Your voice | yenyul

By gearsecond_kwangbae

59.9K 3.5K 1.1K

"I Just hope to see the world once again." [Author's note] This story is a Yenyul fanfiction but it will also... More

I: Stay here
II: I could hear it
III: Come with me
IV: Sleepy head
V: The baby
VI: The scaredy cat
VII: The Killer
VIII: The Secret Keeper
IX: Where are you?
X: the Date [1/2]
X: the Date [2/2]
XI: The Garden
XII: It's Cold
XIII: Girl Friend
XIV: I'm Staying [1/2]
XIV: I'm Staying [2/2]
XV: My treat
XVI: I'm Back
XVII: I can't tell you
XVIII: Don't tell
XIX: Friend
XX: Bruised
XXI: Closed
XXII: I'm here
XXIII: The day
XXIV: Worried
XXV: I don't know
XXVI: Quiet
XXVII: Silence
XXVIII: weird right
XXIX: between the two
XXX: See you
XXXI: What!?
XXXII: Memories [1/2]
XXXII: Memories [2/2]
XXXIII: Letting go
XXXIV: Confused
XXXV: Layed on the floor
XXXVII: A day with them
XXXVIII: Tomato?
XXXIX: the guy
XL: Confession hiding
XLI: Confess already!
XLII: Her plan
XLIII: Anything you want
XLIV: Goodbye?
XLV: Real Goodbyes
XLVI: Clingy
XLVII: Before the surgery
XLVIII: The Big Change
XLIX: Choi Yena
L: Flashbacks [1/2]

L: Flashbacks [2/2]

1.1K 67 35
By gearsecond_kwangbae

Chaewon paused the video. "I'm hungry. are you hungry?" Yuri shaked her head.

"I want to finish it~"

"Seriously, weve been watching this for 8 hours straight its already night. I just want to eat and sleep first.

"Go ahead, i'll keep on watching" Yuri played the video.

"Wahhhh ... i'm at the cafe with Chaeyeon" Chaeyeon was waving at the camera.

"Yuri, please run! Yena is crazy!!!" Chaeyeon said as Yena hit her.

"This is my favorite seat here. Please sit here next time you come here." Then she showed her seat and the whole place.

"I brought you here before right? Remember? My treat!" Yena smiled then she left Chaeyeon and went to the counter.

"This is my friend Juri. Say Hi" Juri said Hi to the camera. "I payed her a lot of money. Go here at the cafe often and she'll give you your favorite frappe. I already payed for everything your buying. I think it might last for a year at least"


"This is the day of Wonyoung's burial. Ley's take a look at your pretty dress" Yena entered Yuri's room.

Yuri was wearing a plain white dress.

"Is my dress ok?" Yena gave an okay sign to the camera.

"When did my girlfriend get so pretty?" Yuri blushed as Yena filmed closer for a clear look at Yuri's face.

"I'm so lucky to have you. I love you" Yena whispered as she went closer to the camera.


Yena wrapped her arms around Yujin.

"I know you dont want to but please say a few words to Yuri about Wonyoung" Yujin thought that Yena was really crazy. She even filmed the whole burial.

"Yuri, look this is how your best friend looks like" Yena filmed Wonyoung's corpse. Yujin came in later and shouted at her.

"Last look at Wonyoung~" Yena showed Wonyoung's corpse on the camera again as Yujin turned off the video.


"Hello, were still here with Wonyoung" Yena showed a 360 degrees view.

"What are you doing?" Hyewon was looking weirdly at Yena. "A video for Yuri. So that she can watch this later"

"Really? Can I take the video?" Yena nodded as she gave the camera to Hyewon. While Yena went to sit next to Yuri.

"Hello~ this is Hyewon cam. We here for the ... " She stopped for a moment as she couldnt remember. "... what was it again?" She scratched her head.

"Wait, i'll ask Minju" She went to Minju who was wiping out her tears. "Oh! Why are you crying?" Minju just gave her a look as she fully wiped her tears.

