Different Paths in Life: Silv...

By Silvia_Stone

484 139 120

These are a collection of one shots of my character Silvia Emma Stone and the Harry Potter world. It's okay i... More

Coming Out ( A Scorbus Reveal)
A Fight with a Hippogriff
Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy
Double Cheat, Double Win
Poisoned- Part One
Poisoned- Part Two
A Professor-Student Bond
Horcrux: the Year Before War
Go Get Him!- A Malfoy's Dance
Her Everything... Gone in an Instant
Gone Part 2: Sacrifices
Oblivious of the Past
Fighting to Move On
Meeting the Augurey Early
A Changing Time Pt. 1
A Changing Time Pt. 3
That Fateful July Night 1990
The Twin, and the Girl

A Changing Time Pt. 2

13 3 7
By Silvia_Stone

" He's lucky to be alive... His arm, it's like he broke it twenty years ago and never got it mended..." Silvia leaned over her sons body as she healed Albus. Being the only Hogwarts healer, Silvia's lifelong pledge she had made to the school, had its hard times... Taking care of her own children were some of them.

" He'll be okay, right love?" Her husband whispered to her.

" Of course he will Harry..." She whispered back, setting one final charm on his arm before walking over and sitting on Harry's lap. " I can't believe he and Malfoy- Riddle would do such a thing," Silvia scuffed, playing with Harry's wild strands of black hair.

" I know, I'll talk to him when he wakes up," he reassured her, holding her close and tight. Silvia snuggles into him, resting her head on his shoulder. " You know, when we were in the forest... Bane the centaur said that there is a black cloud surrounding Albus... It's Malfoy, don't you agree?" Harry informed her.

She nods. " It would make sense. The two are inseparable... Sort of like-"

" Don't," he scolded harshly, cutting her off before she could finish. " We're going to force changes between the boys and then things will be back to normal," he said in a calmer tone.

She felt Harry stroke her hair and back. " You know... Ever since the fight and Amos's visit you've been- oh how do I put it... Well you've been a bit protective yet distant with the kids, especially Al," Silvia explains in a soft tone, scared he'd burst out again.

" What'd you mean Sil?" Harry asked all confused.

" I-I think your starting to become blinded by your love for him... You aren't seeing how he feels, instead your going off and picking the best choices for him to make yourself," she tells him, he glares. " He's growing up Harry! We can't baby him forever!" She raised her voice, getting off his lap.

" But this is more important! We need to protect him from Malfoy!" He shouts back, standing from the chair.

" Harry things like this don't just happen at random! There's something larger going on here and we have to figure it out!" She yells. Draco Malfoy stands in the doorway, watching the whole scene, ignored by the Potters.

" Why? Why us? Is it because we're the freaking Destined and Chosen One's?! Why Silvia Emma Potter?! Tell me!"


Harry only stares at her in shock and slight amusement.

" Mum...? Dad...?" A groggily voice came from behind them.

" Albus! Hi sweetheart... Shh your okay, everything's okay now..." Silvia ran the few steps to his bedside and sat on the small edge. She traced a few strands of brown hair out of his grey eyes and smiled.

" Mrs Malfoy...?" He asked. Silvia laughed.

" It appears your in a state of amnesia Al, it can happen sometimes... I'm your mother.." She smiles but Albus's eyes grow twice their size.

" I-Is Scorpius- er Scorpius Malfoy, alright?" He asks. Silvia sighs.

" He's in his common room, his father took him there after us adults made a decision..." She sighs again, looking at her son's concerned eyes.

" Your not going to be allowed to be near each other for a very long time," Harry told him for Silvia.

" What! Why? We're in the same house and dorm! You can't just-"

" Albus Severus you are in Gryffindor, I have no clue what state of mind you're in but this has to get drilled into your head," Harry said sternly and Silvia nodded.

" What...?" He glanced down and too his surprise he was in crimson robes. Silvia chuckles.

" Sorry if you wanted to be in a different house but you felt the pressure of the family name and told the Sorting Hat to put you in Gryffindor, so it did," she explains this time.

" Oh... Is Ginny Weasley alright?" Albus asks. Silvia slaps her hand over her mouth and stands up.

" Nerve Albus, nerve... Ginevra Weasley died in the Battle of Hogwarts the night your mother and I defeated Voldemort. We thought we'd raised you kids to not know about that... Apparently not..." Harry glared deeply at his wife.

" Harry I-"

" It's not her fault Potter..." Draco spoke up and walked to them.

" Malfoy?!" Both Silvia and Harry gasped.

" Scorpius is just like your son. He's brain dead- not to mention he thinks his mother is alive- and a different person..." He sneered softly and gives Silvia a disgusted look. Silvia gives him a glance of sorrow.

" Maybe I should preform a few memory charms on them. I can make Scorpius forget about Astoria for good if you'd like?" Silvia summoned her wand.

" No! Y-you can't!" Albus threw his pillow at Silvia and she accidentally made it blow up.

" Albus Severus Potter what exactly is going on with you?" Harry raised his voice in shock.

" I would never tell you anything," he used a serious tone of his own and glared at his 'parents' and ran out of the wing.

" Albus!" Harry chased after him, leaving Silvia and Draco in the wing.

" Thank you for intervening," she clears up the dust and remakes the bed.

" He would've murdered you if I didn't and there was no way I could watch another person die, even you Destined One," he ignored her completely and stared off into space.

