Remnant's Black Snow Hope [Un...

By CameronKiller535

232K 4.5K 1.5K

Rwby Harem x Depressed Fem Reader Rights Belong To Roosterteeth More

Volume 1 Bio Updated
Chapter 1 Redux: Chilly Start
Chapter 2 Redux: Chance For Change
Chapter 3 Redux: Burdens
Chapter 4 Redux: The Initiation
Chapter 5 Redux: Chained Jester
Chapter 6 Redux: Faltering Wills
Chapter 7 Redux: Rise & Fall
Chapter 8 Redux: Useless
Chapter 9 Redux: Erased
Chapter 10 Redux: Last Act
Chapter 11 Redux: Comfort
Volume Two Bio Redux
Chapter 12 Redux: Fatal Chapter
Chapter 13 Redux: Food Fight!
Chapter 14 Redux: Schemes
Chapter 15 Redux: Night Out
Chapter 16 Redux: Iron Claws
Chapter 17 Redux: Affections
Chapter 18 Redux: Sharing
Chapter 19 Redux: Just Dance
Chapter 20 Redux: Setting Out
Chapter 21 Redux: Purpose
Chapter 22 Redux: Duty-bound
Chapter 23 Redux: Risking It All
Chapter 24 Redux: Inversion
Chapter 25 Redux: Intertwined
Chapter 26 Redux: Treatment
Chapter 27 Redux: Petaling Snow
Chapter 28 Redux: Sick Queen
Chapter 29 Redux: Radiant
Chapter 30 Redux: Lamenting Jester
Volume 3 Bio Redux
Chapter 32: New Territory
Chapter 33: Scorpions Tail
Chapter 34: Painful Answers
Chapter 35: Struggles
Chapter 36: Renewed Hope
Volume 5 Chapter 37: Changes
Volume 5 Bio
Chapter 38: Marching On
Chapter 39: Evolution
Chapter 40: Back Together
Chapter 41: Old Times
Chapter 42: Mercy
Chapter 43: Shattered Part 1
Chapter 44: Awakened Part 2
Chapter 45: Blade
Chapter 46: Fight Club
Volume 6 Bio
Chapter 47: Journey to Argus
Chapter 48: Immortal
Chapter 49: Hope Lost
Chapter 50: Apathy
Chapter 51: Argus
Chapter 52: Ruby's Resolve
Chapter 53: The Plan
Chapter 54: Bonds
Chapter 55: Leviathan
Chapter 56: Atlas
Volume 7 Rival Bio
Chapter 57: New Territory
Volume 7 Bio
Chapter 58: Elites
Chapter 59: Need to Improve
Chapter 60: Queen's Blade
Chapter 61: Empress vs Queen
Chapter 62: Panic
Chapter 63: Family Revelations
Chapter 64: Trust
Chapter 65: Fear
The Plan
Chapter 66: Courage
Chapter 67 is out now
Chapter 67: War on Atlas
Epilogue: Black Snow At Peace
Chapter 70: Strange Yet Familiar
Author Route Volume 8 Bio
Volume 8 Karen and Akame Bio
Chapter 71: Feelings Of Pain
Chapter 72: Memories Hurt
Chapter 73: Little Moon
Chapter 74: Ayuki's Past
Chapter 75: Queen's Trials
Sorry Once Again
Chapter 76: Memories Unraveling
Chapter 77: Secrets Revealed
Volume 8 End: Promise Between Empresses
Small Idea
Slice of Life Chapter 1: Video Game
SOL Chapter 2: Frozen Lemons 18+
SOL Chapter 3: Fear Of Belonging
SOL Chapter 4: Moon and Snow
Mother's Day

Volume 7 Ending Chapter 68: New Snow Fall

1.1K 35 23
By CameronKiller535

3rd Person POV:

As Y/N and Salem disappear in a ball of light the entire Atlas fleet are left dumbstruck.

Winter: Where did they go?!

Winter: They just vanished....

Penny: What do you mean?

Winter: Huh?

Ruby: You don't see them fighting right now?

Winter: Fighting?

Weiss: In a world completely filled with snow.

She looks up seeing only sparks in the sky while Ruby and Penny see Y/N and Salem encased in a snow world as both are flying around clashing blades.

The two fly around at speeds never seem before with each clash causing sparks of Aura and magic to fly around.

Salem: For a mortal you're not half bad.

Y/N: ...

Y/N responds with a heavy sword strike across her chest knocking her back a few feet.

