The Vamps Preferences

Af katie1536

1.6M 31K 6.1K

The Vamps preferences and some Imagines!! Katie xxx The Vamps Preferences TWO is now published and updating!! Mere

#1 - How you meet.
#2 - Your first texts to each other.
#3 - The things you have in common.
#4 - Your job.
#5 - First Date.
#6 - First kiss.
#7 - Lazy days together.
#8 - Will you be my girlfriend?
#9 - His name on your phone.
#10 - Your name on his phone.
#11 - The nickname you give him.
#12 - The nickname he gives you.
#13 - How he hugs you.
#14 - Your first argument.
#15 - Your fave youtuber that you watch together.
#16 - Make up after first argument.
#17 - How he wakes you up in a morning.
#18 - The thing you love about him.
#19 - The thing he loves about you.
#20 - You're angry.
#21 - You steal...
#22 - You're ill.
#23 - Hair.
#24 - Where you stand at one of their concerts.
#25 - Your brother in the band.
#26 - T.V show you watch together.
#27 - Favourite couple song.
#28 - Favourite Ben & Jerry's flavour.
#29 - Song to your first dance at your wedding.
#30 - Your children's names.
#31 - Your other celebrity crush.
#32 - Where he takes you on your first holiday together.
#33 - Your favourite non-alcoholic drink.
#34 - Your favourite alcoholic drink.
#35 - His celebrity crush that gets on your nerves.
#36 - The pet you buy together.
#37 - Your brother finds out you're dating another member of the band.
Tristan Imagine.
#38 - The Slap.
#39 - Spare time.
#40 - Make Up.
Connor Imagine.
#41 - Waking up together.
#42 - How he proposes.
Brad Imagine.
Connor Imagine.
Brad Imagine.
Brad Imagine.
#40 - Pineapple.
Tristan Imagine.
Brad Imagine.
Connor Imagine.
#43 - You're a singer and he has a crush on you.
#44 - He finds out you get bullied.
#45 - Brother sister moment.
#46 - You're both school teachers.
Brad Imagine.
#47 - Awkward start to the relationship.
Brad Imagine.
#48 - Attention seeking.
Brad Imagine.
Brad Imagine.
Brad Imagine.
Brad Imagine.
Brad Imagine.
James Imagine.
#49 - Favourite movie to watch together.
#50 - What you do when he is on tour.
Tristan Imagine.
#51 - He can't stop talking about you.
#52 - Where he takes you skiing.
#53 - He calls you because...
#54 - Favourite hot chocolate flavour.
#55 - You have matching...
#56 - Where you go on honeymoon.
#57 - Matching Tattoos.
#58 - What you normally argue about.
#59 - He hates it when you...
#60 - You hate it when he...
#61 - What he gets you when you're upset.
#62 - He steals...
#63 - How you knew that you were in love.
#64 - Halloween costumes.
#65 - How he announces your relationship.
#66 - Fun fight.
James Imagine.
#67 - Piercings that you want or have.
#68 - Phobias.
Connor Imagine.
Brad Imagine.
#69 - The first time the boys hold their newborn baby.
#70 - First time you cry in front of him.
Brad Imagine
Brad Imagine.
Brad Imagine.
#71 - How he supports you when you're in labour.
Brad Imagine.
Connor Imagine.
#72 - A habit you got from him.
#73 - The reason why the other boys like you.
#74 - Hashtag he gets trending.
#75 - How he gets your attention.
#76 - What he does when he misses you.
#77 - Favourite place to go together.
#78 - Matching mugs.
#79 - A habit he got from you.
James Imagine.
Tristan Imagine.
Brad Imagine.
#80 - He is a...
#81 - He is a... (Full preference).
#82 - Cheesy chat up lines.
#83 - His cheesy joke.
#84 - What he gets you on Valentines day.
#85 - Your couple song off Meet The Vamps album.
#86 - Girl band he takes you to see.
#87 - Solo artist he takes you to see.
#88 - Boy band he takes you to see.
#89 - He teaches you to...
#90 - You teach him to...
#91 - Your child's first word.
#92 - What he does to your phone when you're not there.
#93 - How long people think that you will last.
#94 - The food you feed each other.
#95 - Your age gap.
#96 - Your best friend in the band.
#97 - What you do when you're being childish together.
#98 - Song you sing together when you're both drunk.
#99 - Favourite member of 5 Seconds Of Summer.
Connor Imagine.
#100 - He does your make up.
Brad Imagine.
Brad Imagine.
James Imagine.
Tristan Imagine.
James Imagine.
Connor Imagine.
#101 - Favourite member of Rixton.
#102 - Favourite member of The Tide.
#103 - Favourite member of Union J.
#104 - Saturday night TV show that you watch together.
#105 - Favourite member of The Janoskians.
Brad Imagine.
#106 - Favourite member of One Direction.
#107 - Favourite member of R5
#108 - Favourite part of getting ready to go out.
James Imagine.
Connor Imagine.
#109 - Your reaction at a meet & greet.
Brad Imagine.
Brad Imagine.
Tristan Imagine.
#110 - Food cravings.
#111 - What you never agree on.
#112 - You do his make up.
#113 - Magazine headline when you make it official.
#114 - Reason why you break up.
#115 - Favourite school subject.
#116 - What he does when he's mad.
#117 - How you get over your break up.
Brad Imagine.
Brad Imagine.
#118 - His first Tweet after your baby is born.
#119 - What he texts you when you're upset.
James Imagine.
Tristan Imagine.
Connor Imagine.
The Heartbreaker.
Tristan Imagine
#120 - Language you learn together.
Brad Imagine.
Connor Imagine.
#121 - First Time Flying.
Connor Imagine
Brad Imagine.
#122 - You beat him at something.
Connor Imagine.
Brad's birthday...
Brad Imagine.
Connor Imagine.
Connor Imagine.
Connor Imagine.
Connor Imagine.
Tristan Imagine.
Tristan Imagine.
#123 - Cute thing he says to you.
Brad Imagine.
#124 - Thing you do for charity with him.
Connor Imagine.
#125 - You see him cry.
#126 - Thing you do together with the rest of the group.
Brad Imagine.
James Imagine.
#127 - Why you won't get married.
100 Truths Challenge.
The Vamps Preferences TWO. (New updated chapter) Please Read xx

