Lustful Sins *Bruno Mars Fanf...


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Put it like this you know when you're wrong and you shouldn't do certain things but the temptation leads you... Еще

Lustful Sins
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13

Part 7

486 28 64

*Aliyah's P.O.V*

I seriously don't know i'm so pissed off at the moment. Maybe because that bitch threatened me to sleep with Phil then turned around and slept with Bruno or because she fucked Bruno and i wanted him to myself. Yea thats sounds selfish as fuck but when you got good dick times 2 you tend to become selfish.

I hit my steering wheel and stopped at a red light when my phone started ringing out of nowhere. I rolled my eyes and picked it up and saw thst it was Bruno calling. I rolled my eyes and put my phone down and waited for the light to turn green.Once it did i sped off and ended up finding myself at a jewelry store which happens to be the same store Phil bought my heart shaped diamond engagement ring from. I wondered inside and looked at all the different jewelry until a pair of gold dog tag. I smiled remembering a year ago when Phil said he wanted some dog tags that reminded him of me while i was away and I never got a chance to get it.

A lady stood in front of me and smiled "Hi i'm Maggie is there anything i could assist you with today?"

I smiled and nodded "Yes actually. Um i'm in the army and i'm away alot from my fiance and i want to buy hime these gold tags since he's been talking about wanting some to remind him of me while i'm away"

She pulled out the gold dogtags "Well these are our best ones they are 27 karrot gold just for $17,000 and for an additional $700 you can get them engraved with anything you like. Are you interested?"

I thought about it for a sec because $17,700 is alot of money for some dog tags but i will practically do anything for Phil i mean he did spend 12 grand on my engagement ring when we didn't even have 1 grand he borrowed some his mother and the reast we went straight drug dealer for three months. I nodded and pulled oyt the bank card that me and Phil share "I'll take it with the engraving"

She looked a little surprised "Umm are you sure Ma'am that's alot of money"

I nodded "Yea i'm sure, Me and my fiance makes enough money. He bought mt engagement ring from here six years ago"

She glanced at the rock on my finger "Seriously? Who the hell are you marrying the king of England!?! I've worked here for 35 years and still can't affort this stuff in here"

I giggled "My fiance is Bruno Mars's right hand man"

Her eyes got wide "You're marrying Philip Lawrence!?!?"

I nodded "Yea in 8 month, Are you a fan?"

She nodded "I love me some Bruno and Phil! They make me feel young again"

I laughed again and she took out a notepad "So the engravement on the dog tags what would you like for them to say?"

I thought for a second then the memory of the night Phil proposed to me..

*Flashback 2008*

"Come on Aliyah you're gonna make us late" Phil whined

I giggled and fixed my hair and put some light pink lipstick and walked o of mt bedroom to my loving boyfriend Phil in a black tuxedo "I'm done are you happy now Philip"

He looked at me and bit his lip "I am as long as you know that i am taking you out of that dress tonight"

I shook my head rolling my eyes "Whatever Phil"

He opened the front door and scoffed "You think i'm playing but watch when you have something in between your hips"

I laughed and playfully hit him while walking out the door "Shut your ass up Philip"

He laughed and closed the door begind us then grabbed my hand and walked me to his car. We go in and pulled off. I laid my hand on Phil's lap "So where are we going?"

He glanced at me and smirked "You will see when get there baby trust me"

I giggled "Okay i guess Phil"

He took another glance at me "You know Aliyah i been thinking"

I raised my eyebrow "I see. There is smoke coming out of your ears"

He tossed me a serious look that told me he wasn't playing "I'm serious Aliyah"

I frowned "Sorry, What are you thinking about baby"

"About you moving in with me"

I cocked my head to the side "I thought we agreed we'd move in together when we got enough money for that house"

He sighed "Yea we did but to be completely honest we are never gonna get $33,000 to buy that house this music shit ain't going nowhere and we all know it! Bruno is just to damn blind to see it"

I sighed and put my hand on his shoulder "I hate that he doubt his dreams all he has ever talked about is when he makes it big he's gonna make sure everyone around us is taken care of. "Phil don't say that"

"Why not it's the truth every since we put this producing thing together we've only sold aboyt three songs"

"Okay that's not bad. Phil everything starts out slow. One day The Smeezingtons are gonna be bigger then ever and ima be your biggest fan" I smiled

He smiled and stopped at the airport where you would see the planes take off. "You better be my biggest fan. Now come on"

"Wait we're about to fly somewhere!?!"

