Time Turner Mishaps {Under Ed...

By JcBelle32

139K 2.9K 1K

"It's one of my many talents. Pranking, annoying you, and being a pillow." "You can add kissing to that list... More

Author's Note
*Chapter 1
*Chapter 2
*Chapter 3
*Chapter 4
*Chapter 5
*Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
*Chapter 18
*Bonus Chapter
Fun Facts

*Chapter 17

3.9K 96 19
By JcBelle32

12 Grimmauld Place, 1995

Lena and Cole stayed hidden in their little bubble joking around with each other just like the time-traveler fondly remembered. Finally telling his past love all of the funny and amazing moments he wished he could have shared with her. Cole freaking out at Davina's first period and handing her a small muggle bandaid. Meeting Ty's first girlfriend and embarrassing him with baby pictures, just like they both planned to do when they had kids. And even though he had once been married to the witch, Cole even told her about his wedding to Nina.

 At first, Lena found it strange to hear him talk about falling in love and marrying another woman when she was still waiting excitedly to marry him in her time. But, she tried her best to separate the past and future Coles, into two different people in her mind. After that, it became easy to listen to his stories. They were best friends first, after all. 

Cole could tell Lena was slightly hurt hearing the stories and milestones she'd miss of her kids one day. He could see her glassy eyes and tight throat choking back tears, but every time he hesitated, Lena would reassure him she was fine. Saying she wants to know everything she possibly could about her family so that when it's her time, and the obliviation wears off, she can remember everything as if she was there. 

Eventually, the two decided they couldn't hide away forever, Lena reminding him that she wasn't the only one he had to say goodbye to. So the best friends begrudgingly left the warm, content atmosphere of the tapestry room and stepped foot out into the hallway. 

It didn't take Cole long to find the other person he was looking for. His father was waiting patiently, for once, right outside the door. Sirius couldn't imagine the pain his son must have gone through after his death and promised to be there for him at that moment, while he still could. So, as he caught the eyes that were identical to his own, he took two steps forward and wrapped his son in a firm hug. Lena smiled as Sirius whispered reassurances to his grown son and turned away to give them privacy.

The Hufflepuff quickly realized as she made her way through the tense and melancholic flat that Cole wasn't the only one who came to say goodbye. By the fireplace, future George wore a radiant smile as he joked with Fred(I).

"Ickle Ronnikins is running our joke shop? Has the world gone mad! Next, you'll tell me that Perce is married!"

On the sofa, Ty, Davina, and Benji were all saying goodbye to Ella. Missing her dearly after her passing a few years before. In the corner, she saw Tonks and Remus thanking future Harry for taking care of Teddy. The ex-professor, making sure to keep his arm around the clumsy Auror's waist as more and more tears streamed down her face. 

Tonks wasn't usually emotional, but the past two days had been quite overwhelming for her. Not only did she discover that she would marry the man she loves and have a child with him, but that she and her husband would die before her son was barely even two months old. On top of feeling miserable for leaving her son alone, she couldn't help but feel ecstatic that Remus finally got over his fears and revealed his true feelings for her after learning about Teddy. Tonks only hoped that their relationship would somehow continue even after being obliviated. To say her emotions were all over the place would be to put things mildly. 

But, if Tonks was a wreck, she was nothing compared to Harry. Although the Boy-Who-Lived wasn't consumed in tears, he was still choking back the guilt he felt as Remus continued to say how thankful he was. Each time Tonks sniffled or Remus mentioned how proud Harry's parents would be, he couldn't help but think he didn't deserve any of it.

