A Dragon's Heart (Book Three...

By iluvdaisychain

1.2M 75.6K 20.7K

Complete. Original Title - A Pirate's Kiss: Ressurection (The third instalment of the A Pirate's Kiss Trilogy... More

Authors Note
Prologue | Secrets Revealed
Chapter 1 | The Burning Ship
Chapter 2 | What Zalas Decided
Chapter 3 | (P.1) Something Brewing
Chapter 3 | (P.2) Obsidian
Chapter 4 | Loss(t)
Chapter 5 | The War
Chapter 6 | The Dragon Returns
Chapter 7 | (P.1) Desperation
Chapter 7 | (P.2) Heartbeat
Chapter 8 | At Last
Chapter 9 | Acceptance
Chapter 10 | Beast
Chapter 11 | Monstrous
Chapter 12 | Bad Feelings
Chapter 13 | Breathe in the Rain
Chapter 14 | Destination
Chapter 15 | Brothers
Chapter 16 | Heartache
Chapter 17 | Clash
Chapter 18 | Touching The Surface
Chapter 19 | Prelude to Battle
Chapter 20 | Pride and Respect
Chapter 21 | Once I Could Breathe Again
Chapter 22 | Feelings of the Heart and Jealous Tantrums
Chapter 23 | Moments in Time
Chapter 24 | An Unwelcome Face
Chapter 25 | A Mysterious Night
The Prelude to Chapter 26
Chapter 26 | Beginning to Move
Chapter 27 | Intentions
Chapter 28 | Internal Struggle
Chapter 29 | Obsidian
Chapter 30 | Selfish
Chapter 31 | Stolen
Chapter 32 | Unwilling
Chapter 33 | The Truth Zalas Told
Chapter 34 | Unravelling
Chapter 35 | The Pirate King
Chapter 36 | Past and Present
Chapter 37 | Into the Void
Extra | April 2020
Chapter 38 | Time
Chapter 39 | Resurrection
Chapter 40 | D(evil)
Chapter 41 | The Nameless Boy
Chapter 42 | Grief and Bloodlust
Chapter 44| (Un)alike
Chapter 45 | Vanguard
Chapter 46 | What I Must Do
Chapter 47 | A Matter of Pride
Chapter 48 | Full Circle
Chapter 49 | Past and Present
Chapter 50 | The Final Truth
Chapter 51 | Monarch
(Exciting) Announcement
Chapter 52 | Daybreak
Chapter 53 | Evolution
Chapter 54 | (Un)contained
Chapter 55 | Only You
Crimson King Synopsis & Prologue
Author's Note
Extras (Fan Requests) | One
Extras (Fan Requests) | Two
Extras (Fan Requests) | Three
Extras (Fan Requests) | Four

Chapter 43 | Bittersweet

8.7K 479 215
By iluvdaisychain

Hi everyone!

I hope you have all been well. Many apologies for the long wait, as I explained on my Wattpad profile and the Facebook fan-page, there was an explosion of 'busy' in my everyday life and I had to put this Chapter down for an extra week, (I originally intended to have it up last Wednesday), so sorry for that! 

This Chapter is another long one and you'll be please to know the next one is underway. Hopefully you wont be waiting as long for it! 

Much love,
Daisy xox

P.S This is very unedited so sorry for any mistakes x


Chapter 43 | Bittersweet



(n.) a place into which you can disappear,
a hiding place.



"Here you go."

"Thank you."

Circe smothered a yawn, accepting the hot drink from Lacy gratefully. She cradled the cup with both hands, the warmth from the ceramic seeping into her cold palms. Her gaze remained on the person occupying the single wooden bed in the small room.

Lacy sighed, sitting down on the floor next to her chair. She leaned her head against Circe's thigh, the weight a comforting one.

"At least he's back," Lacy mumbled.

Circe forced back the lump in her throat and nodded her head jerkily in assent. "Yes, you're right." The words were positive, but when Circe spoke them, she felt as though they fell flat, dropping like bricks to the floor at her feet.

Deafening silence consumed the room once more, punctured only by Nathaniel's steady breathing. Suddenly aware of the cup in her hands, Circe hastily took a sip and flinched a little as the boiling liquid scalded her throat. She coughed, the harsh noise echoing through the room.

Lacy's head lifted, "Are you okay?"

Even though Circe knew she was over thinking, Lacy's words seemed to hold a double meaning. She coughed again, forcing herself to swallow past the burn in her throat. Her eyes began to water and hastily she wiped the tears away before they had a chance to fall.

She could not allow herself to cry yet. There was an ache in her heart that told her once she started, she would not be able to stop.

"I'm fine," she rasped, blowing on the tea before taking another cautious sip. Slightly cooler this time, the liquid went down smoothly, and she regained her composure, focusing on stilling her trembling hands until the sting in her eyes had passed. "I'm fine," she repeated aimlessly.

From the corner of her eyes she saw Lacy pause, before nodding slowly. Her friend turned back to look at Nathaniel and her next words were stilted, as though she was afraid to breach the subject.

"What are you going to do with ..."

Her words trailed off, but Circe easily picked up her meaning. There was only one person she could be referring to after all. Circe felt the traitorous prick in her eyes return, threatening to undo the self-control she had so carefully crafted.

"I don't know." She bit out, the sentence erupting a little more harshly than intended. She squeezed her cup and tried again. "I don't know. I need to wait for Nathaniel." Nathaniel could decide what to do with the- no, he's not a body, Circe thought fiercely, rejecting her own line of thinking. He's our brother.


I don't even know your name.

A scene flashed into the forefront of Circe's mind and she stiffened, unable to dispel the memory as it replayed itself again for the umpteenth time.

Circe's hands running frantically over cold, bloody skin after Nathaniel had been taken by Unabonan to receive treatment back at the ship and she no longer had to present a façade. Desperately transferring energy, the blue light thrumming as it poured ceaselessly into a motionless body. Blue lips. Translucent eyelids concealing ocean eyes. Wet, golden curls, dyed brown with blood.

"Darling, enough." Hands reaching out to stop her. The same hands withdrawing helplessly as she smacked them away.

"I'll decide when it's enough," she had snarled, mindlessly focused on her task. "Stay out of my way."

The wounds had closed. The bones had healed. The bruises vanished. So why? Why!

Her hands were shaking, her heart trembling every time she looked at his face. With Nathaniel momentarily gone from her sight, the similarities between the two were even more obvious. If she hadn't already seen her brother with her own two eyes, she could have been tricked into believing that it was he who lay in front of her now.

Anthemin, help me. Help me!

Her dragon's words, deep with regret. I'm sorry Vanima.