He shook his head ans got out the car "Just come on"

I sighed and got out the car and follwed Phil inside of some gates where there was nothing but grass and lit candles. I loomed at Phil smiling "What is this? I thought you said we were going to be late"

He smiled "We were gonna be late to watch them send the blimp into the are and watch the new plane to take off"

"So you had me to put on this dress just to sit in the grass and watch planes take off"

"Yes and to have a picnic dinner that i cooked of course"

I shook my head "You are so unpredictable which is why i love you so much"

He leaned down and kissed me then jumped "Shit i almost forgot!"

He got down on knee and i gasped "Phil are you-"

"Tying my shoe? Yea i am" He smirked and messed with shoe.

I groaned feeling a little irritated that i actually thought he was gonna purpose to me. He pointed over to the blimp that was lighting up. "Can you tell me what the lights on the blimp says i can't see it well"

I rolled my eyes and looked at the blimp and read the flashing lights 'Aliyah Harmony Browning Will you marry me?......Turn around'

My eyes got widen and i turned around to see Phil still down on one knee but holding a heart shaped diamond ring that i been eyeballing for a while and smiling at me.......

I smiled at the lady infront of me "My dream is to spend the rest of my life with you, To never leave your side because you've been down for me when nobody else was, You put up with me through the good and bad, And When i cheated you bitched and damn but yet we still came out strong. So what i'm trying to say is I Love You and i want to make you a part of me forever" The exact words Phil said to me when he purposed. A tear escaped my eye and my subconscious started to attack me. 'And after all that shit you still went and fucked Bruno, you would've thought you'd be different especially when you found him in bed with another women 4 months into ya'll dating' I took a deep breath erasing that horrible memory hasn't been spoken of in years out of my head and ignored my subconscious.

The lady smiled wiping her face after writing it down "That is so beautiful"

"Those were his words when he perposed to me"

"You are a lucky girl. I'll go ahead and get this engraved and you can pick it up in a few days and you can pay then"

I nodded giving her my name for the order. Then walked to my car. Once i was in the car my subconscious began to hit me full force making the guilt eat me alive. You wouldn't think that shopping for some dog tags would Bring out alot of regret, guilt, and shame. It's really got me thinking i should cut ties with Bruno. Maybe i just need someone to talk to, But sadly the only person i can talk to about this has her lips wrapped around Bruno's dick like the whore she is!

I groaned and started my car while i decided the best thing for me to do right now is go home and cuddle with Phil. I pulled of and drove home, Once i got home i didn't see Phil's car parked outside. Ugh did he leave? I grabbed my phone and called him and within two seconds he answered "Hey Baby did Bruno enjoy his pie?"

I rolled my eyes "Yea he enjoyed Jessica's pussy pie"

Phil coughed spitting out whatever he was drinking "What!?!?"

"Well i went over there and kmocked on the door and both Bruno and Jessica answered half naked"

He sighed "What the fuck is wrong with this short prick. I pray to god this is the a one night stand and he doesn't slip up and tells her he loves her. You remember what happen last time a nigga told her he loved her"

I shook my head and sighed "Yea you almost got stabbed and i had to save your ass"

Phil laughed."Yea i know and to make sure that shit doesn't happen again i'm gonna have a talk with him"

"You better. But anyway where are you your car is not here"

"Aww shit baby i forgot to tell you my parents are in town and i wanted to be a momma's boy for a fee hours so we're walking around the mall" Je said in cute baby voice.

