Emily Prentiss daughter

By klizaa

67.8K 1.1K 397

Prentiss' old team were trying to catch a serial killer that had murder 5 couples. They caught him but Prenti... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 15

2.4K 31 30
By klizaa

Gabi's POV
Everyone was here outside the house. Morgan has his truck with a hauler attach to it but it was covered. Same with Rossi.

Jack was here so Henry and I went to talk with him. We asked if he knew where we were going and he said he had no clue, that his dad told him last night that we were going out and that we would all have fun.

Emily has her Jeep ready and loaded.

Me, Henry, Jack, went with Morgan. Emily, JJ, Penelope and Micheal in Emily's car. Spencer and Aaron with Rossi.

We all left with Morgan leading. We were driving and we were bored.

"I see you youngsters bored so how bout some music?" He put on music and started to sing. The 4 of us were jamming out and singing along. I knew most of the songs because of Rose. Henry and Jack were just listening and dancing. Soon we stop at a red light and Emily pulled up next to us.

"Morgan! Don't be playing music that consists bad words with the kids." JJ said, and we told him to turn up the volume. When they saw me singing well more like rapping out to the song that was playing Emily was shocked and so was JJ. Jack and Henry was laughing and on the other side, Rossi was laughing at us. Soon the light turned green and let me tell you, Derek sped up. It was so fun.

We looked around a notice we were at the mountains. We soon pulled up and saw some people riding their dirt bikes and motorcycles and bikes. Jack, Henry and I were in shock.

We all got out of the car and looked around. Then Derek and David uncovered their haul and there was 2 ATV in derek's trucks and dirt bikes in Rossi. We were all excited and helped Derek unload. Soon Emily called us all and we each had our own helmets. Emily said we can customize it some other day. Mine was light blue, Henry's was blue and Jack's was red.

Emily, JJ and Penelope pulled out tables and chairs from Emily's car and Spencer and Aaron put up a tent shade. We wanted to learned to ride so Derek was giving us lessons. Soon David give us lessons on the dirt bikes. The boys wanted to ride the dirt bikes and I wanted to try out an ATV.

"Gabi, please be careful." Emily said to me as I got on. Derek got on the other one and we each went off. It was so cool. We all followed Derek and rode. We went off. It was such a blast. We rode back to where everyone was waiting. Derek got on a dirt bike and we saw him do a flip. I was impressed and knew I wanted to try it out but I guess Emily also knew. "Don't start getting any ideas kiddo, you're riding around here where I know you won't break a leg."

"But Emily! Please. Looks how cool that was." She said no so I shrugged. Derek wanted to go farther down so Henry got on behind me, Jack and his dad got on the other ATV, and JJ got on the dirtbike. The others wanted to wait so we all left. I ask Henry if he wanted to steer before we left but he said no.

It was Derek in front, then JJ, then me and Henry behind, and behind us was Jack and his dad. JJ did a flip off the hill and it was so fun. We rode for 20 minutes and got off. JJ took a picture of us all and I wanted a few selfies with Henry and Jack. We took a hunch and I got a few off guard of everyone. Derek taught me how to curve when we stop and I knew I had to try it on the way back. And between him and I and of course JJ, I begged them to teach me how to jump off the hill on the dirtbike. I got on with Derek behind me and taught me. Then as I got the hang of it he wanted to me to try on my own. JJ wasn't fond of the idea but Derek said I had it. I went on and rode up the hill, and just before I went down, I jumped off and landed perfectly.

"THAT WAS COOL!" I felt amazed!!! The boys wanted to try it out they were allowed, and soon we head off. JJ and Henry on the dirtbike, Derek let me ride the other dirt bike on the way back, and he got on the ATV, and Jack and Arron on the other. Henry notice we were near back to where we set up and he signed to me, "there's a hill where Derek got on, wanna go?"

"Hell yea!" I sign back to to him and we went, JJ knew because Henry told her and she grabbed on to the handles. Henry went first and he landed amazing, JJ managed to turn the dirtbike around when they were in the air. I only wanted to jumped off so I did that, I landed amazing and when we stopped, I saw Emily through my helmet. She was shocked and a bit angry? I wasn't sure. It is a bit hard to see. We got off and I ran to Henry.


"OH MY GOD! THAT WAS SO COOL!" I took off my helmet and turned to JJ, "Fucken Badass what you did there. You got to teach me that!"