"Don't say your sorry when you haven't even tried," she had told him furiously.

Anthemin had paused and then hesitantly, the dragon had begun to contribute his energy. Fervently, she had redoubled her efforts, but it was like she was pouring water into a bucket with no bottom. Still she had refused to give in, pushing herself further even as her arms began to grow numb.


Ignoring the warning tone, she had gritted her teeth through the pain, her heart burning with a realization she was at loath to acknowledge.

"Enough. He is dead. You're draining yourself dry. It's time to stop."

"He's not dead!" She had howled, resisting the hands that sought to restrain her, to take her away from the person she had already accepted as her own before she even knew him.

But now she would never know him.

They had passed by each other, hands outstretched, almost touching, before he had been ripped away. She had been so close. And that thought of if only, if only she had been faster, if only she had come sooner, burned like acidic bile in her throat and it hurt.

God how it hurt.

She had fought fiercely and for a moment the hold faltered, but then another pair of hands joined the first and pinned her arms to her sides forcefully. She thrashed and twisted but to no avail, a strangled wail tearing from her throat.

"Let me go!"

"I know you don't want to hurt her," Zalas had spat out, over her head, "but if you don't stop her now, she'll only be hurting herself."

"Don't tell me what to do," Obsidian had snarled, but his hold on her had tightened and had he spun her around until she was smothered against his chest and the body of her brother vanished from view. She had beat against him relentlessly, but his grip did not slacken again.

Anthemin, bring him back to the ship, Obsidian's command had resounded coldly in her mind and seconds later she had felt her feet leave the ground as he had lifted them both into the air.

"... should be waking soon ..."

Circe shook her head, coming back into the room. Lacy had been talking, unaware of the direction Circe's thoughts had taken.

"I'm sorry, can you repeat that?"

She felt Lacy glance at her before complying. "Zalas seemed to think Zephyr would be waking soon, now that is cuffs have been removed."

Do you want to see him? The unspoken question hung in the air between them.

Circe hummed a noncommittal answer in reply.

She did want to see her Father. But currently a reunion was far from the forefront of her mind. Right now, she only had energy to focus on the one in front of her.

She counted Nathaniel's steady breaths religiously. Although she had long since healed all of his injuries, he had not woken and she had resigned herself to the realisation that while she could heal physical injuries, she was unable to heal mental ones. The thought had caused her heart considerable pain.

Suddenly her brother's eyelashes fluttered as his brow creased anxiously. His lips moved soundlessly and without thinking she reached forward to catch his hand, squeezing his fingers gently. Lacy perked up at her side.

"Is he waking up?" She asked softly.

Circe didn't reply, but the two women watched as Nathaniel's eyes flickered open briefly, his head lolling to the side as he caught Circe's gaze.

He wasn't properly seeing her, she could tell, but her name fumbled sleepily from his lips and she felt the weight that had been suffocating her chest lift slightly at the sound of his voice.


"I'm here," she replied, her voice low and soothing, "You're safe. You can sleep."

His eyes slid shut obediently and after a moment his breathing eased back into its previous rhythm.

Circe let out an inaudible sigh, leaning back in her chair. The cup in her free hand had cooled enough that she was able to drink the rest of the liquid quickly.

Almost immediately after she had drained the mug, the door behind the two girls opened and a sliver of yellow light squeezed through, thin at first, and then widening. A silhouette cast a long shadow on the floor and when the figure spoke, Lacy made a noise of recognition.

"How is he?" Leonardo stepped in through the gap, closing the door slightly behind him. When he stepped towards them, the door swung back open a little, allowing a slice of lamplight to gleam golden on the floor.

"Better," Lacy replied softly.

"I'm glad to hear it," Leonardo paused, and Circe waited, some how knowing that his next words would be directed at her. "Circe, I actually came to tell you that Zephyr has woken up," he faltered slightly before finishing, "-if you wanted to see him, now would be the time. Zalas wants to take him back to the Air Kingdom with ... with Aranel as soon as possible."

Circe had stiffened at the mention of Aranel's name and her voice was cooler in consequence as she replied. "I can't leave Nathaniel."

She heard Leonardo sigh quietly. He had expected her answer.

"My duties are done for now," he persisted lightly, "I can stay here with Lacy until you return."

She looked at Nathaniel's tranquil face. After hearing his sister's voice, the restless movement of his eyes under their closed lids had ceased, and he now appeared to be sleeping dreamlessly. If she was going to go, now was a good time.

Leonardo could sense her wavering. "He's been asking for you Circe," he said gently. The final nail in the coffin.

"He doesn't even know me," Circe said coldly, even as she stood from her chair, her knees protesting the sudden movement. She had been sitting still for a long time.

Leonardo didn't reply, but Lacy caught her hand as she made to leave. Her friend smiled up at her understandingly as she squeezed her fingers. "He wants to know you," she said softly, "so give him a chance."

Circe bit the inside of her cheek, forcing down the swell of emotion she felt at the empathy in Lacy's eyes. She nodded her head in reply, one swift, jerky bob.

"You're right," she whispered roughly, "thank-you."

"Of course."

There was no-one to accompany her on her walk however and she was left with her thoughts as she followed her feet to the room where she knew her Father was resting.

She was surprised at how easy it was for her to think of him as 'Father,' but despite her misgivings, she could not seem to bring herself to refer to him by his name. Calling him 'Zephyr' just seemed ... too impersonal somehow. Or like she was punishing him. And she was not so cold-hearted to think he deserved punishment after what he had endured. His absence from her life had not been a purposeful one after all.

She repeated these thoughts as she came to a halt outside his door, and although her qualms eased slightly, the facts she had been given did nothing to dispel the nervousness that pooled uncomfortably in her stomach.

She counted to ten and then unable to put it off any longer, gathered her courage and knocked on the door.

There was the sound of quick footsteps on the other-side and then the door opened, revealing a face that Circe had not been expecting.

Elika stared stoically back at her, her hand still holding the door handle as though she was considering whether or not to shut it in Circe's face.

"Elika? Who is it?"

At the sound of the masculine tone in the room beyond, Elika's pale eyes narrowed and she gave Circe a quick once over. "He's been waiting for you," was all she said curtly, before she stepped aside, allowing Circe to enter.

Circe quickly stepped past her, and with the door still open, Elika gave a short bow.

"Your Highness, I will wait outside until you are done." The Air Sprite spoke formally before swiftly removing herself from the room, the door clicking shut quietly behind her person.

And just like that Circe found herself alone with her Father and suddenly she was terrified to make eye contact with the person sitting upright in the bed, not a metre away from her.

