Radiance | Keiji Akaashi (Hai...

By neko-chanuwuu

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"With a star before my eyes, all there is left for me to do is to 'play as I have always done' and deliver. I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 12

140 5 1
By neko-chanuwuu

Second Year of High School:

Katsumi and I went to the gym where the volleyball club was held. Even though Katsumi was still in the girls' volleyball club, she would always go straight to our gym and not theirs. When I asked her about this, this was her response.

"Well that's because everyone in our club is stingy! I honestly don't like them! It's way better with you guys!" she explained with a pout on her face then suddenly smiling and flailing her arms around as she said the last sentence quite cheerfully.

I looked at her dead in the eyes, "If you hate them so much, then why don't you switch clubs then?"

She turned her head to me with amazing speed, "Eh?! That's allowed?!"

"Of course it's allowed. It's not like we're being held as prisoners during club." I explained. Her eyes were now sparkling and she hit her fist on her palm. "Yosh! I'll fix that tomorrow. If they ever went back crying to me, I swear I'll kick their sorry ugly asses!"

"She talks like Bokuto-san." I thought as I opened the gym doors. Everybody on the team was there, even our managers.

Bokuto's face lit up as he saw me. He ran towards me and put an arm on my shoulder, nearly squishing my thin neck. "Akaashi! God, how much I missed you!"

"Bokuto-san, we went to the hot springs together just last week."

"Oh, c'mon! A week is long for me. Didn't yah miss me?"

"Not even a little bit."

"Akaashi! You're supposed to say 'I missed you too, Bokuto-san'!"

"We're not in some kind of movie, Bokuto-san. I don't need scripts, especially when they came from you."

Bokuto started to ruffle my hair roughly. "Aw, c'mon! Warm up to me a lil' bit, will yah?! You've been cold for years!"

Konoha cleared his throat and that stopped Bokuto's hand ruining my hair. "We have something to discuss, right Captain?"

When that last word rolled out Konoha's tongue, I swear I saw flames inside Bokuto's eyes as he let me go and put his hands on his hips as he began laughing for no particular reason. 

I rubbed my neck to soothe it from Bokuto's tight grip. Bokuto began flailing his arms upward and began shouting "Hey, hey, hey!" in a loud and annoying manner.

"That's right! I am now the captain of this team!" he announced as he erupted in laughter once again. I sighed, "Who made you the captain of this team?"

"Me!" he proudly said as he pointed his thumb at himself then laughing again. "And Akaashi! You're gonna be our lovely vice captain! Hey, hey, hey!"

He continued lifting his fist upward then laughing at the same time. "So that's why he's full of energy today." I mumbled to myself. 

Konoha and Komi approached me as they began shaking their heads at Bokuto, smiling a bit apologetically. 

"Konoha-san. Komi-san. How did this happen?" I asked as I pointed a finger at Bokuto who was still engrossed in his laughing. 

"Well, actually..." Konoha trailed off. "We voted for Washio being the team captain and all of the sudden Bokuto started wailing saying he wants to be the captain and stuff."

"He held a tantrum because of that. It was terrible, and a pain-in-the-ass." Komi said as he nodded.

"I could totally imagine that." I commented. "That's why we just... we let him do want he wants. We're starting to regret our life choices, honestly."

Konoha took a look at Bokuto who was dancing with Katsumi. They were dancing Macarena, without any form of music. 

"Totally." Komi also took a look at Bokuto and nodded his head once again.

"Everyone! Gather around here! We're having a meeting!" Bokuto began shouting with his arms outstretched. 

"A meeting in the first day of school? Well, that's new." Konoha commented as the three of us began walking to Bokuto's spot.

All of the club members sat on the wooden floors, leaving only Bokuto standing up. Bokuto put his hands on his hips, a big grin plastered on his face.

"Konoha! Get your ass up here!" Bokuto commanded as he pointed a finger at him. "Eh?! Why?"

"Just c'mon!"

Konoha rolled his eyes as he standing up. "Stupid useless dumbass captain."

"Alright!" Bokuto began. "So, the team decided that-"

"Ah sorry but correction." Komi raised his hand. "You're the only one who decided this without consulting us."

"Argh! Let me finish!" he shouted then cleared his throat afterwards. "Kuroo and I have been talking and he proposed this amazing idea! You know, Kuroo from Nekoma with weird spiky black hair that stands at all directions."