Y/N: You were saying...

Salem then angrily charges back at her as they clash once again.

The scene changes with Ironwood and Oscar/Ozpin as they continue to fight Hazel.

Ironwood fires a barrage of bullets as Hazel bulls through the assault until Oscar lands multiple jabs with Long Memory finishing it with one last thrust.

Hazel recoils and fires a shot of fire and lighting from his hands using the dust injected into his arms.

Oscar spins long memory to cancel the fire as Ironwood using his protestic arm to absorb the lightning as he runs and punches Hazel in the chest returning the shock.

Hazel: Ha!

He slams his arm down creating a shockwave as Oscar uses magic to create a barrier for himself and Ironwood, who uses the opportunity to land two explosive shots on Hazel knocking him back a few feet with his Aura flickering.

Ozpin: (We need to keep attacking him)

Oscar: Right!

Hazel: Ozpin!!

He angrily charges at the both them getting them in a double lariat causing them to crash into the window.

Hazel: Die!!

Ironwood and Oscar gasp for air getting electrocuted with his yellow dust until Oscar eyes start to glow as he unleashes a shockwave of magic causing Hazel to stumble as Ironwood shoots his legs causing Hazel to fall over.

Oscar and Ironwood breathe heavily as their Aura's start to flicker, Hazel slowly recovers with his Aura completely broken.

Oscar: Hazel...please you don't have to do this.

Hazel: You're right I don't have to...I want to!

He charges at them once more as Ironwood punches him in the chest before using the backend of his pistol to hit him dead in the face leaving him unconscious.

Ironwood: Let's get him in the cell.

Oscar: Right..

They walk to the cell room as they see Mercury and Emerald handcuffed in the cell along with Watts.

Ironwood: Looks like you both had a handle on things.

Robyn: Aside from their tricks they weren't so tough.

Taiyang: (sighs in relief) Sweet revenge...

Ironwood puts the code in as they escort the captured inflators to a cell next to Watts before locking it up again.

Robyn: Now, what's the plan?

Before Ironwood could answer he receives a call from his scroll.

Ironwood: Yes?

Winter: (through scroll) General Ironwood, sir you may want to see this.

They head up to his as he places his scroll on the table to project the fight going on between Y/N and Salem as it's being broadcasted through Penny's eyes.

Ironwood: What is that?

Ozpin: It's Salem!

Taiyang: And is that Y/N?

Back with the fight Y/N continues to lose more steam as Salem's healing ability allows her to keep fighting.

Y/N: Gah!

She rebounds and flies back at Salem clashing blades with her until she pushes her sword off and lands multiple slashes with her empress sword and Yue before finishing off her flurry a slashes with a strong jab.

Y/N: *Pant* *Pant* (Not yet...)

Salem then creates multiple magical circles firing a shot of electricity as Y/N deflects two of them before getting hit by the others.

Y/N: Ah!

She rebounds landing on the ground as Salem looks down from above, Miyuki's mask then starts to crack as Y/N breathes heavily.

Salem: Looks like you're reaching your limit.

Y/N recomposes herself before charging up her Aura with her eyes turning blue.

Y/N: (fixing her mask) Not even close!

She flies at even faster speeds as Salem could barley react as Y/N lands a slash across her chest and slices off her right arm causing Salem to scream out in pain.

Salem: Ahhh!!!

Y/N then gathers more Aura and slashes a large Aura Arc sending Salem flying.

Salem rebounds as she regrows her arm and the wound across her chest slowly heals.

Salem: (She's gotten stronger)

She spreads her arm out as darkness erupts from her wound as Y/N flies forward dodging the spikes, she slices through them and continues her path.

Y/N: (Black Javlin!)

She places her blades on top of each other and increases her aura charging through the shadows before stabbing Salem directly on the chest. 

Salem only smirks in response as she stabs Y/N from the left and right with her shadow spikes.

Y/N: Gah!!!!

Before Salem could land a fatal blow Y/N changes to a cluster of snowflakes splitting apart before reforming and changing Yue to her Shotgun mode shooting Salem's back.

Salem: (healing) What?!

Salem: (She has that Rose woman's Semblance?!)

Ruby stares at the fight in shock of what just happened.

Ruby: She used my Semblance?!

Y/N then slices the air forming multiple portals around her.

Raven after getting Qrow to safety looks up to see what Y/N just did.

Raven: (That's my Semblance!)