She chose instead, like a coward, to look down at her hands. Eight out of ten of her nails were bitten. Certainly not the hands of a Princess. She hid them quickly behind her back, but immediately felt as though her posture made her seem like she was waiting to be scolded. Awkwardly, she moved them till they hung aimlessly at her sides instead. Now she was staring at her feet.

Stop being stupid, she berated herself internally, he was the one who wanted to see you.

In a spontaneous burst of courage, she lifted her head.

The man in the bed was studying her actions with a gently bemused expression. Instantly Circe found herself searching his alien features for similarities to her own and she was surprised by how quickly she recognised herself in his face.
The shape of her own eyes, among other things, she had initially felt mimicked her Mothers exactly, but now Circe thought they seemed more like her Fathers. The colour she had received straight from her Mother though.
She was surprised to see traces Zalas present too, in his long straight nose, opalescent pupils, and the regal set of his shoulders. But then, she supposed, they were all family after all. Feeling a little less wary, her shoulders loosened from their nervous hunch.

Zephyr seemed to be scanning her too, but she was unaware of the conclusions he had drawn to result in the unexpected glimpse of grief that flitted across his angular face.

"Is something wrong?" She couldn't help but ask, taking a first step towards him.

Zephyr smiled, but it was an expression that seemed to hold a thousand meanings. "No," he shook his head, his eyes never wavering from her face. She saw a greediness in his gaze that she was unsure of. "No, nothing is wrong, it's just- I just ..." He trailed off, seeming unable to continue. She watched him struggle, feeling helpless. "I just realised how much I have missed," he finally managed to choke out.

She felt the walls around her heart crumble instantly at his words and when the first tears fell from his eyes, she was already moving forwards to his side. She reached out to him as he reached for her, pulling her into an embrace. He was hesitant at first, unsure of how much she was comfortable with, but when she didn't not resist, his grip tightened fiercely, as though he thought she might vanish at any moment.

"I am sorry," he said, his voice thick with emotion, "I am sorry that I was the reason you were left alone."

"It wasn't your fault," she said automatically, but even as the words left her mouth she was struck by their accuracy. It wasn't anyone's fault. Not her Mothers, or her Fathers. It was simply the way things had happened. She hugged her Father tightly. "You are not to blame. I don't blame you at all." It was the truth.

When Elika knocked to enter, much later, both Father and Daughter were seated side by side on the bed, deep in quiet conversation. They both looked up as the Air Nymph entered and Circe held back a yawn that did not go unnoticed by Zephyr. He smiled slightly and this time the expression was more genuine than before, the contentedness reaching his eyes.

"You should go to bed."

"I need to go back to Nathaniel," Circe agreed.

"No," Zephyr corrected gently, "you need to sleep. Your friends will look after your brother. He will need your support when he wakes up. You cannot support him if you are tired."

Circe looked dazedly at him before nodding slowly. Still she found she could not look away. The more she had talked to this person, the more he seemed like a dream that would disappear with the morning.

Surprisingly, despite his status, her Father was exceedingly easy to talk to. And he seemed fascinated by every aspect of Circe's life, asking questions fluidly, as well as receiving her own questions openly when they had arisen. She had worried at first, that perhaps he would have judgement towards some of the decisions that she had made, concerning her status- but he did not ask at all, rather, he was more curious about her every-day; what her interests were, her hobbies, and the people she surrounded herself with.

In turn he had given just as much and she had become enraptured by him, the more she listened. Zephyr was wonderfully animated when he spoke, his elegant hands flourishing, his voice strong and charismatic, and the few stories he had recalled for her, from his time in the army, had left her feeling enthralled as well as slightly nostalgic. It had been a long time since she had been in such a presence of paternal familiarity.

"Will you still be here later?" She asked hesitantly, "I heard that Zalas wants to take you home as soon as possible." She used the word 'home' tentatively, but he did not seem averse to it.

"I will not leave without saying goodbye," Zephyr promised, not denying her statement.

"But you have to leave."

"Eventually, yes. My position unfortunately means that I cannot remain idle forever. However," he reached out to grip her hand, smiling slightly, "as your Father, it seems I am also in your debt. Our separation will not be for long. I hope you will allow me into your life in the future." His lips quirked up slightly, "I promise not to be a meddling Father."

She smiled back at him. "Of course," she agreed. She had not asked him whether he would be returning to Evangeline. He had not mentioned her Mother in their conversations, and somehow it seemed too personal. Reluctantly she stood.

"I will leave you then."

Zephyr smiled again. "I will see you soon."

She walked to the door, glancing back over her shoulder once before stepping through and the light from the room she had exited was eliminated soon after.

Circe stood for a moment in the flickering light of the hallway and suddenly realised the ache in her bones was synonymous with exhaustion. Abruptly, the need for one person, and one person alone, rose like a wave inside her chest. With a sole destination in mind, she turned and set off down the hall.



"You're being unreasonable."

"I'm being unreasonable? Look who's talking. You got what you wanted, let us handle the rest."

"You won't be 'handling' anything until we figure out what that thing was."

"Does it matter? We have to kill it anyway."

"Of course, it matters, you impetuous fool. It always matters."

"Would you two shut up already?"

Zalas's scowl shifted from Cobalt to Obsidian. "Your brother is the one that needs to shut up his horrific nonsense. He's talking about things he doesn't understand."

"I understand perfectly," Cobalt snapped back. "I saw that beast just as well as you, what's not to understand."

Zalas pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration, "We don't know what it is yet," he hissed out furiously, "and if you would just be patient-"

"I've had enough of being patient," Cobalt retorted, his voice growing louder by the second, "What you seem to be missing, while you're sitting around waiting for answers, is that every moment we spend wasting time on being patient, is a moment where our demonic beast of a Father is getting further and further away!"

"We don't even know if he is alive yet," Zalas ground out stiffly. "There wasn't any proof-"

"Cut the crap," Obsidian said frostily, glowering at Zalas, "you know just as well as I that he was alive on that rock before we arrived. All the signs were there. We didn't see him escape on that beast, but we might as well have."

"Tch." Zalas tossed his head to the side. Unfortunately, the other man was right. They had been standing in this room for over two hours now, arguing about the next course of action and it hadn't gotten them anywhere.

For the first time in his life, Zalas was uncertain of what to do next. He was still waiting for his Father to contact them in regard to the massive beast they had seen, flying away from the broken island. Aranel and Zephyr had been successfully retrieved, but two dragons had been lost. The pendants too, were still missing, a Water Nymph was dead, and the Siren Aisling, was barely alive.

