The Crown Gets What the Crown...

By Perewinklebuzz

16.3K 379 225

Zim, a struggling prostitute has an unexpected visitor, the prince himself. Enjoy this tale taken from a role... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Fourteen

486 17 7
By Perewinklebuzz

⚠️Quick trigger warning, there is rape and mentions of suicide in this chapter, please stay safe.⚠️
"He needs a doctor!"
Zim said frantically, the others began a search for a doctor.
The castle doctor came over and quickly lead Dib and Zim to the infirmary. They checked his vitals and turned to Zim,
"What happened before he got ill?"
"We he was eating my meat because I can't eat it..."
They took some blood samples and covered their mouths when they saw what had happened
"He was poisoned"
Zim went pale,
"This is my fault... I-I think I was supposed to be poisoned."
"We'll check the chef's food immediately...guard, send everyone to their rooms."
The guard nodded and Zim fell to his knees and stared helplessly at Dib's unconscious body.
"Is there anything you can do to help him?"
Zim whimpered.
"Well...yes, but it'll cost you"
The male doctor said as he looked at Zim and crossed his arms a bit. Zim whimpered and looked at Dib again.
"I'd do anything for my Dib."
The doctor smirked and grabbed Zim's wrist as he took him up the stairs.
"Where are you taking me, aren't you going to help him?"
"Well you're chatty"
The doctor mumbled under his breath, Zim looked back at he infirmary as he whined a bit
"Didn't you want payment? "
"Oh I do, and I'm getting it."
Zim didn't like the man's smile, it scared him. He started to struggle a bit as the man threw him into the first empty room he saw and locked the door.
He ordered as he took off his coat and shirt. Zim's eyes widened and he whimpered again, but shakily stripped down to his underwear.
"All the way"
The man said in a strict tone as he stripped down to nothing and looked Zim over with a smirk. Zim frowned, but pulled the panties down, shivering from the cold and fear. He felt overexposed, and sick enough to throw up. He didn't want to do this.
The guy walked closer to Zim as he pinned the Irken down and roughly pushed into him. Zim hissed at the rough entry and fought back tears, couldn't this jerk at least be gentle?
The man didn't give Zim time to adjust and immediately started moving, Zim clenched onto the carpets as kept his eyes clenched shut, but couldn't help it as he let out a moan.
"You like that you slut?"
The man sneered as he rammed into Zim.
Zim moaned as he covered his mouth immediately and looked away. The man growled and slapped Zim across the face. He whimpered again and a tear fell, he wanted this to be over so this bastard would help Dib.
The man continued as he eventually came into Zim and pulled out, washing himself off with a towel as he got his pants on and stood up. Zim just shook and curled up in a ball.
The man rolled his eyes and finished getting dressed.
"Fucking whore."
He hissed before he left to go back to the infirmary.
Zim cried as he covered his face and sniffled as he let out loud sobs. This caught the attention of some servants as they went to go see what was wrong and were shocked to see Zim. A female servant immediately grabbed a blanket and threw it over Zim.
"What happened?"
The girl asked, Zim's eyes watered again as he struggled to form words.
"I...I was raped b-by a doctor"
He managed to sputter out as he held onto the blanket and hid his face in it, ashamed of what had happened. The girl's face went pale,
"W-was he blond? Kinda tall?"
Zim nodded shakily, the girl pulled Zim into a hug.
"He... he assaulted me and three other maids I know, I'm so sorry... if I had said something to the King and Queen then this wouldn't have happened..."
Zim hugged back and held onto her tightly as he cried onto her shoulder
"I...its ok it's ok...none of this was your fault."
He said in a soft tone as he let out shaky breaths. The girl took a breath,
"I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna gather the other victims and present our case to the King and Queen so he can't hurt anyone else."
Zim nodded as he got some pants on and his dress shirt
