
By LazyLucario

195 6 0

Violet's been living in loneliness for the past three years being stuck with a broken heart with her daughter... More

Note(plz read)
Friends Forever
Can do
Road Trip
The Surprise
Back on the Road
Painful Reunion
Mother, Daughter Talk
Leaving so Soon?
Smoke and Sunrise
Down Comes a Raven
We're Just Friends
See you Soon
She Likes Girls
Hanging Out
Under the Stars
Staying Behind
Peculiar Scar
Real Relationship
Clem and Moo
Family Reunion
The Hootenanny
Cobra's Venom and a Wild Lynx
Sneaking Out
On the Trail
Most Wanted
For a Price
Not Without my Son
The Plan
Framed Memories
Don't Eat the Dinner
The Test
Runs in the Family
I Still Love You
No One's Leaving
Your Place isn't Here
Truth and Confessions
Old Demons
With you
The Date
Back from Hell
Eres mi Deseo

A Coyote's Wail

2 0 0
By LazyLucario

It was close to dawn when Louis and Izzy walked beside each other to go ahead and set the traps early. Clementine stayed behind with their babies and wasn't going to wake up any time soon, so he picked his sister to tag along while she was awake too.

"You slept good, sis?"

Izzy giggled, "Yeah, I just got early because I had to use the bathroom and I just couldn't go back to sleep."

Louis smirked, "You were always the early bird."

When the two got to some of the traps they each went to one trap going ahead to set them up. While they were doing that Izzy continued talking.

"Your girlfriend, Clem was it? She seems cool."

Louis blushed smiling sheepishly, "Yeah, she is, isn't she?"

"She told me how you two met and how long you two been together. Boy, I think you found a keeper."

"I know," Louis gave a thoughtful sigh, "she and the kids mean the world to me."

She turned to him and smiled at the thought of their kids, "They're such sweet angels, especially Luke. He's such a sweetie pie."

Louis scoffed, "I think you like him more because he's not as wild as Hope."

"I love them both!" Izzy whined defensively, "but I think Hope got all her wild genes from you."

"Ha! Please, that's what Clem always said but you see her when she's pissed, now that'll really bring out her wild side."

Izzy looked down and sighed, "You're such a lucky man, Louie, I can't even find the perfect person to start a family with."

"I thought you had options?"

"What options?" she asked confusingly.

"Ya' know, what about Violet's sister?"

"Storm?! I mean nothing's wrong with her it's just that we always thought of each other as good friends, I never had any feelings for her."

He clicked his tongue "Hmm, Moo?"

Izzy snorted before bursting out laughing, "Please, Moo would be the last person on my list."

"Oh? And why is that?"

"Uh for one he's also my friend, two, he's like the biggest fuck boy back at home, and three, he's super younger than me!"

"Alright, alright I get it, my sister's picky."

"I am not!" she looked at him offendedly, "look, I think they're both really great attractive people, but they're not my type."

He went over to another trap his smile slowly fading, "Mom and dad would've stayed  happily together if it wasn't for me."

Izzy looked down and sighed, "Don't even think about that, Lou. You didn't know any better."

"But I think about it every day, even more ever since I got with Clem. I know how upset you were over the phone when mom told about how dad might be having an affair."

"I do," she mewed sadly, "not as upset when they sent you away."

"And I deserve it! I made that whole thing up and for what? Piano lessons? I'm so damn selfish."

"And you were only ten!" she argued, "I had to wait during the summer when I was outta college just to see you. To be honest, I thought they'll never let you go no matter what you did."

She looked down as Louis put his hand over her shoulder, "They loved you just as much, I hope you know that."

"Easy for you to say. They spoiled your ass off while they kept pushing me to work harder and harder every day just to get into some fancy-dancy college," she rolled her eyes even at the thought of college, "and don't get me started on that fucking place."

"You didn't like it?"

"It wasn't for me, ya know? It was just full of rich snobs that just get high or drunk every night. There was nobody I could really why sit down and speak on some real shit like life or anything else besides talking about the hottest dudes their, or what kind of party they're gonna throw tonight. I just need some people that were . . . normal-not normal I guess."

"I totally understand, they just had high expectations for you, that's all," he gave her a reassuring smile, "I'm glad they didn't spoil you to death."

She looked back with the corners of her mouth turning back up, "I'm kinda glad they did spoil you."

"Wait, why?"

"Because if you didn't wouldn't have got sent here and we wouldn't have seen each other again. There's a reason for everything, Louie"

He chuckled, "I guess so, big sis."

The two pulled each other in for a hug before they pulled away smiling at each other. Louis looked up at the dark blue pinkish sky as they walked back to the school.