Although Aranel was still unconscious, her betrayal was weighing heavily on Zalas's mind and he was dreading the moment she woke because he would have to go and talk to her, and he didn't want to. He wanted to return home, but he knew he had to pursue Zeus Gold if the man did prove to be alive. He was torn in two directions.

Sensing his building unease, Unabonan spoke finally, the great dragons voice unwavering in its strength as always. Calm your heart brother. If need be, I can escort the two home with Elika while you continue onwards. There is always a way.

Yes, Zalas forced himself to think logically, pushing his personal feelings to the side. Yes, I'm sorry. You're right.

Also, Zeyphr has awoken. Vanima has just now left his room. He wishes to speak with you when you have time.

Zalas felt his heart calm further still. His Uncle. Although Zalas did not have memories of him, Zephyr was a presence equal to that of Zalas's Mother. Plus, he had been on the island during that time. He would have answers. Surely.

I understand. He replied to Unabonan, and then, out loud- "Zephyr is awake, he will the answers to some of our questions. Circe just left his room."

Obsidian's eyes narrowed at the mention of Circe's name. Cobalt folded his arms, looking suspicious. "Zephyr? Who's that, and why should we trust him?"

"He's Circe's Father," Obsidian interjected abruptly, shooting a look in Cobalt's direction, his expression unreadable, "depending on Circe's response, we can probably trust him." He jerked his head towards Zalas begrudgingly. "Him too," he grunted, "you can trust him."

For a moment Zalas and Cobalt both stared incredulously at Obsidian. Cobalt turned to Zalas with his face full of disbelief, but Zalas's expression was already blank and instead he levelled an icy glare in Cobalt's direction.

"So, you can stop being so disagreeable now," he snapped.

Cobalt scowled fiercely. "I'm not the disagreeable one here," he retorted.

Zalas was about to reply when the door behind him opened without warning. What was it with people on this ship an interrupting him? It was like he was destined to lose all arguments for as long as he remained aboard this blasted vessel.

He turned towards the open door but did not expect that the person walking through it would be none other than Circe.

The girl did not say a word upon entering, instead making a beeline for Obsidian. Zalas watched the Pirate Captain reach out to pull her to him, his head dropping as he spoke to her lowly, her reply a quiet murmur that Zalas couldn't hear. He looked away with a frown, feeling as though he was intruding on something private.

The pair exchanged a few more words, seemingly oblivious to the other company in the room and since there was no way Zalas was going to break the awkward silence by engaging in conversation with Cobalt, he was forced instead to wait until eventually Obsidian raised his head to speak.

"I'll be back in a moment," was all the man said, before he pulled Circe away with him and they disappeared through the mermaid door at the far end of the room.

Zalas huffed under his breath and crossed his arms indignantly, drumming his fingers restlessly against his bicep. Cobalt seemed even less inclined to speak than Zalas and had slumped in Obsidian's chair upon his brothers exit, staring vacantly into space.

There was a knock at the door and the two men turned to look towards it automatically.

"Come in," Cobalt eventually grunted.

This time it was Hobbson who entered. He was beginning to show signs of stress, Zalas thought, a rarity for the normally composed merman. Zalas remembered though, that the Siren they had rescued from the broken island was his wife after all. Perhaps that accounted for the majority of the merman's weariness.

"Hobbson," Upon seeing who it was, Cobalt sat up in his chair, "Is there a problem?"

Hobbson waved a hand in dismissal, "No problem," he said, scanning the room swiftly. His eyes landed on Zalas and he inclined his head. "Highness."

Zalas dipped his head in response.

"Where is Bones?" Hobbson asked Cobalt.

The man jerked his thumb towards the door behind him. "With Circe, he should be back shortly."

Hobbson's eyebrows rose. "Circe came here?"

Zalas knew what he was implying. Circe had been extremely unwilling to leave Nathaniel's side since they had returned to the ship. He cleared his throat. "I believe she went to go and visit Zephyr," Zalas said smoothly, "after the visit she came here."

Hobbson's grey brows almost disappeared into his hairline. "Zephyr is awake? Circe went to see him?"

"I believe that's what I just said," Zalas said coolly. His comment went unnoticed however as he was once again interrupted by Obsidian re-entering the room.

"I'm here Hobbson, what is it?"

Zalas gritted his teeth in irritation. "I swear," he began, "if one more person-

"Bones, glad to see you. Listen, we need to talk."

Cobalt laughed loudly in Zalas direction and Zalas sent him an absolutely filthy look. "You, shut up."

"You can't tell me what to do," Cobalt jeered, "this isn't your Kingdom, Prince."

Zalas opened his mouth but Obsidian's voice rang out and cut them both off. "Enough," he demanded, rubbing his temples, "both of you, shut the fuck up, for one second."

"Fine," Zalas snapped, waving his hand at Hobbson imperiously, "continue."

Unfazed by the commotion, although Zalas suspected he had seen it all before, Hobbson got straight to the point. "Bones, I need to return back to the Water Kingdom as soon as possible. Preferably once Aisling is awake. Her Majesty needs to know about the current events as soon as possible."

Obsidian's expression was unusually business like as he granted the man's request. "I understand, but is that Siren capable of travel?"

"Once she awakens, she will be," Hobbson nodded, "the ocean will aid in her healing I should think. It doesn't do a Siren good to be out of Water for too long."

"Very well."

"Another thing Bones," Hobbson glanced at Zalas briefly, "Highness, you've probably realised this too- but if Zephyr is awake, I would recommend going to speak with him as soon as possible. It is highly likely he knows something about that beast, or at least the events that happened to lead to its creation. Zephyr has been around a lot longer than I." He paused for a long moment, "Even after I racked my brains, I still couldn't recall Zeus ever mentioning something like that existing. The best I could come up with was, perhaps ... in the period of time where he was not on the ship, perhaps he was up to more than we originally suspected him of." He ran a weary hand through his greying hair, "but I have no idea about the details."

Zalas nodded curtly. "I had planned to speak to Zephyr immediately," he looked towards Obsidian expressionlessly, but the other man seemed to pick up his implication.

"I will join you. Hobbson, come and find me again before you leave."


The older man exited the room first, leaving behind the original three. There was a moment pause as each of them found themselves lost in thought, before Zalas broke the silence, sighing heavily. He never thought, of all people, that two he would be standing in a room with now, that the two he was being forced to rely on, would be these two.

His pale eyes drilled a hole through the wall to the room beyond the mermaid door. This of course, was all Circe's fault, he thought sourly. He hadn't realised that at some point she had completely roped him in to do her bidding. And now she wasn't even in the room.

