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By The_lost_flower

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235 10 14
By The_lost_flower

[Chapter 17 - The Confrentation]

✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰

After having the most blissful week, Genevieve couldn't help but feel guilty, seeing as she had done nothing for Severus. He had gotten her flowers, brought her on the most splendid picnics, yet she hadn't even given him a gift.

So with today being a Saturday, Genevieve woke up at the crack of dawn, ready to head into Hogsmeade to pick up something special for her knight in billowing black robes.

The weather had taken a swift turn from the sunny spells during the week, shifting colder and darker. Grabbing one of her heavier cloaks of the coat stand, Genevive quickly put it on, using a quick spell to sort out the mess that was her hair.

All in around ten minutes, the witch was ready to go, with her favourite wide-brimmed hat sat proudly on her head. Though before she went, she had to make a quick call into the staff room.

Heading out of the teacher's wing, Genevieve began her journey down to the staff room, in a world of her own. Before she could stop herself, Genevive landed flat on her arse. Now, this was becoming a nuisance.

"Genevieve my dear, what on earth are you doing on the floor?"

"Sorry, Rolanda, it seems to be becoming a bit of a habit of mine." Genevive graciously took her helping hand, straightening her cloak and hat as she steadied her feet.

"So what's got you all in a rush anyway? Is it for a certain someone?" Madam Hooch teased, pushing her shoulder in a playful manner.

"I guess you'll never know, "

With a cheeky smirk on her face, Genevieve left Rolanda in a state of shock, continuing her journey to the teacher's lounge. In a matter of minutes, she was outside the door, opening it just to find the person she was looking for sitting down in the corner.

"Genevieve, what a pleasant surprise, " Minerva greeted the witch, placing the book she was reading off to the side.

"I'm sorry to burden you on your day off, but would you mind covering my afternoon classes? I want to find something nice for Severus but I'm not sure how long that will take."

Genevive began to ramble, pacing up and down the room as she babbled nonsense. She was stressing herself out, wanting whatever she git him to be perfect, just like he had been with her. Though her worrying stop when she felt a hand rest upon her shoulder.

Turning around, Minerva guided the conflicted woman over towards a free table. As she spoke, she placed both of Genevieve's hands within her own, " There's no need to fret, whatever you pick out will bring Severus joy because it's from you."

The younger witch blushed at the compliment as Minerva continued, " In all the years I've taught and worked alongside Severus, I've never seen him as cheerful and optimistic as he is with you. You've given him hope, Genevive, relit a flame within him that had lain dormant for decades. Severus is very lucky to have you, Genevive."

"Thank you, professor, I'm just as lucky to have someone like him, "

Checking her watch, Genevive nearly jumped from her seat at the time that was shown, "Oh, I better get a move on, I want to get to Scrivenshaft's before they close for lunch, thank you again, Professor McGonagall."

"What did I say about calling me, Professor?" Minerva poked fun at the younger witch, thinking back to an older conversation.

"Apologies, it's still strange calling you all by your first names."

With that, Genevive left the staff room, headed out the main entrance and made her way to Hogsmeade Village.


Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop, the only shop in Hogsmeade to purchase the finest of stationary. From the last time Genevive was in Severus' office, she noticed that he was running low on ink and quills. So what better place to get them.

Coming into the shop, Genevive was immediately greeted by the warmth of burning embers. The inside of the building was like a kings library. Shelves upon shelves were filled with books, notebooks and other stationery.

What made the shop special was on the very back wall, a large glass cabinet held the finest quills and inkwells known to man. So that is where Genevive headed first.

"Now, which one to get?" she thought to herself, deliberating on whether to purchase a steel-plated eagle feathered quill or pheasant quill, dotted with black and gold.

" Can I help you miss?"

Genevive nearly jumped at the sudden arrival of the shop keeper, Mr Scrivenshaft. Quickly recovering, she pointed out to the two quills that caught her eye.

"Ah, the pheasant quill, a wise choice. For yourself I see?" he asked, opening the cabinet and taking out the quill.

"Oh, no, actually it's for someone special, " Blushing, Genevive tried to look the other way to cool down.

"Right, right; and what does your special person occupy his time with?"

"He's a potions master actually."

Stopping what he was doing, Mr Scrivenshaft quickly put back the quill he was holding, dashing to the back and running through packages. Genevive couldn't help but be curious, wondering what could be so important outback as she made her way to the counter.