I groaned "How did you forget to to tell me that Phil? You know i would love to see your parents"

"Do we not remember the whole me being drunk and hurting your feeling last night.....Oww Ma! I told her i was sorry!"

I giggled "Completely understandable babe, Have fun being a momma's boy and i'll see you later on tonight"

"One more thing Aliyah"


"My mom wants to cook dinner tonight for us will that be okay?"

Now he knows i would never say no to his mom "Sure i'll have the house cleaned before you get back"

"Thank you baby i love you so much!" He excitedly said

"I love you too"

He told me he had to go and hung up. I sighed, Guess i'll be home alone today. I really wanted yo cuddle with Phil but he wants to be a momma's boy today and i can respect that. I got out the car and went inside the house kicking off my shoes. I sighed looking sround the house wondering where should i start cleaning first. You would think with only two people living in here it would be clean but when it comes to Phil, He cooks and won't clean up his mess, He has Bruno over and definitely won't clean up his mess, He will only clean if it's convenient to him mean he only cleans when i'm off on duty or really sick.

I decided to start with the dishes in the kitchen, Then the stove and now on to the catastrophe that is my refrigerator that has leftover chinese, homeade food,beer and whole bunch of other stuff crammed in ther that Phil wasted. It took me about 2 and a half hours to clean it out. Once i was done I heard the front door close a footsteps come to the kitchen. I turned around thinking i was gonna see Phil ans his parents but instead it was Bruno leaning against the doorway. I jumped a little "How the hell did you get in my house?"

"The door was unlocked so i just walked in"

I rolled my eyes "And you didn't think to knock?"

He raised his eyebrow "Aliyah when do i ever knock"

I shook my head "you have a point"

He stepped in and leaned on the counter "Where is your man at?"

"He ain't here and won't be here for a while. So why are you here" I snapped

Bruno looked a little shocked "I came to see what you wanted earlier"

"Nothing now you were too busy fucking Jessica anyway!"

He smirked "Okay i get it you're jealous"

I scoffed "Jealous? Jealous of what!?!?"

"That you're friend is getting a taste of the sex dragon"

"Get over yourself and get out of my house!"

I went to walk out the kitchen but Bruno grabbed my arm and pull me to the counter close to "What's wrong baby why are you acting mean to me?"

I tried pull away from him but his grip got tighter "Get off of me Bruno!"

"Not until you tell me why you are being mean and stubborn" He damn near shotted

I kept trying to pull away "I'm not being mean and stubborn. I just don't want to be near y-"

He cut me off by kissing me "If this is about Jessica i'm sorry i was drunk and she was talking about she wanted a boyfriend and it went from there. Just because we are starting something that doesn't mean what i want to do you right now fades away"

I raised my eyebrow "And what you trying to do to me right now?"

His eyes suddenly changed to a hungry man's eyes and picked me up placing me on the counter. Before i could say anything Bruno's lips were roughly smashed into mine causing to moan and instantly grabbed his hair. Soon enough i found myself laying on ny back and Bruno hopping on the counter on top of me. He nudged my legs apart with his knee so one leg would fall of the counter. He moved his kisses to my neck while undoing my pants. With one quick move my pants were off and on the floor. How that happened i don't know but it turned me on along with feeling him on my thigh. He licked up my neck to my ear before whispering "what i want to do to you right now is taste every inch of your body then make you scream my name while i'm deep inside of you"

I bit my lip moaning at the tone of his voice. I swear i was just pissed at him about a minute ago. He pushed me up the counter some more and pulled my panties off and began to lick down my thigh until he reached may clit. He stopped and did it again but this time he placed gis whole mouth over my pussy and began to suck and lick my clit sending me over ther fucking edge. I lifted my hip moaning really loud and grabbing his hair. As i've mentioned before it doesn't take long for me to come when i'm getting head but i must say i'm cumming faster then before!

My orgasm ripped through me viciously causing me to scream "Bruno!"

