Golden ⚜️ Dixie D'Amelio

By sarahcamercn

43.4K 1.5K 1.8K

"in which the world is changed because she is made of golden and the curves of her lips rewrite history." OR ... More



3.3K 100 33
By sarahcamercn

The next day made her regret ruining her sleeping schedule, but she knew if she had to chance to do it over again she wouldn't change a thing. Her alarm haunted her as it echoed in her mind while she brushed her teeth lazily in her bathrobe. She tried to at least look presentable, but make up wasn't really her forte because god knew her skin colour changed everyday. She threw on an oversized Champion sweater she'd stolen from one of her friend and took the towel out of her hair. She put on some loose fitting mom jeans and shoved her feet in her worn out sneakers trying to get them on by stomping down the stairs because she felt too lazy to bend over.

"Good morning, Shrek," her mother spoke, glancing up from her phone as she sipper her coffee.

Camden narrowed her eyes at her, "Morning, mother."

I mean, she technically said brought it onto herself. Her mother raised an eyebrow at her. "Are you going to make the interview?"

Camden hummed as she moved over to the key hanger where her car key was strewn on. She skipped breakfast almost everyday, she always felt nauseous in the morning so at most she'd have a coffee, but she expected there to be some at the shoot.

"Yeah, it's fine. I have somewhere to be after though, so I won't be home till late."

Her mother frowned at her, but nodded.

"Bye!" she called as she walked out the door hearing a faint response as she shut it.

She took a deep breath when she grabbed her steering her nerves filling her body. "Come on Camz. You're a bad bitch, one shoot can't kill you." She pulled out of the driveway turning up her Spotify playlist. She drummed her fingers on the steering wheel and sang along to her music.

When she she walked through the entrance of the building, she saw sophisticated looking people walk around typing on their tablets and talking on the phone all around her she felt the nerves rack up her body again as she felt underdressed.

A woman in a pencil skirt and a blazer directed her up the elevator to the 12th floor and she drummed her feet nervously as she moved up. When the doors opened up she was met by the fantastic sight of her Chase chasing Rudy down the hall and tripping when he tried to tackle him while Madison recorded it and she felt a whole lot better as a grin spread over her face.

"Dorks," she called out as she walked onto the floor.

"Camz!" she heard Madelyn call before she was tackled into a hug herself.

Camden wrapped her arms around the girl who acted like she hadn't seen her in months despite having met up three days ago as a grin spread on her face.

She quickly joined the rest of the group as Madelyn kept an arm around her shoulders guiding her past the white curtain with the light set up to the set interview benches.

"Good, you're here," she turned around to see Eden her manager approach her. "Sweety, those bags under your eyes aren't designer. What did I tell you about getting your beauty sleep in? You have to take care of yourself."

Camden pursed her lips at the lecture as she was pushed to the make up chair where a lady was already awaiting her with a primer spray in her hand. She got the same comments scolding her about the lack of sleep as the lady worked on her face. "Stunning," she said as finished up with a smile and spun the chair for Camden to get a look at herself. All her flaws were erased and she looked done up to perfection and she couldn't help but feel good about herself.

"Wow, that's amazing, thank you much, Rosa" she thanked the curly haired woman who shot her wink in the mirror.

"Now," Rosa began as she pulled up the rack of clothes. "I like your outfit, but it's too casual. So i was thinking maybe you would look even better with this." She pulled out a low rise light Denim jeans that flared at the bottom flares and white flames at the undercut. "And we'd pair it with this shirt," she showed her the long sleeved fluffy white crop top. Camden nodded animatedly at the sight, "Holy shit, they look dope."

Rosa smiled and she went through the shoe array before she grabbed a pair of shiny white high top Jordan sneakers which made her worn-out air forces look homeless.

She went into the dressing room and undressed herself before she caught a glimpse of herself in her refection and looked at the big patchy white band-aid that covered her shoulder. It was healing up but it sure took it's time, she mumbled to herself as she pulled on the low rise jeans. Her phone pinged and she pulled it out of her former jeans.

"from Dixie D'Amelio"

She'd added her back right before she went to sleep yesterday but she hadn't sent her.

She tapped on the icon.

Camden snorted before she walked to the body mirror leaning against the wall and snapped a picture of her reflection. A small voice in her head told her it was inappropriate to take a picture with only her bra and a jeans, but her the bad bitch confident voice shut that voice down. "with your toes 🤔" she captioned it before pressing send.

It hadn't even been delivered for minute before she saw it was opened. She locked her phone and and pulled on the white top before sitting down to put on the sneakers which she did with way more care than the her old pair considering these shoes were probably as expensive as her phone.

When she finished up she unlocked her phone to open Dixie's reply.

Camden snickered as she walked out of the dressing room to where the rest of the cast was sitting strewn out over the set as they waited for the session to start.