"What did I tell you Gabriella?!" Emily was behind me. Oops. I turned around, "Hi." I smiled innocently.

"Hi? What did I tell you when we got here!?" Emily was kinda mad.

"Emily, it's okay, JJ and I made sure it was safe, we were riding with them when we taught them." Derek said.

"Still, you could've broken something." Emily said as she stared me down. "But Emily, isn't the point of being here is doing all these amazing tricks and having fun?" I ask her as I hold my helmet.

"I just feel comfortable if someone was with you. Like Henry had his mom." She said

"Derek said I was good." I told her. Soon JJ told me and Henry to go get a drink.

"Is your mom mad?" Jack asked me. It felt a little weird that they stated Emily as my mom.

"Yea but I think Derek and JJ are talking her down."

"That was amazing landing you did, Gabs." Penelope said as she hand us a water bottle.

"Thanks." Soon Emily came back and said if I wanted to do jumps and tricks, that an adult had to be with me. I said it was fine by me.

Henry, Jack, and I wanted to get back on so Arron sat out, and Spencer did not want to get on. He did took pictures. Penelope said she was good too. So on one dirt bike it was me and Emily, the other was Derek. One of the ATV was Henry and JJ, and the other was Jack and David.

"Now please don't get any ideas, don't jump off hills with me behind you please." Emily said, I nodded and we rode off. Derek was leading and we were riding a bit longer and it was amazing. We stopped for a bathroom break and when we got back on, Henry wanted to ride the dirtbike so Derek got off and rode on the ATV. Emily was still in the bathroom and he attached 2 go pros, one on the ATV facing me and the other on my helmet but that camera was facing the road. He did the same for Henry. He told me to jump off the hill when we get back so that I can get Emily's reaction.

"Emily is going to kill you both." JJ said as she put her helmet back on. I giggled and couldn't wait. Soon Emily came out and got in behind me.

"Ready everyone?!" We all gave thumbs up to Derek and he led the way back. JJ signal me to go next and we went.

Before I knew it, we were back. Derek went up the hill and soon I can hear Emily screaming at me. "GABRIELLA EMMA PRENTISS DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT GOING UP THERE!" I ignore her and did what I been wanting to do with Emily. I went up the hill with Emily screaming and clutching on. I was laughing and soon we were up and I jump off. I landed and soon turn off the bike. Emily immediately got off and was yelling at me but I was too busy laughing. Derek came and got the cameras off and gave them to me. "Watch it at home, and send it to me. And these GoPros are for you." He gave me the boxes that came with it and Emily was still mad. "Hey don't be mad at me, I wasn't going to do it until Derek told me too." As I said that Emily chased Derek. They were fast, not bad for old people. Soon Emily caught Derek and she pushed him down. I went to grab water and Arron and Spencer were laughing. They said they didn't notice us until Emily practically screamed my name. Spencer got it on video and we watched it. Not bad.

We all ate, everyone else went to ride except for me, Henry, Jack, Micheal, Emily And JJ. We rode out bikes instead and JJ and Emily were watching us. I wanted to see if I could jump off the bike so we all went.

We all each had our own bikes and wanted to come up with different tricks.

We were up here for hours and soon we had to leave. Neither one of us wanted to leave but it was starting to get dark. Us kids helped Emily and JJ put away stuff, throw the trash in the bag and loaded up Emily's car.

I heard Emily telling JJ by the time we go back home it will be late so she offer for them to stay over again.

Emily's POV

We were driving back and JJ and her kids were with me. Arron and Jack left with Rossi, he offered to drop them off home, and same with Morgan to Spencer and Penelope.

Soon we got off the freeway and I look in my review mirror and notice all the kids sleeping. I turn and notice JJ was sleeping as well.

Within 20 minutes we got home. We woke the kids up and told them to shower and then get to bed. It was 11pm already.

I unloaded the car and put the things away.
I lock up everything and went to go check up on the kids.

Henry and Gabi were sleeping in Gabi's room, JJ and Micheal in one of the guest room. I turned off the hallway light and head to my room. I showered and soon went to bed.

I was awaken around 2am by Gabi.

"Nightmare?" She nodded and I moved and let her sleep with me. "Honey, what was your dream about?"

"You." I was confuse

"What about me?"

"They got you and killed you in front of me. These dreams always involve you somehow dying and I'm scared."

"Honey I'm okay. You're okay. Everything is okay. Maybe I should look for a therapist for you."

