Secrets (Brandon Butler/Scott...

By agentwarrior

3.1K 157 3

Brandon Butler graduated high school 2 years ago. Brandon has been into acting ever since he was little. He h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 8

72 7 1
By agentwarrior

Brandon/Scott's POV
I finally got home after a long day of school. I was so exhausted. Football practice lasted for two hours so by the time I got home it was almost 5. I decided to take a shower then grabbed a snack and take notes of what I found on each person so far.

I sat in my desk and took out many sheets of paper. I started writing the names of each person on a sheet. Let's hope soon these sheets will fill up all the way.

Jeff Atkins - Cool, nice, junior, baseball player.
Zach Dempsey - Cool, kind, junior, football/baseball/basketball player.
Justin Foley - Seems laid back, junior, football/basketball player.
Jessica Davis - Friendly.
Hannah Baker - Junior.
Clay Jensen - Seemed upset.
Tony Padilla - Nothing.
Alex Standall - Junior.
Tyler Down - Junior.
Sheri Holland - Kind, junior, used to be cheerleader.
Ani Achola - Friendly, junior.
Marcus Cole - Nothing.
Ryan Shaver - Nothing.
Courtney Crimsen - Nothing.
Chloe Rice - Bryce's girlfriend, junior, possible rape victim.
Bryce Walker - Rapist, junior, football player/baseball player.
Monty de la Cruz - Dickhead, junior, football/baseball player.
Charlie George - Sweet.
Diego Torres - Nothing.
Luke Holliday - Nothing.

Basically I have nothing on most of them. Fuck. I still don't know what most of them look like yet. From what I've seen most of them are probably juniors maybe. I need to find a way to get access to the old yearbooks. Maybe I can actually find something bigger with those. Libraries usually have old yearbooks, I should try to check it out during study hall tomorrow.

I still don't even know who would've had a motive to kill Skye. They all seem like very nice people, especially Jeff, Zach, and Sheri. Then again those are the only people I've talked to so far.

The most possible suspect right now I would say is Bryce. He is a rapist after all but is he a killer?

I think I should ask Jeff tomorrow about Skye. I don't even know how I should do it without hitting a nerve. The only chance I have is during English.

Next day

I made sure to come to school earlier then yesterday just so I get the chance to talk to Jeff.

I went to my locker first to put some books away before heading to class. There was about ten minutes before first period started and luckily Jeff was already there.

"Hey Jeff."

"Hey, I heard you were at football tryouts yesterday. How did you do?" Jeff asked me.

"I made the team."

"That's awesome. You didn't tell me you were into football either."

"I am, but I love baseball more. But can I ask you a question?"

"What's up?"

"I heard on the news that a girl here was killed recently like a week ago? Is that true?"

"Umm, yeah it is."

Shit, Jeff looks uncomfortable.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to bring it up."

"It's cool, I don't really know her too much so I'm ok. The person it does affect a lot is Clay. They were pretty close." Jeff said.

"But I heard they caught the killer."

"Yeah. I'm kind of surprised it was Justin Butler who did it. I mean I only knew him for two years but he seemed like a nice guy. I've talked to him a few times since he was in some of my classes."

"Do you believe he killed her?" I asked him.

"I don't even know. I don't know why he would kill her. But I have seen them hanging out a lot recently. I don't know anything about it though but I guess that would be why cops are even more suspicious about him."

What the fuck? Justin told me he's never talked to her. Why would he lie? At least Jeff believe he's somewhat innocent. There has to be someone in this school who knows what really happened to Skye though. Would his friends know the truth but not tell him?

"But you know, you kind of do look like him a bit. Justin Butler." Jeff said.

"Must be a coincidence."

The teacher walked in afterwards and class got started. Thank god, she walked in on time. Almost blew my cover. Class was even more boring then yesterday.

Study hall

Jessica and I are sitting at the same table again. She's being really friendly towards me. Not a bad thing but we just sit and she doesn't even bother talking to me.

"Hey, I'm going to look around for some books." I told her.

"Ok, do you need help?" Jessica asked me.

"No, it's ok. I'm sure I can find it myself. You can keep doing your homework."

I looked around for about six minutes. Until I accidently bumped into someone.

"Oh shit I'm so sorry!" I told whoever that person is that I bumped into.

"Na man it's cool." That guy said.

I looked up and I remember I saw his face at football practice yesterday. I never got his name though. He was wearing a Liberty varsity jacket, dark skin, short hair.

"Hey aren't you Scott Reed?" He asked me.


"You were at football practice yesterday. I don't think I've introduced myself yet but I'm Diego. Welcome to the team."

He said while giving me a fist pump.

"Thanks bro. I really appreciate all the kindness." I told him.

"Of course. We're all a family. But do you need help with whatever you're looking for?"

"No it's ok, I got it."

"Well I'll see you at football practice later."

That was probably Diego Torres. But that was strange, I don't remember Diego being in my study hall. What was he doing here?

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