Remnant's Black Snow Hope [Un...

By CameronKiller535

235K 4.6K 1.5K

Rwby Harem x Depressed Fem Reader Rights Belong To Roosterteeth More

Volume 1 Bio Updated
Chapter 1 Redux: Chilly Start
Chapter 2 Redux: Chance For Change
Chapter 3 Redux: Burdens
Chapter 4 Redux: The Initiation
Chapter 5 Redux: Chained Jester
Chapter 6 Redux: Faltering Wills
Chapter 7 Redux: Rise & Fall
Chapter 8 Redux: Useless
Chapter 9 Redux: Erased
Chapter 10 Redux: Last Act
Chapter 11 Redux: Comfort
Volume Two Bio Redux
Chapter 12 Redux: Fatal Chapter
Chapter 13 Redux: Food Fight!
Chapter 14 Redux: Schemes
Chapter 15 Redux: Night Out
Chapter 16 Redux: Iron Claws
Chapter 17 Redux: Affections
Chapter 18 Redux: Sharing
Chapter 19 Redux: Just Dance
Chapter 20 Redux: Setting Out
Chapter 21 Redux: Purpose
Chapter 22 Redux: Duty-bound
Chapter 23 Redux: Risking It All
Chapter 24 Redux: Inversion
Chapter 25 Redux: Intertwined
Chapter 26 Redux: Treatment
Chapter 27 Redux: Petaling Snow
Chapter 28 Redux: Sick Queen
Chapter 29 Redux: Radiant
Chapter 30 Redux: Lamenting Jester
Volume 3 Bio Redux
Chapter 32: New Territory
Chapter 33: Scorpions Tail
Chapter 34: Painful Answers
Chapter 35: Struggles
Chapter 36: Renewed Hope
Volume 5 Chapter 37: Changes
Volume 5 Bio
Chapter 38: Marching On
Chapter 39: Evolution
Chapter 40: Back Together
Chapter 41: Old Times
Chapter 42: Mercy
Chapter 43: Shattered Part 1
Chapter 44: Awakened Part 2
Chapter 45: Blade
Chapter 46: Fight Club
Volume 6 Bio
Chapter 47: Journey to Argus
Chapter 48: Immortal
Chapter 49: Hope Lost
Chapter 50: Apathy
Chapter 51: Argus
Chapter 52: Ruby's Resolve
Chapter 53: The Plan
Chapter 54: Bonds
Chapter 55: Leviathan
Chapter 56: Atlas
Volume 7 Rival Bio
Chapter 57: New Territory
Volume 7 Bio
Chapter 58: Elites
Chapter 59: Need to Improve
Chapter 60: Queen's Blade
Chapter 61: Empress vs Queen
Chapter 62: Panic
Chapter 63: Family Revelations
Chapter 64: Trust
Chapter 65: Fear
The Plan
Chapter 66: Courage
Chapter 67 is out now
Chapter 67: War on Atlas
Volume 7 Ending Chapter 68: New Snow Fall
Epilogue: Black Snow At Peace
Chapter 70: Strange Yet Familiar
Author Route Volume 8 Bio
Volume 8 Karen and Akame Bio
Chapter 71: Feelings Of Pain
Chapter 72: Memories Hurt
Chapter 74: Ayuki's Past
Chapter 75: Queen's Trials
Sorry Once Again
Chapter 76: Memories Unraveling
Chapter 77: Secrets Revealed
Volume 8 End: Promise Between Empresses
Small Idea
Slice of Life Chapter 1: Video Game
SOL Chapter 2: Frozen Lemons 18+
SOL Chapter 3: Fear Of Belonging
SOL Chapter 4: Moon and Snow
Mother's Day

Chapter 73: Little Moon

532 19 2
By CameronKiller535

Ayuki POV:

I wake up seeing that last night wasn't a dream as I'm still laying on Y/N's bed.

I stand up and stretch to relax my muscles as I grab my clothes and put them on.

Ayuki: (I should really thank them for helping me yesterday)

I walk downstairs seeing no one is awake as I grab some ingredients and start cooking breakfast for them.

I start cutting some vegetables until I accidentally make a small cut on my finger.

Ayuki: Ow... should've been more careful.

I suddenly sense someone behind me.

Ayuki: Huh?