"Come on," he yawned, "I wanna get some more sleep in before the babies wake up."

Izzy nodded, "Roger that, Louie."

Violet and Moo were on their way to the fishing shack early that morning. The two weren't assigned to go there this time, they just needed somewhere to be alone for a bit. Violet thought this might be a bad idea while Moo thought otherwise just wanting to be alone with her.

Her heart fluttered when she saw Matthew smiling softly at her. She couldn't help but look away in nervousness as she couldn't get over how handsome he was.

She also wondered how he could ever fall for a girl like her, even if they were best friends.

When they got to the shack he went ahead and opened the door for her as she thanked him walking inside with him following behind. She looked around and sighed at the mess in here that they never cleaned up three years ago.

Before Violet could say anything while she turned around Moo's lips crashed onto hers as he pushed her down on the mattress tightly pinning her pinning arms down. She couldn't help but kiss back ignoring what he has just done as the two just began a whole make-out session. He went on to kiss her roughly down on her neck by just biting her softy leaving purplish bruises. She slipped out a moan while he went ahead to kiss her down from her neck to her chest near her cleavage.

He soon pulled away assuming she didn't want to go any farther looking at her with a sheepish grin.

"I never knew your skin was so soft," he purred making Violet giggle.

"I never knew either."

He gave a light chuckle as he went back to nibble more on her neck. Her smile slowly faded when she saw that carved heart that she drew on the wall when she and Minerva were together. She looked down knowing that she had to him about Minerva sooner or later.

But sometimes it still hurts even at the mention of her name . . .

She took a deep breath, "Moo, I have to tell you something."

"Alright, what is it?" he continued nibbling on her neck.

"It's . . . it's . . . about Minerva . . ."

He abruptly stopped at the name but he realized she didn't tell him who she was yet. So he just went along to play dumb.

"Who the hell is that?"

She looked away from looking into his face, "me and her . . . we used to be . . . um . . . together."

He shrugged, "So? You think that'll upset me?"

"I thought since we're together we tell each other about our past relationships."

Moo paused as his jaw tightened, "You think so? Because you already know I'm kinda new to this whole relationship stuff."

Violet shrugged, "I guess, plus, I thought it'll help us get to trust each other better."

He furrowed his brows, "You don't trust me?"

"I-I do!" she answered quickly not wanting him to get the wrong idea, "I completely trust you. But it's just . . . that . . ."


Violet hesitated having to mention this, "That night when you were upset the other night . . . you . . . you mentioned a . . . Dakota."

Moo widened his eyes remembering him accidentally calling her that. Violet cocked her head on why he looked like he was about to have a panic attack. She wondered if Valeria was a girlfriend that meant a lot to him and just lost her in some terrible accident.

"Do wanna tell me who she is?" she pushed on.

He then looked at her with his expression hardening, "Why don't you tell me what Minerva was like."

Violet fluttered her eyelids at the tone of his voice, "Moo, I was just asking, you don't have to snap at me like that."

"Because I don't wanna talk nor say anything about that!" he growled as grip became tighter making Violet flinch.

Well, she might've been wrong about one thing about Dakota. She probably didn't mean that much to him.

Violet hung get head down, "Shit, I didn't know you'll get sensitive about it . . ."

He noticed she looked hurt by his attitude reminding himself it was just a question. He laid down beside her putting his arm around her waist pulling her on his chest. He drew a long sigh hating for her to feel a certain way.

"Don't be sorry," he said softly, "I don't mean to be an ass all the time, and I especially don't ever want to be one to you."

"No, I shouldn't have even brought it up, I didn't want you to make you feel like you have to pour out every little secret out of you."

His hand slid up to her cheek, "You need to stop blaming yourself for everything, Vi. It puts more stress on you than you can handle, I hate to see you put yourself in that position."

"I don't know, it just seems like I tie into some situation if I say anything."

"If people are looking for someone to blame, fuck them, you know it's not your fault. Don't try to blame yourself for their problems just to make them feel better."

Moo did have a point. She's been doing it for so long it was almost like a bad habit. Blaming herself did put a lot of strain on her even if there are people blaming her who are clearly more worthy of the blame. Either way, she needed to start learning not to do it and focus on what's best for her and not others.

She looked up giving him half a smile, "Never really thought about it, maybe you can help me with that."

He smiled back, "You know I'm always at your service."

She placed a kiss on his lips add as he pressed his forehead against hers while they both giggled sheepishly.

"I'm glad I have you, Moo."

"I'm even more glad I have you too."

The cool breeze in the morning always made Sophie can't helping but to come outside for some inspiration. Right now, she just doodled random little things while sitting at one of the picnic tables.

