Blue Eyed Boy {Completed}

By BoOk_DrEaMeR

346K 9.4K 756

Blue eyes. I was always a sucker for blue eyes. Every guy I've ever gone out with has blue eyes. I've seen al... More

Blue Eyed Boy
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter One
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Two
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Three
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Four
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Five
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Six
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Seven
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Eight
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Nine
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Ten
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Eleven
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twelve
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirteen
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Fifteen
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Sixteen
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Seventeen
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Eighteen
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Nineteen
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Twenty-One
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Two
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Three
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Four
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Five
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Six
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Seven
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Eight
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Twenty-Nine
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-One
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Two
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Three
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Four
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Five
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Six
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Seven
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Eight
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Nine
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Forty
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Forty-One
Blue Eyed Boy-Epilogue

Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Fourteen

6.7K 211 14
By BoOk_DrEaMeR

I hope you enjoy and this is probably going to be short cause I have writers block...

Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Fourteen


Tyler's POV


Monday morning I woke with a huge headache just thinking about the exhausting day I had ahead of me. I slumped my disabled body into the wheel chair sitting next to my bed. I rolled it into the bathroom and, with much difficulty, got ready. After I was done, I headed over to Spencer's room to find her already awake and dressed.

"Do you need help?"she asked with a sympathetic smile.

"Yeah,"I grinned sheepishly.

She pushed me back to my bedroom and took off my shirt, changing it with a new one. Then she gently undid the white boot that had replaced my leg cast a couple days ago. I still hadn't figured out what Addison had written down there. Spencer handed me the boot while she carefully slid my pants off. While she was finding me a new pair, I flipped the boot to see what it said at the bottom.

'I think I like you more than I should. I hope to see you heal so that I can watch your ass move when you walk again-Anonymous<3'

Even with the anonymous, it was pretty easy to tell it was her. An exact replica of the heart she signed the first was next to it.

The first sentence confused me. The second one was pretty expected since that was the thought of the whole high school girl population. No to be conceited or anything. Anyway, what did she mean by 'I think I like you more than I should'? It made no sense. She obviously thinks of me as a friend. I tried to repeat this in my head as hope and confusion bubbled up inside of me.

"Ha, found some,"Spencer spoke, coming out of the closet holding a pair of jeans.

"Good,"I said, flipping the cast over again.

She slipped them on me and then helped me down the ramp we had covering half of the stairs so I could go up and down. She fixed me a bowl of cereal and gave her a thankful smile. She smiled back and headed up stairs.

When I was finished, I grabbed my backpack from the couch and went to wait at the front door for my sister. In about five minutes she bound down the stairs and helped me into the car. Once we reached the end of our street, we took a left instead of a right, going away from the school.

"Where are we going?"I asked from the backseat.

"To pick up Addi. Didn't I tell you?"she asked, glancing in the rearview mirror.

I shook my head.

"Oh well,"she shrugged and continued to drive.

This didn't help anything because Addison and I couldn't talk with Spencer in the car anyway. We finally made it to her house and I stared as she came bouncing down the front steps, wearing light hollister skinny jeans and a white cami with a navy blue cardigan over top. She looked great as usual with her curled hair that was bouncing along with her.

She smiled as she hopped in the car, giving Spencer a hug. Then she turned around in noticed me. Her face was shocked for a moment before breaking out into a huge smile.

"Hey Tyler. Are you excited for your first day back?"she teased, knowing I was in fact not ready.

"You know it,"I winked and she laughed, turning around to face the front.

Her and Spencer sang to the country hits playing on the radio while I just stared out of the window, wondering whether to tell Addi that I found it or not.

Next thing I know, we are in the parking lot of the school. Spencer goes around to get my chair and Addison pulls open my door. Both of the girls manage to get me into it and they wheel me over to my friends.

"I'm gonna leave you with Addison since ya'll have the same homeroom, ok?"she said looking between us.

"Sure,"we both responded.

She smiled and skipped off to her new boyfriend. Addison just stood there while my friends fussed over me and signed my cast and boot. At that moment, I decided to tell Addison that I know what she wrote. When the bell rang Addison wheeled me to her locker while she grabbed her things.

"Do you need anything?"she asked and I shook my head no.

We then made our way to homeroom where I was immediately bombarded by people. Addi wheeled me beside her seat, pulling out a math book. When the late bell rang, the teacher made evryone go to their seats so he could take roll. I took this as my chance.

I leaned over and whispered,"I know what you signed on my boot, Ms. Anonymous."

She turned pale and stared at me with wide eyes. Before she could respond, the class had gathered around me once again. She was trying to do her homework, but all that happened was she stared at the same question all period with her eyebrows furrowed in concentration. I don't if it was because of what I said or because she didn't know the answer. Either way, when the bell rang, she immediately took off.

"Can someone take me to my next class?"I asked and almost the whole class offered.

It ended up being some nerdy, quiet girl that just blushed furiously as she pushed me to Algebra. I think she said her name was Abby. The rest of the day passed the same way. Having random people push me around and having people write on my cast. Addison ignored me in History and I was about to die of exhaustion by the time the day was over.

Sitting on the couch for a couple of weeks really hurts your stamina. And I hadn't even stood up today. Spencer drove me home saying something about Addison catching a ride with Priya. When we got home I went upstairs and took the longect nap ever.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I woke up at around eight at night. I was hungry so I texted Spencer.

-Could you bring me up some dinner?-

She text back immediately:


A couple minutes later, she came carrying a ham sandwich and doritos. Once she had left I scarfed it down. When I finished, I checked my phone to see I text from Addison:

-I don't know what you were talking about in homeroom.-

Whatever! Of course she did! She looked like a ghost when I said it. I decided to call her so I could hear her voice and decide if she was lying. She answered after three rings:

"Hello?"she asked.

"Hey, It's Tyler,"I informed.

"Figures,"she sighed audibly.

"I know you know what I was talking about,"I said, deciding not ot beat around the bush.

"No, I don't,"she denied.

"Yes, you do,"I objected.

"Ugh! Fine I do!"she gave in.

"Ha, so what made you write it?"I questioned.

"The neurons in my brain,"she mocked.

"Haha. Now give me a real answer.

"Just like you. It's the truth. I just wanted to let it off my shoulders,"she said.

"So does that mean that you like me?"I teased.

She paused for a moment before answering,"Yes."

I can't believe she just said that. She must be lying. She can't like me.

"What?"I asked, flaberghasted.

"Yes, I do like you,"she mumbled.

"Why?"I asked.

"Do I really have to explain it?"she whined and I laughed.

"Yep,"I said, popping the 'p'.

"Fine. I like you because you are funny when you aren't being an ass. And you can have your sweet honest moments. We have a lot in common and I enjoy hanging out with you more than I do my boyfriend. We you got hurt and then threatened suicide, I felt like somebody was ripping my heart out of my chest! And on top of all of that, you are devastatingly handsome and your smile and your eyes make my heart want to melt,"she explained.

The honesty in her voice while she said it was just hurtful. She couldn't like me. I couldn't let her like me. She would just push me away and break my heart when she found out the truth. Just because it was the truth now, doesn't mean it would be later. My past wouldn't let me let her in.

"I'm sorry, but...I gotta go,"I mumbled and hung up the phone.

I had my past to blame. It will always follow me around wherever I go and it will never let me have a good ending. I couldn't even have a girlfriend that I actually liked.

I fell asleep while ranting in my head.


I hope you enjoyed!

And she confessed. And he hung up. And she confessed! And he refused! AND SHE CONFESSED!

Haha! Please vote and comment!

Song: That's Just Jessie by Kevin Denny

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