Y/N then fires multiple blasts of fire and electricity as portals form around Salem with the blast hitting her dead on.

Y/N: (Did it work...?)

The dust clears showing Salem surrounded in a barrier of energy before she surrounds herself in magic circles and fires energy blasts at Y/N, who let's herself get hit.

Her aura bursts as her hair starts to glow Violet with her eyes turning Dark Purple.

Y/N: Ha!

She hits Salem with her sword cracking Salem's shadow sword with the force of the impact.

Yang: How is she using multiple Semblances?!

Y/N then flies forward with her clones surrounding Salem before exploding in a storm of snow and ice.

Blake: Wow...

Salem recovers from the multiple attacks and makes a trident of darkness throwing it at Y/N, who uses her sword to stop the spears and breaking the conjuration.

Salem: Use your little friends powers all you like, none of them are gonna save you!

She creates a barrier of energy slamming into Y/N at full force knocking her back, she then creates a large shadow sword striking Y/N down with her sword knocking her into the snow.

Y/N: Ahh!!!

Salem then creates a large magical circle firing a large sphere of energy and shooting it at the ground as Y/N stands up and blocks it with her swords.

Salem: Have some more!

She fires another blast increasing the spheres size as it explodes.


Everyone watches in horror that Y/N may be dead until the snow flows more as Y/N flies back up with her right sleeve torn her leggings destroyed and her mask torn in half with blood running down the visible right side.

Y/N: *Pant* *Pant* Not...done yet...

She continues to breathe heavily until she regains her strength as she clashes with Salem once again.

Ruby: She can't take anymore!

Weiss: (checking her scroll) Her Aura's is the lowest its ever been.

Yang: Why is she still fighting by herself?!

Blake: There's gotta be something we can do to join her.

Y/N: (Can you guys hear me..?)

They look up to see back in the world Y/N is smiling at them before returning to the fight.

Ruby: We can Y/N what can we do to help?

Y/N: (Raise your hands in the air)

Ruby: Raise our hands?

Y/N: (Trust me)

They do as she says as their aura flares up and flows out to the world and enters Y/N.

Y/N: Ha!

She breaks through Salem's sword once again as her mask reforms with her Aura exploding off of her.

Y/N: (That's it!)

The teams Aura then fades.

Ruby: What did you just do?

Y/N: (Can't explain my trick just yet)

Y/N: (Please, just try and get as much help as possible)

Y/N: (I'll stall Salem for as long as it takes)

RWBY: (Right!)

They head to Ironwoods office as him and Oscar/Ozpin continue to monitor the fight.

Ironwood: What is Y/N doing out there?

Ruby: She has a plan but she needs help.

Ruby: Is there anyway for Global Communication on now?

Ironwood: Amity tower...

Weiss: But it's not finished.

Ironwood: It has all the necessary materials implanted but we need a conduit a...Beacon to broadcast the signal.

Penny: (over communicator) I'll do it!

Ruby: Penny..?

Penny: If I could integrate myself into the system I can broadcast what I'm seeing to the entire world.

Pierot: (over communication) I'll help out!

Penny: Father...okay let's go.

She flies off as Maria and Pierot follow behind her with the ship.

Back with Y/N and Salem, Y/N continues to struggle against her power knocking her away as Y/N continues to breathe heavily.

Miyuki: (This is tough...)

Koyuki: (No kidding we haven't felt this tired in forever)

Yue: (Mom, can you still go on?)

Y/N: (Yeah...I just need a little more time)

Yue: (Then...I'll do my best to keep you safe!)

Her sword form fades as Yue turns into light.

Y/N: Yue...?

(Make it less bulky)

The armor forms around Y/N as she looks at her new outfit.

Y/N: Yue...thank you.

She readies her empress sword with a smile.

Y/N, Miyuki, Koyuki: (When we get back we're giving you all the sweets you want)

Yue: (R-Really?!)

Salem tries to hit her arm as the armor blocks the strike giving Y/N the chance to land a Black Sphere on her knocking her a few feet away.

Y/N: (Now let's keep this going!)

After flying up to Amity Tower Penny prepares herself to be the signal as Pierot types in his scroll to see the comparability point for Penny.

Pierot: Alright sweetie, give it a go!

Penny: Right!

Her bow extends stabbing into the tower as data spreads from the tower spreading a signal all throughout the world.

The people around Vale, Vacuo, and Mistral continue their usual business as suddenly every screen and scroll change to that of Penny's broadcast.