"I'll go with you...this is going against our peace agreement for all the kingdoms."
"You'll be a great testimony, thank you."
The girl started walking out of the room, Zim finished dressing and followed after her.
The girl was now talking to two girls, one about 14 and one in her early twenties.
"May, Jess, please, we can get rid of him, he just assaulted a stranger and he's going to testify too! We can feel safe again."
"Molly, will you protect us if this fails?"
The fourteen year old asked in a quivering voice.
"I swear on my soul Jess. I won't let that man ever hurt you or anyone again."
May thought for a second and nodded as she put a hand on Jess's shoulder
"Alright...who's the stranger? "
She asked as Zim walked out from behind Molly and gave a small wave
"This is him...he was assaulted quite recently and he'll be one of our witnesses"
The eldest girl steeled herself with a breath and started marching to  the throne room.
"Wait I thought you said there were three other girls?
Zim asked, Molly grimaced.
"Betty... she took her life about a week after she was assaulted, we're pretty sure that monster molested her corpse too...
She was only 12..."
Molly blinked away tears and clenched her firsts as she followed May.
" so sorry"
Zim said as he looked down and let out a small sigh, what if he was like that one Irken?
He didn't want to get rid of the smeet again though so he would choose to keep it if he somehow got pregnant.
They arrived at the throne room where Gretchen and her parents sat. Molly bowed and stood up
"My queen...Scott has assaulted yet another person...this time it being the prince of the Siencia kingdom's boyfriend."
The Queen sighed,
"Again Molly? We don't appreciate liars. Scott is one of our best doctors, your little grudge against him is childish."
"B...but I'm not lying! He can even tell you!"
She pointed to Zim and the irken started to speak.
"He said that...he would help Dib if I paid him, and he took me upstairs and assaulted me."
The Queen raised an eyebrow.
"Where's your proof?"
Zim opened his mouth to speak but stopped as he hugged himself
"Please believe me...i swear I would never lie...he's dangerous to have around your servants"
Gretchen shook her head,
"He's obviously lying!"
"A child is dead because of the actions of this man!"
Molly cried,
"I'm terrified to go anywhere near the infirmary because of him, I'm tired of fearing for every girl that walks in those doors, tired of lying awake at night knowing that monster is going unpunished!"
Molly was in tears now. The queen sighed and stood up
"Very well! We will have one of our guards watch him. We will look into it more, ONLY if the guard sees anything happens."
"Thank you my Queen!"
Molly bowed again and Gretchen shot a withering look at Zim. Zim didn't notice and smiled as he walked to he infirmary to check up on his Dib.
Zim stood cautiously in the doorway as Scott tended to his lover. At least he was a man of his word... Zim let out a sigh of relief when Dib finally sat up as he ran over and hugged Dib tightly.
"Dib! You're okay! I was so worried!"
Zim buried his face in Dib's chest and chirred softly. Dib winced a bit, but smiled as he rubbed Zim's back and held him close.
"Thank you."
He said as he looked to the doctor.
Zim hissed under his breath. Dib frowned,
"Zim, this man helped me, be nice."
"That man only helped you because-"
Zim stopped himself as he let out a shaky breath and sighed,
"I'll tell you later"
He mumbled as he looked down, Dib opened his mouth to ask, but Gretchen entered the room in tears.
"Dibby! Oh I'm so sorry!"
Zim glared a bit as he held onto Dib tighter and buried his face in his boyfriend's chest.
"It's alright Gretchen, what even happened? I remember eating and then passing out."
"You were poisoned."
Gretchen said as she continued to cry,
"After Zim gave you his meat."
"But... why would someone poison Zim's food?"
Dib asked.
"Well...everyone keeps saying that Zim had asked the chefs to poison the food."
It took Dib a second to process that, but he frowned after awhile.
"That's not true, Zim had no chance to even talk to the chefs, he was by my side all night. Beside you can't even touch meat right?"
