By Notch_inyour_Bedpost

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there's no one that knows me like you do an andy biersack fanfic More

Black Roses
Chapter 1; Backstory
Chapter 3; Tackle
Chapter 4; Buses
Chapter 5; Encounters
Chapter 6; Panic
Chapter 7; Concert
Chapter 8; Lost
Chapter 9; Club
Chapter 10; Snowfall
Chapter 11; Non-stop
Chapter 12; Speed
Chapter 13; Ask
Chapter 14; Chase
Chapter 15; Collide
Chapter 16; Memory
Chapter 17; Re-Introduce
Chapter 18; Nightmare
Chapter 19; Colors
Chapter 20; Fireworks
Chapter 21: Room 314
Chapter 22: End

Chapter 2; Meeting

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By Notch_inyour_Bedpost

~happy New Years, guys. I am terrified of the future, woo~

*Ellie's POV*

((December 22, 2014))

"Great practice, guys. I think we're getting really good!" Lynn cries out, raising her drumsticks above her head.

"I agree; I think we're fucking kickass!" Taylor shouts, carefully laying her bass in it's case.

"I hate all of you," Jenna states in a monotone voice, making the rest of us laugh. Jenna zips up her own case, her guitar nestled inside.

I remove the camera from it's stand and prepare to edit it for YouTube.

"Ellie, how many new subscribers do we have?" Lynn asks from behind me, packing away her drum set.

I check our account as our new video uploads and almost instantly gasp.

"What? What is it?" Jenna asks, rushing to kneel next to me.

"You know how we had a little over a thousand subscribers...?" I whispered, still not believing the number in front of me.

"Yeah, did it go down or something?" Taylor asks, coming up behind me.

"No, not at all...we've got almost one hundred thousand, now..."

My bandmates let the news sink in...and then we all started screaming.

"How did that happen!?"

"Is this a YouTube trick?!"

"Check the band Twitter!" I cry, grabbing my phone and logging into our band account.

Sure enough, the amount of followers and mentions had gained immensely, as well.

"What the shit happened?" Lynn mutters.

"Oh, guys, I've got a missed call from John, maybe he can explain?" Jenna says, putting her phone to her ear. John was our manager; surely, he would know something.

"Hey, John?"

"Yeah, it's going good, just finished practice, but, um..."

"No, everything's fine; we're just confused about something."

"No, the instruments are fine, it's just that...well, we've gained a lot of new followers, and we're just very confused if you and the team did promos last night?"

"A tour!?"

At this, I looked up and stared at the rest of my bandmates. There's a tour?

"We're opening? For who?"

I mouth, 'opening?' to Taylor, but she just shrugs.

"No. You're kidding."

The rest of us were sitting on the edge of our seats, quite literally, waiting for Jenna to explain.

"Oh, my fuck. You're serious!?"

"Ok, I'll tell the rest of the girls. I'll see you at the meeting next week, then!"

Jenna ends the call and squeals again.

"Ok, what the fuck is happening? What tour? Who are we opening for?"

Jenna takes a deep breath, then practically screams, "We're opening for Black Veil Brides! We're touring with them for a year!"

Which literally still made no sense to me.

However, Lynn and Jenna jump up and scream even louder than they previously have today.

"Ok, who the shit is Black Veil Brides?" I shout over the high-pitched fangirling.

They all looked at me like I was crazy.

"Only my favorite band on this planet!" Lynn cried in exasperation.

"And the most good-looking..." Jenna swooned.

"Seriously, Ashley can get it," Taylor muttered.

As they continued their little bout of excitement, I looked them up on Twitter. Sure enough, their most recent tweet was about the new tour.

'@blackveilbrides: So fucking pumped to start this new tour! So stoked to travel all year with @royalroses. Check them out!'

When I clicked on the link, sure enough, our YouTube page popped up.

"Taylor, when did John say we were having a tour meeting?" I asked, breaking up their fangirl, jumping session.

"He said on Monday at 11:30. We'll talk with Black Veil Brides, their manager, and then we'll go to lunch to socialize with them and get to know them...oh, God, we're going to meet Ashley Purdey in less than two days!"

