Stuck In A Traffic Jam With H...

VasHappenin_x1D द्वारा

18.6K 493 127

Sophie is on the way home from London, only problem is she’s caught in a traffic jam and it doesn't look like... अधिक

It all started in a traffic jam with Harry Styles
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 2

2.3K 70 34
VasHappenin_x1D द्वारा

Chapter 2

After another two and a half hours we finally made it home. It was a ridiculous time so I went straight up to my room, got ready for bed and hopped in. It didn’t take me long to get to sleep, and even though I tried to stop it a certain curly haired boy popped into my mind.

If you were wondering, yes I knew exactly who curly was. The famous Harry Styles who appeared in every magazine, radio and TV station, who hasn’t heard of him and the rest of One Direction? I wouldn’t say that I hated their music, it was very catchy – but I wasn’t one of their die-hard fan-girls either, I mean they’re only a bunch of guys. I guess that’s why I didn’t freak out when I saw him. It did give me the opportunity though to see if he was grumpy like a lot of magazines portrayed him to be, he did frown a lot in pictures but I guess the weird face I pulled showed that he could smile without it being forced.

When I woke up in the morning I groaned. Back to reality. The same routine I’ve been doing for over a year since I finished school, I didn’t go to college or sixth form either. I’d had enough with lessons I couldn’t take them any more. I was lucky to have an apprenticeship in journalism. Not many went around, so when I got it to say I was shocked was an understatement!

Monday mornings were always the worst because that’s when the news stories were piled up that you had to cover. I worked for one of the biggest newspaper companies in the UK – The Daily Mail. While most of it was based in London, they had an entertainment department/column here in Nottingham. I was lucky enough to write in the music column, since Nottingham is meant to be one of the most up and coming music scenes they wanted someone young to be a columnist, and here I was! It was such a great feeling to know that while I was still learning the ropes I was also getting paid.

I rolled out of bed and ran downstairs to make a cup of tea before making the journey back upstairs to get ready. First I applied a touch of make-up (never going overboard, because seriously who wants to look like a clown?) After I had done that I straightened my hair and put on my black work dress which stopped mid-thigh, and jacket since the British weather was never predictable.

My dad dropped me off at the tall stone building on his way to work. He worked at a printing company while my mum was a secretary at the scientific part of the university. I walked past Sally the receptionist and up the stairs to my boss Mark who was sat at his desk going through something on the computer. He usually gave me an assignment which consisted of listening to an artist’s album before it was released to the public so I could write a review on it. That was one of the things I loved about my job.

“Sophie I hope you had a nice weekend” Mark said when I reached his desk. It looked like it normally did; piles of paper and folders stacked up ready to be given out to the various other workers. “It was great thank you” I said trying to push the whole Harry thing to the side, I hated that I was still thinking about him. Curse those curls!

“That’s good. Ok here’s the album we want you to review today. It’s under high demand and already sold thousands in the pre-orders chart so make sure you keep this high priority and secret okay? We don’t want it to be leaked” Mark said and I nodded, I tried to think of who had an album coming out soon but couldn’t really think of anyone. “Okay I got it” I said taking the folder from him and looking down at the cover, there was no sticker like there usually was which showed just how important the review was. I’m surprized they let me take it on since I’m the newbie and didn’t have as much experience as the others.

“I know you’ll write something great so don’t worry about it. I want it done by Wednesday so I can read it and give it the thumbs up” he said and I nodded walking over to my desk. I used to hate the idea of being stuck behind a desk but I honestly didn’t mind anymore because I loved my job so much.

I set everything down and got comfy in my seat, booting the computer up before opening the folder. My stomach churned when I saw the cover to the album. Was it a joke or something? Of course not. How did I not figure out that One Directions album would be what everyone wanted? Urg, okay! I wasn’t annoyed at the fact I had to review a One Direction album; I was kind of looking forward to listening to it before anyone else. The thing that annoyed me was the fact that Harry’s face was on the front and he was wearing that same smirk he’d used on me yesterday. Why had I even thought that he may actually like me and want to get to know me? How naive was I? I mean he was an international heartthrob whereas I was a seventeen year old apprentice. Our worlds just didn’t mix and they never would, yet I had that hope that thought just maybe they could. Well, that was until he’d thrown it back at my face and gave me an invalid phone number.