"Nothing. Why do you have a camera?" Hyewon stared at the camera then looked at Minju. "Uhhhh ... Can't remember" Minju giggled at Hyewon as she toom the camera.

"Hello, this is Minju. Please help Hyewon remember why she has you" then she returned the camera to Hyewon.

"Wait- isn't that Yena's camera?" Minju said as Hyewon looked clueless as ever.

"Maybe, I have no idea though" Minju took the camera and turned it off.


Yena was filming Yuri while they were on the bus. Yuri had her head on Yena's shoulder.

Yuri opened her eyes and turned her head at Yena's side. Which made Yena smile back at her.


"Joyul, i'm in my room" she turned 360 degrees to show off her room.

"Nothing special. I just wanna say that I love you"


Yena was in Yuri's bed they were lying together. She filmed Yuri trying to be cute.

'I love you so much' she mouthed


"Yuri, I dont want to be the person telling you this but Wonyoung is dying" she was walking in the hallway with Yujin. Yujin was a bit annoyed as Yena was filming her.

"How can you even say that in front of me?" Yena just shrugged as Yujin kept on shaking her head.

"Why? I'm also dying. I just wanted her to see this" Yujin rolled her eyes as she entered Wonyoung's room.

"Wonyo, say Hi. Yuri will be watching this" Yena focused the camera on Wonyoung.

"Really!? Yuri annyeong! I'm sorry you couldn't see me alive or dead. But you'll be going to my burial right?"

"Dont say that!" Yujin butted in.

"Why? I knew this day would come. So ..." she smiled at Yujin. "... back to Yuri. I'll always be your best friend. Please dont miss me that much. Don't cry too much as well. We need your tears for Yena's funeral as well" Yujin was shaking her head in disbelief.

"Anyways. Dont forget me unnie. I love you~ bye" then Yena turned the camera to her.

"How could you two be talking about your death's so casually!?" Yena looked at Wonyoung who just shaked her head.

Yuri paused the video.

"Unnie~ how long has it been?" She turned to Chaewon who just woke up. She checked the video.

"20 hours. Yuri your crazy. How could you even survive that!?" Chaewon was just shaking her head.

"I'm hungry let's eat" Yuri said as Chaewon lazily nodded.

"I already bought chicken in case you were hungry ... so here" she recieved the chicken as she went back to the couch.

"You should probably sleep right now" Chaewon said as she sat beside Yuri.

"No ... I want to finish it" so she played the video again.

"Hey! This is Yena cam. Today i'm gonna kiss Yuri so much that she'll burst." Yena entered the room. She saw sleeping Yuri.

"Oh my gosh! Your so cute~" she focused the camera on Yuri. Then moved it back to her.

"Hey, you might be watching this video. In case you watch all these videos please dont forget to eat and sleep" Yena said as she layed on Yuri's bed.

"Finally! See ... Yena want's you to sleep!" Chaewon said while pointing at the screen.

"Actually ... I want you to sleep right now. Pause the video then play it again after your sleep. I'm trusting that you'll listen to me. Dont worry i'll always be with you, even in your dreams ... see your smiling" she faced the camera to a sleeping Yuri.

"Okay pause the video in 3 ... 2 ... 1"

Chaewon paused the video.

"Now sleep" Yuri nodded as she went to the bed. She slept as soon as she layed down. She must be really tired Chaewon thought.

Later on Yuri woke up. "She's right, she was in my dreams" Chaewon gave her a smile then both of them sat on the sofa.


"Okay ... is the video already paused? This you pause the video? I hope you did. It will make me sad if you didn't" just then Yuri woke up.

"Yena unnie?" Yena wrapped her arms around Yuri. "Yey hugs!"


"Hey ... this maybe one of my last video's as you can see my hair loss is now worse and i'm also weak" then Yena showed her head.


"I'm here at my room. I just want to say that all of my clothes are yours if you want. You can also have my underwear, I know you wamt that" Yena winked at the camera.