That, of course, set them into another frenzy.


Monday rolled around quicker than expected. Lynn, Taylor, and Jenna were squealing like puppies when we piled into the taxi. I just rolled my eyes and gave the taxi driver directions to where we were meeting the others.

As we got closer to the restaurant, the other girls started slapping each other's arms and pointed to the limo coming into view. I rolled my eyes -again- and made sure to give the driver a tip for having to deal with them.

I paid the driver when we came to a stop in front of the restaurant and climbed out.

"Ok, girls," I say. They reluctantly met my gaze. "We don't want the band we're opening for an entire year to think we're a bunch of crazy fangirls, right? They'd never take us seriously and, therefore, would probably not even consider dating a single one of you." This made them gasp, and I could see how hard they were trying to compose themselves. "Ok, please, pretend like you've been in public before."

I opened the door and saw John standing up front.

"There you are! You were almost late...again!" John pointed a finger at us like an angry mother.

"Sorry, Johnny. Had to give these fangirls a pep talk so they don't completely lose their shit over the sight of 'the sex god that is Ashley Purdey', or so they call him," I sigh. John nods and lets out a heavy sigh. It seemed like I was the only mature one in this band.

John led us to a back room, probably a place for reserved seatings. I turned to see Lynn on the verge of tears, Jenna hopping up and down, and Taylor sweating profusely. When they made eye contact with me, they instantly straightened out. I laugh to myself at how ridiculous they were.

John opens the door to show five men, mostly dressed in black and leather, and two other men in suits. It was safe to assume the leathery men were Black Veil Brides, considering the girls weren't salivating over the suited men. I rolled my eyes and sat across from one of them. It looked like the girls were holding their breath, like if they let it out, they would explode into verbal keysmashing.

One of the suited men sitting across from John said, "Well, hello, girls, how are you doing today?" Jenna nodded fast, eyeing the one closest to her, Taylor whispered, 'fine', and Lynn threw a thumbs up.

"Alright, looks like I'm doing all the talking today," I say to the man, who simply laughed. "I am sorry, the girls are big fans of you guys, I think they're about to explode from feelings." They instantly shot me death glares, which only made me laugh harder.

"Understandable; I am pretty irresistible," one of the band members said. From the way the girls practically moaned at the sound of his voice, I assumed this one was Ashley. The rest of Black Veil Brides and I rolled our eyes.


The meeting ended very quickly; BVB's managers were very quick to the point, which was appreciated. Basically, we'd take two tour buses, but both bands are free to ride either. We tour America for a year, and, if we're up to it, we can tour with BVB throughout the rest of the world.

My favorite part was how the tour was named, 'Black Roses'.

"It's like a ship name for our bands," Lynn blurted out. Only Taylor and Jenna laughed. Fangirl terms are weird.

After the formalities were taken care of, we were free to order whatever we wanted off the menu, free of charge. John and the other managers -who I learned was named Samuel and Jackson- left us to socialize.

We formed something almost like a speed-dating queue; my band stayed stationary, while BVB went down the line and introduced themselves.

I learned that the drummer was CC -his full name being Christian Coma-, the two guitar players was Jake and Jinxx, and that 'sex god' Ashley played bass. Now, I only had to talk to the lead singer.

As he sat in front of me, I had to admit, he was aggressively good-looking. He had a very sharp, angular face, which Taylor would only describe as 'a great seat to sit on'. I could point out several Batman tattoos, which made me smile.

The thing that threw me off, however, were his eyes. They were a bright, crystalline blue, and they were so...familiar.

I guess he caught me staring, for the first thing he said was, "Is there a problem?"

I felt myself go red as I stuttered, "Oh, no, I'm sorry. You just look...really familiar, I guess. Sorry, I should actually tell you my name; I'm Ellie, Ellie Robin."

Now it was his turn to stare.

"W-what? What's wrong?" I ask, looking at my shirt to see if there was a stain.


"Ell? Nobody calls me that. Only my old friend, who moved a long time...ago..." My eyes widened in shock. No. It couldn't be. It couldn't be my Dee.

I looked up and stared at his eyes. I knew why they were so familiar.


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