I opened the CD case to ‘Take me Home’ their second studio album and popped it into the CD player. I would have to forget everything that happened yesterday and just write the review honestly, I probably wouldn’t be thinking that though when his voice was blasting through my headphones.

‘Live While We’re Young’ was the first track on the album followed by a track called Kiss you. As the song started with Zayn I began to make a few notes on it, casually tapping my foot slightly to the beat. Well that was until Harry began to sing, I scowled at the screen. Just listening to that deep, husky voice threw so many emotions at me. Part of me had a slight soft spot for him since for the time with him he made me feel on top of the world, but then I remember how much of a jerk he was and I just want him to fall in a hole and not be able to get out. I had to admit though the song was pretty good.

As the songs played I couldn’t help but hum along to some of them as I made notes. I could tell the album was going to be huge hit with fans. Once they had all finished playing I read through my notes and began to write a review of the album. It took a good few attempts and spelling errors but I think I finally had a winner. I read it one final time making sure everything was okay. Mark knew that it would be on his desk by the end of the day, I always liked it to finish it on the day I got it but he always gave me until Wednesday just in case I needed the time.

‘Take Me Home’ One Direction review by Sophie Trevor

One Direction have gone and done it again. A second studio album which will leave screaming teens up and down the country singing at the top of their lungs – much to the annoyance of their parents. Last year One Direction’s debut album ‘Up All Night’ took the world by storm, and Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik and Harry Styles were spiralled into stardom, becoming the biggest boy-band of the current generation.

They’ve been compared to The Beatles and the likes of some of the great classic artists of all time. So is their album as good as it’s hyped up to be? Well they’ve definitely come back with bigger tunes and songs that will leave you humming unconsciously; no doubt it will be a chart success. With catchy songs such as C’mon C’mon, Rock You and Kiss You as well as ballads like Little Things, Summer Love and Over Again they hit both sides of the market. Fans are going to love the vocals by all five members, and it shows their uncanny talent to get the audience singing along.

Ed Sheeran and Mcfly’s contribution to the songs add a vintage touch to the pop album, and no doubt it will find itself in the top ten, and more importantly have us up on our feet ****

(Oh and yes I did just give it four stars, hehe)

I printed it off and walked back to Mark’s desk. As usual he wasn’t surprized at how quickly I had got it back to him. “You get quicker every time” he joked as I gave it to him. I sat on the empty chair opposite him and waited as he read it. I always got nervous as he read it as it felt like judgement day, what if he didn’t like it?

“It’s perfect” Mark said, his face lit up as he looked at me. I let out a sigh of relief, thank goodness for that! I made sure to leave out any hatred towards Harry out, as after all it was about the music and not him. “Thanks” I said, I always got a sense of accomplishment when Mark liked something I had done, he was usually such a harsh critic.

“You seem to have liked the music” he said and I nodded. It was a pretty catchy album and I wasn’t about to tell him about my meeting with Harry Styles. Mark studied me for a minute and I sat there thinking if I had done everything I was supposed to, why was he staring at me?

“You know Sophie you’ve been here a year and already you’re one of the best writers we’ve got. I know that you’ve been reviewing albums since day one so I want to give you a different assignment”. I nodded intrigued and excited to know what I would be doing.

“As you probably know Susan left on maternity leave on Friday and we currently have no-one for the artist’s interview. But that’s where you come in. I want you to write the next celebrity column, are you up for that?” he asked, I nodded speechless, I wasn’t about to turn this opportunity down. I got to meet celebrities to interview them, how cool was that?!

“Ok good because we have an interview set up for tomorrow. I think you will be perfect for it since you’ve just reviewed their album, rather well I may add too” he smiled and turned to get something. Hold up. What?! Does that mean? It can’t, can it? No I’m sure he’s on about someone else, maybe The Killers? Yes I wrote a review for their album just last week.

