Revealed [[KNJ]] 18+ ✔️

By IMSugaWonho

305K 20.5K 8.2K

**READ UNDERCOVER FIRST** Hana can't seem to catch a break. She finally thought her life was starting to get... More

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5.2K 373 206
By IMSugaWonho

Hana cracked her knuckles and watched as Namjoon walked into the gym, taking his jacket off and dropped it onto the bench. Behind him was everyone else and Jimin was trying to convince Namjoon not to fight her.

Her blood was boiling and she could feel her body shaking with that anger. Hana loved Namjoon but he needed to be brought back down to reality. And what better way to do it than to kick his ass?

"You don't need to do this," Jimin said, "Hana, seriously. Fighting each other physically isn't the way to-"

"Of course, it is," Namjoon said, rolling his shoulders back, "Our fights whether they be verbal or physical always ends with great makeup sex,"

"You think I want to have sex with you after what you just said to me?" Hana snapped.

Namjoon smirked, "Baby, I know you'll want-hey! What the fuck was that for?"

Hana managed to land a punch to his stomach and she stepped back glaring at him, "What do you think it was for? Maybe if you weren't focusing on talking out of your ass, then maybe you would have been ready,"

"You think I won't knock you down?" Namjoon said, "I won't lay a hand on you because that's not my style, but I will put you on your ass,"

Hana scoffed, "Then show me what you got, jerkoff?"

"This is stupid," Namjoon rolled his eyes, "Why are you in such a touchy mood? I have already told you that you can't leave the house,"

"And I have already told you to go fuck yourself," Hana seethed, "If you wanted a girl to control, go find one of your whores. You of all people should know I hate being some god damn possession,"

"Are you going to attempt to fight me or are you just going to stand there and be a miserable bitch,"

"Um, maybe you should just yell at each other," Jin said, "This really isn't what-"

"Jin. I love and respect you but please stay out of this," Hana said, "This is between my asshole of a boyfriend and me,"

Namjoon tutted and rushed at her, but she stepped to the side and jabbed him in the ribs making him gasp in surprise. Hana's hit wasn't hard enough to leave bruises but hard enough to show that she meant business.

"Seriously?" Hana said, "You're supposed to be the scariest mafia boss around and you rush at me like that?"

Namjoon clenched his jaw, "Watch your mouth. I don't want to raise my hand to you,"


Namjoon's nostrils flared with anger and he once again rushed at her but this time he was prepared. As Hana ducked his punch he lifted up his knee almost catching her in the jaw. She stumbled onto her back where Namjoon threw himself on top trying to gain control.

Hana tutted as he grabbed her wrists but he was paying no attention to her legs. She caught his nuts as she shifted underneath him, and he grunted easing his grip on her. With one quick motion, Namjoon was face down on the mat with his arm wrenched behind him, Hana's knee pressed firmly between his shoulder blades.

"Give up?"

"Fuck you," Namjoon snapped and Hana let his arm go getting to her feet.

"I'm more suited to be boss," Hana said, "You can't even take a girl down. Imagine what other gangs would think if they found out,"

"Was that a threat?" Namjoon said darkly and rose to his feet.

"Hana, don't antagonise him," Yoongi said, "Not right now,"

"I'm disappointed, Namjoon," She said, "I mean, you're so dominant in bed but you can't beat me in a fight,"

"Hana," Namjoon said, "I'm trying really hard to keep my cool but if you keep pressing my fucking buttons, then you and I will have a problem,"

"We already have a problem," Hana whispered and she let out a shaky sigh, "What am I to you?"

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"Am I your girlfriend or am I your slave?"

Hana let Namjoon slam her against the wall and she grunted in pain, staring up at Namjoon with tears in her eyes. He wrapped his hand around her throat and applied some pressure.

"Right now, you're being a stubborn bitch," He growled into her ear, "You're no good to me as a slave because you never do as I fucking tell you. And being a girlfriend? Who the fuck knows. All I know is that you're being a shit girlfriend right now. You've got no respect for me and you keep acting like you're the fucking boss of this relationship. You do as you are told or I can easily replace you with someone who has more respect and knows that her mouth is only used to suck my dick. I'm the god damn boss so do as you're fucking-ugh,"

Namjoon dropped to the floor clutching his nuts and Hana swallowed the lump in her throat trying not to cry at his words.

"Wow," She said, "If that's how you think a relationship works then maybe I don't want a relationship with you anymore,"

Namjoon groaned in pain and Hana quickly wiped her tears away, stepping over him. He was trying to call her but his words were more like mumbles. She took one last look at him and went back upstairs.

As she reached the top her friends pulled her into a hug and Darcy led them upstairs to Hana's room.

"What a prick!" Jenna said, "who the fuck does he think he is talking to you like that?"

"I want to go back down there and cut his dick off with a old rusty knife," Sara said, "No one treat my booby goddess like that. No one,"

Freya sat down next to Hana, "I'm not sure what to say but you can't let him get to you. You know deep down that you are worth more than this,"

"I just love him so much," Hana cried, "But I feel like I'm just some whore he can fuck around with,"

"You can't let him treat you like that anymore," Darcy said, "It's time to make a stand. We are all strong, beautiful women and no longer will we let men stomp all over us,"

"I agree," Chelzi said, "And not because she is my sister. Just because they are super hot, have lots of money and are respected in the mafia world, doesn't mean we can't make a name for ourselves,"

"And what do you suggest we do?" Freya said, "We can't piss them off too much when they have taken us in for our safety,"

"I agree," Jenna said, "We have to think logically about this and don't act on anger. Hana is upset and I don't want to make the situation worse. Why don't we watch a movie or something?"

"Rubbish! That won't do at all," Chelzi grinned widely, "Who is up for a good time?"

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