My Way To You [2] 🍀

By WitchBitch19

55.2K 744 42

Montgomery and Lara are still going strong. There is a few bumps in the road. The trail is tough and it's kil... More

01 - Tyler Down
02 - Tyler Down
03 - Tyler Down
04 - Tyler Down
05 - Courtney Crimson
06 - Courtney Crimson
07 - Courtney Crimson
08 - Jessica Davis
09 - Jessica Davis
10 - Jessica Davis
11 - Jessica Davis
12 - Date Night
13 - Date Night
14 - Marcus Cole
15 - Marcus Cole
16 - Marcus Cole
17 - Weekend
18 - Weekend
19 - Ryan Shaver
20 - Ryan Shaver
22 - Zach Dempsey
23 - Zach Dempsey
24 - Clay Jensen
25 - Clay Jensen
26 - Fight
27 - Truth
28 - The Baker's
29 - The Baker's
30 - The Baker's
31 - Lara Hastings

21 - Zach Dempsey

1.5K 22 4
By WitchBitch19

Lara's POV

I'm waiting for Zach outside his house. I know this whole thing is really hard on him because his affair that the thing he has of Hannah won't be so private now.

He comes outside and see my leaning against my car. "Lara what are you doing here ?" He steps closer and I pull him into a hug. "I know how hard this is for you. I want to help or at least show support."

He looks at me and I see him whip away a few tears. "Thanks. I appreciate although I don't think your boyfriend would like this very much." He looks at me and I shrugs. " Screw him." He begins to laugh.

He walks closer and pulls me into a hug. I hug him back and she his mom waiting for him. "If you need to talk about that summer. I won't be angry if you say my name or say what my involvement was. People already have an image of me and that won't change."

He smiles at me and I get into my car. I need to get to school. I have like 20 missed calls from Monty just this morning.

Lara's Tuesday outfit 🧨

When I arrived at school I take a moment to breath. Putting my things away in my locker I head towards the cafeteria.

I spot everyone at our usual table. I walk up close and lightly touche Chloe shoulder. Whispering a sweet hi. She seem friendly and suprised at my action.

Instead of going to sit next to Monty I ask Scott to scoot over. Bryce looks up at me with a question look. Monty breaks the silence. "Where the fuck have you been ?"

I pop a strawberry into my mouth and turn towards him. "First off watch your tone with me and to answer your question politely I went to see Zach." He hits his fist hard onto the table and Scott stood up so that Monty could move closer.

"Why?" I take moment to show I'm thinking of a reason. "You said his a clean guy." I don't pay him any mind. I can feel his anger towards me. But I'm pissed too. "Fuck, relax. His my friend and I went to give him support."

Chloe sits her hand on top of mine. I give her a small smile which she returns. Just then I see Justin walking in. Everyone gets quiet and listens to him talk to Jessica. He turns to walk away but then collapsed.

I want to rush forward to help but Monty holds me back. Clay and Tony pick him up and carry him out. "Did you know he was back?" Chloe sounds concern. Bryce just continues to eat. "No we really didn't."

I know that tone in his voice. Monty is lying right know. I look at him but he focus on his food. "Why do you fucking care if Justin is back?" Bryce sounds pissed. Like he is angry about something Chloe didn't even do.

"I don't but clearly you do!" She is angry now to. Welcome to the club. Looks like we have a way with the guys this week. "I don't fucking care. You don't know how I feel."

I stop eating and look at Bryce. That was a shitty comment. "Yeah cleary." She grabs her bag and storms off. Bryce continues to eat his sandwich. "I'm off to court." I stand to leave but get pulled back down by a yank at the wrist.

"Don't fucking touch me right now." I look at Monty and rip my wrist out of his grib. Storming off towards my car. I don't know what his deal is.

Before I can open my door I'm pushed against it roughly. "What the fuck is your problem?" I stare at him. Can't he see that he is hurting me. "Your my fucking problem. I know you were lying to Chloe about Justin how long have you fucking known ?"

I push him back against his chest. He moves away a couple of feet. "Your my fucking girl. If Dempsey want support he should get himself one." He tries to touch my face but I push his hands away.

"Exactly I'm your girl but you keep pushing me aside. The drugs and now Justin ? How long have you known?" He slams the top of my car with his fist.

He is angry but he'll never hit me. "I saw him yesterday. If you have so big deal with the steroids fucking leave me then." That brought tears to my eyes. This is not him. Something is seriously wrong. He'll never dismiss my concern like this.

"What's going on ? Why are you acting like this ?" He looks at me asking me to explain how he's acting. "Like Bryce. Like you don't care about me or my feelings. If I wanted that I would've dated him." He steps closer to me. Puts both his arms on other side of me.

Blocking me between him and the car. "You don't want to leave me ?" I look at him. I see the pain and hurt in his eyes. Whatever is bothering him will come out sooner or later.

"Never. I love you. But right now your treating me like shit. I don't appreciate that." He looks at me for a few moments. Silence follows. Dead silence. Bryce calls out to him from the school. He doesn't take his eyes of me.

He grabs my face and kiss me. I immediately kiss back. Missing his touch. "I love you too." He release me turns and walk over to Bryce. I wish he'll just talk to me. Don't shut me out like that. The kiss was beyond amazing. I'll never get tired of that.

Their kiss ☺

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