As Harry looked over Remus' shoulder and saw all the teary-eyed faces of the past and future generations saying goodbye to the ones who died, he couldn't help but feel responsible for their pain. He knew that what happened to people during the war wasn't his fault and that they chose to fight, knowing the consequences. He had heard it all from Ginny and his friends, and a few years after the war, he finally accepted it wasn't his fault. The only one to blame was Voldemort, and knowing that, Harry no longer apologized or asked people for forgiveness. But that doesn't mean he still didn't feel the need to, especially as he stared at the deceased faces he considered his family as a boy. They had helped him, risked their lives for his safety, and fought by his side in the final battle. Yet, he wished he could have helped more, ended the war sooner—anything to show his gratitude other than caring for an infant whose parents passed away fighting his war.

So as Remus went to shake his hand again, Harry quickly stuttered, "E-excuse me. I'll just be a moment."

Trying to keep his composure, the war hero held his breath and speed-walked up the stairs. Never stopping until he landed in the familiar bedroom, he had stayed in all those years ago after saving his daft cousin, Dudley. Releasing his breath slowly, Harry sat on the edge of the bed and subconsciously rubbed his lightning bolt scar. It was no longer a curse, or anything more than what it was supposed to be, a wound. A wound that still caused him more psychological pain than he'd care to admit.

"Harry? Are you in here?"

The time-traveler's head snapped up towards the door as it slowly creaked open. He knew who it was before he even saw the deranged grey eyes caused by twelve years in Azkaban. Harry froze, unsure of what to say. He never thought he'd be in the position to say goodbye. Does he start with a 'Hey, how's it going?', or go straight for, 'So, about that time you died...it kinda sucked if I'm honest.' Something told him neither was appropriate. 

"Is that how you greet your godfather?" Sirius quipped, a smirk teasing the edge of his lips, "I thought I taught you better manners than that."

"You taught me to put a dung bomb in Professor Snape's toilet if his hair was greasy."

"Sound advice if you ask me."

The same beaming smile that Sirius always managed to pull out of him during his childhood spread across Harry's face.

"It's good to see you, Sirius," Harry grinned, pulling the man into a hug. 

"You as well, Harry." the Order member smiled, clapping Harry on the back, "Now, what's got you hiding up here?"

Harry sat back down on the bed, refusing to meet his godfather's eyes. It was strange to talk to the man who died right next to him. He can still remember Sirius' lifeless gaze as he slowly fell through-

The time-traveler shut his eyes, not wishing to relive the moment that haunted him for years. 

"It's just...overwhelming." 

"How so?"

Harry shrugged, not meaning to make his last conversation with his godfather so depressing. Sirius stared at the troubled man. Realizing that even though Harry was grown up now, he still needed guidance, and he hated he couldn't have been there in the future when he needed it.

"No one blames you-"

"I know!" Harry ranted, before sighing and throwing Sirius an apologetic look, "I know it's no one's fault except Voldemort, but just because I understand that doesn't make the guilt disappear. I can't even look Remus in the eyes as he thanks me, I don't deserve it. It should be him raising Teddy and soothing his nerves on his wedding day. He should have his father, but he doesn't! It's just...it's not fair."

Sirius sat next to his godson and placed his hand on his shoulder comfortingly. What could he say that Harry hasn't heard thousand times over? How could he even try to understand what the time-traveler felt?

"You should have had your father too," Sirius empathized, "Everyone still needs their parent, even fathers like yourself, Harry. What happened to you wasn't fair, and it was out of your control, just like what happened to Teddy. You both had parents who decided long before your birth to fight in the war. The only difference is that the man downstairs had an amazing godfather who was able to take him in. That is the guilt I carry, and for that, Harry, I am truly sorry."

Harry shook his head adamantly, "Sirius, you have nothing to be sorry for. Sure, I had wished more than anything to live with you, Ella, and Cole, but you still gave me so much. You gave me a family, you supported me, and you told me stories about my parents. Blimey! I even live in your flat!"

"You chose to live in this wretched place?" Sirius scrunched his nose in disgust, pulling a shy grin from the raven-haired man, "That's exactly my point, Harry. You and I will always feel guilty for being the ones to get to know our friend's kids. It shouldn't be us, but it is. The same can be said for everyone who died in the war that they should be here instead of you. I felt it ever since the first war. It's survivor's guilt, but for you, it's magnified because of that," He pointed to Harry's scar. 

