My Way To You [2] 🍀

By WitchBitch19

55.2K 744 42

Montgomery and Lara are still going strong. There is a few bumps in the road. The trail is tough and it's kil... More

01 - Tyler Down
02 - Tyler Down
03 - Tyler Down
04 - Tyler Down
05 - Courtney Crimson
06 - Courtney Crimson
07 - Courtney Crimson
08 - Jessica Davis
09 - Jessica Davis
11 - Jessica Davis
12 - Date Night
13 - Date Night
14 - Marcus Cole
15 - Marcus Cole
16 - Marcus Cole
17 - Weekend
18 - Weekend
19 - Ryan Shaver
20 - Ryan Shaver
21 - Zach Dempsey
22 - Zach Dempsey
23 - Zach Dempsey
24 - Clay Jensen
25 - Clay Jensen
26 - Fight
27 - Truth
28 - The Baker's
29 - The Baker's
30 - The Baker's
31 - Lara Hastings

10 - Jessica Davis

1.7K 23 0
By WitchBitch19

Lara's POV

When I got to school I couldn't get the image of Skye laying in that hospital bed out of my head. I walk up to my locker and spotted Scott walking over to me.

"I thought you'd be with your guy ?" I smile at him. Closing my locker I turn towards him. "I had to take care off something this morning." He nods.

"Well their all in the cafeteria wanna join ?" I slowly nod. Monty is going to be pissed at me but I didn't really care right now. As we make our way into the cafeteria I see Alex looking over at us. Jess turned her head left and we locked eyes.

Scott made a hand gesture towards Alex. Jess and I kept looking at each other untill we got to the table. "Babe where were you ?" Monty sounds kind of pissed so,I decided not to push him today. "I needed to take care of something at the hospital." I sat down and Monty pulled me into his chest. I lean back into him.

"Are you pregnant?" Bryce's comment is not funny at all. I can hear Monty choking on his food. "Really funny Bryce." The other guys at the table starts laughing except Monty and Zach. Zach looks at me with a concern and Monty grabs my thigh tightly. "No I'm not pregnant." I feel Monty's intense grib on my thigh slightly ease up.

Bryce nods his head and return to his food. "Where's Chloe ?" Bryce looks up and shrugs his shoulders. "No fucking idea. We had a fight this morning. Haven't seen her since."

Wow okay. Poor Chloe I wonder what the fight was all about. "Your boy keeps looking at you Zach. Does he need his diaper changed ?" Monty's comment hit a nerve. I see Zach look up and over to their table.

"Shut up Monty." I continue to eat my food. I feel Monty's hand running up and done my thigh. A small smile makes way on my face. He always has to have some kind of physical touch when we're together. Like his afraid to lose me.

"Go on go take care of him. You know Dempsey it's normal for a athlete to fall for the gay kid." This made me snicker because suddenly there was a picture in my head of Alex and Zach together. Everyone els starts to laugh at him too.

"Fuck off. I don't even like him okay." I put my hand on Monty's hand that's on my thigh. We interlock our fingers. "Oh yeah it's just your mom making you carries his books and whips his ass." Zach look up and to Bryce. Shaking his head.

Monty laughs. I know deep down Zach cares for Alex. I know his mom doesn't even know his helping him at school. But I don't say anything because that would make him look bad. It'll give the guys more reason to tease him.

"The ass he does for fun." Monty's comment makes me hit him in the chest. Zach gives me a silent thank you with his eyes. "Babe what's that for ?" I turn my head and look at him.

"That's for being an ass. I think it's sweet that Zach helps him." Monty makes a face. "So what your into gay now ?" I roll my eyes and pick up a fry. He waits for my answer. "No, I'm into you. But the fact is that Zach is sweet and kind. He cares for the people around him. That's what kindness is babe."

Zach looks at me with relief that I didn't make a comment. "Thank you, Lara. That is what good friends do. The support one another." That last part is to make the guys think about what they said but I know it fell on deaf ears.

I was about to answer him when me chin was turn and I get kissed deeply. Monty's jealousy is something that always turned me on. "I'm glad your into me." I gave him a smile and kiss him back.

Bryce rolls his eyes and Zach looks back over to Alex's table. I pull away. "What did you and Chloe fight about ?" Bryce looks down and makes a thinking face. "Don't  really know. I didn't listen when she went off."

I raise my eyebrows at him. "Great job, Walker." He looks up at me. I stand up from my seat and gives Monty a kiss. "I'll go talk to her. Try and fix what you fucked up." I turn to walk away and get a slap in the ass. "Thanks Hastings. I owe you one "

I walked into first period and see photos of Jessica from Winter Formal last year.


I storm towards the board. Start ripping the pictures off. "Who the fuck did this !" Nobody answers me. When I turn around Jessica stands behind me. "Jess..." She puts her hand up and grabs the pictures from my hand. She looks at them and tears start to flow down her cheeks. I take a step forward but she storms out of the classroom.

"Don't you have better things to do than laugh at some fucking pictures." I walk towards the hall but when I saw Jessica talking with that Nina girl I stopped. Jessica turned towards me.

"Are you following me ? Leave me the fuck alone." She rushes off down the hall. Nina looks back at me and we share a stare. "Some friend you are." She comments when she walks by.

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