"Please no Emily, I'll be okay." I knew she wouldn't like it. But it's best for her. She started trembling and I hugged her.

"Go to sleep mon amour. I love you." Soon she drifted to sleep. I made a note to look up therapist for her and soon I drifted to sleep.


I woke up and JJ left with the kids. She had to drop them off at Will's but Henry didn't want to leave. I told him that they were welcome back anytime. Around 9am Gabi came downstairs and sat next to me on the couch. I was watching a tv show.

"Gabi, honey?"


"I'm going to set up a tour for the school that I would want you to go. It's the school that Henry goes to. Even though it's summer, I want to check out the school to see if you would be comfortable. If not we can look at another school."

"Oh, um okay."

"Something wrong?" I ask her

"No." I got up and called the school, they had already received Gabi's transcripts and they were looking forward for us to meet with them. The appointment was tomorrow.

"What do you want to do today?" I asked as I stroke her hair

"Can we go outside later? For a walk or ride the bike?"

"Of course baby." We put in Toy Story and she fell asleep. I lay her down and got up to made lunch.

I'm happy everything is good now. Gabi is finally speaking to me, she definitely had a blast yesterday. We stayed inside all morning, we both were watching movies until around 1 I suggested to change out of our pajamas and go outside for a bit.

I got some casual jeans with a long sleeve shirt.
And when I saw Gabi, we both laughed, we were kinda matching except for the shoes.

"Come and lets take a picture." We took a selfie and a mirror selfie and I sent them to Gabi's phone. We went outside and Gabi took her bike. I decided to walk and I told her we would go around the block. Gabi stop next door which was Sandra's house and saw Gianna taking out the trash. She said something to her and soon Sandra and Gianna came out with Gianna on her bike.

"Hi Emily, how you been?" Sandra ask.

"I been good. You?"

"Good too. Listen I give Gianna the house key, she wanted to go ride with Gabi instead of coming with me to the store, so she can head home when you guys come back. Would you mind? I shouldn't take long."

"Oh take your time, Gianna is more than welcome to stay with us until you get back. It's no problem."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, go take care of what you need to do. If you ever need, I can take Gianna, I'm sure Gabi would be okay with it too."

"Thanks so much Emily. I owe you one." She left and the girls were waiting. Sandra told Gianna that when they finish riding, that she would come with me. She said okay and Sandra left.

We rode around the block and it was nice. The girls were laughing and of course Gabi had to do some tricks off that bike. I told her to be careful but of course she doesn't listen when it comes to doing things like that.

Soon we head back and the girls went inside. Gianna went to put her bike inside her house and soon met up with us.

They weren't even tired because they went outside to play. I head to my office to read a few cases until JJ texted me.

Hey, do you mind watching Henry? Henry is fussing over not wanting to go to Will's and Micheal wants to go over, for some reason Henry doesn't want to go.

Of course not. Being him over, Gabi and Gianna are outside playing and I'm sure they would love to have Henry.

And just like that, Gabi came inside asking if Henry can come over.

I laughed, "Honey you just saw him a few hours ago."

"Pleeeeease Emily?"

I told her and said that Henry didn't want to go to his dad's house and that JJ will be bringing him over.

"YAS!" She ran out and ran outside I'm assuming

Sorry, Gabi just came in asking for Henry as if she hasn't seen him just a few hours ago.

Ahaha same with Henry. Okay Henry is heading over on his bike, and I'm running late.

No problem, tell him the front door will be unlock so he can just come inside.

Thanks Em, I will buy you coffee on your first day back to the BAU. Have you told Gabi you're starting next week and not till August?

No ahaha I forgot.

In 10 minutes, Henry was here.

"Thank you Emily, for allowing me to come over." He said as he saw me in my office.

"You're welcome Henry, how come you didn't want to go to your dad's house?"

"Oh um no reason." I wasn't sure about that answer.

"Henry is everything okay?"

"I don't think I'm ever going to my dad's again. He got a new girlfriend. My dad ignores me when I go and I rather stay here, I don't even feel welcome anymore." I got up and went to him

"Henry, why haven't you told your mom? That's not okay."

"I don't want her to get really upset. Beside it's been different. Even before my dad got a girlfriend, he would always work on cases and me and Micheal would be alone. It started to not be fun anymore. His girlfriend pays attention to us sometimes but my dad pays more attention to Micheal. Maybe because he's little. I don't know."

