The Years of Blue [2]

By wintergirl08

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Book 2: After the disaster of last year, The Fountaine family has decided to take their daughter out of Hogwa... More

Music Playlist
Chapter 1: The Fourth of July
Chapter 2: The Guests
Chapter 3: Names and Surnames
Chapter 4: Quidditch and Letters
Chapter 5: I Leave at Last
Chapter 6: Paris
Chapter 7: The Carriage
Chapter 8: Beauxbatons
Chapter 9: The Fountain
Chapter 10: Another Surprise
Chapter 11: My Mother Shows Off
Chapter 12: Parents Weekend
Chapter 13: I Find Malfoy
Chapter 14: Theo
Chapter 15: End of a Term
Chapter 16: My Father's Temper
Chapter 17: Secret Passages and House Elves
Chapter 18: Dark Artifacts
Chapter 19: Christmas Eve
Chapter 20: The Worst Ending
Chapter 21: An Old Friend
Chapter 22: Sirius Black
Chapter 23: A Special Moment
Chapter 24: Letters in Spring
Chapter 25: My Future to Dread
Chapter 26: Finals
-Half Way Point-
Chapter 27: A Chaotic Summer
Chapter 28: An Election to Remember
Chapter 29: My Summer in Shatters
Chapter 30: Soufflé and Weasleys
Chapter 31: An Unwelcome Reunion
Chapter 32: Quidditch World Cup
Chapter 33: The Dark Mark
Chapter 34: A Time of Transition
Chapter 35: Back to Beauxbatons
Chapter 36: English Exams and Potions
Chapter 37: Rehearsal
Chapter 38: Beauxbatons takes on Hogwarts
Chapter 39: The Goblet of Fire
Chapter 41: Hit with Reality
Chapter 42: Queen of Gossip
Chapter 43: Malfoy the Ferret
Chapter 44: The First Task
Chapter 45: Sibling Affection
Chapter 46: The Notice
Chapter 47: Politics of Dating
Chapter 48: A Worldwind of Dates
Chapter 49: Christmas Day
Chapter 50: The Yule Ball- #1
Chapter 51: The Yule Ball- #2
Chapter 52: The Yule Ball- #3
Chapter 53: Aftermath of a Ball
Chapter 54: Recovery
Chapter 55: Saving Grace
Chapter 56: The Merge of Friends
Chapter 57: The 2nd Task
Chapter 58: Snapshots of March
Chapter 59: Letters to Damion
Chapter 60: The 3rd Task
Chapter 61: A Time to Mourn
Chapter 62: The End for Now

Chapter 40: Classes at Hogwarts

620 22 5
By wintergirl08

"How do you think he did it? Hopped the line? Drank an aging potion?"

"Oh please," Marie said matter-a-factly back at Ana. "There is no way a fourth year could have out smarted Albus Dumbledore's aging line. It's just not possible."

"So how do you think he did it then?" Gisele asked, catching up to the group of us walking back to the carriage. Night had fallen like a soft blanket over the school, letting the sky shine openly with stars, the likes of which I have only seen clearly in the great hall's bewitched ceiling. The school had disbanded the moment Harry was escorted out of the room. Dumbledore among many of the other teachers had seemed at a loss of words at what had taken place.

A fourth year in the Triwizard championship? And Harry Potter of all people.

I was having a hard time believing it myself. Entering just didn't seem like something he would do. But then again, did I really know the guy?

"He probably just payed an upperclassman to do it. The cup must be screwed."

"Oh so you could believe that a magic cup- ("goblet of fire" Rosalie muttered) "made by the British ministry is flawed, but not a wonky age line made by an old guy who happens to be school headmaster?" Ana pipped up defensively, causing both Gisele and Marie to look at her in aghast.

"You're joking right? Do you honestly not know about Dumbledore?" Marie asked, blatantly relishing in her superiority over Ana. Gisele on the other hand, was gentler and gave a brief run down of the Hogwarts's headmaster's many great achievements, from the battle of Grindelwald to his works in academia.

"Remind me again of what Madam Maxime has accomplished thus far?" Jacqueline said in the back, causing Rosalie to giggle selfishly as Gisele rolled her eyes, smirking.

"Does it matter?" Ana said getting back on topic. "As long as she can argue her way through cutting Harry Potter out of the Triwizard tournament, she's perfect. If he stays, this entire tournament is worthless and a setup for Hogwarts. Do you know Beauxbatons is currently tied with Hogwarts in Triwizard wins? Because I just found that out and it makes perfect sense how-"

"This tournament was screwed the moment the cup chose Fleur as our champion," Mila said, cutting Ana off grumpily. She was still not over the picks in champions. Especially when it came to Fleur. "Like honestly, what did the cup expect her to have skill wise? Charm the monster to death with a quick batter of the eyes? Swoon the competitors with that Veela charm of hers?"