She snapped a picture of her smiling face and replied "never said shit abt nudes. i said no dickpics 🤗"

She locked her phone and held it in her hand when she approached her friends. Rudy was in the middle of telling a story when she ruffled his hair getting him to complain about he had taken 15 minutes to get it like that. She sat down next to Madison who greeted her with as much excitement and she blew a kiss to JD and Chase as a way of saying hi-but-I'm-too-lazy-to-get up-and-hug-you.

"How the fuck are you guys so alive," she asked as she yawned.

"Magic potion," JD said as he wiggled his eyebrows before he picked up and ice coffee from the tray on the table behind him which she hadn't even noticed was there. He stuck it out for her to grab and she jumped up to reach it. "God, I'm in love with you," she breathed after kissing his forehead as she plunged the straw into the cup and the rest of the group snickered.

"Cheater," Madelyn pouted next to her with narrowed eyes. Camden took the straw out of her mouth and shrugged, "A woman had needs."

"You're barely a woman, you just came out of the womb," Chase mocked her for being the youngest of the group.

"Says the 27 year old that plays a 16 year old teenager. Okay, boomer," she retorted before sipping her cup.

Chase gaped at her as the rest of the group cackled. "Go to your room," he huffed.

"But grandpaa," she mocked complaining with a pout.

They heard a clap and turned to look at the photographer who told them to get onto the set. Camden's nerves acted up as she came to stand with the group. A dark haired man next to the photographer directed their position and put Camden in the front in between Madelyn and Chase and directed them how to pose. She'd done this before, but she knew this shoot was on a higher scale for Teen Vogue the idea alone was insane. She'd remembered owning the magazines and following the page and never did she think she'd actually make it to the front cover herself.

The shots were fun, there were some serious poses where they'd all stare the camera down while she put her hands on her hips and leaned back but soon the director told them to act natural and the friend groups dynamic changed as they cracked jokes and leaned onto each other. She'd gotten to jump on Madelyn's back and Madison and Rudy had held her up as she laid sprawled in their arms. But of course there was also a series of photos where she tripped and took JD down. The series had the whole group guffawing for 10 minutes, making fun of their faces.

When they wrapped up a woman wearing a red flower dress asked them a series of numerous questions about the show and the story line and their friendships as they recorded and Camden was seated on the back bench next to Rudy. At one point he moved to adjust himself and accidentally elbowed Camden in the gut to which Camden replied with a kick to his shin before he even got a a chance to apologise. When they started bickering the interviewer fell silent along with the rest of the group and Camden's face turned bright red when she made eye contact with the camera realising they'd gotten everything on tape.

"Sorry," she mumbled along with Rudy before the interviewer laughed it off, but she could tell it wasn't genuine. It was too rehearsed to try and mimic a real laugh and it didn't reach her eyes. She didn't take it personal considering the lady had every right to be irritated by a bunch of young adults acting like kids. Soon enough the interview was wrapped.

And Rudy and Chase ran to the snack table while Madison spoke with the interviewer and JD walked away to answer a phone call. "So, got any plans for the day?" Madelyn asked as they made their way to the dressing room.

"Well, maybe," Camden spoke as she glanced at the time on her phone. 02:03pm it read. Dixie had told her to be at the laser tag building at 4pm which gave her just enough time to get home and get herself ready before venturing to the place.

"A friend invited me to go play laser tag today," she added.

"Ooh, laser tag, that's new. Anyone I know?" Madelyn replied as they walked into the room.

"Remember what I told you about that girl with a dog in the park?" Camden replied as she unbuttoned the jeans.

Madelyn hummed taking off her shirt as she recalled the FaceTime call last week.

"Well, I saw her again and she invited me to tag along with her friends," Camden explained as she pulled on the Champion sweater trying not smudge her makeup.

Madelyn laughed before she replied, "didn't see that coming how did that conversation go? 'Sorry my dog tried to maul you, btw wanna play laser tag?'"

Camden shook her head as she chuckled while tying her shoe laces. "Pretty much, yeah."

"Well, have fun, kiddo. Call me when you're done I'd love to hear how that goes down. Maybe she'll bring out a snake this time," Madelyn chuckled as she ruffled Camden's hair when she passed her to pick up her phone that was on the vanity table.

Camden hummed as she got up to follow the blonde out and into the hall where the rest of the group was waiting for the elevator. "Sounds exotic. It'd be pretty cool to say I fought a snake."

"Only if you live to tell the tale," Madelyn replied.

"Actually the probability of dying from a snake attack are smaller than the one from dying at the hands of a cow," JD contributed holding up a finger without even having to know the context.

"How the fuck do you get killed by a cow?" Rudy asked pulling a face as they got in the elevator.

"You'd be surprised," JD replied.

"No, seriously like, do you pull it's utters the wrong way and get donkey kicked in the face or what?" he continued which led to an argument on the way down.

She made eye contact with Madison who stood across from her and pulled a face to which Madelyn sighed, "Boys."