Dib turned to Zim.
"I can't, it burns my skin like filthy water does."
Gretchen paused
"Well it wasn't my of the guards said that they had spoken before hand at the ball last peace party...where Zim had told them to tell the chefs to."
"The last peace party Zim was once again by my side and kidnapped."
Dib said,
"Your guards have pretty crappy rumors."
Gretchen said as Zim growled a bit and held onto Dib tighter as he started to peirce through his skin a bit.
"Ow, Zim too tight."
Dib hissed lightly at the pain and Zim immediately loosened his grip.
"Sorry Dib..."
"It's alright darling."
Dib gently kissed the top of Zim's head. Gretchen glared at Zim a bit, but immediately stopped as Dib looked up.
"Is there any way I could get a carriage ride home?"
"Of course Dibbykins! Right away."
"Please don't call me that..."
Gretchen sighed and nodded as she walked away to get a carriage and the doctor went out as well.
"So what were you saying about the doctor?"
Dib asked, Zim's lip quivered,
"I was assaulted...he said I had to pay him to get you better and he took me upstairs and and..."
"You don't have to talk about it anymore."
Dib pulled Zim closer and rested his head on Zim's shoulder.
"I will make him pay."
"And I'm not the only one... he molested at least 4 other girls, one of which found me and comforted me. A-and one committed suicide because of it. All his victims were under 25, most being teens..."
Zim said pitifully, Dib felt his blood boil.
"Oh he's dead."
Zim whimpered and held onto Dib tightly as the prince let out a sigh and rubbed his back.
Gretchen came in not too long after as she had gotten the carriage ready
"I'll be the one riding with you back! "
She said excitedly and Dib gave an awkward smile
"I need to stay behind for a minute...stay with Zim until I get back."
Gretchen chirped, and Zim hesitatingly left Dib's side.
"See you soon."
Dib nodded and Zim followed Gretchen as she started walking. Zim was extremely nervous by Gretchen, as he kept his head down and looked off to the side. Gretchen's smile melted away as she turned to Zim.
"You don't deserve him..."
She slapped Zim and the Irken fell back as one of his contacts fell out and he covered his eye in a panic
"You hit my eye!"
"I know that you skank!"
Zim picked up his contact and shoved it in quickly.
"Ugh, still scratchy..."
Gretchen looked at him confused
"What did you just put in you eye"
She hissed as she grabbed Zim's wrist.
"My contacts, I need them to see."
Zim half lied annoyedly. She grumbled a bit as she grabbed Zim by his hair but his wig ended up just falling off as Zim's antenna went up.
Zim rolled his eyes,
"You really wanna know?"
Zim straightened his posture.
"I'm ex-food service drone Zim. Defective Irken soldier cast out from the empire and responsible for Tallest Spork and Miyuki's deaths.
I am the worst thing Irk has ever known, I am Zim!"
"The fuck?"
He took his contacts out and sighed
"I was sent here as punishment and worked as a prostitute until I met Dib, idiot."
He said as he rolled his eyes.
"Ugh! You really are a skank!"
Gretchen stuck out her tongue. Zim hissed as his antenna went down
"If I were then I wouldn't be with Dib ."
Gretchen was about to hit Zim again, but Dib fortunately stepped into the hall.
Zim put his wig on and shoved in his contacts and ran up to Dib.
"You ready to go home?"
Dib nodded and intertwined their hands. Gretchen growled as she looked to her guards
"Arrest Zim..."
She ordered as a few guards grabbed the irken. Zim reached for Dib desperately and whimpered.
"No! Let him go!"
Dib cried.
"He's under arrest...according to Royal law, a princess or prince must not marry someone that Is not of proper class."
Gretchen stated.
"Maybe your royal law. As a citizen of the Siencia kingdom he falls under my father's verdict. He deserves a fair trial with the King as all Siencians do."
"Then so be it! He will be held in a different carriage and will be put on a death penalty if proven unsuitable for the prince"
"No! He stays with me."
Dib pulled Zim out of the Guards' grip and held him close. Dib would growl at anyone who came close.