He started to imitate his hair by put his hands on his head and sticking up his fingers. He began curving his lips upwards, I assumed he was also imitating Kuroo's creepy smirk.

"Bokuto-san, you're getting distracted. Please get to the point." I pointed out. "Oh right, right."

"So," he trailed off and he looked up as he brought his hand on his chin, stroking it. "What was I going to say again?"

Everybody looked at him with dead eyes while Konoha got pissed off and kicked Bokuto's butt. "You're the one who decided to have this meeting then you'll just forget what you're gonna say?! Some half-assed captain, are you?!"

Bokuto pouted at Konoha as he rubbed his hands against his butt, soothing the pain he got from a powerful kick.

Konoha clicked his tongue and crossed his arms against his chest. "What Bokekuto wants to say here is, we need two mascots to attract first-years in our club which will be done tomorrow."

I thought almost everyone's eyes lit up and excited murmuring from the others began erupting.

"Well done, Bokekuto-san." I said. "Akaashi! My name's Bokuto! Not Bokekuto! Damn you, Konoha!"

"If I remembered correctly, you called me Akashi for a week." I reminded him. Bokuto sweat dropped and averted his gaze from mine by cupping a hand on his eyes.

Konoha clapped and cleared his throat. "So, does anyone in the group want to volunteer themselves to be mascots?" his eyes roamed around us.

Katsumi's hand shot straight up. She had a big smile on her face and was wiggling her fingers, desperate to get Konoha's direction. "Ooh! Me! Me!"

Konoha's eyes landed on her and nodded his head at her. "We now have one. We need another one."

Nobody raised their hands. Everyone was avoiding eye contact with him, they were either whistling, fiddling with their nails and fingers, or just plain averting their gazes. It looked like a scene at school where nobody wants to get called for recitation. 

Bokuto who had been rubbing his butt the whole time exclaimed and pointed at Yukie. "Yukippe! You must be one of the mascots!"

"Definitely not. I don't like to stand under the sun with no food around me." she retorted. "You're worried about your stomach getting hungry and not the sun's dangerous ultra-violet rays?!" Konoha yelled.

"Konoha sure is paying attention to his Science classes." Komi whispered on my ear. I chuckled.

Bokuto was now pointing at Suzumeda. "Suzumeda! Please?!"

"How about no? I also don't like standing under the sun with boys from every corner checking me out." she said as she waved her hand at Bokuto. "Can't you be more worried about the sun giving you sunburns?!"

"If no one's gonna volunteer, we have to nominate." Konoha regained his usual self as he suggested this. But as soon as he said those, all eyes landed on me.

I looked at them, confused. "What?"

"Dude, you're gonna be our second mascot." Konoha said. "Why?"

"Well because...." Bokuto started. He began ruffling his hair with two of his hands as if he was struggling what to say next. "Because.... you're Akaashi! I'm sure you'll attract a lot of first-years!"

"What's that suppose to mean?" I grimaced a bit. Bokuto clasped his hands together as he bowed down his head. "Please Akaashi!"

I closed my eyes and sighed. "Alright, Bokuto-san. If it's for the club's sake, maybe I could do it."

Bokuto jumped high. "Yay! Hey, hey, hey!"

He quickly recovered and clapped his hands two times. "Now that we have our mascots, it's time to talk about their costumes!"

Bokuto grabbed something from his pocket, and as it turned out it was two pieces of paper that has been folded into four. He began opening it and showed us the paper's contents.

The first paper had a picture of white horned owl mascot that resembled Bokuto a lot and the second paper had a picture of a Fukurodani cheerleader outfit. 

It consists of a black sleeve-less crop-top with white large letters printed on the middle that read "Fukurodani" which also had yellow and white long lines on the side as details and a black short skirt with yellow and white linings, alternating. It also came along with a long black high-sock that reached the thighs.

"Anyone who wants this kindly raise their hands." Bokuto said as he lifted the second picture up. Almost everyone's hands shot upward, except mine. I looked at them one by one with a confused expression.

Even Bokuto and Konoha have their hands raised. "B-Bokuto-san-" I was cut off.

"Then! We don't need this anymore." he crumpled the first paper and threw it behind him. "Bokuto-san, are you saying I'll be also wearing that?!"