"No matter what mark you may wear, Harry, you are no different than any other person who fought to end the war. You didn't defeat You-Know-Who alone, and I know you know that. Everyone played a part in creating a future where the worst thing to happen is a bunch of troublesome kids time-traveling twenty-four years in the past. Don't let the suffering of other people weigh down on your shoulders. No, you couldn't save everyone, but it wasn't your job too. You, like many, were simply an ordinary teenager who fought in a war that should never have existed in the first place."

Harry nodded his head. He knew Sirius was right, and although he had heard it all before, it eased his mind to know he wasn't alone. His godfather had gone through the same thing, and if fate had allowed it, Sirius would have raised him like Harry does Teddy. 

"I really miss you, Sirius," Harry said truthfully, "And I'm sorry you had to go through all of it twice."

"I'm just sorry I broke my promise to you." Sirius smiled sadly, his eyes swarming with guilt.

Harry shook his head, "You didn't. You said we would be together as a family, and we are. If what we all saw in the attic earlier is true, then it even looks like we'll be related by blood soon too."

Sirius threw his head back and released a barking laugh, clapping Harry on the back, "What can I say? Your son gets his charm from me. He surely didn't get it from his other namesake. It took your father seven bloody years to land your mother! And to think his only competition was Snivellous."

Harry chuckled and sighed in content as Sirius went on to tell more stories about his parents, and in turn, he told his godfather about the happy things he did after the war. This was how he wanted to spend his last moments with his godfather. He wanted his final memory with him to be happy, not a depressing therapy session. He had a wife for that.

So, the two stayed in the bedroom until Hermione came to tell them that McGonnagal and Dumbledore came back to be obliviated, and it was time to leave. The witch became downcast as she eyed the tear sliding down Harry's cheek and quietly shut the door to give the two a moment before making her way back downstairs. 

"Alright, Teddy and Ty, go round up your cousins," Hermione ordered, pointing her finger sternly as she added, "And don't try to sneak anyone else along with Harry's invisibility cloak!"

The two sighed in disappointment, Ty dejectedly pulling the invisibility cloak off Fred(I) and Lena and handing it back to 1995 Harry. Remus chuckled, catching Hermione's attention.

"I'm not surprised you turned out to be a great mother," Remus smiled fondly, "I remember witnessing you whack Harry and Ron upside the head for not studying many times in your third year"

Hermione snickered, "Someone had to help them pass your class, professor."

 "Yes, well, I'm glad it was you, Hermione. You were always my best student, and don't tell the others, but you were my favorite too. You truly are the kindest and brightest witch I've ever had the pleasure of meeting."

The Gryffindor girl teared up and pulled the ex-professor into a hug. His words meant more to her than he'd ever know. Remus had been the first professor she had that inspired her and cared for her in and out of the classroom. He was her role model the summer at Grimmauld Place and every day after.

"All thanks to you, Remus." She smiled as she pulled away and wiped her eyes, "Thank you- for everything."

The wizard gave her a nod and went to join the 1995 generation gathered in the kitchen. Teddy and Ty had strategically placed each person from the past in a seat at the table so that once they were obliviated, they'd think they were in the middle of an ordinary dinner.

Ella Black had helped Hermione come up with believable false memories to cover the past two days. Making sure to include at least two pranks made by the 1995 twins and five lectures from Molly on why the two boys shouldn't apparate or use magic for everything. 

The time-travelers didn't have to worry about being seen after the obliviation. Since they were erasing a large amount of time, the spell would knock the past generation out for ten minutes, which was more than enough time for them to return to the future.

So, as everything was in place, the future generation watched as Hermione obliviated each person. Davina began to cry as she watched her mother forget her. Her father put a hand on her shoulder, but she shook off his grip and hugged Ty. Her father sighed and looked at the floor. Too upset to watch his best friend leave him again and too guilty to look at his daughter.