He stopped and looked up at me smirking "Damn girl cum fast much"

I rolled my eyes breathing heavy "Shut up! Are you gonna give me that dick or what"

He unzipped his pants and whipped it and hovered over me rubbing the tip along my entrance "Only if you're nice to me"

"Ugh Bruno you playing to damn much" I groaned

He pushed the head in csusing me gasp in pleasure "Are you gonna be nice to Aliyah?"

I'm really starting not to like this fool. I bit my lip and nodded "Yes"

With that he slammed the rest of himself in me and connecting his lips to mine letting me taste myself. His thrust were hard but slow which was driving me up a wall. Bruno bit my bottom lip a little hard as he picked up his spead"

"Oh gosh!" I mumbled.

He let go of my lip and leaned up grabbing my hips fucking me much more faster "Dammit Liyah! I can't get enough of this pussy"

I rolled my eyes to the back of my head and wrapped legs around his waist making him go deeper. And as he went deeper i screamed louder i'm pretty sure the neighbors can hear this shit which i really hope they can't. I gripped the edge of the counter as another orgasm viciously ripped through me and i threw my head back "I'm about to cum Bruno!"

He smirked pounding in me much more harder making the counter make noises "You ain't the only one baby. Cum for daddy"

I shook a little and released myself screaming to the top of my lungs. A few more thrust Bruno came too.

We sat still staring at each other breathing heavy until i heard the front door open and voices. My eyes got wide and i quickly pushed Bruno off me and jumoed off the counter slipping my pants on. I ripped my engagement ring off and threw it on the other side of the counter and whispered "Pretend to be looking for my ring!"

He jumped behind the counter on the floor as the voices got closer to the kitchen. I fixed myself the best way i could just befor Phil and his parents wslked into the kitchen. I smiled "Hey baby!"

Phil looked around a little confused "Hey babe uhh is Bruno here his car is out front"


Before i could say anything Bruno jumped up holding my ring "I found it Aliyah! sorry again for knocking off the sink"

I nervously laughed "Thanks. Next time watch where you're going that ring cost twelve thousand dollars you can always replace it"

He faked coughed "Bullshit! What up Phil man you didn't tell me your parents was in town! I came by to see you and Aliyah told me you were out being a mama's boy"

They all engaged into conversation leaving me able to slip out the room and sigh out of relief. Cause that shit was almost close!.....

*A Week Later/Phil's P.O.V*

I'm sitting in this studio waiting on Bruno to come back. He had to tun outside quickly to talk to Aliyah about performing on base tomorrow. But he's been outside for about 30 minutes and i don't want to jump to conclusions, But for the past week Bruno and Aliyah have been acting wierd around eachother like they know something i don't know.

After about 5 more minutes of waiting Bruno finally cane back in sweating and breathing hard. I looked at him raising his eyebrow "You okay"

He looked at me wide eyed and like he was trying to find the words. "Umm yea after Aliyah left Jessica came and gave a dragon some good ass head"

I looked at the door "So where is the love struck thot"

"Uhh outside trying to get Aliyah to come back and take her somewhere" He quickly spit out

I nodded not really believing a word he saying. My phone suddenly beep letting me know i had a text. I looked at it and there was a unknown number with a multimedia text message. I opened it and my heart sank as there was a picture of Bruno and Aliyah on the hood of here car kissing with a text 'This is Jessica if you want to know everything i know come to my house in the next 30 minutes'

I sighed trying yo hold back my tears because if i cry ima beat the shit out of Bruno and i need to make sure this is true or another one of Jessica's bullshitting ways to kick me out of Bruno's life since they are together it has happened before because she told her ex who i went to school with that i tried to rape her and he tried to stab me until Aliyah almost shot him. So just for my sanity ima go to her house to see if she has any valid evidence. I really hope she don't because if she does i can't be responsible for any of my actions.....

Thanks For Reading :)

Next Part Coming Soon!!!!

Happy New years!! My first update of 2015 yaaaass i pray i am blessed as much as i was last year minus havin a baby Lol

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