Penny: (over speaker) Salutations! People of Remnant!

Penny: My name is Penny Poledina from Atlas! And we have an important message for all of you to hear.

General Ironwood then appears on screen.

Ironwood: Citizens of Remnant, it's time you all learn the truth of what's truly going on in the world right now.

He changes the screen to a video of Salem wrecking havoc.

Ironwood: Our true enemy the queen of the Grimm is called Salem.

Vale Citizen: Salem?

Female Vacuo Citizen: Queen of the Grimm?

Ironwood: There's a Huntress currently fighting her right now but she needs everyone's help.

Ironwood: People of Remnant! Please raise your hands in the air!

The people hesitate for a moment until some of them raise their hands in the air as aura flies over to Y/N.

Salem swings her sword down as Y/N blocks it with her blade deflecting it as her Aura explodes once again.

Y/N: (Just a bit...more!)

She lands another slash on Salem as she heals from the wound and counters with multiple shadow spikes.

Y/N's armor blocks the strike as she charges through and uses her lightning to shock her.

Salem: Ah!

She heals from the pain and fires back at Y/N hitting dead on as she nearly falls to the ground.

Y/N: Ah!

She recoils and charges back at her.

Ironwood: It's working she seems to be gaining more power.

The citizens keep giving Aura until one person speaks up.

Scared Mistral Citizen: Wait! What if this is a trick like at the Vytal Festival?

Scared Mistral Citizen: How can we trust Ironwood like this?

Some of Mistral's citizens drop their hands stopping the aura transfer.

Y/N: (Why'd they stop?)

Salem grows more agitated firing a barrage of lightning bolts all hitting Y/N, who struggles to keep up from the attack and gets electrocuted.

Y/N: Ahh!!!

She continues to scream out in pain, while Salem laughs at her pain.

Salem: Continue to struggle for me!

Yang: Why are some people stopping?!

Blake: A lack of trust...they can't trust Ironwood for what happened at the Fall of Beacon.

Weiss: What are we suppose to do now?! Y/N clearly can't take much more.

Ruby walks up to the microphone moving Ironwood out of the way.

Ruby: What are you all doing?!

Ruby: This isn't a trick at all!

The screen changes back to Y/N struggle against Ironwood.

Ruby: There's a Huntress here fighting for all of you alone! Can you not see her struggling against Salem?!

Salem stabs Y/N with her shadows as she cries out in pain.

Y/N: Ahhh!!!!!!

Ruby: She's fighting for all the kingdoms! The world of Remnant itself! Humans and Faunus alike!

Ruby: All we're asking you to do is lend her your strength!

The citizens hesitate once again as more people raise their hands as people of Vacuo and Mistral fully give their support.

Y/N fully impaled by Salem's spike gasps for air as blood runs down the spike.

Salem: I'll admit you were much more interesting than Ozpin.

Salem: But all good things...

Salem: Must come to an end!

She goes to stab Y/N with her shadow arm until Y/N is hit with a beam of light burning Salem's arm.

Salem: Ahh!!!

The light consumes Y/N as she absorbs the energy of Remnant itself.

Salem: Die!!!

She goes to stab Y/N with her shadow claw as Y/N grabs the hand as the energy crumbles around her to reveal her new form.

Y/N: (voice mixed with Koyuki, Miyuki, and Yue) Nice try but no.

Ruby: She really looks like a princess!

Karen: More like an Empress.

Yang: There's no way she can lose now!

Weiss: Go Y/N!

Blake: Defeat her!

Y/N smiles in response and flies over to Salem.

Y/N: Let's end this.

Salem: Don't get arrogant just because you gained some power from this pitiful mortal race!

Y/N responds with a quick kick to her stomach as she gasps for air and she brings her down with an axe kick to the head.

Salem rebounds and angrily charges back at her as Y/N responds by slashing through her using her blade.

Salem: Gah!!

She then spins creating a Gauntlet to punch Salem down further.

Salem: Ahh!!!

She responds and looks at Y/N in disbelief.

Salem: (H-How could this offspring do this much damage?!)

Salem: (It doesn't matter I'll come back no matter what she does)

Salem: I'll always come back and end whatever Ozma throws at me!!!

Salem's shadow then consumes her as a ball of darkness forms completely hardening before it starts to crack revealing Salem in her new form.

Y/N: (Her full power...)

The sky in the snow world changes to a blood red.

Salem: You've done well child but from here on I'm done being trapped in this world with you.