I turn around to see Yue staring at me as if she was in some kind of trance.

Ayuki: Y-Yue are you okay?

Yue: I'm fine...I just smelled something really good.

Ayuki: Yeah, I was making breakfast to repay everyone for last night.

Yue: Right...I heard a small scream are you okay?

Ayuki: It's nothing I just accidentally cut myself getting the vegetables ready for the eggs.

Yue: Okay...

She gets closer to me as I feel my face starting to heat up as I see Yue's breathing starting to get more rapid like she's trying to hold herself back from something.

Ayuki: Y-Yue?

She suddenly backs away and recomposes herself.

Yue: (embarrassed) I-I'm sorry Ayuki I don't know what came over me.

Ayuki: I-It's fine you're probably just a little delirious from just waking up.

Yue: R-Right...

Yue: (walking away) I'll...get the others for breakfast.

Ayuki: Okay...

I use my Aura to quickly heal the wound and continue on cooking before finishing up the dish.

I set up the table and plates for everyone as I put my weapons into my bag and place it behind my chair.

The others walk down completely ready for the day.

Ayuki: Good morning, Professors.

Miyuki & Koyuki: (tired) Morning...

Ayuki: (Why do they seem so drained?)

Karen: What's that amazing smell?

Neo: [It smells just like Miyuki's cooking]

Ayuki: I really wanted to thank you all for what you did for me yesterday, so I decided to make you all some breakfast.

They all take a seat and take a bite out of the meal as I wait an anticipation of what they like.

Ayuki: Do you it?

Koyuki, Miyuki, Yue, Akame, Karen, Neo: ......

They all give a thumbs up.

All: So good~!!!!

Miyuki: You definitely put my cooking to shame.

Karen: How'd you get so good?

Ayuki: I got some lessons from my brother other than that I've just been practicing.

Koyuki: It just blends so well together.

Yue: It really wakes you up.

Akame: Yeah, I don't feel drowsy at all anymore.

Ayuki: I'm glad you all like it.

I stand up and grab my bag.

Ayuki: I should be getting back to Beacon.

I open the door and I turn back to bow.

Ayuki: Thank you everyone, I'll see you back at Beacon.

I close the door behind me and start to run back to Beacon.

Ayuki: (Hopefully Rinka won't be too mad with me)

I continue on my way to Beacon until I hear something calling out to me.

???: (Help....)

Ayuki: (That voice again...)

I instinctively start following the voice as I find myself back in the same park from last night as I see the same sword from before.

???: (Help... please....)

I reach out to the sword before stopping myself.

Ayuki: (Are you Y/N...?)

???: (

I reach out to the sword again as my mind is filled with multiple images as I see a girl surrounded by some energy.

???: (I just want to see my Mommy and Daddy)

The image changes to her destroying multiple Airships with just a swing of her sword.

???: (LET ME SEE THEM!!!)

The images fade as I clench my head in pain.

Ayuki: (Who was that...?)

I look at my scroll to see I have only twenty minutes left to make it to class.

Ayuki: (I'm gonna be late!)

I start running back to Beacon full speed.

??? POV:

I continue to fly seeing that I'm getting farther and farther away from Atlas.

???: (Weiss and Penny were really nice)

A image fills my head as I see Weiss again but she looks younger than last time.

Weiss: (I love you my wonderful snowflake)

I clench my head in pain until I notice that I'm descending as I recompose myself and start flying normally again.

???: (What was that...? and why did my chest start to feel warmer than usual...?)

I look around to see I'm flying over a series of temples.

???: (Wow...)

I continue to look at the amazing view until I hear multiple growls down below.

I look down to see a cluster of roses being chased by a large pack of monster-like wolves.

???: (What's going on there?)

The cluster forms into a woman wielding a large Scythe as she gets cornered by the pack.

???: (She's in trouble!)

I land in between the pack and the woman.

???: You meanies leave her alone!

The creatures growl in response as I swing my sword down destroying the pack with a wave of Aura with snow falling soon after the destruction.

???: (Stupid bullies)

Rose Woman: Hey..

I turn to see the rose Woman looking at me.

Rose Woman: Thanks for helping my out.

Hearing that made me really happy as I feel my body move and gesture her to pat my head.

The woman hesitates at first but she pats my head as I feel even happier than before.

