Percy Jackson: Assassin God O...

By Wolfsson

347K 6.5K 4.3K

His friends betrayed him. His family are dead. His name is forgotten. He is no longer Perseus Jackson, or Per... More



15.5K 328 108
By Wolfsson



"Why are you helping the Hunters? It's not like they'll need it!" Clarisse shouted.


Sacrifice muttered to Clarisse, "We're fucked. I have been sparring with him for two hundred years as the most powerful  of his army next to him, and the last time I beat him was 199 years ago. AAnd we tried fighting him with the whole army against him alone. We lost. Horriificly. And he didn't even break a sweat! If anything, he was even harder to beat." Clarisse gave him a terrified look.

Percy chuckled at that. "OK, people, get your flags, and teams, then go to where your having your bases." And with that he walked over to Artemis, spinning Angielem in staff  form.

Artemis smiled at  him before telling him, "Percy, I'm gonna geuss that we'll need you to go after the flag on your own, otherwise we'll be dealing with enemies far more powerful than us." He nodded in affirrmative and acknowledgement. "Good. Now, Phoebe, take Thalia and go place the flag. Atlanta, Katrina, Emily, and Sarah, set up the traps and other defenses. Lily..." After she gave everybody their jobs, they quickly got to work. Percy just waited in a tree, watching the enemy flag with a calculating eye.

The horn blew.

Immediately, he jumped down and began walking over. About thirty minutes later, Clarisse and seen other Ares kids came charging towards him shouting warcries, acompanied by his army.

Angielem shifted into a crossbow. Lifting it to his shoullder, he sighted and fired at one of the kids following her, hitting him in the stomach, knocking the air out of him and taking him out of the game. Then Angielem became a sword as he pulled Maelstrom out of it's sheath. Blocking Clarisse's attack, he spun and hit one of Zoe's arrows into Chris, who was right behind Clarisse, taking him down as well. Slamming the flat of his sword into the side of Clarisse' helmet, knocking her out instantly, he slipped paast her and rammed the pommels of his swords into the foreheads of another two and spun around one of them before hitting onther one in the temple with the flat of his sword, knocking them out as well. Sheathing Maelstrom, Angielem shifted into a staff again in time to deflect another arrow into one of the remaining Ares kids, then spin and strike the second one in the forehead. Twirling Angielem, who was giggling madly, he thumped the last one on the top of his head.

Suddenly, London, Angel, and Huntress were firing arrows faster than most people could see them. Angielem turned back into a crossbow and shot Huntress in the hand, temporarily numbing and paralyzing it. Forge, Sacrifice, Beauty, Huntress, and Vengance were all attacking him at once while London and Angel hung back firing arrows at him and Isle kept throwing magic she had learned from Hecate a century ago at him.

None of it hit him.

Sacrifice and Vengance were the first down, taking Angielem to the throat, making it incredibly difficult for them to breath now. Forge got half drowned after getting smacked in the forehead with Percy's elbow and Beauty ended up joining him with Angielem shaped bruise on the side oif her head. Quickly vanishing Angielem he brought out Maelstrom and Riptide before blurring towards the remaining three of his army. Angel ended up getting smacked in thee face with the flat of Riptide's blade.

The last thought that went through her head before she hit the ground was, "What is it with him and hitting me in the head? First the shield, now this? What the hell?"

Spinning, he smashed Maelstrom's pommel into the back of Londons head, knocking him out instantly, and swept Isle's feet from under her. As she was about to hit the ground, his knee caught her in the side of the head.

"Sorry, guys, but I got someone to mess with. See ya after the Hunt wins!" He said before carrying on his way, taking out any half-bloodds that tried to stop him. About half an hour before he would come into view of the flag, he came across Theseus and Annabeth who were both waiting for him to come into view. As soon as he did, Theseus charged straight at him, spear-first. Knocking it aside, he felt the paralyzing and numbing magics in it that were only active if the owner was awake. Saying, "Sorry about this, little bro,"  as he slammed Maelstrom's pommel into his forehead, he spun around him and slapped the flat of Riptide's blade into the side of Annabeth's helmet before sheathing Maelstrom and taking out his shield.

He didn't even stop moving forward.

He kept up his march of destruction, destroying the enemy forces faster than they could even move. He finally found the flag.

Unfortunately, he also found the other hundred demigods that he and the Hunt hadn't taken down yet.

Behind them was Aaron and the flag.

Riight now he could truly care less about the flag.

He had his own agenda and nothing short of every Primordial, Titan, god, and demigod that hadd ever existed plus Order and Chaos combined could stop him from carrying it out.

The agenda?

Make Aaron wish he were in Tartaurus.

Or worse.

He gave an evil grin before he charged towards them, all of the swords that he had been collecting on his way here suddenly flying out of their places on his person to start causing havoc in their ranks. As he charged through their ranks, he slammed his shield into Travis' chest, knocking him onto his back before hitting another one in the face with his elbow. Jumping about thirty feet into the air, he landed and caused an earthquake at the same time, knocking most of them onto their backs, taking them out of the game. Standingback up, he took in how many still remained to see what would happen.

Which was only Aaron, and what was about tyo happen...

Was about to happen to HIM.

Aaron gave a sick grin before laughing and sayiiing, "Well, would you look at that? Percy's back!  Prepare to die, bitchface!"

Percy just laughed.

Then time beghan slowing down, swords changed into a ring of death around them, pain in gas form surrounded them. blood flowed in a ring of spikes around them, a hurricane formed around them, fire exploded into life aroud them, light went to near unbearable levels, even for Percy, shield went up atround them, and rocks began flying into the air.

Then it all swarmed towards Aaron.

