Lonely Hearts - Luke Hemmings

By TheSwiftInOurStars

12.5K 221 233

Two people with lonely hearts meet and fall in love.. will they last or will they go back to being lonely? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 13

273 6 8
By TheSwiftInOurStars

You were off from work today and Luke asked if you wanted to hang out with him and his friends. You said sure but you were kind of nervous because you had only met them for a few minutes at the last show. What if they didn't like you?

They were going to pick you up and then you were going to go and get lunch to get to know each other. If that went well, you were going to go to an arcade or somewhere like that.

You start getting ready for the day and put on jeans and a stripped shirt and put your hair in a braid. You put a little bit of make up on before brushing your teeth and then putting your shoes on. You finish and wait for them to show up.

You walk out of your room and see your other two roommates Rachel and Sadie in the kitchen.

"Hey." You say to them.

"Hi." They answer.

"Are you going out?" Sadie asks.

You nod. "Yeah I'm meeting my boyfriend's best friends."

"Ooh nice. Have fun." She says.

"Thanks." You smile.

You walk to the door as you hear a knock and open it and smile at Luke, "Hi penguin."

"Hello my little tomato." He smiles and pokes your nose. "Ready to go?"

"Yes." You say and grab your things.

He grabs your hand and leads you to the car, except this time it's a van and not his car.

"Uhh, are you trying to kidnap me or something?" You ask him.

"No, this is just the band van. We all travel in here." He says.

You nod and get in the back with Luke. You two were in the two middle seats and if you remembered their names correctly, Michael was in the passengers seat and Ashton and Calum were in the seats behind you. One of their security guards must have been driving, unless they have someone who just drives them around.

"Hello." You smile at them.

"Hey." They smile back.

"It's nice to see you guys again." You tell them.

"Same to you." They say.

You smile and look around. You noticed people staring at the van like they were trying to see inside if there were celebrities or not inside, but it's hard to tell with the tinted windows.

You guys get to a place soon and the driver drops you off. You all get out and walk inside and Ashton gets you guys a table.

You all go to it and sit and look at the menu. After you all decide what you want and order, you get to talking.

"So where are you from?" Calum asks you.

"Long Island, it's like 45 minutes to an hour away by train." You tell them.

They nod. "That's cool. When did you move here?"

"I moved here the summer I graduated high school." You tell them.

They nod. "How old are you?"

"I'll be 23 in September." You tell them.

They nod. "So like a year younger than Luke?"

"Yes." You smile.

They smile and keep asking you questions until the food comes out.

You guys eat and keep joking around until you finish. Luke pays for everyone and you all thank him.

You decide to go to an arcade next and get back in the van. When you get there, Calum buys everyone a game card and Ashton and Michael pull you aside.

"We need your help." They say as Calum distracts Luke.

"What's up?" You ask them.

"We want to throw Luke a surprise birthday party because his birthday is in like a month but we need your help. Like what are the best places in New York and stuff like that." Ashton says.

"Sure, I can help." You smile.

They ask for your phone number and you give it to them and then get back to Luke before he notices you were gone.

Calum hands out the game cards and you take one and thank him. He smiles as a 'your welcome' and they look for games.

You smile when you feel Luke bend down and kiss your head. You look up at him and smile wider.

"I love you." You tell him.

"I love you too." He smiles back.

You two kiss on the lips and the other three gag. You pull away and laugh. "What? You guys don't kiss your girlfriends ever?"

"We don't have girlfriends." Calum and Ashton say.

"I mean I do, but it's not gross when I do it." Michael jokes.

You jokingly roll your eyes and you guys start to play games.

You play until you run out of credits and get prizes and go back to their place. This was the first time you were going to their apartment. They had a fire pit on their roof and wanted to have a fire though. They claimed that it was safe and that they have one all the time, but you worried it would set the whole place on fire.

You guys get there soon and go up to the roof. They have patio furniture set up all around the fire place and it actually looked pretty nice. You thought it would be like, boyish. Like random furniture everywhere and not a very nice fire place.

You sit down on a love seat with Luke and cuddle into him. You couldn't wait for the warmth of the fire, but Luke was also really warm. It was cold for a summer night. They get the fire started and all sit down.

"So Michael, what's your girlfriend like?" You ask.

"Her name is Crystal and we're actually engaged. She's an amazing person." He smiles.

"Aww congratulations. That's cute." You smile.

"Thank you." He smiles.

"No problem." You tell him.

You've learned a lot about Luke's friends. You liked them. They were all so nice and from what you could tell, they seemed to like you. You didn't want to assume they did though, in case they didn't.

You watched Luke as he talks to them. You can tell how much he loves his friends. They had the type of friendship that you and Brittany had. You thought that was cute and you were happy he had people like that when he was sad. Like when other girls broke his heart. You could tell that the boys were always there for him and that they were always going to be there for him.

You smile and cuddle into Luke as you watch the flames. You were living a lot of girls dreams right now, but you always forget that they're famous because they act like down to earth people.

You were happy to be spending the night hanging out with these four boys and you hoped you could become better friends with them too, not just for Luke's sake, but because you really liked them.

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