Victoire had her arms wrapped around Teddy's back, resting her chin on his shoulder and whispering reassurances into his ear as Hermione moved onto his father. Tonks never took her eyes off her son, committing every detail she could of his face to memory before the bright witch could get to her. But, as it became her turn, she quickly mouthed 'I love you' to Teddy as her eyes glazed over. 

Once Hermione obliviated everyone, including Kreacher, she turned back to her family and saw all their heart-broken faces. None of them wanted to leave, but they had people waiting for them at home. With that thought alone, they all grabbed a part of the magically extended time-turner chain.

Seeing that everyone was accounted for, Hermione sighed, "Let's go home."

Before any of them knew it, the room around them began to change with the years. Each turn Hermione spun, another five years flashed before their eyes. 

They watched as the dining room became dusty and vacated until it changed to Cole taking a shot of firewhiskey in his grief and shooting spells at Walburga's portrait. Their eyes followed James and Albus as toddlers as Teddy chased them around the newly decorated kitchen. Witnessing a late-night snack session between Lily and Ginny before finally landing in an empty dining room, which had loud concerned voices coming from behind the door.

They were finally home.

~ ❈ ~

Sirius sleepily blinks his eyes open, glancing at Remus to see if the man realized he dozed off while they were talking at dinner. Luckily, it seemed the man was focused on eating and hadn't realized a thing.

"Say, Padfoot," the werewolf began, "Do you remember that time Prongs asked me to teach him more about time turners?"

The animagus chuckled, and the two reminisced for the remainder of dinner. Eagerly regaling Harry with stories of his parents, even as the table was cleaned up and the other residents began to clear the room.

It wasn't until his godson stifled a yawn did Sirius send him to bed with promises to tell him more tomorrow. Parting with Remus at the bottom of the stairs as the two headed their separate ways. But, as Sirius finished checking on Buckbeak for the night, he noticed the door leading to the attic left a jar.

Knowing that it wasn't cleaned out yet and that no one would dare step foot inside otherwise, he crept up the stairs with a candle charmed to never melt, ready to kick out Kreacher or Mundungus for stealing. Except when he reached the top, he was confused.

Why were they planning to clean a room already spotless? The only thing left to do was check for doxies and get rid of some old boxes. Happy that they'll have less work tomorrow, Sirius began to turn away when he noticed a moldy box with writing on the side he only just barely made out to read, For Sirius (1979).

Did mother really leave something for me? I thought the crazy ol' bat couldn't give a rat's arse after she blasted me off the tapestry.

Curiosity getting the best of him, Sirius ripped off the tape and pulled out a stack of letters. Sitting on the cold attic floor, he unfolded the first one at the top of the pile and held it closer to the candle.

August 10, 1975

Dear brother,

I don't understand why-

The letter slowly drifted to the ground as Sirius frantically began pulling more and more letters out of the box. Each dating from the year he ran away to the fall of 1979. All written by his estranged brother. Over and over-

Dear brother,


Dear brother,


Every word, every sentence, every period were burned into Sirius' mind. His desire to speak to his brother punctuated with "Dear brother" and crushed with every signature of RAB.

Sirius never went to sleep that night. He read each letter in order. Wiping away the tears that fell down his face before they could hit the paper and smear the ink. Pushing through the pain he felt reading his brother's anger, confusion, and the eventual cold realization that Sirius was right only when it was too late. 

He reached for the next letter, even after reading how his little brother begged for him to come home and wished for the courage to speak to him in school or seek him out to say goodbye one last time stole his breath.

It was after Sirius went to read the next letter that he realized there weren't anymore. He had read Regulus' last words and wished more than anything that he had sent these letters.

Maybe then Sirius could have had a chance to tell his brother how proud of him he was.

{Edited 6/10/22}

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