"Absolutely! I think you'll look good in these!" Bokuto smiled very widely as he pressed the paper on my face.

"Definitely not, Bokuto-san. I'm not wearing those." I declared as I swatted the paper away from my face and crossed my arms on my chest.

Bokuto got something from his pocket. It was a pen. When he pressed it, it started talking.

"Alright, Bokuto-san. If it's for the club's sake, maybe I could do it."

It was my voice that came out of it. Bokuto was smirking at me as he wagged the pen around. "Too bad, Akaashi. You already agreed to it."

I quickly stood up and tried to grabbed the pen from Bokuto's grasp but failed doing so. He set the pen higher making it go out of my reach. "Maybe I could, you know, tell people that you've been neglecting club and...."

He trailed off as he looked at me with his eyebrow raised, looking amused. 

Konoha put a hand against his mouth, a smirk forming. "Oya? Is Akaashi not a man of his word? Man, that was unexpected."

I furrowed my eyebrows and bit my lower lip. I clicked my tongue as I turned my head to the side, "Alright. But just for a little bit."

Bokuto cheered and it was soon followed by the cheers of others as well.

"Hey, hey, hey! We're going to have a lot of first-years this year!"

And that's the story of how I have been tricked by Bokuto-san.

"W-what does it l-look?" I kept on stuttering as turned my head to the side, averting my gaze from theirs. My hands were behind my back, fiddling with my fingers. I kept my legs close and my foot slightly sliding the ground.

"You look great, Akaashi!" Yukie said as she had her clasped hands against her cheek. My cheeks just warmed up in embarrassment. 

She said that she would check on Katsumi who was inside of another room, maybe next door. I nodded as she went out of the club room.

There was a mirror next to me so I decided to take a look. The hem of the crop-top was just below my chest, exposing my abdominal muscles. Since it was sleeve-less, it also showed my arms and biceps. The skirt was short that it only covered half of my thighs but I was wearing long black socks that reached the spot just above my knees.

"This outfit is really revealing. It's embarrassing." I thought to myself as I put a hand on my elbow and began rubbing it. I also noticed that my face and ears were bright red.

"Akaashi-san!" I heard Katsumi's voice. I turned and saw her by the door, a hand on her hip. My eyes widen as she looked magnificent.

The crop-top revealed her slim waist, her well-defined thin arms were also showing, her short skirt also reached the half of her delightful thighs, and the long socks only reached up to her shins. She had her hair tied up into a high ponytail and some of her baby hair falls on her face and she had slight make-up. The outfit revealed a lot of her skin which looked smooth and soft. Her complexion was surprisingly fair.

"Beautiful." I thought. "Really beautiful."

I felt my heart fasten its beating and my cheeks warming up more.

"Oh my, you really look pretty in that! Honestly, it suits you. I thought you were a girl for a second." Katsumi commented, snapping me back to reality. I shook my head a little and smiled a little at her.

"Y-yeah." I looked at the ground then back at her. "Katsumi-san, you look really beautiful." I blurted out. Katsumi grinned at me. "Shucks, you're making me blush. Thanks, Akaashi-san!"

I only smiled softly.

Suddenly, Bokuto entered the club room letting the opened door hit the wall with a loud bang. He saw us and I could see sparkles around him. "Akaashi! Katsumi! Both of you look really beautiful!"

"Thank you, Nii-chan!" Katsumi giggled as I only grimaced at Bokuto. He suddenly whipped out his flip phone out of his pocket and began taking pictures of us in every sides and angles in a fast pace. "Bokuto-san, stop taking pictures."

He kept his phone and began looking up the ceiling and clasping his hands together. "God, I personally thank you for this heavenly sight."

I facepalmed. Bokuto quickly recovered as he put his right arm on Katsumi's shoulders and his left arm on mine. He began squishing our necks.

"Jeez! You two are so pretty! Can I marry the two of you?" he asked as he looked at us with a big grin on his face.

"Bokuto-san, you'll be having a homosexual and incestuous relationships if you do that." I stated as matter-of-fact.

"Is that a no?" he looked at me with puppy-dog eyes. "It's a no. Definitely a no, Bokuto-san."

"Aw..." he mumbled as he let go the two of us.

"Hey Akaashi-san! Do the thing we talked about yesterday!" Katsumi suddenly said.