Salem: Farewell.

Before Y/N could even react she gets stabbed from multiple areas with Salem's shadow spikes.

Y/N: Gah!!!

She releases it as Y/N heals from the damage and charges at her.

Y/N: That's not for you to decide!

She swings her sword as Salem blocks using her right wing.

Y/N: Ha!

She pushes Salem away with her increased power until Salem retaliates with more spears continually stabbing Y/N.

Salem: Just die already!!!

Y/N grabs her spike pulling herself out by healing the damage as they both clash in a flurry of slashes.

Y/N & Salem: Ha!

The clouds rip apart in the snow world as well as the real one as everyone can only stare in awe of the two God-like figures battle.

Salem: Enough!

She spawns a large Wyvern as Y/N responds by summoning her evolved Ice Knight.

Y/N: Go!!!

The two summoned avatars clash along with their respective Masters.

They charge each other at speeds no one could register seeing them as only blurs.

The blitz of speed ends as Y/N and Salem stop with blood essentially pouring out of them with their avatars fading.

Music End

Miyuki: (Y/N, we don't have much time)

Koyuki: (We have to make our move now)

Y/N: I know!

Y/N: (charges at Salem) I'm going to end thi-

She gets cut off as Salem stabs her through the chest as Salem laughs manically with blood erupting from Y/N's wound.

Salem: (laughing) You'll end what my dear girl?! Your life?! I can help you with that!

Blood continues to pour from Y/N's chest until she smiles.

Y/N: Thanks for making it easy...


Salem: What?!

The blood starts to return to Y/N as Salem notices her Aura and magic are being drained away.

Y/N: From what you've observed so far, you should know that the closer I get to death I always come back stronger than ever you witch!

Salem: Then you deliberately threw yourself at me?

Y/N: Yep, I just needed you to waste all your magic and Aura.

Y/N: Your body may be immortal but your energy is no where near infinite!

Salem: Go ahead and toture yourself just because you'll have my power doesn't mean I won't come back.

Y/N: Then I'll just absorb all you're Immortality and Grimm Queen bullshit!!!

Salem notices the God of Lights Aura left by the fountain of life is being drained away along with the God of Darkness Aura Left in the pool of darkness.

Salem: H-How are you doing this?!

Y/N: Isn't it obvious? My Semblance is Aura Absorbtion!


Y/N: Jinn...

The lamp glows as Jinn is sent out.

Jinn: What is your question?

Y/N: Is there anyone or anything that can save Salem from her corruption and immortality?

Jinn: Before there was no way to do either until...

Jinn: (points at Y/N) You came along.

Y/N: Me?

Jinn: You're Semblance of Aura Absorbtion is the key.

Y/N: Aura... Absorbtion?

Jinn: See for yourself.

She changes the scene to the day Y/N unlocked her Semblance the day her parents died.

Jinn: You didn't change the Snow but you absorbed the aura within the Snow left by your parents making it your power.

She then shows multiple incidents of the same thing occuring such as the time she absorbed lightning and the time she absorbed Karen's fire.

Jinn: Everytime you fight you absorb the Aura of your opponent making their power your own.

Jinn: This is the reason you have much more Aura and potential than most people

Jinn: And everytime you're near death your Semblance goes into overdrive absorbing the aura of the environment and whoever is near by.

Jinn: A forced evolution of your Semblance of sorts.

Y/N: I really have that power?

Jinn: Yes...the absorbtion of aura has always been your Semblance.

Y/N: (I understand what I have to do now)

Y/N: Thank you...Jinn for everything.

Jinn: *Yawn* Don't mention it... I'll see you in a hundred years.

Y/N: Right...

Jinn: Goodbye Y/N...

Flashback End~

Salem: You may have Aura Absorbtion but you're still part of a pathetic race of mortals! You have limitations that you could never even think to overcome!

Y/N starts to absorb more of her power.

Y/N: No, that's your limitation!

Y/N: You sit here closing yourself off in your little castle, looking down on us people and Faunus like you're some kind of God!

Y/N: That's nobody's limitation but your own!

She starts absorbing more and more as Salem's red eye corrupted by the Grimm side of her changes to her human sky blue color with the sclera changing to white.

Y/N: Humanity will carve out its own path!!!!!!

The two are engulfed in a bright light as Y/N finds herself in a void along with Miyuki, Koyuki, and Yue.

They look up to see the human version of Salem crying into her knees as a light and dark dragon dance around her.