"Tch," he tutted in annoyance. However, although he was affronted on the outside, deep down he knew that his desire to make amends with his cousin was the reason he was here. Here with these ... these ... Pirates. The crease between his pale brows deepened further and without further ado, he whirled around on the spot, heading for the door. "Well come on then," he waved an arm impatiently and heard Cobalt's snort of derisiveness at the action.

Without waiting to see if Obsidian was following, Zalas stepped out onto the deck, heading for Zephyrs room.



"You wait here."

"That seems to be all I do now days," Cobalt grumbled, "what, am I not good enough anymore?"

Obsidian sent him a piercing look. "I need someone to remain in charge while I deal with this. This is still the ship of the Pirate King, we still have a working crew that needs someone present in the Captains quarters."

Cobalt was silent for a moment before he heaved a sigh. "I know. I understand."

Obsidian glanced towards the door Zalas had just exited through. "While I deal with this, see if you can come up with some idea of where our Father is headed." He said grimly, "It's just a wild stab in the dark, but I would place my bets on the Elven Kingdom. He had too much unfinished business with that place."

Cobalt nodded reluctantly. "I agree, unfortunately."

Obsidian knew what his brother was thinking, and he was silent for a moment, choosing his next words carefully. "If we have to go back there," he said slowly, "it won't be like last time."


"Cobalt," Obsidian said harshly, waiting until his brother lifted his head to meet his gaze reluctantly. "I won't be manipulated again. I promise."

Cobalt's silver eyes flickered away uncomfortably, but he nodded. "Alright."

Obsidian nodded in satisfaction. "Good. I'll be back soon. Start charting a course for the Elven Kingdom. If Zephyr has different thoughts, we can change it later."

Accepting Cobalt's noise of assent, Obsidian swiftly exited the room. He had expected Zalas to be long gone, but surprisingly the Air Nymph was waiting just outside the door. He sent Obsidian an impatient look.

"Let's go," Obsidian grunted.

Zalas huffed, before spinning on his heel to lead the way, even though it was Obsidian's ship, and he himself had designated the room Zephyr was currently residing in.

He was still unaccustomed to being on the same side as this bastard and he was deeply looking forward to the day when they would go their separate ways. But now, for the sake of what was at stake, he realised he needed to at least be civil. But it was hard when the other party was such a stuffy, pretentious asshat.

He sighed internally and thanked whatever Gods there were, that at least Cobalt wasn't expected to hold the same standard as he, and therefore could give Zalas shit enough for the both of them. Their bickering was starting to grate on him though, as much as Obsidian enjoyed listening to Zalas being brought down off his high horse to argue at their level.

Their journey to Zephyr's room was a silent one and upon arrival, Zalas knocked swiftly on the door once before entering without waiting for a reply. Obsidian rolled his eyes internally but followed after him and shut the door firmly in his wake, his eyes swiftly scanning the room.

That female Air Nymph was present, and she had stood upon their entry, seeming unsurprised by Zalas's abrupt arrival. Obsidian supposed that the Prince was not one to politely wait outside the door. But then, neither was he. He folded his arms across his chest and levelled her a stare.

He had to give her points for bravery, he supposed- she ignored him completely, instead bowing to her Prince once before making a swift exit. Obsidian looked instead now, to the person sitting upright in the bed.

He was definitely an Air Sprite, Obsidian could tell that from first glance- the long white hair, opal eyes and sun-bleached skin, all of it was a trademark he had, (at some point,) become accustomed to associating with these sky-bound people. However, he felt slightly disarmed upon realising that Circe was distinctively present in this man's features as well. He hadn't expected her to be, but she undoubtably was. Obsidian found the familiarity unsettling.

"Uncle." It was Zalas who spoke first. Obsidian was pleased to hear a note of uncomfortableness in the others voice. He relaxed his posture somewhat, leaning back against the wall casually, his eyes still fixated on the man in the bed.

Although he was injured and bedridden, Zephyr held himself with the air of one accustomed to Royalty. Obsidian was unsure how long his Father had held this man on that hellish island, but apparently his imprisonment had not demeaned this person's will in the slightest.

"Zalas," Zephyr gave a small smile, "It has been a long time."

"Yes," Zalas seemed suddenly awkward and Obsidian resisted the urge to laugh.

As though sensing his amusement, Zephyr's eyes shifted to land on Obsidian. His words seemed amicable, but they were filled with hidden needles. "There is no need to ask who you are," Zephyr said pleasantly, "you have your Father's eyes."

Obsidian gazed lazily at him, holding the man's powerful gaze with ease. "Unfortunately, yes. My brother takes after our Mother though thank-fully, or so I've heard."

Zephyr studied him a little longer. "Circe spoke well of you."

Obsidian raised a brow. "I wasn't aware it was your business."

On the other side of the room, Zalas hissed lowly. "Watch how you speak to him-"

Zephyr held up his hand and Zalas fell silent immediately. "No, it's fine." Zephyr's lips curled up at the corners, "he is the Captain of this ship after all, and has provided me with a place to recover, for which you have my thanks," here he inclined his head gracefully, before allowing silence to enter the room. All too aware of the direction the man was headed, Obsidian raised an eyebrow and decided to humour him.


Zephyr's gaze was cool. "You are right, regretfully, it is none of my business who my daughter chooses to be with. However," his angular face hardened, "now that I have found her, I intend to be as present in her life as she will allow. I have a lot of redeeming to do and I cannot allow myself to be indebted to my daughter with good conscience."

Obsidian inclined his head, "Naturally."

The other man seemed to chew on his words for a moment before speaking. "If anything were to make her unhappy, I will do my upmost to annihilate the cause of her unhappiness from the face of this planet." His words were delivered with absolute sincerity and Obsidian could not help the slight smile that teased around the edges of his lips. The family resemblance was becoming more and more obvious.

Obsidian did not feel the need to speak, and there was a moment of silence in which Zephyr's gaze slid smoothly from Obsidian to Zalas. With his eyes now trained on his nephew, he continued, "Anything, and any-one." He levelled Zalas with a stare, "I have already communicated with Airocei. She has informed me of some of your more questionable ... actions. I am pleased to hear that you are taking steps to rectify your misdeeds, this venture being one of them."

Obsidian tried not to look smug at the shameful look that crossed Zalas's face and failed miserably. He decided that perhaps he could grow to like Zephyr, as long as the man didn't intrude too much on his life.

Generously he rescued Zalas from his Uncle's domineering gaze, speaking so that Zephyr's attention flickered to him once more.

"You can rest assured that I intend to take good care of her," Obsidian smirked wickedly, "and if anything were to happen to her, I am certain I would not be the cause of it. However, I am more than happy to join you in the annihilating part."