"But Katsumi-san-" she cut me off by clasping both her hands and looked at me with a pleading face. "Pleaseee!"


I looked at her with furrowed eyebrows and sighed. "Alright, Katsumi-san."

I closed my legs and slightly lifted one knee up. I closed my hands into fists and placed them against my chest. I turned my head away so they wouldn't see how embarrassed and red I was. I mumbled, "Pyon, pyon."

Bokuto who had been in his emo mode suddenly recovered his mood when he saw me do that. Now, he and Katsumi were looking at me with pleased and satisfied expressions.

"Akaashi-san! Cuteeee!"

"Akaashi! That was so cute! Make sure to do that later!"

"I'm not doing it again, Bokuto-san."

We went to the center of the academy to endorse our club to first-years. We went to our table with a giant postcard with "Volleyball Club" written on it in flawless handwriting. They were only two chairs and there sat Bokuto and Konoha. The others were left standing, including us mascots of course.

I sighed as Katsumi and I stood next to our table. I looked around and other clubs were also endorsing their clubs to the students. Some did amazing stunts, some just sat on their chairs, and some also have mascots. 

But what caught my attention was the basketball club was doing a yoga. And the yoga club which was stationed next to them just stared at the opposing club with dead looks. "I didn't know we had a yoga club." I thought.

I also saw a swim club in their swimming attire. It was ridiculous because they laid on the ground, flailing their arms as if they were swimming. "Pathetic."

The sun was shining directly on us. The sun rays slightly burned my skin. Even though my outfit was revealing, it wasn't even cooling to wear. It was really hot and I already  felt exhausted because of the unbearable heat.

Some boys started to check out Katsumi who had been energetically moving around and smiling rather very widely. I squinted my eyes and began emitting dark aura as I grabbed a volleyball and planned where to toss the ball, to their faces or their crouches. 

"Now, now, Akaashi. We won't be attracting new members if you kept on scowling like that." Konoha put a hand on my shoulder as he reminded me. I sighed as I set the ball back down on the table.

I noticed that girls started to stare long at me. It made me more tense and embarrassed as I tried to hide my body using my small arms and avoid eye contact as much as possible.

"I think it's time to show off my spikes." Katsumi said as she forced a smile on her face, few veins popping on her face. She was facing the girls who were staring intently on me. I thought she was trying to chase those girls away with a powerful spike of hers.

"Katsumi, calm down." Konoha stood in front of Katsumi as he slowly tried to grabbed the ball away from her.

"Um... excuse me." someone squeaked nearby. I turned and saw three girls in front of me. They all had long hair but their hair colors differ from one another. They were all small. "What club is this?"

"Boys' volleyball club." I answered. "Oh. Can we... uhm... get your number?"

I titled my head on the side and blinked stupidly at them. "Why?"

"Um..." the girl suddenly stopped talking when suddenly Bokuto and Konoha appeared on my sides.

"You could get my number instead." Bokuto suggested as he wiggled his eyebrows. "Or mine." Konoha quickly said as he smirked.

The girl laughed nervously. "I... I wasn't asking for yours, sorry."

The two went back to their seats and slumped their backs, both in dejected mode.

"Um... where are we?" the girl giggled as she put a strand of hair behind her ear. "Can we sign up as your managers instead?"

Suddenly, I felt murderous intent near me. There, I saw Katsumi, Yukie, and Suzumeda who was cracking their knuckles and forcing a smile. Angry veins present on their faces. "You dare take our positions away from us? Hmm?"

And with that the girls got terrified and began walking away a little too fast.

"Katsumi! Yukippe! Suzumeda! What did you do?! We need club members, remember?!" Bokuto began yelling at the three.

"We don't need more managers." Yukie stated as she flipped her hair. 

"Yeah, the three of us are enough." Suzumeda smiled, it was a bit scary if I was going to be honest.

"We're enough, right, Nii-chan?" Katsumi had her eyes darken and was smiling scarily as she put a hand on Bokuto's shoulder. "Yes! Absolutely! Love the three of you!"

The three smiled softly at him while Bokuto was left laughing nervously. "They got him."

Few minutes later, two boys approached Katsumi. One of them rested their arm on her shoulder and the other put a hand on her waist.

"What's your name, princess?" the blonde one asked, smirking.