"Here we are, the perfect quill for a potions master. A Peacock feathered quill with goblin silver steeled tip, accompanied by a matching inkwell."

The witches face lit up with delight as she inspected the quill. Up the shaft of the writing, utensil was designed with indicate patterns, speckled with emerald green. The peacock feather its self was a royal blue, the centre fading into that same luscious green. Mr Scrivenshaft was right, it was perfect.

"Oh, it's wonderful, how much for the pair?"

"Well, it is in limited supply, but seeing as it's a gift I'll sell it for 10 galleons." As he wrapped it up for her, Genevive rummaged through her bag to find her purse.

"Thank you ever so much, sir." she bid her goodbyes, departing from the shop and heading over to the three broomsticks for a nice warm butterbeer.

On her way over to a free table, she didn't notice as another party joined her.

"Well, isn't this some way to greet your sister, "

Jumping in her seat, Genevive rushed over to give Amaryllis a hug. Sitting down, she ordered her sister a butterbeer as the two began to chat.

"So are you coming to the party this evening?"

"What party?" Genevieve asked, taking a sip of her beverage.

"I've just become head Auror in my division so Mother and Father are throwing me a "congratulation party", didn't you get your invite?" Amaryllis countered back, politely thanking the waiter as she skilled on her own butterbeer.

"I never got an invitation, besides I'm on duty tonight at school."

After a brief silence, the older sister brought up the conversation again.

"Oh, you're still there are you, teaching?"

Genevive already knew where this was going. Just like her parents, Amaryllis always made it clear when she didn't approve of the path she took.

"I am actually, and I'm enjoying every minute of it. Hogwarts has always been my home, and the staff more of a family that I ever had." Genevieve began to get more irritated towards the end, getting up and collecting her things ready to leave.

Her sister quickly tried to stop her, but she pushed past, covering the tears that trickled down her face with her cloak. She should've been used to this by now, her family constantly running her down but it hurt, even more, coming from her sister.


At around ten past eight with her gift underhand, Genevive made her way down to the dungeons. She knocked on his office door, waiting for him to open the door, yet it seemed as if no one was there. So she checked the potions classroom, still no luck.

With one room left to check, she made her way down the corridor to Severus' private quarters. As she went to knock, the door opened slightly, no doubt the wind had pushed it open.

Assuming the potions master was busy with work, Genevive carefully opened the door out further, slipping in and closing it behind her. What she was not expecting was the bombsite around her.

All his furniture was misplaced, books and papers dishevelled as they cover the floors. All in all, it was quite startling. Fearful that he had begun drinking again, Genevive wandered in further, calling his name.

"Severus? Severus where are you?"

Before she could duck, a glass vile was thrown in her directing, shattering against her head as wedges of glass embedded themselves in her flesh.

"Why must you hound me like a lost dog!?" Severus bellowed, swiping the books of his desk.

The loud bang suddenly knocked Genevive out of her state of shock, dropping her gift, the inkwells smashing on the hard wooden floor.

"Severus, what gotten into you?" she asked, for the first time in her life she was scared of him.

He wasn't drunk, so why had his humour changed so drastically? Lost in thought, she didn't even notice the blood dripping down her forehead, smearing into her hair.

"Me?! I've done nothing but be your little puppet, then the one time I finally have peace, you ruin it like you do everything."

"What? Are-" Just as she was about to speak, the brooding man launched another vile at her, missing by an inch.

Genevive let out a shrill scream, unable to move as panic took over her body. She fell to the floor, curling up in a ball to block the impact of incoming books.

"No wonder you were disowned, who would want you?"

Once silence had replaced the ruckus, she carefully stood up, wiping the blood off her various parts of her body. Severus had his back towards her. Now was the time to make a move, should she run or stay. Her house's knowledge wasn't making things any easier for her.

Settling for the later, Genevive cautiously made her way over to the potions master, placing her hand delicately on his shoulder. Yet in one foul swoop, Severus pushed her aside, her body crashing against one of his bookshelves.

"I will only tell you once, get out."

Shaking as she stood, Genevive tried to speak, " Severus please-" but she was interrupted.

"I said get out!" he shouted, frightening the witch even more.

Without another word, Genevive made a run for it, dashing down the corridor with tears flooding her eyes. That was not the man she loved. That was a monster.


I am so sorry for not updating last Sunday, I was actually at a birthday party so I kinda forgot, anyway I wasn't completely happy with the chapter so here is the newly edited version. So, what's with the sudden mood swing? Find out int he next chapter:)


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