"See," Marie said to Ana, nodding in her friend's direction. "Another reason why the cup is faulty."

We had reached the carriage and broke apart from conversing further on the topic by having to head to our rooms. Rosalie, who was always a rather perceptive girl, had taken notice of my quiet mood throughout our walk and brought it up as we readied for bed.

"What's your take on all of this? You know Potter, don't you?" Marie looked up eagerly from her pillow set as I slowly rested my hair brush on my bed, thinking.

"I don't think he did it."

Sunday came and went uneventfully. People seemed to ogle at us girls in blue, as if we were some new creature unheard of. My friends didn't seem to see these glances that I'd catch, but I knew something was up.

Most of the Beauxbatons students rounded on the Great Lake to compensate for our lost fountain hot spot. And that was saying something given the colder weather. But having changed into our blazer and skirt combo, the cold was less of a bother.

Those who came up to the Beauxbatons girls weren't so much Hogwarts students but the other foreigners, Durmstrang. Seeing the foreigners flocking to the lake, I watched as Hogwarts students slowly came closer, with their friends, each with their own target of becoming acquainted with. Most were girls, eagerly hoping to catch Krum for an autograph. Some boys were eyeing up Fleur but were either too bashful or had trouble getting to her.

For smartly so, Fleur made an effort to sit in the middle of the pack of us Beauxbatons students and walked with a pack of her friends at all times, so as to never be cornered by hopeful onlookers.

Mila may not like her, but I couldn't help but find that ploy of Fleur's to be clever.

My brother was one of the few Hogwarts boys who had the confidence to nonchalantly sit amongst the French girls, though he had the advantage of being French naturally and having what my mother and friends keep reminding me, "an attractive way about him".

I couldn't see it.

"What are you doing here?" I quipped at him, as he decided to sit obnoxiously between Marie and me.

"What?" He said dubiously, causing girls behind us to giggle. "Can't I sit with my favorite sister?"

"What's gotten into you?" I scoffed, giving him an odd look which he returned with a wink and flick to my left temple.

"Can't I not be in a good mood?" He asked, clearly happy for a change. It looked good on him, with life in those family eyes of his, hair rolled back without a care in the world.

"Is it true you turned into an old man, trying to trip the age line?" Ana asked curiously from the side, gaining my brother's attention.

"Nah, I saw what happened to the Weasley twins and took a better route." Ana blushed at his words while Jacqueline only whistled.

"Damn. Waste of an opportunity." It was in that moment, watching Jacqueline and Theo sizing each other up that I knew they were cut from the same cloth. I had a strange suspicion I was going to have my hands full with them.

"What did you do then?" Rosalie asked eagerly.

"I asked an upper classman to put my name in," He said nonchalantly, causing Marie to point in Ana's direction in an I-told-you-so attitude.

"But it didn't work, did it?" Gisele asked. Theo gave a slow shake of the head.

"Pearce ended up with scorch marks on his right arm. Had to take a visit to the hospital wing." While my friends reacted accordingly, with Gisele face palming, Jacqueline laughing, and Ana returning the I-told-you-so finger back at Marie, I took the opportunity to flick my brother back in the temple.

"What is your problem?" He said, annoyed as he rubbed his temple. Now he sounded more like himself.

"Seriously? Who chooses to spend time willingly with their younger sister when you have friends nearby?" His eyes gleamed at being caught before chuckling, returning to that happy mood of his.

"Fine, I like the company you keep. Remind me of your name?" He asked turning to a fifth-year girl siting behind us.

"She's not part of the group," I muttered under my breath, but the girl didn't seem to mind as she answered him sweetly.

"Theo hasn't changed much," Rosalie said to my aid, gaining Theo to look back at us affronted.

While Theo and Rosalie bickered good naturedly back and forth with my friends watching on amused, my eyes drifted back to the horizon where I watched more students walking out to study. Amongst them were Sam, Dominic, Jasper, and another student I was vaguely familiar with. Ella, a Hufflepuff that I had met briefly during my first year over snow ball fights on Christmas break. She was nice, but not someone I would expect Sam to like.

I had seen Sam before she saw me. The moment her eyes matched mine, the group was only a few meters from the lake. Without another word, Sam turned on her heels, and rushed off, while the others looked back at her confused before finding their spot by the lake.

Monday was the first official day back for classes, and it was filled with all sorts of new experiences. For starters, third years had to take classes with the fourth years as there were not enough teachers to spread out classes amongst all of us. My friends and I found that to be great fun as Jacqueline and Gisele could no longer shrug us off during school time.

