New Leaf (Taekook 21+) [Compl...

By cyndicyn22

105K 6.4K 3.2K

After being caught doing cocaine in a back alley by his parents, Jungkook was forced into a reform school for... More

1- Unmanageable Youth
2- New Found Acquaintance
3- Touch and Go
4- Major Malfunction
5- Seeking Supplies
6- Dangerous love
7- Frightened and Upset
8- Promise to Protect
9- Incident Avoided
10- Taehyung's dilemma
11- If I can't have you...
12- Out of mind, out of body
13- Bittersweet
14- Resist the temptation
15- Crisis averted
16- Impromptu visit
17- On the contrary
18- Easily persuaded
19- Change of Pace
20- Denied Satisfaction
21- Opening Up
22- Vulnerability
23- Comprehending Each Other
24- Over Exertion
25- Forgiveness
26- News Flash
27- Peep Show
28- Hoseok's Dilemma
30- Feeling Uncertain
31- Graceful and Erotic
32- Petty Theft
33- I'm Fine
34- Still Struggling
35- Problems Abound
36- Convincing Taehyung
37- Unraveled at the Seams
38- Mask the Pain
39- Brand New Man
40- Confessions
41- Reignited Love for Life
42- First Date
43- Passionate Night
44- Promise Revealed
45- Picnic disaster
46- Catastrophic Endeavour
47- Near Death Experience
48- Sudden Requests
49- Congratulations
50- Unwanted visitor
51- Concocting a Plan
52- Engagment discussion
53- Graduation Party
54- Talk it Out
55- Preparty Jitters
56- Unfocused
57- Announcement
58- Settled Fiancé
59- Dangerous Expanses
60- Surprise Surrogate
61- Fear for the future
62- Attempted seduction
63- Wake up call
64- Who are you?
65- Heart's Recognition
66- Upcoming Holidays
67- Christmas Eve
68- Christmas Eve date
69- Remnants of a ruined date
70- My presents to you
71- Christmas Night
72- Rough Night
73- Birthday Blues
74- Belated Birthday wishes
75- Surprise Guests
76- New Year Celebration
77- Bitter return
78- Conjugal visit
79- Misfortune strikes
80- First Meetings
81- Destined Day
82- Dire First Signs
83- Plans for a Future
84- Concerns and Questions
85- Location Scouting
86- Wedding Bells
87- Wedding Reception
88- Late Night Rendezvous
89- Off to a great start
90- Sweet Serenity
91- Sweet Surrender
92- Over Zealous Jealousy
93- He's More like You than You Know
94- Gabriel's slip up
95- Happy Anniversary!
96- Electric Love
97- Disaster Strikes
98- Unforeseen Misfortune
99- Lost Time
100- We'll Meet Again, My Love

29- Obtaining your Way

950 57 60
By cyndicyn22

Hello, everyone!~♡ I hope your days are well and you're healthy~♡ I am so very grateful to all of you who continue to read this story!~♡ Thank you all so much~♡ I love you all~♡ I have been visiting family for the past week now, so I had to hide in my cousin's room just to work on this chapter.xD Please read at your own discretion, even if there isn't anything too bad in this chapter because who knows about the next one?😂🤣 I have been working on another book as well actually that will be released on the 20th of this month called Wish You were Here~♡ So please look forward to that and maybe support it too~🥺♡ If you don't mind.🥺♡ Without further ado, the next chapter~♡ Please enjoy~♡


Hoseok stared at the empty space beside him for a moment before quickly glancing at the nurse in alarm. The nurse stared at Hoseok before shrugging as Hoseok dashed out the door after Yoongi. He didn't understand why Yoongi had acted this way, but he could tell that Yoongi was hurt by something he'd done. He could feel his heart beating erratically in his chest as he chased Yoongi down, his fear of failing the person he loved most in the world propelling him forward.

He caught up to Yoongi quickly, grabbing him by his arm and turning Yoongi towards him. It was a rough hug, with Yoongi's hand striking him in the stomach hard, but Hoseok didn't want to let go of Yoongi. He groaned softly as Yoongi buried his face in Hoseok's shoulder to keep him from seeing his tears, wrapping his arms around Hoseok's back tightly. Hoseok gently patted Yoongi's back, trying to calm the smaller male's trembling shoulders. "Yoongi? What did I do? In order for me to correct what I've done, I need you to talk to me not run away from me and tell me everything is fine," Hoseok coaxed, running soothing fingers through Yoongi's hair. "So, please talk to me whenever you're ready."

Yoongi nodded softly into Hoseok's shoulder, sniffling quietly as he pulled away and wiped his eyes. "You are the problem, Hobi. You can't even suppress your feelings for another person in front of your boyfriend. It really stings to see you so head over heels in love with someone else," Yoongi stated, sighing softly as he pushed away from Hoseok. Hoseok stared at Yoongi, trying to understand what he'd done so wrong.