Dib, Zim, and Gretchen sat in the carriage heading back to the Siencia kingdom.
Zim laid in Dib's lap as the prince cooed to the distraught Irken and pet his head. Gretchen glanced over a few times, wishing Dib would care for her like he did to Zim. She sighed as she looked back over to the window, the carriage going a bit faster now that they were doing something quite serious. Zim shut his eyes, just wanting to be home.

The carriage took about two hours and once they got there Membrane was at the gate looking extremely upset.
"You're back early..."
Membrane said as he raised an eyebrow.
"I got poisoned."
Dib answered bluntly. Membrane sighed as he looked at Gretchen
"Is there anything else you want me to know? "
"Zim's a monster! And was a prostitute!"
Membrane raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms
"Well...Dib never told me Zim was a prostitute...I'd have to look more into that though...but a monster? I hardly think he could be a monster"
"H-he was bug feelers and big pink eyes!"
Membrane just looked at her.
"Anyways, Dib, Gaz wants to see you, Zim, we're going to talk."
Zim gulped. Dib nodded as he set Zim down and went over to Gaz. Some guards got Gretchen a room and Zim followed Membrane inside. Zim fidgeted with his fingers and took shaky breaths as he followed the towering king. Membrane walked into his office as Zim closed the door and sat in front of him
"W...what would you like to talk about?"
"So, tell me about before you met Dib."
Zim froze and spoke as he let out a shaky breath,
"I uh... I worked at a small brothel not too far from here...i did it for money but the people there weren't exactly that nice...i only did about four people a week but every time there was a good rating so uhm... I guess Dib saw that. He came in one day and... he was so nice to me."
Zim smiled to himself.
"For the following week I couldn't stop thinking of him and when he came again I was ecstatic. He saw that my boss had hit me and took me out of there to the castle. Then I met you and well, you know the rest."
Membrane thought for a second and wrote some stuff down
"So Zim...i hope you know would be strictly against Royal law to have a prostitute or any other kind of person like the next heir to the throne."
"I don't have to have the throne! I-I just want to be with Dib, he makes me feel like I have meaning again after years of feeling useless, I need him, and you know he needs me too..."
Membrane sighed and jotted some things down
"There will be strict rules then...
No getting engaged
No having any kids
No sex
No going to peace celebrations
And absolutely no messing with any other prince or princess"
"Those are... very hard to keep sire... I don't think Dib will like this idea..."
"Then he can send you back...these are the rules I have enforced "
Zim whimpered, but nodded.
"T-thank you."
Zim picked up the paper and left the room fighting back tears, he needed to find Dib.

Dib was by Gaz in her room and Zim opened the door out of breath.
"Zim! You're okay!"
The two embraced and Gaz smiled. Zim let go of Dib quickly though and showed him the list
"I have to do these if I want to stay with you"
Dib read them, then frowned.
"No sex? How the hell are we supposed to do that? I can barely keep my hands off you!"
Gaz kept herself from laughing and grabbed a whiteboard.
"Guess you have to start touching yourself again huh?"
She wrote as she showed it to Dib. Dib scowled as his face burned.
"At least I have somebody."
Gaz put a hand to her chest and feigned a hurt look, then snickered before stopping and actually looking really sad. Zim rubbed his arm a bit and looked down
" sorry Dib ... I told her I was a prostitute I...your probably mad at me"
"I'm mostly confused, what happened with you and Gretchen while I was gone?"
"S...she slapped me and one of my contacts fell out and then she pulled my hair, causing my wig to fall off and I uh...I told her everything"
He explained and a guard that was standing by the door quickly went to report back to Membrane.
"Dib, I'm scared... what if we mess up and-and we can't be together anymore?"
Dib silenced Zim's worry with a sweet kiss,
"I'll take the blame no matter what, I know you wouldn't wrong me, this is my fault anyways..."
"How do?"
"I knew that I shouldn't be at the brothel, but I went anyways... I can't say I regret it, as then I never would have met you, but still... I wish I could keep you safer..."
Dib sighed.

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