"Want to go somewhere with us?" the black-haired one whispered, eyebrows slightly wiggling.

Katsumi just looked at her feet, discomfort and nervousness present on her face. I suddenly felt anger burn inside my chest.

Bokuto and I quickly approached them and looked intimidatingly at them. Bokuto began cracking his knuckles while I hold a volleyball while cracking my fingers.

"You got business with my little sister here? Huh?!" Bokuto yelled at the two boys which I thought quivered at his scary face and tone of voice.

"Want this ball hit your sorry juniors?" I asked them as I held up the ball. They quickly shielded the spot between their legs using their hands.

They just shook their heads vigorously and at a fast pace. The two of us forced a smile and Bokuto offered them both a can of soda.

At first, they looked at it confusingly but grabbed it anyway. They opened it and the cans' contents began spraying on their faces. The two boys looked like wet dogs.

Their ears and faces started to turn red as they started to run away. Katsumi blinked but suddenly erupting in laughther. "What the heck was that?!"

"Katsumi Protection Squad!"

"Katsumi-san Protection Squad."

Bokuto and I said at the same time. "I was actually saving those sodas for Konoha but I could do that next time." Bokuto gave a toothy grin at her sister. 

"What did you say, Bokuto?!" Konoha yelled as he started rolling up his sleeves. Bokuto decided to just ignore him.

Katsumi just smiled widely as she put her arms around our necks. "Thanks, you two. I owe you."

"Hey, hey, hey! That's just what older brothers do, you know?"

I smiled as the two Bokutos laughed. I'm glad to have these two by my side.

"Argh! Instead of attracting new club members, our mascots kept on getting hit on!" Bokuto groaned as he opened the door to the club room.

School hours finally ended. And now I could finally remove this silly outfit and change into more comfortable clothes.

Bokuto and the others grabbed their bags and began walking out of the gym as soon as they entered it.

"We're having hot pot guys! Hey, hey, hey!" Bokuto announced as he lifted his fist upward. "Akaashi! Get dressed immediately!"

"I will, Bokuto-san." I said and with that they already left.

I sighed as I rummaged through my bag for my uniform. My body felt tired and really hot. My head was even worse, it has been aching for hours. It felt really painful, my headache.

I massaged my temples using my fingers to soothe the pain. Some of the pain went away but apparently some stayed.

"Akaashi-san!" Katsumi called my name as she opened the door. She already changed into her school uniform. "Katsumi-san."

"Eh? Still not changing?" she observed me from head to toe as she entered the door and closed the door behind her.

I only motioned at my cheerleader clothes using my hands as the answer to her question.

"Akaashi-san, are you alright? You look kinda pale." she noticed as she approached me.

"Not exactly. My head hurts really bad." I answered as I turned my back to her to smoothen my white collared shirt.

"You really have well-toned muscles." I heard Katsumi said as she put a hand on my back that was exposed.

I flinched a little by her touch for her hand was cool to my hot skin. She gently glided her fingertips along my back, sending electric-like feeling which tickled me a little.

I faced her and our bodies were really close to each other. She looked straight into my eyes and she seemed lost in thought.

As usual, her face looked smooth and soft, her golden orbs looked alluring as ever, her long eyelashes were long and elegant, and her lips were pink and soft.


I put a hand against her cheek and carefully caressed my thumb on her face. Her face felt a bit warm against my hand. I knew it, her cheek was soft and smooth to my touch.

Katsumi's eyes fell from my eyes to my stomach. She slowly glided her fingertips on my stomach, her nails slightly grazing. Her touch sent an electric sensation through out my entire body.

It felt ticklish but good at the same time. It was making my heart beat slightly faster and my body temperature rising a bit.

Katsumi continued on caressing my abdomen. Her two hands were now holding my sides and gently gliding her thumbs on my V-lines.

I was starting to feel goosebumps on my arms and legs as she continued touching my stomach which left a ticklish and electric-like sensation.

I withdrew my hand that was holding her cheek and gently grabbed one of hands instead.

"Katsumi-san, it tickles." I said with a soft smile.

Her eyes immediately looked straight into mine. Slowly, I began to notice that her face and ears started turning red.

Katsumi immediately let me go and distanced herself from me. She looked flustered as she kept on bowing with an angle of ninety degrees countless times at fast speed.