“So that means I’ll be interviewing” I said but Mark cut me off finishing my sentence, “One Direction, yes. I think you’re just the girl for the job. Thank you for doing this. Here’s the address of where you’ll be meeting them tomorrow. Get there for ten sharp okay? They have a tight schedule. You might want to start planning questions you’re going to ask them. Is that alright?” he asked and I just nodded unable to speak, I couldn’t say I didn’t want to do it now. I would come face to face with Harry Styles yet again. What would I do?

I took the address from him and saw that they were staying nearby in The Belfry hotel. I would have to come up with a plan for tomorrow, I had too!

I went and sat back down at my desk, desperately thinking about what I could do. Then it hit me. A disguise. Yes that would do! I grabbed my phone and purse and told Mark I was going on my lunch break before going to a fancy dress shop just a few streets down.

When I got there and I opened the door various costumes were shown on display, Batman, a witch, fat suits. I walked round finding the aisle I wanted. Wigs. Since my hair was naturally red I decided to go for a blonde wig. I pulled one off the stand and tried it on looking in the mirror; I frowned as the hairstyle really didn’t suit me. The second one was a lot better; it suited the frame of my face a lot more and didn’t look too bad. The blonde locks reached my shoulder and curled slightly. I decided it would do as I was only going to be wearing it once, I then found some brown contacts to hide my blue eyes and a pair of glasses before I was done. I paid and walked back out the store to work. Tomorrow I would make sure I was unrecognizable. I would be ordinary Hannah Smith!

~Next Day ~

Okay if I said I wasn’t nervous I would be lying. I was in a taxi on the way to the hotel One Direction were staying in. I had already put on my wig, contacts and glasses which framed my face. I also wore clothes which made me look a bit more mature than normal, black trousers, white top and slim cut blazer. In my hands I had a folder containing the questions I’d come up with last night, a notepad and pens. I’d put the voice recorder I would use to record the interview along with the camera for a picture for the article in my bag. I combed my hand through the wig nervously as we began to get closer. I kept fidgeting in my seat, what if Harry recognized me?

“Here we are Miss” the driver said knocking me out of my thoughts as we had pulled up to the hotel. I hadn’t realized just how close we were. I grabbed my bag and paid the driver before stepping out and walking up the entrance of the five star hotel. It looked pretty fancy if I was completely honest.

“Hello. How may I help you?” a middle aged lady with brown hair asked when I walked in, I walked up to the desk before answering. “I’m Hannah Smith, I’ve got an interview with One Direction for the Daily Mail” I’d called up to change from my real name to fake one just in-case, I wanted to cover all bases.

“Oh yes, if you would like to follow me” she said standing up and leading my down a long corridor before stopping at a white door. I almost walked into her as she stopped so abruptly. I smiled slightly embarrassed before she spoke. “They’re in there already, you have an hour until the next interviewer arrives okay?” I just nodded unable to speak. She stood there waiting for me to go in, I took one final deep breathe before open the door. This was the moment I found out if my disguise worked.

I didn’t look up until I closed the door behind me. When I did five pairs of eyes were staring back at me, including those green eyes that haunted me last night. “Hi I’m Hannah from the Daily Mail” I said, they probably already knew that but I wanted to be polite and not assume they knew.

“Hello! I’m Louis, really nice to meet you” he said rather enthusiastically. His brown hair swept neatly across his forehead as he greeted me, he held out his hand which took me a few seconds to realize that he wanted me to shake it, he laughed when I finally caught on.

“Hello I’m Liam, nice to meet you Hannah” he said politely shaking my hand like Louis.

“I’m Niall, thanks for coming” his Irish twang rung out as he too shook my hand.

“I’m Zayn, vas happenin?” he chuckled as he shook my hand, I nodded and turned to the last person, knowing who was left.

“And I’m Harry, pleasure to meet you” he said and I shook his hand ignoring the urge to scowl and hit him. I held my breathe the whole time we made eye contact scared that he would figure out I was actually Sophie. It was pretty awkward.

“Hannah?” a voice said breaking me from my thoughts. I looked up to see Harry speaking to me. I broke into a smile when I realized my disguise had worked. He had no idea. The only thing left for me to do was get through the interview...

 A/N - Hope you like it! Let me know what you think!

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