Camden chuckled and when they got the entry they all bid their farewells and exchanged hugs before going to their cars but before she got the chance to turn on the engine her phone pinged with the group chat notification in which Rudy and JD were heatedly discussing lightning and sharks and she didn't even understand how it went down to that.

She glanced through the rest of her notifications and saw them spammed with Instagram bars. She opened the app and it literally crashed. She frowned and grumbled in annoyance before trying again.

When she go to her profile she saw 57k followers and her eyes widened as she refreshed the page and it went to 59k. What the actual living fuck? Her mouth gaped at her phone before she remembered the trailer dropped today on Netflix. She'd expected it to happen, but that didn't take away from the shock of it actually all starting. She refreshed her page again and it became 60k. That's insane, she mumbled to herself.

The fact people had only seen the trailer that dropped two hours ago and they'd already found her profile. She went to Snapchat and opened up Dixie's notification ignoring her other friends.

Camden had to take a moment to recollect herself. Dixie being all done up was a sight for sore eyes which she had yet to see in real life. Her hair curled up made her look like a princess and it was unfair how She looked effortlessly pretty and she couldn't help but smile at how cute the thought of her refreshing her page to wait for the trailer was. She tapped the screen and a second snap followed up.

Camden chuckled but couldn't help the excitement and adrenaline that surged through her. She had yet to see the finished product for herself. She snapped a picture of her steering wheel.

She reopened Instagram after the notifications wouldn't stop pooping up on top of her screen. She scrolled through her profile and her comment sections were flooding.

user: Guys Its Her I Think There's A Cast Photo
user: omg here before she hits 100k
user: ma'am i'm getting on one knee
user: HAHHAHA 😂😂 Who else ran to Instagram->
user: Wtf shs so prety
user: schow me boobs

She liked a few comments before moving to her settings and turning the notifications off for Instagram until she at least figured out how she'd get them to stop blowing up. Her heart still drummed out of her chest that a surge of attention. Luckily for the people who found her profile weren't leaving negative comments which she was already dreading. How pathetic do you have to be to stalk someone you only saw in a trailer only to drag them.

She replied to a few DM requests who all were supportive and excited for the show before she opened up her Spotify playlist again and turned up the volume. She locked her phone and put it its place holder next to the touchscreen.

She pulled up into her driveway in no time. She locked her car up as she reopened Snapchat

Camden rolled her eyes as she walked up the garage stairs into the kitchen. "Basic bitch," she hummed.

She snapped a picture her face rolling her eyes and captioned it. "bite me hoe" "i turned em off now still can't believe this is happening" "nice room stinky"

She made her way to her room and took off the champion sweater. She went into her bathroom to replace the bandage wincing at the disinfectant before she covered it up again. She decided she should at least try to look like she wasn't going to the supermarket on the block and leave some kind of a good impression on the girls friends.

She picked up a cute black long sleeved crop to with buttons on top and left them undone, but she was too lazy to change out of the jeans and shoes. Her phone pinged with a Snapchat notification and she replied to her other friends as well who had mainly sent videos of them doing stupid things or their pets.

She opened Dixie's.

Camden pondered for a moment before agreeing mentally she took a quick shot in the her mirror bathroom and wrote "good girl" "sure less work for me 😈"

She fixed her appearance and retouched her makeup barely doing anything except for the slightly smudged mascara because she'd rub her eyes forgetting she was it. Thanking the god for Rosa's artistic talents because the woman sure knew how to get the look to last a a day.

She made her way downstairs and filled the cat bowl with the diet food the vet had prescribed and watched as Pogo trudged to her dinner. She was recovering but her weight wasn't helping the process considering she already barely moved.

She sprawled on the couch and scrolled through her Instagram. When she refreshed her profile the number of followers changed the 94k and her eyes budged out. "Jesus," she mumbled and decided to reply to some fans. She'd discovered there were some fan accounts for her character already as well as for her and she followed some back These people worked really fucking fast she thought to herself as she scrolled through some fan edits. She hadn't even seen the finished trailer yet and she had totally forgotten she was supposed to post it for herself as she saw the other cast members had done it. She texted Madelyn.

the wife 🤍🥺👄

dude dude help how the fuck
do u get the trailer on ig

whahahahhah dumbass
download the email

i did but it wont post
it's too long i-

bro u gotta post it as an igtv




She watched the trailer for herself and holy shit it looked fantastic. Not to toot her own horn but she understood why everyone was hyping it up. Almost immediately likes and comments flooded in on the post and she felt herself almost shake with excitement at the positive feedback. When she refreshed her page the following counter read a 101k. How in the name of sweet Jesus did she manage to get 7k in the spam of 20 minutes. That was literally her following count last week.


get in loser we're going laser tagging

The notification popped up and she felt her heart jump as she glanced st the giant clock on the wall. It was half past three already.

On my way!

yikes cringe omw



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