Let Me Chase You (Completed)

By anazianblonde

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Wang Yibo is a celebrity known for his dancing skills and involvement in the motorcycle racing world. Xiao Zh... More

Chapter 1: Comatose
Chapter 2: I'm Your Doctor
Chapter 3: A Little Attraction
Chapter 4: F4
Chapter 5: The Fear of Loving
Chapter 6: The First Separation
Chapter 7: The First Text Message
Chapter 8: The People Around YiZhan
Chapter 9: Cheng Xiao's Suspicion
Chapter10: Check-up...or Reunion?
Chapter 11: Family Dinner
Chapter 12: "Thank You Dinner"...Date
Chapter 13: Investigation Part I - Who is He/She
Chapter 14: Part II Investigation: Who is He/She
Chapter 15: Breaking the Ice
Chapter 16: Let the Chase Begin!
Chapter 17: Home-cooked Meal
Chapter 18: School Festival - Part I
Chapter 19: School Festival - Part II
Chapter 21: School Festival Part IV
Chapter 22: Rumors
Chapter 23: The Parents
Chapter 24: Different Worlds
Chapter 25: Unspoken Words
Chapter 26: The Final Push
Chapter 27: This Can't Happen Again
Chapter 28: Anger
Chapter 29: Just a Coward
Chapter 30: Spoiled by People Who Loves You
Chapter 31: Contemplation
Chapter 32: Ski Resort
Chapter 33: Hi
Chapter 34: I Caught You
An Author's Reflection

Chapter 20: School Festival - Part III

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By anazianblonde

"A-Cheng, A-Xiang," Zan Jin called out when he saw the children and Yizhan

"Dad," the two boys ran into Zan Jin's embrace.

"Brother-in-law," Yibo greeted. "What's the situation?"

"Come, Hai Kuan can tell you more about it. Seems like one of the performers couldn't make it tonight."

Once the group of males entered the backstage lounge, they spotted Hai Kuan in the corner, surrounded by a group of people with portable mics and headphones. Zan Jin walked over to inform Hai Kuan that Yibo has arrived, causing everyone to turn their heads and greet Yibo. Hai Kuan made a few more comments and dispersed the meeting.



"Dr. Xiao, it's been a while."

"Good to see you again and 'Xiao Zhan' is fine. We're not at the hospital so no need for formalities," Xiao Zhan finalized the greetings.

Hai Kuan nodded his head in acknowledgment.

"What's the situation," Yibo asked for the third time without any sign of impatience considering that no one has given him an answer.

Hai Kuan took a shallow breath and pondered on how he should answer Yibo. "Before the performance, all performers had the chance to enjoy the festival. One member of a duet group," Hai Kuan paused for the next words were hard to say, "choked on a chicken leg," everyone glanced at Guo Cheng, "toppled over on a nearby stall, and caused a pot of hot broth to spill on his leg."

There was pure silence once Hai Kuan finished because they didn't know how to react. Laugh in hysteria, pity the misfortune, or analyze how such a set of events occurred?

"He's on his way to the hospital to get evaluated so we're trying to adjust the itinerary while the group is trying to find a replacement."

Jun Xiang leaned towards Pei Xin who was standing next to him and whispered, "Maybe he should get seen by Dr. Xiao. Seems like all legs related injuries have been heading his way."

Fan Xing, on the other hand, had a different idea. "Uncle Xiao is a really good singer," he muttered.

It was a very quiet, low voice. Not meant to shake the platform or create new revelations. Just a simple statement that Fan Xing wanted to sound, yet, it was enough to guide everyone's focus towards Xiao Zhan as if he was a newfound treasure. If anything, it made one person fall even deeper into their infatuation towards this man.

Yibo smiled very lightly, but his eyes were filled with adoration for this man who continued to surprise him every day. "You can?"

Xiao Zhan who wasn't prepared for the sudden recognition, even worse, the way that Yibo was looking at him as if he just learned that Xiao Zhan can save a nation. Yes, he can sing. However, he never saw himself as a singer so he felt it wasn't appropriate to acknowledge anything at this time. He simply stood there like a startled rabbit, staggering his sight amongst all the onlookers.

Pei Xin with his nonexistent patience interjected when his uncle wasn't answering the question, "He can and he's really good at it. Mother always praise Uncle Xiao for his voice and request that he sings her birthday song every year."



"I'm not that good," Xiao Zhan waved his hands in an attempt to disperse any expectations the small crowd had for him.

"Uncle Xiao," Jun Xiang interjected, "I hate to admit this but if Pei Xin praises someone with such a smugged look, I'm confident that they'll be amazing."