Zephyr displayed another of the Air Kingdom traits Obsidian knew so well by suddenly turning aloof. "Don't make the mistake of thinking I approve of you, Pirate King," Zephyr warned. "Believe me, I am horrified by my daughters taste in men, however your Father dealt me a particularly scathing remark upon his resurrection regarding Circe and my apparent reaction to the two of you, and I am determined to prove him wrong. That is all."

Obsidian let out a sharp laugh. "Fair enough. Know then that I do not seek your approval, nor will I ever." He grinned, more widely this time, "I am a Pirate after all and when has a Pirate ever asked before taking that which he desires for himself? Your daughter just so happens to be the jewel of the ocean and the most priceless treasure I have ever had the fortune of discovering. I will not give her up, for anyone."

Zephyr's eyes narrowed and Obsidian waited to see his reaction. He had no shame in stating his desires aggressively, and although he could see Zalas seething silently in the background, he was unapologetic about his abrasiveness. Royalty or not, Obsidian Bones did not yield to anyone. As Zephyr had said himself, he was the Pirate King after all. And Circe was his, for as long as she chose to be. And he was hers for eternity.

He did not attempt to conceal his feelings in his gaze and eventually Zephyr relaxed slightly, giving a slight nod. "I suppose we can agree on one thing," he uttered haughtily, "my daughter is indeed the most beautiful jewel this world has to offer. Not even the diamond palaces of my homeland compare to her beauty."

Obsidian covered his mouth and resisted the sudden urge to laugh and the man's seriousness.

Zalas groaned in the corner. "Uncle ..."

"What?" Zephyr gave Zalas a cutting stare, "you disagree?"

Zalas looked uncomfortable. "She's my cousin-"

"Yes, she is," Zephyr interrupted curtly, "so you would do well to treat her with a little more kindness. I won't speak about it anymore though, Airocei told me she punished you. And that storm cloud wouldn't have gone away so quickly unless you felt truly remorseful."

Obsidian glanced curiously in Zalas's direction, but the other man was studiously ignoring his gaze. Although his pale skin remained unflushed, Obsidian felt as though the Prince was growing decidedly more uncomfortable with each passing second.

Instead of changing the subject again this time however, Obsidian decided to just enjoy it instead. It was fun watching Zalas squirm. Especially when his opponent happened to be someone he couldn't argue against.

The sudden opening of a door startled the trio from their conversation though, and Zalas was noticeably relieved as Obsidian addressed the man who walked through.


"Sorry Captain," The old man looked a little flustered, "your Highness's. I thought I had better be present for this conversation seeing how I will be heading to Evangeline soon. Aisling has just woken."

Obsidian vaguely remembered the blonde; curly haired woman was Hobson's wife. He wrinkled his nose. He thought she was a rather horrible bitch, but if Hobson liked that type of thing ... well, whatever.

Hobbson, thankfully seemed rather oblivious to Obsidian's feelings and was instead speaking to the man sitting, now rather rigidly, the bed. There appeared to be no other apparent reason for Zephyr's change in demeanour aside from Hobson's arrival, but Obsidian was sceptical. From what he knew, there should be no reason for the two to have animosity between them.

Hobbson bowed lowly, "Your Highness. It has been some time. Words cannot express how pleased I am to see you alive after we searched for so long."

Although he seemed tense, Zephyr's conduct was still infallible, and he greeted the Merman elegantly. "The feeling is mutual Bernard. However, I was not aware that you had returned to Evangeline's side ..." Zephyr's gaze flickered between Hobbson and Obsidian sceptically and suddenly Obsidian understood.

When Zephyr had set sail in pursuit of his Father, Hobson would have still been aboard Zeus's vessel, serving as intel, a detail that may or may not have been known to Zephyr himself. Naturally, with his appearance aboard the ship, it indicated that Hobbson was somehow involved with Obsidian, which starkly contradicted his statement of returning to Queen Evangeline with intel.

However, Hobbson did not falter and smoothly affirmed Zephyr's statement. "Yes, I have been for some time now. However, I remained with the boys," he said, gesturing to Obsidian, "in order to assure their safety. It was in the best interests of everyone, I assured you."

Zephyr hesitated before nodding cautiously. "Very well."

Hobbson paused. "Your Majesty ... do you wish for me to ..."

Zephyr waved his hand dismissively. "You can inform her of course. But I have matters of my own to attend to first." Despite his indifference, Obsidian thought he lacked the conviction he had held previously.

"Alright," Hobbson conceded, but a strange, melancholy expression flickered across his face.

Obsidian's eyes narrowed as he looked between the two, suddenly unsure of what they were talking about, but before he could ask, the moment had ended and Zephyr had moved on.

"I believe you can for my recount of events?" He began, one thin white eyebrow raising high on his forehead, "it is with a heavy heart that I regret to inform you, none of the news I have to share is good news."

From across the room, Zalas who had remained uncharacteristically silent until now, ground his teeth. "Is he alive?"

There was no doubt as to who he was referring to.

"Yes," Zephyr stated gravely, "and unfortunately it was your sister who aided in his resurrection."

There was a moment pause. Obsidian folded his arms across his chest and forced down the anger that sought to escape from his throat. His hands gripped his forearms forcibly, digging in the skin. He knew it.

Zalas let out a sort of strangled choking noise, and when Obsidian looked to him in anger, he saw his own rage reflected in the Prince's pale eyes. Interlocked with the rage was a terrible, devastating look of grief, that had no place on the Air Sprites normally haughty face. Obsidian shut his mouth and looked away, Zalas's words from earlier running through his mind.

If it was your Brother ...

A muscle jumped in Obsidian's jaw. Whether or not this was something Cobalt was capable of doing was besides the point. Familial betrayal was never okay.

"How?" Zalas finally managed to choke out, "Why? I don't understand."

"I'd like to know how too," Obsidian was finally able to say, and his brows furrowed into a deep scowl. "I watched my Fathers body burn with my own eyes."

"As did I," Hobbson grunted.

"He could not possibly be alive in his previous entirety," Obsidian continued, his eyes narrowing sharply as he studied Zephyr's expression, "so the real question I suppose, is whose body did he finally managed to steal?"

"You guessed?" Zephyr's gaze was intense.

Obsidian shrugged, but his expression held none of his body's portrayed languidness. "He originally tried to possess me. So yes, I suppose you could say I guessed."

Zephyr stared at him silently for a moment. "It was Kronos," he said abruptly, "Zeus's twin brother. He possessed Kronos. It is Kronos's body he uses now." His lips pressed into a thin line, "Kronos was brought to the island some time after I arrived and was locked in the cell next to me. Although I could not see him through the stone wall dividing us, I have listened to him become increasingly unhinged the longer we remained in that place."