It felt good being back here, but she also hated it too. She sighed sadly to herself almost forgetting that she had no family to see anymore. When Louis told her about what happened to Minerva and Tenn on the bridge she wanted to left alone crying for most of that night. She knew her little brother was too nïave for a world like this, always getting into some situation. She just wished she was there to save him that day.

As for Minerva, she had become an entirely different person. Sure she had her moments sometimes, but ever since they were given away to the Delta she became so submissive. Sophie always took her as the strong twin all through their lives. She gave into the Delta's manipulative ways by their persuasive offers, strong fighters, and their deadly threats. When she and Minerva made that raft it was now or never. Sophie was so terrified when Lilly caught them halfway, but not as much as Minerva.

Sophie had felt so betrayed when her own sister would kill her to prove her loyalty to those sick fucks. What Lilly didn't know was that she actually cut face open with axe instead of giving her the final blow. So there was at least one tiny bit of sanity left to let her live; not enough to save her.

But Sophie also understood why she did it. In reality, Lilly actually gave Minerva a choice using loyalty as an excuse. It was either Sophie or Minerva's . . .

"Hey, Sophie," someone called interrupting her thoughts.

She looked up and saw that girl walking towards her way with her little girl. Sophie believed her name was Clementine? Started to know why Louis would pick her, she was fierce, resourceful, kind, and beautiful. Their kids were pretty cute too she thought, with their daughter having Louis's freckles and their son having Clementine's soft cheeks.

What Sophie noticed most of all from Clem was that ever since she got here Sophie seen this . . . fear in her eyes every time she looked at her. She didn't know why, but it was as if she . . . knew her of some sort. . .

So it was kind of usual why she was coming over here.

She looked up smiling at Clem as she smiled back before sitting down in front of her.

"What are you up to?" she asked while Sophie went back to her sketching.

"Oh, you know, just doodlin', I really don't have any ideas right now."

She noticed that she saw her staring at the gash across her face frowning.

"I still can't believe your actually alive."

She raised a brow, "I'm sorry, but do we know each other?"

Clem quickly shook her head, "No, no, it's just . . . it's just . . ."

"Just what?"

"Nobody ever told you were captured by the Delta right?"

Sophie looked up thoughtfully before she spoke, "Yeah, Violet told me when I saw her again . . . it's . . . it's how she burned her eyes . . ."

"Yeah . . ." she nodded sadly, "during our time there Lilly told us that your sister killed you . . . that you weren't as grateful as her."

"She tells nothing but lies," she spat, "they torture nonstop if you don't do anything their way. I was the one who took it better than Minnie," she looked down, "but Minnie did go through more hell than me."

"Was that the reason for her fucked up sanity to them?"

"Most of it, and . . . for other reasons."

"She just made it seemed that Minerva would actually kill her own blood just to prove some point."

Sophie laughed, "The way Minerva hit me with that ax I already knew she wanted me to live or just wanted me a chance to, I'm surprised Lilly bought it; dumbass."

Clem frowned, "But you do know about what happened on the bridge, right?"

Her smiled quickly faded recalling of what Louis told her one night when she asked where Tennis was. She felt like she wanted to jump off a bridge that night.

"Yeah . . . " she sighed heavily, "she thought they thought I was dead and she wasn't about to die unless someone else she loved went with her . . . she thought she lost everything . . ."

Tears started to run down her cheek quickly wiping them away. Clem looked her in the eyes hesitantly with a sympathetic expression.

"I wanted to talk to you so it wouldn't feel like we had any strain because of your sister."

Sophie sniffled, "If . . . if you mind asking, did . . . did she hurt you that night?"

Clem blinked thinking back to that night before looking down at her leg, "She . . . she sliced my leg open . . ."

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry," she gasped putting her hands over her mouth.

She held her leg out pulling up her the sleeve of her jeans showing Sophie her prosthetic leg while Hope looked down staring at it curiously. Sophie frowned somberly never thinking her own sister could do something like this.

"It's one of the reasons why I lost it and because of . . . another incident."

"Jesus, those people really messed her up."

Clem looked back up at her giving her a reassuring grin, "I'm grateful they didn't mess you up and . . . I would like for us to get to know each other better if that's okay with you."

Sophie's face brightened up a lot at that, "A-Absolutely, sure, I would love that."

"That's great," Clem chirped, "I gotta go over the map around the territory, but I'll catch up with you later on."

"All right, I'll see you later on."


As the morning began to fade into early afternoon Violet wanted to walk back to school to see about Blossom. Moo walked beside his hand brushing up against hers. He turned to her giving her a sheepish smile.

"Um, could I . . .?" he nodded his head towards her hand.