He screamed in blind terror before getting used as target practice nad falling unconscious after a few minutes of the abuse.

Percy sneered at him, he had put Thalia through that and the most she had given even after an hour was a few tears without falling unconscious. He had put her and all the Hunters through that so that if he ever lost control of his bloodlust and tried killing everybody, they could defend themselves from him. Focusing his powers as god of nightmares and pain on Aaron's unconcious mind, he felt his eyes turn into that life draining sea-green that he had had as a demigod after Hera's little switcharoo with him and Jason, who was now a minor god of winds. The other seven were also minor gods, Piper being minor god of compassion, Leo minor god of flames, Hazel minor god of metals, Frank minor god of shapeshifters, and Annabeth minor god of architecture. They also shared the domain of heroes with Percy though. Percy shifted through Aaron's mind, looking for his worst fear.

When he found it he burst out laughing.

"Seriously? You're afraid of MY LITTLE PONY?! Bwahahahaha!"

He couldn't even move, he was laughing so hard. When he finally calmed down, he put Aaron through enough pain to make Tartyaurus flinch. It wasn't near as bad as what he had put Percy through, but it was enough for him. Then he put him into a coma that was filled with nightmares of MLP. He couldn't help the fit of laughter that followed that. "My Little Pony. What a laugh," he said as he walked towards the flag. Picking it up, he walked back to his base to find only three Demigods had gotten past him to the base.

None were conscious at the moment

He looked up at Artemis and said, "I got the flag."


I laughed when he said that. "I take it you had fun?"

He gave a very satisfied smile. "Let's just say that I have some very good blackmail material for making Aaron's life a living hell. Right now, his dreams are a living hell."

I raised an eyebrow in question, but he just shook his head. I shrugged, planning an asking him later.

Chiron came clopping  towards us with a pale face. He looked at Percy before turning back to me and saying, "Next time, can he PLEASE not join? Because now me and those of the healers that rremain conscious are going to be buy for weeks with all those bruises and broken limbs. I assume the broken limbs were accidental, Traitos?"

"Yep. Except for the ones on Aaron, those were totally purposeful."

"He deserved them. He has been blackmailiing the  Hermes cabin since the beginning of the camp war, as we're calling it, I just found out."

Percy spun his swords arround before sheahing them. Then  he face-palmed. "Shit! I forgot to report my findings to Zeus! I'lll be right back," he said before flashing away.


As soon as I arrived, I tokk out my swords and threw them into the air. As soon as they were at the peak of their flight, they let loose a blast of light, one that was completely blue. Me and Zeus had agreed that this is what I would use to call a meeting with him. A second later he appeared with Chaos appearing a split second after.

Zeus began, "Success?" I nodded. "What did you find?"

"I found the equivalent of eight armies being led by Octavian. He mentioned your brother, Chaos. False Order, also known as Hate or Destruction,  just so you know, Zeus." He nodded in acknowledgement. "After wiping the army out, me and Artemis got a little side-tracked, which is why we were late."

Zeus just smirked. "You knew that would happen, didn't you?" I said wearily.

He nodded.

Chaos chuckled before saying, "Percy, I was hoping that this could wait until you had gotten full control over your powers, but it can't wait. Would you be willing to become my champion as  well as Hestia's?"

I nodded before realizing that fot 200 years, my titles didn't include 'Champion of Hestia."

Yeah, I'm still a seaweed brain, even if I don't like being called that name anymore.

"Excuse me, but why is that not one of my titles? The Champion of Hestia one?"

Chaos laughed before shifting forms to her female form and saying, "Because she asked the Fates to not tell anyone until you became somebody else's champion."


"Now then, hold still, as this might tickle," she said before throwing a black ball off energy at me.

I barely managed to not squirm.pted

"Now then-"  Chaos began before she was interupted by the Fates appearing in a flash of golde light, accompanied by a fourth flash, only this one was darker and older.

When the light cleared, I found out that the fourth one was their mother, Ananke, Primordial of Fate.

She began. "All hail Lord Perseus Bloodoath, Primordial of Blood, War, and Keeper of the Heart of The Hunt."

Clotho, the spinner of the thread of life, then said, "All hail Lord Perseus Jackson, Assassin God of Olympus, Keeper of Tartaurus, the five Rivers of Tthe Underworld, Master of the Tides, Wielder of Chaos Fire, and Hidden Spirit of the Forgotten River."

Lachesis, the one who determines the length of their life, then said, "All Hail Champion Perseus Bloodoath-Jackson, Champion of Olympus, Chaos, and Lady Hestia."

Finally, Atropos, the cutter  said, "All hail Perseus Jackson, Slayer of Gaia and Kronos, Survivor of Tartaurus, Guardian of Heroes, god of swords, time, earth, hurricanes, loyalty, betrayed people, war, heroes, pain, nightmares, monsters, promises, lost causes, choice, ancient laws, assassins, protectors, leaders, soldiers, Pegasi, friendship, emotions, rebellion, blood, memory, senses, light, constellations, creation, destruction, and everlasting bonds."

Then, all at once, they said, "All hail Lord Perseus Bloodoath-Jackson, Lord of the Warriors of Blood, King of the Plane of Blood, Master of the Staff of Angels and Demons, Emporer of the Evernight Forest, Primordial Guardian."

"Destroyer of the Destroyer."

"Guardian of The Hunt."

Master of the mighty Ladon, Protector of The Hespiride Tree."

"Prince of the Primordial Crown."

Some of these were new titles, like Prince of the Primordial Crown.

"Wait, what?"

Chaos just gave me an appraising look before saying, "It means that when I fade..."

"You will become ruler of the universe."

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