Obsidian licked his lips, "And when my Father died? What happened to you both then?"

Zephyr sent him a look. "One day Zeus returned back with a child. He told me that the child was the half human offspring of Evangeline. He used Tobias's existence to torture me constantly ... manipulating ... and beating the boy in front of me. Teaching him how to control his magic ... and then picking apart his mentality until it was his magic that controlled him." His white hands smoothed out the blanket on top of his bed, erasing the creases completely before dragging his fingers back through the material jaggedly. "He wanted an apprentice. And for better or worse, that's what he got. And then when he disappeared, I was left behind in Tobias's care. On a rock, in the middle of nowhere, with an extremely unstable replica of Zeus, chained in the cell next to me."

"Kronos tried to manipulate Tobias," Obsidian stated the obvious, glad that Circe was not privy to this conversation. She was already blaming herself needlessly over Tobias's death and Zephyr's recount would only fuel her self-loathing.

"Yes," Zephyr confirmed, "he did, although I'm still unsure as to what end- their conversations never really seemed to have much purpose. I thought that maybe Kronos was trying to buy his freedom, but Zeus had repeatedly drilled into Tobias that we were not to be trusted and he never showed sign of releasing us." He frowned, "Although I am unsure if I recall Kronos ever asking to be released, now that I think about it."

Obsidian glanced at Hobbson and found the man looking thoughtful.

"Kronos was very different to Zeus," Hobbson said slowly, "he was almost placid on some days, but it was like he bottled all of his hatred until it had nowhere else to go," he grimaced, "which was when the cork would explode from the bottle like a bullet from a gun. But to some extent, I think he was aware of how dangerous he was."

"And Aranel?" Zalas asked tersely, "when did she come into this?"

Zephyr sighed, "About three years ago."

Zalas's eyes widened. "That long?" he hissed in outrage.

Obsidian drummed his fingers restlessly against his arm. "And she didn't release you?" he asked, his tone mildly sceptical, "you are her Uncle."

Zephyr shook his head. "You underestimate Aranel's loathing for Zeus Gold. To some extent, I share her hatred- the man he killed in front of her was not just her father and my sister's beloved husband, but my own brother in arms, my longest friend, and the person who was going to lead our country forward into the future." Zephyr's face was burning as he looked at Obsidian, "I will forever regret that fact that I was not able to end Zeus Gold with my own sword, after what he has done to my family. I believe that that fact, amongst many others, tormented Aranel past the point of rational thought. She accidently stumbled upon the island from what I know, and as soon as she laid eyes on Kronos, her path was set in stone. To release me would be to forsake her only chance at revenge."

Obsidian closed his eyes to these words, even as Zephyr continued to speak, his thoughts in turmoil. He was indeed no stranger to revenge. He had watched it ravage his Father and tear him apart, mind and soul. He had felt it himself, many times before. He could feel it now, eating away at his heart. He still wanted to kill Aranel. He wanted to rip her apart with his own two hands, as he had vowed to do, not so long ago. He wanted to burn those torn pieces until they were nothing but ash.

He wanted to end her, now more than ever. And it was no longer because of the suffering that she had caused him, no. It was because of the suffering she was going to cause him in the near future.

Behind his closed eyes now, Obsidian could already see him, the face of his Father. His shadow towering over him, immense and terrifying. Those cruel eyes burning into his skin like a scorching branding iron. His whip splitting the skin of Obsidian's back, the accompanying words more viscous than the torture itself.

He could never tell Circe how he truly felt about his Father. How the very thought of the man, made Obsidian break out in a cold sweat. The idea that he would have to face him again was unimaginable. The thought of killing him even more so. The only reason he had succeeded to begin with was due to Zeus's weakened state, both physical and mental.
And although he had rallied himself earlier, and although the sword he had claimed from his Father hung heavy on his hip, the dread he felt towards the inevitable reunion was irrefutable. He realised that some part of him had hoped the sighting was a farce. That it was indeed Kronos that had been spotted. Kronos, he could face. But his Father ...

"Bones, are you with us?"

Obsidian's head jerked up to meet Hobbson's concerned gaze. Without realising it, his hands had curled into white knuckled fists, fingernails digging crescent moons into his skin. He forced himself to relax and felt the tingling sensation as blood rushed back into his fingers.

"I'm fine." He said shortly, running his hands through his hair. "I'm fine."

"So, as I was saying," Zephyr continued, "I think it likely that Zeus is heading to the Elves. I don't know anyone else he holds a grudge against."

"We thought the same," Zalas interjected, "but that beast ... do you know anything of it, Uncle?"

Obsidian focused on Zephyr with effort. This was important.

"Unfortunately, yes." Zephyr said grimly. "However, I never thought I would see one in my life-time. That thing was a Nyx, it is of Fae origin- a sort of crude, stone dragon, for lack of a better description. The Fae created seven of them, they lay dormant, scattered across the Earth. Until they are brought to life, they simply appear to be nothing but stone."

"And how," Obsidian swallowed, "are they brought to life exactly."

"It's a Fae incantation," Zephyr said slowly, "and the reciter needs two beings from each Kingdom to contribute their magic. Depending on the strength of the being, the sacrifice can be fatal."

"And?" Obsidian looked shrewdly at the regal man. He was withholding. "There is something else isn't there."

Zephyr paused before heavy a sigh. "Yes. The Air Kingdom pendant is required due to it's ... gift."

Obsidian's face darkened. He knew about the 'gifts' Zephyr spoke of. Circe's stone had the ability erase memory and his own, the talent of concealment- complete invisibility that could be wielded at the wearers will.

But the Air Kingdom stone ... Obsidian did not know what its 'gift' was. He had seen it once, during the pendant joining in the Water Kingdom. It was a blood red gem, quite unlike what he had expect the Air Kingdom pendant to look like.

"Our stone," Zalas spoke suddenly, "you know it's gift?"

Obsidian looked at him incredulously and was surprised to find his surprised mirrored in Zephyr's voice as they spoke simultaneously.

"You don't?"

"Airocei didn't tell you?"

Zalas looked aggrieved but held his tongue and shook his head stiffly. "No."

Zephyr's face was cold. "Well I shall tell you now then. The Air Kingdom pendant has the ability to take and store life, as well as giving it." His voice was blunt. "While the other two stones are formidable, the Air Kingdom pendant is perhaps dreadful of all. The cause of such a vast difference in power is really quite simple, it is because of the-"

"Dragons," Zalas finished, the word a whispered horror, "When Mother made the pendant, the Dragons were there weren't they."