As much as Xiao Zhan wanted to reject that confidence towards him, he also agreed with Jun Xiang's statement about Pei Xin's appraisal.

"Why don't you give a try," Zan Jin gently spoke up so he doesn't startle Xiao Zhan further. "Remember, this is only a school festival and you're mainly performing for the students."

A silent pause followed Zan Jin's words, causing him to feel sheepish since everyone saw through the white lies. Yes, it was a school festival, but it was a Gusu school festival; making it one of the biggest events of the year. Yes, the performance was mainly for the students; as well as all of the wealthy and powerful family members of the students! To be more honest, it was more like a 'low-key' red-carpet event.

Zan Jin was about to continue with his tactics but Hai Kuan squeezed his hand, signaling his appreciation and that he'll convince Xiao Zhan instead. "I don't want you to do anything that'll make you uncomfortable, Xiao Zhan."

Hearing Hai Kuan using his name for the first created a sense of guilt in Xiao Zhan. Yibo must have noticed it for he reached out to grab Xiao Zhan's hand and pulled him away from the group. "Just do what makes you comfortable. Don't feel pressured into anything."

Xiao Zhan was grateful to have Yibo's support, but being the person that he is, Xiao Zhan can't shed the slight guilt that was already planted in him. Once again, Yibo seemed to understand this and provided insights for Xiao Zhan. "Why don't we talk to other singer and find out more about their performance? You can even do a trial run and if you still feel uncomfortable then Brother can find someone else."

After some more mental debates, Xiao Zhan agreed with the plan. Xiao Zhan has performed on stage before during his high school and college years, so he was no stranger to the setting. If Xiao Zhan walked away now, he (and Yibo) knew that his conscience will eat at him for the rest of the night so he might as well take a look.

Hai Kuan led YiZhan towards one of the classrooms that was temporarily converted into a practice room for the concert. Nearing the door, Xiao Zhan heard a faint piano melody that he recognized. "Wild Child," Xiao Zhan whispered unconsciously, allowing the Wang brothers to hear his words.

Entering the classroom, Xiao Zhan saw a lonesome young man sitting behind the piano. Noticing the presence of others, he stopped his movements and stood up. "Wang Laoshi," the male bowed.

"Chuyue, this is my brother Yibo and his companion, Xiao Zhan." Hai Kuan then turned to YiZhan, "This is Peng Chuyue, one singer of the duet."

After everyone exchanged their greetings, Xiao Zhan couldn't control his curiosity and asked, "Were you playing Wild Child from Su Yun Ying?"

"Yes, it's what my partner and I were planning on performing tonight but..." Chuyue signed.

"Do you know this song," Hai Kuan asked Xiao Zhan.

"Ah~ yes. I performed it for one of my college events." Xiao Zhan's answered allowed a wide grin to spread on Hai Kuan's lips and Chuyue face to lit up.

Not wanting to make assumptions, Chuyue looked at Hai Kuan for confirmation, "Is he, can he..."

"I was told that Xiao Zhan is a good and singer and brought him here to see if he is comfortable with performing tonight." Hai Kuan emphasized to prevent Chuyue from having too much expectation and placing too much pressure on Xiao Zhan.

"Wo-would you like to give it a try," Chuyue looked at Xiao Zhan with glimmers in his eyes. If this worked out, Xiao Zhan will be the golden buddha in Chuyue's life.

Seeing Chuyue's expression, Xiao Zhan felt like he couldn't disappoint this young man as if they've known each other for a long time. He could only smile sheepishly and agreed.

Yibo, who was watching this on the sideline suddenly felt like he has made a grave mistake. He disliked the way this kid was looking at his Zhan-ge and most definitely didn't like how Xiao Zhan reciprocated back. With furrowed brows, Yibo seized Xiao Zhan's arm, "You don't have to do this. There's no need for you to help out. Let's go."

"Eh?!" Xiao Zhan and Chuyue voiced in surprise. Hai Kuan simply enjoyed seeing the jealous side of Yibo that he rarely ever saw.

Chuyue quickly grabbed Xiao Zhan's other arm and begged, "Please, just try it first. Try it and if it doesn't work then you don't have to perform. Please?"

"You," Yibo glared at Chuyue's hands, "Let. Go."

Hearing the blood-thirst, Chuyue released his hands and raised it to show peace. "Please," he continued to plead.

Xiao Zhan placed his hand over Yibo's to qualm him down, "It's alright, let me try."

