One Step At A Time(Girl Meets...

By MayaFriar_

8K 255 22

Completed. Maya and Lucas are all grown up with children. They have 4 kids Justin, Zoey, Ryan and Brooke. Thi... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Authors note
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
New Lesson
Chapter 7 Lesson #2
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 8

183 8 0
By MayaFriar_

*The Next Day*
Brooke POV
We're getting our math tests back today and I'm so scared. I've been avoiding my dad since yesterday. Whenever we get a good grade on one of his tests he always talks to us. Yet when we don't he avoids us because he doesn't want us to feel bad. I've been avoiding him so I won't half to find out. He's been talking non-stop to Ryan which probably means he aced it. I'm not surprised he's amazing at math. Bri and I walked to school together, she's scared too. Brianna didn't study too hard for the test so who knows what she got. I got to my locker and of course Ciara was standing there. Move Ciara, I'm not in the mood today for your attitude. She rolled her eyes, not even you can ruin my mood today! Why are you so happy Brianna questioned. Well she smiled I'm asking Jake out today and of course he'll say yes! That moment Jake and Ryan came over. Hey guys! Ciara walked towards Jake. So Jake what are you doing this Friday night? He shrugged I'll probably hang out with Ryan or something. She bit her lip well if you wanna go to the movies with me I'd love that. I interrupted their little love fest. Uh Jake you don't wanna go out with her! Why not? Yeah Ciara said clenching her teeth why not? Well you see Ciara here has this weird disease where you fall asleep whenever it's dark. Then you snore really loud and just drool everywhere it's so gross. Jake looked disgusted um I just remembered I have something going on Friday. Ciara glared at me, fine maybe some other time then. She started to walk away when she stopped and whispered something to me. You'll be sorry you did that because I always win these battles. I turned to her Ciara you're not wanted here so just leave. She mumbled something and then walked away. Before Jake could say anything I grabbed Bri. Well we don't wanna be late to that math class come on let's go! I dragged her as far away from Jake as I could. She stopped Brooke that was hilarious! I shrugged just doing my job protecting who should be my man. Her face turned sad don't worry Brooke everything will turn out fine. We laughed and went into math class, soon my test would be given back and my life will be over.
Ryan POV
Brooke had dragged Brianna away so Jake and I were left. I tried not to laugh uh Jake you do know Brooke was lying right? His eyes widened wait are you serious?! I nodded cracking up, yeah she just didn't want Ciara and you to go on a date. He groaned oh great well I half to go find Ciara. He ran off and I was about to go to math class when Daniel stopped me. I groaned what do you want Daniel? He smirked, so did you put in a word with teach? No Daniel I didn't and I won't. He shrugged fine, but you'll be sorry. I rolled my eyes yeah ok well I gotta go. I went to math where my perfect math test would soon be given back.
Lucas POV
Brooke failed and Ryan aced it. What am I supposed to do?! I can't fail my own child! I've been avoiding her since yesterday so she won't ask me about the test. Maya I said walking into the kitchen what am I supposed to do about Brooke? Well she sighed it's just like another student failed except you happen to really know this student. I guess you're right maybe she'll understand. Maya kissed me yeah well the sooner you get to school the sooner we can get this crisis over with. I grabbed all the tests and left.
Brooke POV
My dad handed me my test folded so no one could see it. I took it my hands shaking. I carefully opened it and there was a big fat F on it. I showed it to Bri and she frowned. I'm sorry Brooke, but look I got a B! I gave a fake smile yeah good for you! She laughed yeah well now I'll have all A's and a B for the semester! What about you? I laughed a little oh yeah about that. I think I have some B's a couple C's and now an F. Brianna's eyes widened OMG Brooke that's horrible! I glared at her wow thanks so much. Ciara tapped me she sadly sits behind me in this class. Bummer looks like having your dad as a teacher doesn't give you an easy A. I glared at her shut up Ciara my life doesn't need your big mouth in it. She laughed haha yeah we'll see about that.
Ryan POV
My dad handed me my test and smiled good job he commented. I look at the grade which of course was an A+. No it's not because my dad's the teacher. I've always been good at school, a couple years ago the school wanted to move me a grade higher. I refused because I would half to leave all my friends. Jake showed me his test it was a C like usual. Oh well dude I guess you'll have straight C's again. Jake smiled alright! I shook my head his parents expect so little of him. Daniel tapped me on the back sadly I sit behind him in this class. Hey Ryan nice going thanks to you I failed this test. I rolled my eyes Daniel no one can help you be more stupid than you already are. Hey watch your mouth or next time my fist will go in it. Ok whatever I turned back around to Jake. So my dad said getting the classes attention. Some of you guys did great! I heard Daniel cough Ryan loud enough for me to hear. Some of you guys didn't do so great. I hope next time everyone will try harder. The bell rang, finally I can get away from Daniel. Hey wait he called after me. How did you convince your dad to give you an A and your sister an F? Oh my god Daniel shut up!! My dad grades papers like normal teachers, I didn't even know Brooke got an F! He shrugged well see you later teachers pet. Stop calling me that! He laughed I'll stop calling you that when you stop being one. Which will probably never happen. I hate this jerk he's so annoying. Finally the day was over and I could go home. I came home and jumped onto the couch. My mom was cooking/drawing in the kitchen like always. Justin came in hey Ryan get your feet off the couch. I sighed and moved them calm down they're just feet. Hey my mom said interrupting us, Ryan didn't you get your math test back today? Yeah I got an A. Justin laughed haha it's like your a teachers pet. He sounded just like Daniel and I have had it up to here with that kid. I reached over and hit Justin on the arm, don't call me that! Hey Justin yelled don't hit me! He kicked me on the leg and since it's like 90% muscle it hurt. Boys my mom said snapping her fingers stop fighting. I pointed at Justin well tell him to stop being a jerk. She clapped her hands hey everyone stop it. I glared at my brother and he glared back. My dad walked in hey Ryan great job on that test today! I've heard enough about that stupid test, it was ruining my life. I ran to my room and slammed the door.


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