Salem: dear Ozma...

Light Dragon: Life...

Dark Dragon: Destruction....

Light & Dark: life...

The four girls walk up to the dragon's as they roar at them as behind the girls an Empress made of Black Snow rises up and decapitates them both with one swing of her blade causing the two dragons to fade away.

Y/N: Salem...

She looks up at the four girls with tears in her eyes.

Salem: Stay away from me!

The four girls get closer as Salem panics seeing them walking closer and closer to her only for the group to sit next to Salem.

Salem: Huh?

Y/N, Miyuki, Koyuki, Yue: We're here to save you.

Salem: T-To save me?

Y/N: We understand what you're going through.

Miyuki: The pain of losing a love one.

Koyuki: The pain of having that special someone gone for your life.

Yue: The emptiness it leaves in your soul.

Y/N: We understand why you did what you did.

Salem: But do you accept it?

Y/N: No...

Y/N: It's true that I cannot tolerate what you have done. It won't be enough to atone even if you used your entire lifetimes!

Y/N: However...all I see now is someone who deserves rest.

Salem: I do...I want to rest, so badly do I want to rest.

Y/N: Then rest and keep moving forward.

Salem: Right...

She stands up with a smile as tears start to fall down her face.

Salem: (crying) I just need to keep moving forward.

The scene changes back with Y/N slashing Salem across her chest with her sword as Salem's Aura and magic fades.

Y/N: I'll take you to Ozma.

The snow world shatters as Y/N slowly floats to the others as they run outside to see her.

Y/N lays Salem down as Oscar slowly approaches with his hair turning white.

Ozma: Salem...

Salem: Hey, my...beloved.

Salem: It looks like you were right victory can be gained through a simple soul.

Ozma: I'm so sorry this happened to you.

Salem: I understand why you did it.

Salem: I acted like a child to the Gods not aware of how precious life can be.

Salem: Yes it can easily be taken away, but the memories will always be...

Ozma: Carved into our souls for eternity.

They both kiss as Ozma and Salem cry tears of happiness of being reunited as well as saying their last goodbye.

Salem: Goodbye my love.

She fades into light as particles of her remains flies into the sky leaving Ozma in place.

Ozma: love.

Y/N walks over to comfort him.

Ozpin: So, what are you gonna do now Y/N?

Y/N: Hmm?

Ozpin: You're currently the most powerful being in this world.

Ozpin: How are you gonna use this power?

Y/N: Just for this.

She taps his forehead as Oscar hair regains it's usual color as Y/N pulls out Ozma.

Y/N: You deserve to rest too.

Y/N: Don't worry about the Gods coming back.

Y/N: Us mortals will do things our own way.

His soul looks back to see the others smiling at him nodding at her response.

Ozma's Soul: (laughs) I wouldn't have it any other way.

He floats away rejoining Salem's soul on their path to the other side.

Y/N: Now for the final act.

Y/N walks over as she brings out the Aura she absorbed from everyone and sends it flying as it explodes returning to all its users.

The four kingdoms cheer in happiness of the victory as their Aura's falls down like snow.

Y/N: (sigh) Okay...I think I got this.

She then destroys the Aura of the light and dark god.

Y/N: (Can't have anyone using these including my Semblance...)

She forms into a bright light as it splits off into four parts forming into Koyuki, Yue, Miyuki and the last forms back into Y/N but with her original appearance before her Semblance was ever unlocked, Silver Hair and Pink eyes.

(Ignore the hat)

Ruby: Y/N!

She suddenly finds herself tackled with Rose petals as Ruby hugs Y/N tightly.

Y/N: Ow....

Karen runs to hug Koyuki while Akame hugs Yue.

Miyuki spots Neo in the distance as Neo blows her a kiss with Miyuki smiling at the gesture as she hears a beep in her scroll.

RWBY, Karen, Akame, Neo: You were so amazing!

Y/N: Thanks...ow...

Koyuki: Body so sore...

Yue: So tired...

Miyuki: I want to sleep forever...

Suddenly all four girls feel a dark aura as they look in fear of their lovers.

RWBY, Karen, Akame, Neo: For being reckless...

RWBY, Karen, Akame, Neo: You need punishment!

Y/N, Miyuki, Yue, Koyuki: Kyaaaa!!!!

Chapter End

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(I do not own RWBY or any of the images. RWBY is own by Rooster Teeth and all images belong to their rightful owners)
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