Emily Prentiss daughter

By klizaa

69.7K 1.1K 397

Prentiss' old team were trying to catch a serial killer that had murder 5 couples. They caught him but Prenti... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 12

2.1K 33 23
By klizaa

Gabi's POV

I heard everything. I heard every thing that Penelope said. I hold back my tears and waited to see what anyone else would say.

"Yes, Gabi is mine. She's my daughter. But how was it possible you unsealed it? I had her record sealed completely."

"My friends did it , Emily I promised Gabriella whatever I find, that I would tell her."

"No you can't. It's my business and this isn't how I wanted you to find out." I heard Emily sighed. I had a tear dropped down my face.

"It wasn't an easy decision to give her up. I had worked at Interpol when I had her. When I came to the states to do something for my mother, my best friend was there. He and I knew each other since I was 9. One thing led to another, we saw each other but we were always careful. When I found out I was pregnant with Gabi, I couldn't go through another abortion. I had one in my teens and it was horrible and painful. I always wanted to keep Gabi but because of my work, no one could know who she was to me. No one could know she was mine. My job was not like the BAU. So I made the decision to keep Gabi but to give her to Maya. Maya always wanted another child but couldn't conceive. We talked about it, Maya didn't like the idea of Gabriella being kept from me but she understood my work. She understood that Gabi's identity was to be kept to ourselves. Maya allowed me to be in Gabi's life, but we said I would be her aunt. Maya was like a sister to me. I never imagined that I would have Gabi back like this. We wanted to let Gabi know about who I was, but I didn't want to ruin her happy life that she has or had with Maya. Gabi is everything to me, but it also my decision and business when I would tell her the truth. If I could, I would have kept Gabi, but in the circumstances that I was in, I only wanted her safe. Safe and happy."

Emily is my mom. My biological mom. I heard everything. I couldn't believe it. I walked away. I left the BAU. I walked away so no one else around would be suspicious, but once I was officially out of the building I ran. I ran until I give out. I couldn't believe it.

I got to some park. There was families around and kids. I sat down and just cried silently.

Emily's POV
".....If I could, I would have kept Gabi, but in the circumstances that I was in, I only wanted her safe. Safe and happy." Everyone was shocked. Penelope was crying and JJ gave me a small smile

"Emily, that's very brave if you but don't you think you should tell her soon?" Morgan said to me

"I just don't know how to tell her or when it's the best time." I said silently. JJ put her hands on my leg, telling me that it's okay.

"Prentiss, if you need anything, anything thing at all, you let me know." I thanked Hotch for that. I told everyone to please not mention or say anything to Gabriella. Penelope on the other hand, didn't seem fond of what I said.

"Emily, I promised her."

"Penelope, she's mine and it's mine decision." I said to Garcia and she nodded. She left, I'm assuming back to her office.

It was quiet and awkward, Morgan was taking loud sips from his soda.

We talked about the case we solved and what was going to happen.

"JJ, you said Gabi went to the bathroom?" I whispered

"Yea, It's been 15 minutes." I nodded and went to the bathroom.

I got there and the stalls were empty. "Gabi?"
I checked all the stalls and nothing. I went to Penelope's office and no one was there. I went back to the brief room and saw Penelope sitting next to Morgan. I raised my eyebrows and went back to my desk.

I saw Gabi's stuff on my desk. I was confused. I quickly walked back to the brief room. "JJ, you said Gabi went to the bathroom?"

"Yes why?" JJ said as she took a sip of her soda.

"She's wasn't there and I checked Penelope's office." At this point I was panicking. At this point everyone became aware.

"I can track her phone." Penelope said, I nodded no "You can't, she left it on my desk."

"Garcia check the cameras." Hotch ordered Garcia. Everyone gathered around Garcia laptop. "Fast forward to the time at 5:00pm, that was around the time we came back from getting the food." JJ said

We see JJ and Gabi talking and she was crying. We turned to JJ for an answer, "She was upset of everything that has happened to her. She just wanted to find her parents." She looked at me.

We fast forward to the part where Garcia came in, and we saw Gabi walking up but stop.

"She heard, she heard everything." I said. We saw where she ran out and Garcia went through all the cameras and saw her walking out the BAU. She left and ran. As I saw that, I quickly ran out.