"Yes. And when she had no more to give, it was the Dragons who returned her from the brink of death with their magic." Zephyr was sombre, "This magic was remembered by the pendant upon it's completion and became it's gift."

"How terrifying," Hobbson murmured from beside Obsidian. "No wonder the pendants were ordered to be joined."

"Yes," Zephyr agreed, "indeed. When the pendants are together, their power becomes nullified. It is for this reason the Kingdoms felt them an accurate representation of peace in our realm. That which was created for war, was joined to symbolise our unity."

"Then why and how would Faeries even know about such a thing?" Obsidian asked harshly. The question that was currently burning in the forefront of his mind, was the obvious one. If the red stone was needed to raise the Nyx, was it not the Fae, but rather the Air Nymphs who were guilty instead?

He voiced this theory aloud and was met with Zalas's vehement denial.

"You didn't even know what it did until a second ago," Obsidian hissed at him, "why don't you just shut up and accept that you might not know everything?"

Zephyr chose to ignore their animosity and answered Obsidian fairly. "Although I see your reasoning, this is something you will simply have to trust me with. The Nyx is a creation of the Un-seelie, or the Dark Fae. I said the Air Kingdom pendant was required because Zeus used it in the resurrection, so that was the assumption I made; knowing what the stone is capable of, you have to admit it makes sense. I learnt about the existence of the Nyx shortly before the Unseelie were met with Human retaliation and retreated into hiding, but I never saw one brought to life.

"Perhaps it was because they did not have the stone, or for a different reason entirely. But if the Nyx could have been raised so easily, the Fae would have done it during the war with the Humans. It would have been their trump card." Zephyr finished, "I doubt they would have succumbed with such a formidable beast on their side."

"Fine," Obsidian looked away, "I guess I will just have to trust you."

"The magic Zeus employed was undoubtably Fae," Zephyr's gaze was unwavering, "I was not familiar with it past that. I do not know where he learnt such things, but I would proceed forward under the assumption that at some point, he made contact with the Unseelie and at the very least, learnt of the existence of the Nyx and how to raise it."

Hobbson inhaled sharply and Obsidian cast him a look.

"That time?" He murmured to the merman and Hobbson jerked his head sharply.

"Yes. When he went missing. It makes sense now."

Obsidian gritted his teeth.

"Zeus went missing for a period," Hobbson explained, "disappeared entirely and left Kronos in-charge. It was during this time that I left the crew to search for you with Evangeline. When I eventually returned, Zeus had reappeared also, and Kronos had vanished. My absence was too suspicious for him to trust me and I was forced to leave again. It must have been during this time that he made contact with the Unseelie."

"That would make sense," Zephyr agreed. Obsidian could see the other man processing the information, fitting the pieces together, even as he aligned them himself.

He heaved a sigh, drawing the attention of the room as he straightened. "Alright," he said irritably, "I've heard everything I need to hear for now." He levelled Zalas a glare, "I'll leave the rest to you, if anything important comes up, I trust you will bring me up to speed." Both of them knew without Obsidian saying that he was referring to Aranel.

"You do not dictate what I do," Zalas spat out sourly. Obsidian took it as a sign of agreement.

"Zalas, you stay," Zephyr uttered from the bed. "We need to talk about Aranel." He shifted slightly and it was then Obsidian remembered that the man's leg had been broken, if he recalled correctly.

"Your leg?" He inquired curtly, cutting smoothly across Zalas just as the Prince began to speak.

"Ah," a faint smile crossed Zephyr's face, "fully recovered."

"Circe?" Obsidian guessed.

"Who else?"

Obsidian grunted. "Well I'll be leaving then."

"I'll join you," Hobbson gave Zephyr a short bow. "I plan to leave with Aisling as soon as she is able, but I expect we will meet again soon."

Zephyr inclined his head in return, "Thank-you Bernard." He said simply.

Obsidian paused with his hand on the doorknob and shot Zalas a look that said he expected to hear the discussion regarding Aranel later. Zalas replied with a glare that made it clear he believed it was none of Obsidian's fucking business.

Obsidian scoffed and opened the door, grumbling under his breath. Hobbson followed him out the room and then excused himself in the direction of Aislings quarters, leaving Obsidian standing alone in the hallway with his thoughts.


Sometime later, he pushed open the door to the Captains quarters to find his brother asleep in his chair, his hat pulled low over his eyes. The room was dim and warm, and Obsidian felt fatigue set in as he rested a hand on Cobalt shoulder and shook him awake.

"Go to bed."

"Aye," Cobalt muttered drowsily. He rose from the chair after a moment and attempted to straighten the instruments that had been scattered haphazardly across the charting table before issuing a lazy stretch and making for the door. "See ya in the mornin' then." He mumbled on his way out and Obsidian grunted in reply.

He waited for the door to shut before turning and heading in the opposite direction. His boots were discarded before he stepped into the hallway, his coat and shirt abandoned at her door. He stepped into the room silently and shut himself into darkness.

After a moment, his eyes adjusted and he was able to pick her out, a silent lump in the centre of the bed. He approached quietly. Extending a hand, he shifted the covers back from her face. She was sleeping deeply and he with the state she had come to him in, he was not surprised. His fingers brushed against the skin of her cheek tenderly. The exhausted tears she had shed in his embrace earlier had long since dried, but he felt her lashes tremble at his touch and her lips moved silently as she dreamed.

Bending his head, he pressed a kiss to her forehead. His lips lingered on her skin, unwilling to pull away. Eventually he retreated, but it was only to lift the covers before, cautious of disturbing her rest, he slid under the blankets fluidly and pulled her into his chest.

Her warmth seeped into him instantly, chasing away the chill of dread that had settled too quickly and too comfortably like a suffocating layer on his skin. He nosed her hair and smoothed another kiss on her temple. This time his face remained pressed into her hair as he breathed her in, his arms curling around her as he held her to him gently.

He forced his thoughts to slow, pushing them from his mind as he focused on the steady rise and fall of Circe's even breaths. He recalled her words from the island and felt his heart clench painfully.

'I'm thinking that every time my Father is mentioned, you are taken from me.'

'That won't happen this time.' She had assured him, her meaning clear. This time, they had each other.

'I wish I could ask you to promise me that.' He had replied.

'You can.'

'No,' he had told her, 'that's the one thing I cannot do.'

He swallowed thickly and held her tighter. Gently his lips brushed across hers in the lightest of kisses.

"I will keep you safe this time," he murmured. A vow.

And when Circe woke in the morning, Obsidian was gone.


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