Chapter 12: "Thank You Dinner"...Date

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***Author's note: This was a long one since I didn't know where a good endpoint was. I hope you enjoy!

Yibo drove back to the Wang residence after his check-up in turmoil since he couldn't decide between feeling annoyed at the woman who was clinging to Xiao Zhan or excited for his upcoming dinner with the man. By the time he reached the front door, he at least knew that he wanted to move back to his apartment since he was medically cleared.

When he announced the news at dinner, there was a mixture of joy and (mainly Mrs.Wang) vetoing his decision to move back out.

"Mother, you knew I had to leave eventually."


"And you originally wanted me to come back home until I was medically clear, which I am now."

Feeling defeated by the youngest, Mrs. Wang could only sigh and withered her shoulders in misery. Seeing his wife in such a state, Mr. Wang had to speak up, "Since your schedule won't be too busy, return often to be with your Mother."

"Yes, Father," Yibo replied, allowing Mrs. Wang to perk up again.

After dinner, the children usually help clean up as part of their daily chores. Since Yibo has been home, he also joined in on the activities. Hai Kuan took the opportunity to ask Yibo why he was in a hurry to returned to his apartment.

"You still have a few more days off right?"

"Mn. But I want to see what options I have in my wardrobe."

Hai Kuan and Zan Jin scrunched their foreheads in question.

"I," Yibo paused, feeling like he was revealing a crime he has committed or something. "Have... a dinner to attend to tomorrow."

"Huh?" Zan Jin couldn't help voicing his confusion.

"A business dinner," Hai Kuan asked since there was no other reason why his younger brother would go out with other people.

Yibo opened his mouth to say 'no' but closed it right back as he wanted to gather his thoughts. It didn't feel right to call it a business dinner, but it was to show his appreciation so it technically was one?

Seeing Yibo's hesitation, Zan Jin had a heaven-splitting thought. It can't be. "Is it," Zan Jin lowered his voice, "a date?"

"No!" Yibo interjected with force. For some reason, Zan Jin's words caused Yibo's heart to intensified and gave him a big wave of energy. "It's just a 'thank you' dinner. I-I want to show him my appreciation for this service this past month."

Hai Kaun and Zan Jin stared at Yibo with wide eyes. "Oh," was all they could say before Yibo ran his room.

A minute of silence passed and Zan Jin turned Hai Kuan, "Your brother, Wang Yibo, just raised his voice, stuttered, and tried to justified himself."

Hai Kuan nodded since he was still in too much shock to speak.

"I'm assuming the other person is Dr. Xiao."

Hai Kuan nodded again.

Zan Jin looked back towards Yibo's shadow. "Do you think he has realized..."

"No," Hai Kuan interrupted. He sighed and shook his head. Of course he hasn't realized his feelings yet.

Eavesdropping on this conversation were Guo Cheng and Jun Xiang. They stopped clearing out the dining table when they heard the word 'date'. How could they walk away from this big news regarding their ice-cold and famous uncle! They have no idea what was happening, but they were excited to tell Fan Xing and Pei Xin about it.

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