked out from her room. 

"Er... I think I'll have their signature pasta." Lisa decided after scanning the menu in less than a minute. 

"Good choice." Tee nodded, while she looks through her own set of menu. "How 'bout drinks? They have quite a large variety in here." She said as she points to a paper set in front of Lisa. 

It was only then that Lisa realizes that there was another menu dedicated to the beverage offered in this small, warm cafe. Despite the numerous option, it didn't take long for Lisa to make a decision. A nice cup of lemon tea will suit her just well. She was always a tea lover. Especially after she found out the Jennie too was fond of the said beverage too. Looking through the menu again, the words 'Milk tea' caught the girl's eyes almost immediately. 

"I bet Jennie would order straight out of the get-go." Lisa thought as a smile creeps its way to her face. She continues to wonder the kind of reaction Jennie would have if she teases her for it, and for a moment Lisa seems to forget that she was having lunch with Tee... who has been calling for her several times, with a waiter standing beside her. 

"Lisa? " Tee called, once again. This time the bodyguard finally heard it. 

"Huh? O-oh, sorry, what is it that you said again?" The girl sheepishly apologises. 

"I said, 'what would you like to drink, Lisa?' " Tee repeats, with a crooked brow and is all but amused by the bodyguard's embarrassment. 

"I..." Lisa begins as she looks at the menu again. She was about to voice out her choice, but one look at the options again, she changed her mind. "I think I'll have a cup of milk tea." 

They were chatting happily while their food was being prepared, exchanging stories and moments that occurred in the company. Turns out Jennie was actually the one who invited Tee to the company. You would think otherwise with the way that they speak with each other, but Tee confessed to Lisa that she sees Jennie as her mentor. (After denying it for the fourth times.) 

The first couple of months when Tee arrived at the company, people were sceptical. Tee was very young when she first got there, in fact, she was the youngest member in the whole group. The possibility of her surpassing them at such a young age frightens them. And so, people were hard on her, they would throw loads and loads of work to her just to so they get to watch her fall. Using words to hurt her pride and make her doubt her work more and more. Those were one of the toughest days she had. 

Fortunately, those days had slowly come to an end. Jennie quickly notices the change of mood whenever she would ask Tee regarding with her group, it only took Jennie several minutes to dig out the whole situation. After that incident, Jennie began to put Tee under her wings, walk her through meetings and projects, and restoring her once damaged pride. Tee was more than grateful of it, though she would never say it in front of her mentor. She was never the sappy type. 

Hearing Tee's little story, Lisa couldn't help but giggle a bit. She imagines if Jennie were to have a little sister, her relationship with them would be more or less like the relationship she currently has with Tee. 

"Dude, what happened to your phone?" Tee asked as Lisa's broken phone dings softly on her side of the table. They were silently enjoying their meal, so it wasn't hard to take notice of the small 'ding' as a message was received by her phone. It was also not hard to notice the lines and lines of cracks spread out on the poor thing. 

"Yeah.... that." Lisa carefully holds up her near-dead phone and inspect the new message. "It kinda slipped from my pocket while I was working." 

Jennie: Hey, while you're out there grab me lunch. I'm hungry. 

Instantly, the sad memory of the condition of her phone was replaced with a warm feeling under her tummy as she types her reply. 

Lisa: Sure thing! ;) 

"Why didn't you tell Jennie to get you a new one?"  Tee said as if its the most normal thing to say at this moment. 


She rolled her eyes in a way that represent too much of Jennie's. "You broke your phone because and while you were at work right?"


Tee looked at her, unimpressed. "Lisa, you work as a bodyguard, and your job isn't exactly mellow. You have the absolute right to claim some money to replace that sad excuse of a phone."

"Hey! It still works. Just... not as well as before." She defended her busted phone that she has grown significantly more attached to since the incident. 

 "Yes, of course. Another reminder beside that hideous screen that it's time to switch for a new, that's isn't barely functioning!" Tee ignored Lisa's little whine and continues. "You know what? If you're not gonna do it yourself, I'll do it." That got Lisa to shoot up instantly as she tries to stop Tee from calling the CEO for such a small matter.  Unfortunately, even with those long limbs of hers, she's a second too late before Tee pressed the call button. 


"Don't listen to Tee, Jen! My phone is still useable." Lisa exclaimed once she made it back to Jennie's office. Which isn't totally a lie, her phone is damaged, yes, but she can still use that thing despite all the difficulties. 

Jennie all but brushed off her bodyguard's words and reveal that she has already made a purchase for the latest flagship phone in the market. So, all Lisa could do was reluctantly accept it. 

And it's not like she doesn't want a new replacement, it just that Lisa didn't want to trouble Jennie with such a small problem, especially when they just got Jennie's proposal to work. She knows that this whole project means a lot to her and she really didn't want to distract the girl. 

With a sigh of defeat, Lisa walks to her place in front of Jennie desk. "Thanks, Jennie. But, really though, you didn't have too." She tries again, though she knows it wouldn't change the CEO's mind.   

"For the last time, Lis, it's fine," Jennie reassures her bodyguard again, though she was amused of her useless trials. Jennie shows Lisa the phone's detail so that she knows exactly what to expect, and informs her that the phone should be arriving by the end of the week. While Lisa's reading through the info, Jennie pulls out a bottle of something and passes it to her. "Oh, and you can have this too. I used this lotion a lot when I was younger, it helps the scars to fade." 

Jennie didn't say anything after that, but surprisingly, even with only a couple months of being each other's side, Lisa understands her meaning behind her nonchalance facade. 

Jennie was referring to the nicks and bruises she got from the rescue mission, she's feeling guilty or even worse responsible for the scars that would soon be permanent on her body if Lisa doesn't take great care of them. 

"Are you implying that you were quite a trouble maker back in your teen years?" Lisa can't help but teases Jennie for suggesting just how much fights she got into when she was still a teenager. 

The brunette doesn't say anything to confirm Lisa's inquiry, just looks to the side with a hint of embarrassment, though she doesn't deny it either. That got a round of giggles out of Lisa and causes Jennie to take notice on the way Lisa's mouth would stretch. 

Jennie caught herself getting side-tracked and shakes her head slightly. By the time she returned her attention to the girl in front of her, Lisa raises her forearm up 

"I don't mind it that much, actually," She shows Jennie the fresh scar going quite a length down her skin, a result from blocking a striking knife with your bare arms. 

Jennie frowns but doesn't take back the bottle of lotion, "Really? You don't feel ashamed that your beautiful body will be marked by some unpleasant cause?" 

"Beautiful? You think I'm beautiful?" Lisa caught on immediately and decided that it wouldn't hurt to tease the CEO just a bit about it. 

"W-what? I-" Jennie was seemingly about to deny it, but then idea occurs to her. She swallows down the words of defence and wears a serious face yet tender face. "If it means that you'll use the lotion, then yes, I do find you beautiful." 

As soon as the confession left Jennie's mouth, blood rushes from the bodyguard's neck all the way to her face. Lisa expected the woman would either deny or dodge the question with all cost, so she was completely caught off by her boldness. 

Seeing Lisa reacts like this after her suggestion pulls a small smile from Jennie, but that soon changes into her famous gummy smile when Lisa finally promised with a huge blush on her pretty face that she'll take good care of her scars.

"Cute." The CEO thinks to herself before deciding that it was time to get back to work.


A late Jenlisa Day gift. 

Sorry about the slow update, I got so caught up with work that I literally forgot this piece that I was working on a couple of days after the last chapter. 

Not sure when the next chapter will be up but I'll try my best to deliver it as soon as possible. As for now, I hope you enjoyed this little between the scene here. Until next time, bye. 

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