"Wh- what do you mean?" Hoseok asked, gently tugging on his own sleeve from anxiety. Yoongi's eyes narrowed significantly as he shoved Hoseok hard in his arm. "You fawning over Taehyung when I was standing right next to you," Yoongi declared loudly, rolling his eyes. "It's not hard to tell that you have overwhelming feelings for Taehyung, Hobi. And since your feelings are so strong... Here's what I'm going to do. I'll allow the polyamorous relationship for two reasons... One, if you leave me for Taehyung... At least I'll know what your feelings towards me really were. And two, maybe you'll get him out of your system and realize you really don't want to be with him," Yoongi stated, feeling his heart being torn at his own words.

Hoseok stared at Yoongi for a moment before clasping Yoongi's hands in his own. "I'd never leave you, I can promise you that," Hoseok whispered softly to Yoongi. "You've seen me at my worst and still want to be with me. You've helped me through a lot of tough times. I'm not just going to leave you like that," he added, intertwining their fingers together. Yoongi made a face before leaning into Hoseok slightly. "You can't promise that. Feelings change and so do people. Isn't that why you asked for a poly-relationship?" Yoongi asked, sighing deeply.

Hoseok shook his head, feeling a little guilty as he wrapped his arms around Yoongi. "No, not completely. I just wanted to try that kind of relationship, but if you're not comfortable with it, things don't have to happen without you present. Or the relationship itself doesn't have to happen at all," Hoseok stated, rubbing Yoongi's shoulder with his hand. "Sound fair to you?"

Yoongi smiled softly and smacked Hoseok's arm playfully before hugging him back. "Yeah, that sounds fair. Should we go inform the third party to our relationship and see if he consents?" Yoongi asked, looking up at Hoseok. Hoseok thought for a moment before shaking his head. "Let Jungkook fuck up again and then we'll inform him. He'll be more apt to listen to us then," Hoseok stated, kissing Yoongi's cheek softly.


The moment Jungkook's anger management class was over, he scooped up his bag and booked it towards the door. Not even turning back when he heard the teacher calling out to him for something. He surely didn't care nor would he ever care since it involved a teacher and a classroom. When he felt he was a safe distance away from the classroom door, he slowed down significantly.

He was in no hurry to get anywhere else. Not even to his next classroom. He glanced out the window, the dingy brick walls and barbed wire fencing along the top reminding him where he subsisted. He longed to be anywhere else but on this campus. Things were okay when he was beside Taehyung, his life didn't seem so droll then. Now though? That was the problem.

He didn't have someone beside him keeping him company with idle conversation or anything of that sort. He suddenly felt trapped, a feeling he did not experience often. He gripped the strap of his bag and quickly walked the other direction away from his class, even though he'd spend his days here until he could behave. He wasn't concerned about that right now as he fumbled his way back towards the nurse's office.


Taehyung slowly sat up from the bed, rubbing his sleepy eyes at the only other thing present in the room at that moment. Yeontan. Taehyung grabbed the small dog and pushed his blankets aside as he stood to his feet, the tile floor cold against his bare skin. He shivered slightly from the sudden change in temperature, coughing deeply as he searched around the room.

He realized he had not yet fed the puppy and he knew Yeontan must be hungry by now. He scanned the room for any bowl he could use for the dog, only to realize he didn't have any dog food for him either. He glanced down at the puppy and sighed heavily as Jungkook stumbled his way into the room.

Taehyung glanced up and smiled at Jungkook, cradling Yeontan as he approached Jungkook. "We should go shopping! For Yeontan, you know? He's going to need puppy food and a collar! A bowl and a leash! All sorts of things," Taehyung exclaimed excitedly, happy to see Jungkook. He didn't realize he'd missed him that much as he stopped and tapped his chin in thought. "But... Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

Jungkook shrugged and wrapped his arm around Taehyung's shoulders with a happy bunny smile. "It's okay if I skip a few more. I went to my anger management class, that's all that matters," Jungkook announced, glad to have someone keep him company again. "But are you sure you're okay enough to be up and out shopping?"

Taehyung laughed softly at Jungkook's words, tapping his nose lightly. "Just like you, I can miss a few more classes," he joked, scratching between Yeontan's ears. "Plus, they almost never tell me no. I'm also certain that the nurse hasn't said anything about me being ill to the warden yet. At least, I hope. Then they might actually tell me no," Taehyung commented, walking towards the nurse's office door. "Well? Are you coming? I have to go change first," Taehyung added, motioning for Jungkook to follow him.

Jungkook followed Taehyung to his room, wondering if Taehyung was pretending to feel sufficient enough to shop. He kept shivering on their way to his room. Taehyung opened the door carefully, peeking around to make sure it was vacant before signaling for Jungkook to step inside. "Let me freshen up really quick and we can be on our way," Taehyung stated, scrambling towards the bathroom.