???: Yay~

Rose Woman: Blueberries...

???: Huh?

Rose Woman: Nothing! you have a name?

???: A name...?

Rose Woman: You don't have one?

???: Is that bad?

Rose Woman: No! No! It's just I want to be able to properly thank you for saving me.

???: you think you could give me a name?

Rose Woman: Really?! Okay, just gimme a second.

She starts to zoom around getting closer to me as if she's examining me.

Rose Woman: (mumbling) It has to be something meaning snow...due to her Semblance.

Rose Woman: Mmmm....Yukime...Yukina....Oh! How about Fuyuko?

???: Fuyuko...?

Rose Woman: It means winter child.

???: Mmm...

Rose Woman: Do you like it?

I hug her feeling the happiest I've ever been.

???: (smiles) I love it! Thank

Rose Woman: Ruby Rose.

Fuyuko: Thank you Ruby!

Ruby: I'm glad you like it.

Fuyuko: Yeah!

Ruby: So, what were you doing her Fuyuko?

Fuyuko: I was looking for my parents when I saw you were in trouble.

Ruby: Do you know where they are?

Fuyuko: Mmhm...They're in Vale.

Ruby: All the way at Vale?! How were you gonna get there?!

Fuyuko: (levitating off the ground) I was gonna fly.

Ruby: How far did you get?

Fuyuko: I came from a place called Atlas.

Ruby: Atlas?!

Fuyuko: Yeah...that was about three hours ago.

Fuyuko: I got a lot of help from a really nice lady named Weiss.

Ruby: Weiss Schnee?

Fuyuko: I think so...she had a friend named Penny too.

Ruby: Those are my friends!

Fuyuko: Really?

Ruby: they got you out of Atlas.

Fuyuko: Mmhm...I had to promise to be a good girl.

Ruby: Well, you're definitely keeping it.

I start to fly higher.

Fuyuko: Will you be safe now?

Ruby: Yeah, you got most of them.

Ruby: Be safe Fuyuko!

Fuyuko: I will! Bye Ruby!

I start flying away waving goodbye at Ruby as she does the same.

Fuyuko: (I hope I meet more nice people like her)

Yue POV:

After finishing up my classes and school I decided to visit Y/N earlier before heading home.

Yue: Hey, Mom.

Yue: I've been enjoying my time at Beacon with Aunties and Akame.

Yue: I've learned so much about the world and I've gotten a little better at drawing.

I grab my bag and take out one of my drawings.

Yue: I hope you like it.

Yue: I wanted to talk to you alone like this since I almost did something really bad this morning.

Yue: I almost bit Ayuki for her blood.

Yue: It's just her blood almost smelled just like yours and I almost lost it.

Yue: I don't want to scare Ayuki away since she's actually one of the few people I've been able to make friends with.

Yue: Auntie Miyuki and Koyuki seem to be acting the same way about her too.

Yue: I don't know if you're trying to tell us something important but we really miss you a lot.

Yue: Auntie Koyuki & Miyuki have been really trying to keep me happy but I wish I could do the same for them.

Yue: I can tell that they've been feeling really sad lately and all I want to do is make them smile again.

Yue: I just don't know if I'm doing anything right for them.

Koyuki & Miyuki: Of course you are.

I turn to see them behind me.

Yue: Aunties...?

Miyuki: We knew you'd be here.

Koyuki: Yue, you've been doing amazing.

Miyuki: We couldn't be anymore proud of you.

Yue: But I know you've both been a lot sadder lately and all I want you is for you to be happy again.

Koyuki: Yue, we couldn't be happier with how things have been.

Miyuki: Sometimes it may not seem like it but we're happy when we see you being happy...

Koyuki: It makes us happy because it shows that we're doing something right by you.

Yue: Really?

Miyuki: You've grown up so much for the past five years making new friends, getting through school, it really makes us happy to see how far we've made it.

Koyuki: We feel sad because Y/N isn't here to fully experience it.

Miyuki: But...with all these new changes I'm starting to think she is here watching over us all.

Yue: Yeah... maybe you're right.

Miyuki: Let's go home.

Yue: Yeah...

I hold their hands as we walk back home until I hear a voice call out to me.

???: (I love you Yue...)

I look back to see Y/N's sword shining brightly.

Yue: (I love you too mommy)

Chapter End

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