Classes were held in Hogwarts, but taught by our French teachers. Even our two dance classes, Ballet 2-3 and Ballroom dancing were situated in Hogwarts, in one of the larger classrooms near the north tower. I had never been on this side of the castle other than for astronomy in my first year, so I was pleasantly surprised to find the Hogwarts choir room stationed for our use.

There were only a few classes that my friends and I did not share, and those were our course electives. I was internally hitting myself as I parted from my friends and followed a line of Beauxbatons girls to my first electives: Ghoul studies.

And you want to know where Ghoul studies was placed in the castle?

The dungeons, right next to the Slytherin Common room.

Talk about bad luck.

I spent half of Ghoul studies thinking of the numerous possibilities of bumping into Slytherins and ending up in awkward conversation or being stuck talking to someone as odious as Malfoy.

By the time class had ended, I had only half of my first page written out with notes, further showing my lacking ability to focus. I closed it hastily, making it snap obnoxiously loud, gaining looks from some of the students in the room, in particular, Fleur. She and her friends had been sitting right in front of me and so jolted at the noise.

I gave an awkward shrug at them before packing up and following some of the girls walking out hastily.

I had just climbed the stairs to the great hall when the group of us passed some Hogwarts students heading down to the dungeons. Among them was Harry who, to my surprise, was by himself for a change.

I wouldn't have been a nascence and stopped had it not been for the utterly miserable expression I saw on his face, as he walked.

"Harry?" He sought my looking at him and stopped next to me, out of the way of the stairs.

"What were you doing in the dungeons?" He asked curiously as I came to a stop by the wall.

"Ghoul studies," I said, waving my textbook up at him. "Not the best spot for a class. Especially for me, I'll admit. Though, I didn't stop you to talk about classes, but rather-"

The look he was giving me read that he already knew what I was going to ask and wasn't pleased about it.

"I didn't enter okay. So, don't start on how I did it or why I did it."

"Oh, of course," I said, relieved, which mirrored onto him as he relaxed a fraction in his shoulders.

"Er-You believe me?" I nodded calmly.

"I had a feeling. You don't seem to like being in the spotlight. The Quidditch cup debacle told me as much. Also the heir of Slytherin craze.."

"I'm about as miserable now as I was then," he admitted, stirring my resolve.

"Let me guess. Slytherin house is causing trouble again?"

"More than that. Hufflepuff house has completely shut out Gryffindor for the most part. And Professor Sprout didn't say one word to me all through Herbology!" I scoffed but the corners of my lip lit up at the thought of a teacher being so petty.

"It's a bit mental, isn't it?" He clarified, catching my growing smile that soon spread to his face.

"It's hilarious actually. Who would have thought Hufflepuff house would be so venomous?"

"Harry!" We both turned to see Hermione walking towards us, her book bag hanging heavily off of her left shoulder. "We'll be late for potions if you don't hurry." I waved her way nonchalantly, causing her to sigh in recognition, releasing some of her own held tension held in her face. She too seemed stressed, possibly over what was happening with Harry. But where was Ron?

"Listen," I said stopping Harry as he moved to join Hermione by the stairwell. "Don't think the whole school hates you. Half of Beauxbatons is pissed Fleur was chosen for our champion. We think the Goblet is faulty and needs to be re-administered. With Madame Maxime on our side, I'm sure we can get the champions redrawn and-"

"They're already decided to move forword," he said cutting my thought. "But thanks," he added hastily before rushing off in the direction of the dungeon.

"Ah, Potter! Coming back from another champion photo op, have you?" the cold voice echoed from the hall. I turned just as Malfoy came into view and caught me watching. He wasn't alone either. Crabbe and Goyle were lawfully beside him, on their way to potions class, I assumed, though now it seemed they were going to make a pit stop.

Damn, what an awful time to find myself alone.

But I wasn't alone. Just as I had turned to walk away from Malfoy, I heard my name called by another familiar voice, entering from the square.


"There you are! I was wondering if you were going to make it back to get your books-- here." She pushed my charms book in my arm before linking hers with mine and walked us out of danger along the hallway, in her long strides.

When we were a safe distance away, she promptly elbowed me in the side making me almost stumble had Marie unlinked her arm from mine.

"You had one job. You just had to walk with those other girls and you would have been fine."

"Thank you," I said hoarsely, rubbing my side with my other arm. We were on the other side of the school now, right by the hospital wing, whose doors were open, inviting me closer.

"Ava we have to go."

"Give me a moment," I said, before walking into the Hospital wing with Marie trailing behind me, unimpressed.