As mentioned before, Yibo had submitted to Xiao Zhan completely so he will fulfill his every wish. However. That doesn't mean that he's going to let Xiao Zhan out of his site and gave this suspicious younger man opportunity to cause any harm!

"Let's go Yibo, you need a trial run before the concert," Hai Kuan relentlessly dragged Yibo away while listening to his brother protested.

Xiao Zhan turned to Chuyue and apologized, "Sorry, he's a blunt person."

Unfazed by the insults, Chuyue was more focused on Xiao Zhan's helping hand. "No worries, he's the famous ice prince, Wang-er gongzi. I've never interacted with him, but I am used to his mannerism from prior events," Chuyue bluntly commented without an ounce of maliciousness. "Besides, I think I'll survive as long as I don't lay my hands on you," Chuyue laughed.

Time often flies by when you're emersed in something you enjoy. Before Xiao Zhan realized it, an hour has passed when someone entered the room to asked Xiao Zhan and Chuyue to head to the stage for a rehearsal.

Yibo has not returned from his practice and he didn't text Xiao Zhan either. Even though Xiao Zhan was comfortable with the song, he was still nervous about stepping onto the stage. Sensing Xiao Zhan's anxiousness, Chuyue patted his shoulder lightly. "Remember, this is just for fun. It's not a contest to be the next top singer and we're not trying to enter showbiz so whatever happens, happens!"

Chuyue is right, it's just a school show. You've done this before Xiao Zhan so deep breath. Deeeeep breath.


"Gege, let me check on Zhan-ge and I'll return." Yibo has been trying to step away from the scene after his rehearsal but person after person kept showing up and wanting to talk to him. Let it be someone from showbiz or another powerhouse wanting to marry their child into the Wang household. Yibo has a very low tolerance towards such manufactured relationships and would have walked away if not for Hai Kuan who would have been left alone if he did.

Once the best entrepreneur, Zan Jin, came to the rescue, Yibo attempted to exit the congregation...until Cheng Xiao appeared.

She was also a guest performer for this annual event being an alumnus like Yibo. While knowing this fact, Yibo never held excitement in seeing her at events since it occurred so frequently. However, Yibo has been so focused on Xiao Zhan today that he was quite surprised to see Cheng Xiao here. Cheng Xiao noticed Yibo's expression and mistakenly thought he was excited to see her.

She ran over to him and greeted, "Ge-ge, I've been trying to find you all night!"

"Oh. I've been occupied."

Cheng Xiao nodded her head, thinking that he was talking about the concert. Her performance has been moved around due to the student incidence so she figured Yibo's was also altered. "Mn. I was on my way to my rehearsal."


Zan Jin witnessed the painstaking conversation on the sideline and was waiting for an opportunity to interfere since he knew that Yibo was getting anxious about Xiao Zhan. "Cheng Xiao, the stage crew are ready for you," Zan Jin kind-of-lied. They should be ready by the time she walked over there.

The moment Cheng Xiao turned to look at Zan Jin, Yibo dashed right out the door.


A story isn't eventful if confrontations don't occur. As for how close the parties interact, that plays the biggest role in setting the mood.

While Yibo rushed to the classroom in fear of witnessing Xiao Zhan being mistreated by Chuyue, the two males were finishing up their practice run.

Though Zan Jin was trying to be helpful and direct Cheng Xiao away from Yibo, he inadvertently guided her towards Xiao Zhan... an event that Zoey and F4 have been working overtime to prevent from happening.

"Dad! How could you," Guo Cheng and Jun Xiang exclaimed right after Cheng Xiao left Zan Jin's sight.  Before Zan Jin could ask what the boys were yelling at him for, they had already run out of the room.

"Fan Xing, code red, code red! Cheng Xiao is heading your way," Zan Jin yelled into his phone.

"We'll distract her if we get there in time," Guo Cheng yelled in the background.

Fan Xing turned towards Pei Xin and gave him the warning. Being a high-class individual who has attended many important events and was experienced in handling emergencies, Pei Xin came up with an idea. He ran onto the backstage and asked the staff where the performers enter and exit the frontstage. He then put on the most innocent puppy eyes he can act out and requested them to hold back Cheng Xiao for a few seconds because Guo Cheng wasn't reliable.

Right when Xiao Zhan and Chuyue were allowed to leave the stage, Pei Xin called out and waved them over to the left side of the stage.

A millisecond later, Cheng Xiao stepped onto the stage from the right side. Perhaps it was because she has been on the lookout for Xiao Zhan for she swears she just saw a glimpse of the man...on the stage. She shook her head for that would have been impossible. The doctor had no reason to be here. 

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