"Everyone split up and go find her." Hotch ordered. Everyone else ran behind me.


Gabi's POV
It was starting to get a bit dark now. I didn't have anything on me and I stayed where I was. I walked a bit down and there was a pond. I sat down on the bench and cried until I couldn't anymore.

I'm not sure how I feel. I'm not sure if I should be angry. Angry that I been lied to all this time. Angry that I knew my biological mother this whole time but they never said anything. Upset that Emily's job cause her to give me away. Heartbroken that all I wanted was to know my biological parents and Emily never said anything. Not one single word.

"Hello, what are you doing out here all alone?" Some guy said. He looked dirty and I can smell alcohol on him.

I got up and walked away. He grabbed my arm, "Hey I'm talking to you." At this point, I got scared. I kick him hard and ran. He stumbled and when I looked back he got off the ground and ran after me.

I ran to where the playground was. I ran and hid behind the tree. No one was here anymore. All the kids and families left.

He found me and push me down. "Please let me go." I screamed and cry out for help.

"You know what little girls get for being disrespectful?" I was struggling and I couldn't get out. My hand reach for a rock and I hit him hard with it. I manage to free one of my leg but unfortunately this drunk man punch me. Here I am struggling and trying to get out of his grasp, I cried and yelled for him to leave me alone, for anyone to hear me. He kicked me hard in my stomach and it hurt so bad but I managed to get out of his grasp by kicking him again and ran. I didn't want to look behind me. I heard him yelling. Next thing I heard an "oof" And I looked back and saw Morgan tackling him, and I screamed when I felt someone grabbed me but I soon realize it was JJ. I cried and she hold me up. Soon an ambulance was called and JJ came with me. Morgan stayed behind. I was still crying, scared, something bad could've happened tonight but I was saved.

"You're okay, you're okay. I got you." JJ said as she hold me

We got to the hospital and they wouldn't let JJ in. I cried for her. All the doctors were male except for one. I wouldn't let anyone touch me. Soon another doctor came and kick out all the male doctors. She introduced herself to me as Dr.Cristina and the other doctor was Dr.Heather.

"Honey, can we see your stomach and check you out to make sure everything is okay?" I allow them to check me out.

I called everyone and they all got here to the hospital in 10 minutes.

"How is she? What happened?" Emily asked. I told her everything that happened, Emily was furious and was trying not to cry. Everyone left to give Emily space.

"Did she say anything?" She whispered to me as she look up. "No." We waited for the doctor to let us know how she is.

"Gabriella Emma?" We both got up as the doctor came. "Hi, I'm Dr.Cristina, Gabriella has suffered a broken rib which isn't completely damaged. She needs it to be wrapped and bandaged for 3 weeks and her eye, she will be given medicine. Her scan checks out, everything is good. Now I'm sorry to say this but Gabriella has asked me if she could only have a *she looks down at her paper* Jennifer Jareau. I looked at Emily and can tell she was hurt by that but she told me to go in and see how she is. I told her I will try my best and followed the doctor.

There was Gabi, another doctor was putting something around her eye.

"Hey honey." She looks up and she seems so broken.

"Did you know? Did you know before she told everybody else?" I couldn't lie to her. "Yes, I kept asking Emily and she only told me. Honey, you were there. We saw you through the cameras. You must understand why she did what she did."

"I do but that doesn't mean I won't just be hurt. It hurts so much. She knew how badly I wanted this and she never said anything. You too. If you knew, why didn't you tell me." She winced

"Gabriella, it wasn't my story to tell. Either way, Emily was planning on telling you honey. She didn't know when or how. She's your mom but I understand why you would be so hurt." I went to sit next to her.

The doctor  said that she would be discharged soon, all that was needed was for someone to sign her discharge papers. I mention that Emily was her mom and that she was outside.

After a few minutes, Gabi was allow to leave. We left her room and everyone was there. Emily came up and gave her a hug, "I'm so sorry, I'm happy to hear you're okay." We all watch Emily and Gabi and I could tell Gabi was tense. She didn't hugged back Emily or even responded to her. Everyone told her they were glad she was safe. We went our separate ways and Gabi stared at me. I was parked next to Emily, "Don't be mad forever kiddo." I went into my car and it broke my heart seeing her crying. She slowly got in the back of Emily's car .

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