"Honey, I think you should tell your mom. And you are always welcome here. My home is your home, heck you live like 10 minutes from here. I'm always here for you kiddo." He hugged me and thank me. I sent him outside with Gabi. He made me promise that I wouldn't tell JJ what he told me. I promise him.

I ordered pizza and Sandra came back. I told her to let Gianna stay and she allow it.

I went to the living room to watch some shows and soon all the kids came in asking if they can go in the pool. Henry has extra clothes in his bag and Gianna went to get a swimsuit. Soon they all went inside the pool. Just as I was about to get comfortable on my couch, the doorbell rang. I groan and went to answer, it was the pizza, I payed and then out it on the counter. I went outside, "Kids whenever you get hungry, there is pizza on the counter." I went back inside and watched my shows.

Gabi's POV
"Henry, I thought you were going to your dad's?" I ask as I got on a floatie.

"I don't like going over there anymore. He barley pays attention and when my mom goes with us, that when he's different. He pays attention and does what we want to do but if it just me and Micheal without my mom, his girlfriend hangs with us but my dad works on case files or if not, he just watches tv." He said as he threw the ball back to Gianna.

"Don't you think you should tell your mom?" Gianna ask

"No, I don't want to. I don't want to cause problems."

We played Rainbow for a bit until we all got out. We stayed outside for a bit and just talked and learned more sign language. I went inside to get each one of us a plate of pizza. It was honestly such a good day.

I never would have imagined that my life would turn out this way. I'm glad I have Emily but I do miss my mom and Rose. I still find it surprising that Emily is my mom. All these years, she managed to have a relationship with me even though it was risky and she knew that. I guess it would have been better than me not knowing at all who she is. I'm grateful for everyone. If none of this have happened, I wouldn't have met Henry and Gianna and wouldn't be here. I guess my mom's quote always did have something meaningful, "Everything happens for a reason."

Gianna had to leave to go to her aunt house, and Henry and I went up to shower and change out of our swimsuits. I showered and sat on my desk.

I wanted to draw a picture of me and Emily. JJ sent me a picture of me and Emily on the ATV and another one where I'm sitting on Emily's lap and we were looking at each other smiling, which JJ caught a picture of. It was my favorite. I change it as my lock screen. I started drawing and Henry came and lay on my bed reading his comics books. We were so into our stuff that we didn't hear Emily calling us downstairs. She came upstairs and saw us.

"Didn't you guys hear me calling out for you or are you both ignoring me?" I turn and Emily was standing by my door.

I smile at her , "Sorry, I'm into this new drawing. What's up?"

"I wanted to see what you guys wanted for dinner and Henry your mom called, she said you can stay over and to please text your dad back." I turned to Henry and he went back to reading his book. Emily gave me "is he okay look?" and I didn't really know. So I shrugged my shoulders.

I went back to drawing and I was almost halfway finish. I close my book and faced Henry.

"Henry what's wrong?"

"Nothing." He didn't bother to look up from his comic book

"What happened?" I wanted to help him but he just hand me his phone and told me to read it

"That's why I'm not answering him." I read the messages that his dad was sending Henry. They were some mean texts but the last one was his dad saying that Henry will not be welcome into his home if he continues to disrespect him but from what I'm seeing, Henry isn't disrespecting anyone, all he wants is his dad to be there for him instead of making him feel bad.


"Just forget it."

"No Henry, this isn't okay. This isn't okay at all. You need to tell JJ what's going on. If you don't, I will. I don't like that this is upsetting you."

"I just, I just don't know how I'm going to tell her. What if she doesn't believe me?"

"She will. Why wouldn't she?" He shrugged his shoulders and went to the bathroom.

I waited for him and once he was out, we went downstairs.

Emily made spaghetti and after dinner we went to watch a movie in the movie room.

Henry and I were having fun with the chairs. When you press a button, the chairs move to a laying down position.

"Kids, get into a comfortable position, the moving starting." As she hands us a bowl of popcorn. She then made her bowl and sat next to me.

We were watching The Haunted Mansion.

After the movie, Emily sent us to bed but Henry and I couldn't sleep since we snuck some candies and were eating that too. We stayed up signing to each other and trying not to make so much noise. We head downstairs and played around, surprisingly Emily didn't wake up at all. Whenever Henry or I would bump into something we giggled and waited to see if Emily would come out, and if she didn't we would go back to playing.

Around 2am, we both knocked out on the living room couch.

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