Brad Imagine.

4.7K 99 6
Af katie1536

For: eliana_spain  (a.k.a Eliana)

Eliana's P.O.V

He's such a cheat. I thought I could trust him to be faithful to me whilst he was on tour but I have never been so wrong in my entire life. The worst part was that I was hit with so many questions from fans asking if we'd broken up and he'd found someone else, all conclusions that the fans could think of were brought up.

This was the time that I found out Brad was cheating on me. There was photographic and video evidence of it too so it's not like he could hide. The worst thing is, I bet he doesn't even know that I've found out.

I'm so looking forward to him coming home. I'll make it extra special and I'll just wait for him to explain.


It was finally the day that Brad was coming home and I seriously couldn't wait for the explanation and excuses. He walked in and gave me a hug. He then took his bags upstairs and didn't unpack which was a good thing - it meant it would be quicker for him to get out when I kick him out later. He then came and met me downstairs again.

"Come here. I've missed you so much." He said, opening his arms for a hug.

"So have I." I replied sarcastically.

He was about to lean in for a kiss but I couldn't help but think about that other girl that had been on his lips. It was making me feel sick. I was going to be sick...

After keeping it down I couldn't take it anymore, the fact that Brad was blatantly ignoring the problem that he'd cheated on me whilst he was on tour.

"I've had enough of you trying to cover up Brad. I don't want to hear your lies. I don't want to hear your excuses but I want you to know that I found out. On Twitter. Your own fans told me. They asked me questions like: 'have you broke up?' 'What's happened to the pair of you, you were so cute together!' And they also tagged the pictures of you and that girl. Well, lucky her, at least she's got you to herself now. Tell her I said congratulations. Now go and get your bags and get out of my house!" I shouted as I pointed to the door.

Brad slowly walked out and went upstairs to get his things. I saw his reflection in the mirror as he tried to come back to where I was and talk to me.

"Don't." I said before as he opened his mouth to speak.

The next thing I knew he was out of the door and in his car driving down the street. I knew I'd miss him but he wasn't worth it if he could just betray my trust and completely ignore the fact that he did.

I ignored all contact from him over the next couple of weeks because I still wasn't ready to talk to him. But one day I'd had enough...

I told him I'd meet him in Starbucks hoping that he might calm down on the text messages and give me a break for five minutes. But the day came that I said I'd meet him in Starbucks and I was starting to regret it. I wasn't ready to stand in front of the person that tore my heart out when he cheated on me.

He explained everything that happened and I believed that it was the truth. He was so apologetic and he even cried at one point because he said it was a huge mistake and that he was so sorry for everything that he ever did.

I was now torn between keeping my guard up and not letting him back because of the way he ruined our relationship and for the fact that he cheated and made me feel useless or letting him come back home because that's where he belongs and I still love him.

"Come on." I said when he'd stopped talking.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"Home." I replied.


I think I'm actually getting somewhere now. I'm really enjoying writing at the moment.

Katie xxx

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