She chuckled nervously scratching the back of her head, "Y-yeah, until we get back to the school."

He then wrapped his large hand around her smaller bony one squeezing it gently as they continued walking. She could feel her heart almost wanting to jump out of her chest, not because of the fear of being caught, but the fact that she was actually holding a guy's hand. She still questioned herself about if this meant she was now into guys now if she was with Moo. Even though Minerva was gone she still missed her but didn't have any feelings for her anymore. Her crush on Clem slowly started to fade away but thought about her every now and then.

God, this shit is so confusing . . .

"Vi," he said knocking her out of her thoughts.

"What is it?"

He looked down frowning sadly, "What does this mean for us. . .?"

She furrowed her brows in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"Mean . . . this has all been amazing, but . . . I'm gonna have to go back to Charlottesville soon . . ." he informed regretfully, "I . . . I'll have to leave you and . . . and I don't know when I'm gonna see you again."

She blinked completely forgetting about that. Matthew didn't stay here at the school, he had to go back to Charlottesville eventually. He had responsibilities to tend to and her mother would be wondering what was the hold up.

But every night she was kept thinking . . .

She thought about how much weight her and Blossom put on the group, especially after her accident. She can't hunt, fish, nor go on lookout duty or patrol. Basically her only role was to stay behind and look after Blossom. But if she went back to Charlottesville with Blossom she would at least have opportunities to contribute to the town, and her mother was the leader which made it even less of a challenge. She would finally get to know her siblings more, catch up with Sophie, reconnect with her mother, and be together with Moo.

She's been at the school so long she never thought she would find a new place to call home. She smiled at the thought of raising Blossom in a safe environment and teach her many things along the way. It was a chance for her daughter to have a happy life, and a chance for Violet to be happy with a person who truly cares for her.

She turned to him with the corners of her mouth lifting.

"You don't ever have to worry about that, Moo."

He raised a brow, "Why?"

She kicked the dirt can't helping but keep smiling, "I've been thinking about it . . . and I realized that I might have a purpose there."

"What are you trying to say?"

"Moo . . . I decided that it may be best if Blossom and I come stay with you guys."

His widened in disbelief as he couldn't believe what he was hearing, "A-are y-you fucking serious?! Y-you really are . . .?!"

She chuckled, "Yeah, I'm serious, I want to be with you."

He laughed out loud with joy picking her up spinning her around while she laughed along with him. He stopped holding her close giving her a long kiss on the lips then pulled away looking each other with twinkling eyes.

"You're amazing, Vi," he breathed touching her cheek.

"I know," she giggled.

They started to kiss each other again until Moo heard his name being called from a far. They quickly pulled away in case if it was somebody from the school. But Violet didn't recognize the voice sounding anyone from the school. As it got louder Moo's head shot up knowing exactly who's voice it was.

"Coyote!" he gasped running towards the voice, "Follow me!"

Violet did as he said running by behind him. She wondered why she would even be out here. She thought maybe her mother sent her because they were out for a while longer than she expected. As the two kept following her voice they soon found her cart riding towards them as they stopped.

When Coyote stopped she leaped out of the cart running towards Moo hugging him tightly with him hugging back in response. Violet stomach started to turn when he heard her sobbing into his arms.

"M-M-Moo, I-I'm so sorry!" she kept crying, "T-they t-told to keep m-my mouth shut! I-I tried, I really tried!"

Moo pulled the way desperately wanting to know what was wrong with her. It really worried him to death because Coyote barely cried.

"What's wrong?" he asked worryingly grabbing her shoulders.

She turned to Violet as she began to cry more barely keeping a hold of herself.

"M-Mary's b-b-been t-taken!"

Before Moo could asked Violet butted in first, "By who?!"

"M-Miguel!! In exchange for you, Mattie!!"

Violet didn't recognize the name but it looked like Moo did as his face started to turn white. She sniffled wiping some of her tears away but still couldn't stop them from falling.

"Y-your mother said she was going to where she was taken and try to convince him to take her instead."

"W-where's Cobra?" he asked hesitantly.

Coyote almost started crying again, "H-he left me halfway because he wanted to protect Victoria. I tried to stop him, but . . ."

Moo turned away staring down at the ground as his breaths quickened. The color drained out Violet's face at the news of all this, mainly the fact that her mother's been taken. Moo then fell to his knees burying his head in his hands as he began to cry as well. Coyote rubbed his shoulder while Violet went over to tap him to get his attention. He turned her looking into his teary eye almost making her want to cry.

Before she could say anything he got up wrapping his arms around her his face buried in her shoulder as she hugged back.

She began to think if she didn't have a reason to go to Charlottesville she sure had a hell of a reason now.

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