"Why are we skipping class to come here of all places? Your brother said something about getting into the kitchens, let's do that instead."

I didn't listen as I narrowed in on Madam Pomphry who was setting up her stands for the morning. The hospital wing was almost entirely empty. She looked up pleasantly when I stopped short by her and greeted her eagerly.

"I heard you were amongst the number of Beauxbatons students. Maybe now you can keep that brother of yours out of trouble," She said casually as she walked past me to place new bed sheets on a stripped bed.

"I don't know about that but I'm sure I will have time to help you here if you still need it," I said confidently. Marie was giving me a bemused look but remained quiet while Madam Pomphry straightened up.

"I'm afraid I cannot help you there. What with all the exchange students in residence, Dumbledore would rather I focus my attention on the students myself so as to not cause unintentional injuries from my students."

"But-" I began but I was cut short by Hermione who had rushed into the room looking vastly different from when I last saw her.

"Madam Pomphry!" she squeaked through a layer of tears that ran across her red face. Both hands covered her mouth, making her half audible. She rushed past Marie who was looking at her in recognition.

Pomphry directed Hermione to one of the beds and slowly had her lower the girl's hands showcasing ever growing badger teeth that were growing to her chin. Marie whitened while I froze.

"What happened?" I asked, rushing up to Hermione. She quickly placed her hands up over her face to shield me from seeing anything, while Madam Pomphry gave me a perplexed look.

"Miss Fountaine, you should go. I do not need your assistance for I can handle Miss Granger well on my own." She then walked off to her station. I didn't leave and nor did Marie who slowly crept closer to Hermione's bed.

"What happened?" I repeated cautiously, in a lower voice.

"Malfoy," she began and then explained quickly how he and Harry had fought, causing their spells to cascade and hit her on accident. Just at her words, the hospital wing was visited by Goyle, sobbing in pain at the many painful boils popping all over his face.

Madam Pomphry promptly sat the boy down and rushed to start his potion, momentarily disregarding Hermione's situation. Marie found Goyle's infliction far worse than Hermione's and so quickly stood by my side.

"Of course Malfoy did this. I wouldn't expect anything less," I said haughtily.

"Malfoy did this?" Marie asked in her accented English. I nodded as I watched Hermione trying to hide her growing front teeth that had now grown past her first hand.

"What spell could have done this?" Marie asked me, only to get a shrug back.

"Densaugeo," Hermione said muffled as she sniffed back tears. "It's an extension charm."

"Of a facial spell? Like beauty spells gone wrong?" Marie questioned, making me look up at her curiously.

Hermione too seemed perplexed by Marie's sudden curiosity to a spell but she nodded. Marie's eyes lit up before dropping her bag on the bed next to us and began riffling through it.

"What are you doing?"

She answered by pulling out her vial of fountain water from Beauxbatons and waved it my way.

"Do you think it would work?" A lightbulb went off in my head before I stood up and explained to Hermione what the water was.

"It should stop the fangs from growing faster than whatever potion Pomphry gives you, that is," I said looking back to see the nurse bending over Goyle, "if she makes you a potion any time soon."

Hermione looked at the water unsure.

"You'll be back in class in no time," Marie said back, ever so clever, causing Hermione to snatch the vial and drink it quickly.

Marie was right. The water from the fountain worked its wonders and Hermione's teeth shrank back, if not more so than before, making her teeth look perfectly in line. Even her skin seemed to gleam in response to the water.

I promptly gave her my lipstick mirror and watched her sigh in relief at the sight of her normal teeth.

"Thank you," she said looking up at Marie in gratitude. Marie awkwardly nodded, unsure of how to respond.

"This was the first time I saw someone drink the water," I admitted as Marie walked with me to Charms following our escape from the Hospital wing. Hermione had made a good point that Pomphry couldn't get angry if we ran off, so here we were, dashing to class.

"It did more than just change her teeth, didn't it?" I asked as we turned into another passage. Marie nodded.

"Her skin glowed a bit. I even thought I saw the frizz in her hair slacken, but that could have just been the light."

"And the glow in her face could have just been her tears drying," I added.

"Well you owe me some of your collection of fountain water. That's all I brought."

I gave her a disbelieving look but said no more as we had made it to the classroom where we were scolded to high heaven for our tardiness.


Hello there!

I needed a week of hiatus after all that is happening in the world, it's been hard to focus on anything else, let alone write. But I finally was able to sit down and did this in a sitting (which is the best feeling as writer of anything). 

I'll update again on friday, to push forward with the story. And I'm pretty sure you're going to like what it's on. I'll give you a hint: It involves ferrets

Until then,


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