By Notch_inyour_Bedpost

109K 4.8K 1.5K

there's no one that knows me like you do an andy biersack fanfic More

Black Roses
Chapter 2; Meeting
Chapter 3; Tackle
Chapter 4; Buses
Chapter 5; Encounters
Chapter 6; Panic
Chapter 7; Concert
Chapter 8; Lost
Chapter 9; Club
Chapter 10; Snowfall
Chapter 11; Non-stop
Chapter 12; Speed
Chapter 13; Ask
Chapter 14; Chase
Chapter 15; Collide
Chapter 16; Memory
Chapter 17; Re-Introduce
Chapter 18; Nightmare
Chapter 19; Colors
Chapter 20; Fireworks
Chapter 21: Room 314
Chapter 22: End

Chapter 1; Backstory

7.1K 284 259
By Notch_inyour_Bedpost

~hello, and welcome to, 'Black Roses'! I hope you like this, I'm pretty pumped to write it. idk if I'll have author's notes in the beginnings or endings of chapters, but they'll probably be somewhere. if you actually do read those, thank, you're the real MVP. ok, enough talking. let's start our story in 1995 *cue wiggly flashback music*~

*Ellie's POV*

((June 6th, 1995; Ellie's fifth birthday))

"Mommy, when is Dee getting here? I want him to see my new guitar!" I whined, crossing my chubby little arms.

Mommy laughed and cooed, "Don't you worry, honey, the whole Biersack family will be coming in no time. I hear Uncle Chris got you more paint for Halloween-"

"Hush, Mommy! Don't spoil!" I cry out in anguish, covering my ears. Mommy giggled again and put her hands up apologetically.

My attention was thrown to the door as the bell rung throughout the entire house. My eyes widened and I squealed. Mommy laughed at my reaction and went to open the door.

As soon as it opened, my bestest friend in the whole wide world ran in, carrying a horribly wrapped present.

"Happy Birthday, Ell!" Andy cried, thrusting the package into my hands.

"Oh, my gosh, thanks, Dee," I smiled a toothy grin and plopped onto the floor, Andy following.

I tore the packaging off and gasped.

"Is this Green Day's new album!?" I exclaimed, staring at him with wide eyes.

"Yup! I paid for it with my own allowance, too!" Andy said, looking proud of himself.

I threw my arms around his neck and hugged the heck out of him. Mommy, Aunt Amy, and Uncle Chris laughed at my reaction. I knew Andy's parents weren't my actual relatives, but I found it too formal to just call them their first names.

"I'm so glad my daughter is in to good music." I heard Mommy say to Aunt Amy, who nodded.

"Ooh, Dee! I have to show you my new guitar!" I stood up and grabbed his hand.

"Woah, you got a guitar!?" Andy asked incredulously.

"No, it's just a purple plastic one, but Mommy says it'll be good practice for when I can play a real one," I explain and I drag him to my room.

I take my new CD and place it in the CD player, letting Billy Joe's voice envelope the room. I pulled out the play guitar and pretend to jam to the first song, 'Burnout'. Andy and I laugh, just like we always do.


*Ellie's POV*

((August 2nd, 2000. One week before first day of middle school))

I climb up our tree house's ladder and plop on the black bean bag in the corner, Andy quickly following.

"Dude, I do not want to go school next week," Andy groans as he falls into the similar looking bean bag across from me.

"I know, I feel the same," I sigh. "The older kids say that sixth grade is when people start offering you drugs and alcohols, and if you say no, you'll be labeled as the lamest kid in the entire school."

We're both silent, thinking of the ominous doom of middle school, when Andy finally says, "I don't mind being labeled as lame, as long as the people I actually care about know I'm not."

I scoffed and muttered, "You're already the lamest guy I know, Dee, I don't think you can get much worse."

"Hey, you're no prize, either, Ell!" he retorts and sticks out his tongue.

I rolled my eyes at the weirdo. Why was I still friends with this one?


*Ellie's POV*

((February 17, 2004))

"You're what!?" I ask, not quite processing what my best friend was saying.

"I'm...Ell, I'm moving to Ohio..." Andy drifted off, looking down at his shoes.

"What!? No! You can't leave, I refuse!" I shouted, making him wince.

"I'm really sorry, it's just...Dad got a new job there, and if he turns it down, we're going to lose the house," he states. It sounded like he drilled that sentence into his head.

"Then...then, let your parents leave and you stay with me!" I cry in desperation.

"Ellie, we both know that won't work," Andy whispers.

"Andy, please. You're my only friend in this god damned world, I can't lose you!" I say, feeling tears fill my eyes.

"Andrew! Take your bags to the moving truck, now," I heard Aunt Amy call from their porch. When we made eye contact, her eyes were full of sorrow, as well.

I helped Andy roll his suitcases to the huge, white moving truck. I could see tears fall down his cheeks, but he wiped them away quickly.

All too soon, all of their boxes were in the truck. All of our childhood memories were packed away, like tuna in one of those roll-up things.

I made eye contact with my best friend for one second, then threw myself at him. I couldn't help the sobs ripping out my chest and the tears staining his sleeve. I could feel him shake with his own crying, as well. I tightened my arms around his neck, as if if I never let him go, he won't have to leave.

Uncle Chris honked the horn at us, telling us that it was time to go.

I shook my head and whimpered, "Please...?"

"I'm so sorry, Ell. I wanna stay so bad." Andy's voice cracked in the middle of his sentence, letting the emotion leak through.

I finally release him from my death grip and try a watery smile.

"Just...try not to forget me, ok?" I ask, weakly, to which he nodded furiously. He turned away, took a deep breath, and climbed into the truck's middle seat. I waved as they drove away from their old home.

I let my hand drop as my first friend

my first crush

drives away from me.

I felt my heart break as I feared that this would be the last time I see him.

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