Chains of Destiny (book 2)

By Darkshadow52

5.8K 51 7

15 years later. It had been 15 years since Selene of Vesina and Geralt of Rivia parted ways at Kaer Morhen, a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 22

102 1 0
By Darkshadow52

Selene paled at that. " realize I'm gonna get one hell of a lecture right?" Geralt also paled as he realized he would get one right after her. "Who's getting a lecture now?" Slowly everyone looked over and Selene and Geralt both felt their blood run cold. Because right at the door of the Chameleon was none other than Vesemir, Lambert, And Eskel. No one spoke for a few minutes so Selene stood up with every intention of getting more food.

  Yet the second she moved so did Lambert who ran over and pulled her close, crushing the poor woman against him. "Selene...gods woman do you not know how worried we were?" Selene winced at the sudden pain. " hurts!" Golden eyes widened and he quickly let her go stepping back. "Shit I'm sorry Selene, I didn't even think it would still feel so tender."

    "Yeah, well you have a katakana ram it's arm through your stomach next time." They all winced at that. "Yeah no thanks. Wanna explain how that happened?" Selene sighed and shrugged. "I don't even know where it came from. I was talking with Dandelion after running off." "Why did you run?" So Selene once again explained what went through her head that day and Vesemir looked at Geralt who nodded. "I showed up at the end. Meya showed herself."

   Vesemir stiffened at that. "Come on Vesemir, I'll explain it to you." And with that Geralt and Vesemir left. "So, Selene when did you wake up?" Selene looked at Eskel and sighed. "An hour ago." He nodded before walking over and hugging her. "I'm glad you're well Selene." "Makes two of us." Selene hugged him back as she pulled away and nodded at what Lambert said. "Priscilla are you ready?" "Only if you are. The owner knows I'm coming late."

   Selene nodded and the two walked out but not before Priscilla winked at Dandelion who winked back. Once the girls were gone did the men turn to him. "What was that about? Also congrats on the engagement." "Thank you Lambert, and I would tell you but Geralt had me swear to secrecy." "Oh no you don't, spill it bard." Eskel nodded. "I agree with Lambert for once, spill." Zoltan looked at Dandelion and sighed. "Might as well tell 'Em or they'll never shut up." So with a reluctant sigh they all sat down so Dandelion could catch them up on what they missed.

     Geralt looked over at Vesemir who was now deep in thought, he was greatly troubled by the fact Meya had shown herself after all these years and wondered how she was still alive. "She's a sorceress." Geralt nodded. "Then how did she have Selene?" "Probably didn't know she was one till after the birth." Vesemir cursed at that. "Damn woman, showing up after all these years and then she turns around and demands her child?" "Don't Forget she said Selene was worth more alive then dead."

    "And she doesn't know what that means?" "Not a clue. She was just as confused. Meaning-" Vesemir growled. "Meya knows something and is withholding information. We need to find her Geralt." Geralt nodded. "I agree, I can't openly look for her as Selene and I are leaving for Skelliga, and then Toussaint." Vesemir looked over at him. "Why there?" "We heard rumors that Ciri is in Skelliga, we wanna see how true that is. Toussaint to give her a break and so we can visit an old friend of ours."

     Vesemir nodded and looked at Geralt. "Then where too?" He sighed at that. "Her hometown, but not for a while, she wants those books that belong to her home, and I don't blame her." Vesemir raised an eyebrow at this. "She was already there from your letter, why is she going back?" Geralt sighed before he ran his hand down his face and explained what happened in Lurtch. Both were silent for a moment. "So like that day in Kaer Morhen." "Exactly like that day." "Well Fuck, but she could talk about it this time?" "Yep."

    Both men sighed as Vesemir looked at Geralt and knew what the man really wanted to ask. "Do it Geralt, before it's too late." Golden eyes widened before he smiled. "You mean it?" "Yes I mean it. You have what you need?" He chuckled. "Had it for a while now." "Good, let's head back, you two coming home for the winter?" "Yeah, probably with the others as well." "Thought so." Geralt shrugged and with that the two men started walking back.

    Selene and Priscilla had finally finished buying two dresses, Selene didn't understand why she needed one but Priscilla said it was because she wasn't allowed to wear her normal clothes at the wedding, claiming they smelled like one to many hunts. "I'm going straight to bed when we get back. What about you Selene?" "I don't feel tired, so I'm probably gonna talk with Lambert And Eskel. Seems like Geralt and Vesemir are gonna spend a good portion of the night talking about everything." Priscilla simply nodded. Once they were back Priscilla went straight up to her room after dropping Selene's bag into her room first.

    Selene however chose to sit with the boys while Dandelion also Excused himself and went to bed as well. Regardless of how late it was Selene and the others sat up talking till Geralt and Vesemir came back. Bidding them a Goodnight Selene went up the stairs to her room only to be followed by Geralt who climbed into bed right next to her. "You alright Sel?" "Mm Yeah, how did Vesemir take the news of my mum?" "He's not happy. But we can talk about it later, we have a wedding to attend tomorrow so come on, sleep." Selene wanted to protest, truly she did, but she was now struggling to stay awake and within moments she was asleep. Geralt only chuckled before he fell into a deep sleep.

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