"I-I'm sorry, Akaashi-san! I-I didn't mean to d-do that!" she yelled. Before I could answer "It's fine", she quickly scurry away towards the door.

"I'll let you change now! I... uh... wait here outside!" with that she closed the door with a loud slam that made me jump a little.

I blinked a few times before sighing. I changed into my uniform. Even though she's not nearby, I could still feel her cool gentle touch on my skin. I kinda miss it.

The headache was still present in my head and my body was getting hotter and hotter. It was kinda getting harder to breathe.

I twisted the doorknob and opened the door. There I saw Katsumi who was leaning her body against the metal rail. There was slight wind blowing which made her hair fly a little.


Katsumi jumped at my voice and panicked a little. "A-Akaashi-san!"

But she quickly recovered as she punched the air upwards and put on her signature smile. "Y-yosh! We're gonna eat hot pot! Nii-chan and the others already went ahead."

I put a hand on my forehead. Burning hot. "I'm sorry, Katsumi-san. I'm feeling quite unwell so I have to pass."

"Eh?" Katsumi's smile dropped as she looked worriedly at me. She put her palm on my forehead. "You're burning. Do you feel sick?"

"Not particularly. My body only feels hot and my head really hurts." I replied. She put a hand on her chin. "You've probably overheated because of standing long hours under the sun."

I only nodded at her judgement.

"Well then," she said proudly as she put her hands on her hips then smiling widely at me. "I'll take you home!"

"Are you sure?" I asked her, "I know you wouldn't want to miss eating hot pot."

"Nah, we could do that another time." she smiled brightly. "And I want to eat hot pot with you!"

I thought my heart skipped a beat after seeing Katsumi smile so beautifully and hearing the last sentence rolled out of her mouth. I smiled softly. "Alright, thank you Katsumi-san." 

The two of us went to the train station. The sun wasn't as hot as earlier but it was still too warm for me. The pain in my head was still there and my temperature hadn't even dropped since.

We went down the stairs where the trains were positioned. When I took a glance at the train, its doors were already closing and eventually it took off already without us inside.

"Aw! We missed the train!" Katsumi complained as we stepped off the stairs. I saw a bench nearby so I pointed my finger at it. "We could wait for the next one while sitting on that bench."

And we sat on the bench. Its cool metal slightly cooling my skin through my uniform. I rested my back and relaxed for a bit. I tried to massage my temples once again to soothe the pain.

Katsumi stood up and went to the nearest vending machine. She came back holding a water bottle. "Here. It's cold so you can also put it against your forehead."

"Thank you." I grabbed the bottle from her and drunk from it. Its cool water smoothly gliding on my tongue before swallowing it, cooling my dry and warm throat. It was refreshing. I rested it on my forehead, its coolness slightly soothing the ache. I sighed deeply.

"Akaashi-san," Katsumi called my name and I turned my head to her. She suddenly cupped my face with her hands. It was cool against my cheeks. "You're still burning."

She withdrew her hands and now they're on my temples. She began massage it, it felt good and the pain was slightly going away. 

"How are you feeling?" she asked, still massaging my temples. "Good now."

Katsumi suddenly stopped and pulled back her hands. She looked at me with a gentle expression. "Wanna lie down?"

I only nodded as she smiled and tapped her hand on her thighs. "Are you sure, Katsumi-san?"

"It's fine, it's fine."

And after hearing that, I lay my head on her thighs. Her thighs were soft, it was a nice cushion. Her skin was cool. I looked up to her and she only smiled sweetly at me.

I finally closed my eyes and rest for a bit. I suddenly felt her fingertips running through my scalp, playing with my hair. The feeling was soothing and relaxing. It felt nice, really nice. 

My heart beat was doubling its pace. It didn't felt good because it was getting harder to breathe, but I didn't hate it. It felt like my heart was hammering against my rib cage.

Katsumi-san is making me feel like this...

What.... what is this feeling...? It felt foreign but....

....it also feels good.


...I want more...


Okay. I just want to admit that I got really excited writing this chapter coz YOU KNOW AKAASHI WEARING CHEERLEADER OUTFIT LIKE ASDFGHJKL I'M SCREAMING. Anddd I got really pumped up so that's why this chapter is super long, it's 5000 words fyi. I hope you enjoyed this!

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