"All my stuff is yours. But please give the box under my bed to my parents. Uhhh ... nevermind i'll just ask Chaewon to do it. Anyways everything I own is now officially yours"


"Hello this is Chaewon cam. Right now Yuri is in her room. I have a mission I have to play this record of Yena unnie's voice. I hope she doesnt realize that Yena unnie is ... you know *ahemm" She was at the door of Yuri's surgery room.

"Joyul, I love you. I'll always be here for you!" She played the record from Yena's phone as Yuri was just smiling in her room.


"This is Chaewon cam again. I just finished playing the record for Yuri again. Now i'm going to Yena unnie's room her friends are also there with her" she entered the room as she saw Yena who was weak as ever.

Her friends were crying at the side. Chaewon went closer to her as Yena slowly opened her eyes.

"I-is th-this for my Yuri?" Chaewon just nodded.

"Hello, this will be my last video. Uhh ... chaewon move closer" Chaewon moved closer

"My eyes can you see them? They're soon gonna be your's. As I told you before everything I own is yours, including my body. I was so happy when I they told me that my eyes were compatible for you. I did my promise ... i promised to show you the world. Now with my eyes I could show it to you" She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry for not telling you anything. I didn't want you to worry about me, all I just want is your happiness. Ever since I was a kid I knew this day would come. I actually wanted this day to come quickly when I was young. I didnt want to burden anyone anymore but when I met you I suddenly wanted to live longer.

But just when you became my girlfriend. Just when everything was going on fine for us that's when ... my body became weak" she gave out a laugh

"I cant believe that you made my heart flutter and made me weak. You made me do things that I would never imagine doing. You even made me choose you over Chaewon and that's saying something. I mean I was obsessed with her before. But you changed that.

I love you Yuri. I love you so much.

I dont want to leave you. But I guess the world just works this way. I'll forever be a part of you and vice versa.

Promise me that you'll remember me forever. Promise me that even if you'll turn blind again and not see these videos, you'll still remember my voice.

It's the only memory that I have with you. My voice ...

I love you so much" She starts crying.

Yuri started to cry

"I love you so much that I cant leave without giving you a part of me.

Promise me that you'll see the world and appreciate it. Go follow your dream and stare at the sun. The world is so big and I hope you'll see every part of it. Dont forget wherever I go i'll always be with you no matter what.

Now go. Enjoy life.

I love you Joyu-" Yena closed her eyes as Chaewon placed the camera on the table.

"Yena unnie! ... UNNIE!!!" Chaewon was now crying.

Chaeyeon ran to call the doctors. The doctors came and told them to leave the room. Yuqi gently pulled Chaewon out of the room while Yiren took the camera.

"You ..." Yuri paused the video and pulled Chaewon into a hug. Both of them were crying. She closed her eyes as she remembered the memory of that day. "You must've had it really tough. Thank you for being Yena unnie's friend"

Both of them started to calm down. They were both tired, grieving and hungry. And most importantly both of them love Yena.

She gave a smile at Yuri. "The video isn't over" Chaewon ignored Yuri and played the video.

"Hey Chaewon cam here. Your so lucky Yuri, I mean you have a Yena unnie that loves you until death. While I have ... feelings for her. You might hate this part of the video and maybe fast forward everything but please dont.

I love Yena unnie. I cant lie about that and I promised her that i'll take care of you so please let me.

By the time that you're watching this you already have her. Can you please look at me with those eyes from time to time? I hope you the best though" She entered Yena's room. Her other friends were outside crying.

"Yena unnie? Are you awake? Please say Hi to the Yul cam for the last time" Yena was now having trouble breathing. But she managed to open her eyes and look at the camera.

She smiled as Chaewon nodded at her while her tears fell.

"Jo-Joyul ..." she took a deep breath and gathered all the energy she could get.

"Jo Yuri. I love you.

I say this in almost every video because I dont know when i'll say this again.

Take care. I'll always be with you

Quack quack" She motioned Chaewon to come closer. She kissed the camera

"I love you Yuri-"

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