He took a timely and steamy shower, rendering the water extra hot to keep from feeling that chill creep down his spine. He coughed heavily under the water, his chest burning as he shut off the water and wrapped his towel around his waist. He felt miserable, but he wanted to be a promising caretaker for Yeontan. He couldn't only think of himself anymore.

He stepped out of the bathroom, stumbling negligibly due to his equilibrium being thrown off. Jungkook managed to seize Taehyung in his arms, staring at him in concern. "Are you sure you are okay to go shopping?" Jungkook asked, genuinely concerned for Taehyung.

Taehyung waved Jungkook's concern off, smiling his wide, boxy grin and stepping over towards his closet. "Yes, yes, I'm fine. Just a little dizzy from the water being too hot," he lied, grabbing a baby blue, silk button-up shirt. He slid his arms into the sleeves and slowly tried to button the shirt, focusing on the buttons while Jungkook's eyes focused on the calculated litigations. Taehyung seemed to be struggling to button his own shirt or he was doing it on purpose, Jungkook couldn't tell but it ignited something within him either way.

Jungkook stepped forward, seizing the hems of Taehyung's shirt from his fingers gently. He slid the silky fabric against Taehyung's fingers, their fingertips grazing each other as he buttoned the first button. His hands slid lower, buttoning the second button slowly. Taehyung swallowed hard as Jungkook buttoned his shirt for him, Jungkook's hands slowly sinking lower and lower on his shirt. It sent goosebumps thriving all across Taehyung's sun-kissed skin as he shuddered with delight, his breath hitching.

Jungkook buttoned the last button and bit his lip, seduced to do so much more to Taehyung but took a hesitant step back instead. "Th- there. All buttoned up now," Jungkook proclaimed, taking several more steps back. He needed to cool off for a moment, his hormones wanting to take control as he turned his back towards Taehyung. He took several deep breaths to calm his racing heart and his raging hormones as he counted silently to himself.

After thirty seconds, he finally turned back to face Taehyung. He stopped short when he saw the tight black skinny jeans Taehyung was wearing with his shirt. Jungkook bit his lip once more, his eyes wandering over Taehyung's figure as Taehyung tucked the shirt into his pants. "Almost ready," Taehyung exclaimed with false excitement. He didn't want Jungkook to know that he still felt lousy as he finished tucking in his shirt. "Sorry. I have to dress a certain way out in public... Papa's rules," Taehyung added as he slipped on a pair of black dress shoes.

Jungkook had to admit that for someone he'd met wearing some of the most casual clothes, Taehyung looked absolutely stunning right now. Jungkook eyed Taehyung over once more before emitting a low whistle. "Well, shit. You make me look inadequate when you dress like that. It'll only be that much more fun stripping you out of those clothes," Jungkook blurted out, licking his lips sensually. Taehyung flushed slightly, staring at Jungkook before Jungkook ruffled Taehyung's still wet hair. "Well, let's go. We can bring the dog with us. If anyone asks, he's your emotional support animal. They can't make you leave him outside that way," he added, wrapping his arm around Taehyung's waist.

Taehyung flushed once more, not sure if the heat he was experiencing was from a fever or his own excitement of being this close to Jungkook. Either way, he was elated as they headed towards the principal's office and the warden's office. Although reluctant, Taehyung got permission to leave campus and insisted they let him bring Jungkook. While they were both very adamant that Jungkook remain on campus because he's so new, they didn't wish for Taehyung to evolve into hysterics. Finally, with a lot of persuasion from Taehyung, they both agreed that Jungkook could also leave campus as long as he stuck close to Taehyung. The moment Taehyung lost sight of him, he'd never be allowed off campus again.

Taehyung smiled happily at their words, grabbing Jungkook gently by the hand and tugging him towards the gate. "We'll be back shortly," Taehyung called excitedly over his shoulder as he ran for the gate with Jungkook. The moment they were outside the gate, Taehyung nearly collapsed into a coughing fit. Jungkook stood by concerned, wondering if they should just go ahead and go back, but Taehyung kept him at a distance before straightening back up. "Alright! Let's go shopping," Taehyung squeezed out, gripping Jungkook's hand in an attempt to save him from his own distress.

Jungkook glanced at Taehyung before sighing softly and taking Yeontan from him. He cradled Yeontan with one arm and wrapped the other around Taehyung's neck and cradled his head. He smiled softly and gently ran his fingers through Taehyung's hair. "If you're ever feeling fatigued throughout our shopping spree, you can lean on me," Jungkook conveyed softly, glancing over at Taehyung out of anxiety. Taehyung smiled softly and nodded, gently brushing his hand up the back of Jungkook's neck and intertwining his fingers in Jungkook's raven locks. He kissed him softly before pulling away with a piercing look of desire. He bit his lower lip as Jungkook stared back at him with an identical look. "This way first," he claimed, pointing in the direction he wanted to go while steering both their attention towards something else. Jungkook chuckled softly as they both began walking in that direction.

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