" We're back onto the name calling stage? I thought we weren't supposed to be talking to each other since... Since Astoria and the ' Scorpius Riddle' rumor," Silvia looked at him. He glanced at her for a second.

" Do you believe it?"

" What?"

" The rumor, do you believe in it?" He asks. Silvia walks to his side.

" Harry does... But I don't think I do. After all that we went through in the past, I know you wouldn't let Astoria out of your sight..." She explains. Draco takes her hands politely.

" You still owe me Pottah," he grinned for a moment. Silvia chuckles.

" For what you slimy git?" She asks back in a teasing tone.

" That one time you saved me from getting killed," Silvia slapped him.

" I'm a married woman now, I can't do anything for you besides help get rid of memories you don't want," she backed away. " I have to met with Mcgonagall and Harry to go over the new rules... Bye," Silvia shyly left her ex in the wing without another word.


" Are you sure you want me to do this?" Mcgonagall asked incredulously as she looked up from the Marauders Map to the Potters on the other side of her desk.

" It must be done, to protect them. If you see them in the same room you must separate them and owl us immediately," Harry was still speaking in his stern tone, telling Silvia he must've messed up with Albus again.

" But their friends! If they bullied each other it would-"

" I'm sorry Minerva but you don't know what it's like to have children!" Harry burst, flooing out of the office.

" Harry!" Silvia placed a hand on her chest as he glared just before dissolving into the green flame.

" It's alright dear... Really it's fine..." Mcgonagall rushed to her crying staff member.

" Yeah b-but my marriage and children aren't..." She sat in one of the velvet covered chairs.

" If you need time to sort things out, Silvia, then take it... You've barely taken time off, you deserve much more than this," Mcgonagall told her prized past student, squeezing her hand gently. Silvia nodded before standing up.

" Can I have the Map?" She asked.

" Please," Minerva didn't have to tell her anything else as Silvia picked up the Marauders Map and hurried out of the room.

She spotted her son and Scorpius in the library and smiled, making her way down the corridors and to the quiet and large room.

" ... No I know! And then your dad takes my mum to the Yule Ball instead of my dad, Ron takes Hermione- just as friends but nothing else happens because Ron wasn't jealous... Then it looks like my dad must've gotten jealous instead and dated Astoria until they got married... And had me..." Silvia heard Scorpius's whispers as she ease dropped. Albus did a puking expression.

" Not that I like your mum as mine but my mum died in the war instead of Fred Weasley senior! And because of that I'm your mother's son and in Gryffindor... And I hate Gryffindor..." Albus said next. Silvia covered her mouth.

" The Minister being our potions teacher is going to be creepy, but we have to figure something else to get Rose and Hugo back and get back to normal... Rose and Hugo are gone. We murdered two people because we're trying to save one!" Scorpius exclaimed. Silvia thought for a second but finally gasped quietly.

Time travel... It's got to be... She thought to herself.

" Albus? Scorpius? Where are you?" She got up from her spot and pretended to be looking for them.

Thankful they heard and went under Harry's old cloak, which they must've stolen from James. She grinned as she approached the spot where they were.

" Well, if I don't see you... I technically don't have to tell anyone I saw you," she winked and turned around, walking out of the library and back to her office in the hospital wing.

Packing a small bag she flooed back to her home, Potter Manor.

" Harry? Darling are you home?" She called as she placed her bag on the couch.

" Mr Potter isn't home Mrs Potter, he's at the Ministry," Kreacher appeared in front of her. She nodded, heading up the stairs to change.

Once she changed she spent the day reading a long old novel about time travel and before she knew it, she heard Harry enter the room.

" The last time you were home and in bed, you told me you were-"

" Yes I know... Harry I'm so sorry, for everything I've ever done... I- I know we're both going through tough times, I didn't mean to criticize you- or yell at you..." She stood up and hugged him tightly. To her surprise he didn't shove her off.

Instead, Harry returned the favor and kissed her head. " I didn't mean to either... I tried apologizing but Albus didn't accept it so I yelled at him... Again..." He admitted.

" Oh Harry..." She sighed. " He just needs some time alright, soon he'll be back to normal..." Silvia moved some of his black hair out of his face to reveal his lighting scar. She smiled.

" What is it?" He asked.

" Just memories..." Silvia told him, standing on her tip toes and kissing the scar. Harry gasped and closed his eyes, moving his hand to his scar while the other squeezed her hand.

" Harry? Harry what's wrong?!" Silvia questioned nervously and afraid. He hadn't had a reaction to his scar being touched in years.

He opened his emerald eyes and gasped again, taking a deep breath. " It's okay... I'm fine..." Harry stumbled away from her.

" No, you certainly are not fine. Harry Potter you haven't had a Voldemort reaction-"

" Don't, please I'm fine!... Sil I'm fine," he turned his head and glanced at his wife, who had her hand out reached to him.

Truth was, he wasn't fine. He was lying just like he always did to her, it had become a habit now ever since he lost her trust. What he had just saw proved that point, he saw her and Malfoy. Together. In the hospital wing at Hogwarts for all places. It killed him to know she still had feelings for the man after everything he'd done to her.

But, as always time moved on. Silvia having no luck at home, went back to Hogwarts after a day and spent her free time wandering the halls as if she were young again.

" Silvia," Hermione Granger acknowledged her as Silvia found her way to the dungeons one day, a few days after the strange incident.

" Well if it isn't the smartest girl of our age," Silvia smiled jokingly.

" No one has said that to me in years. Honestly Albus and Malfoy's spawn have been acting strange lately, I don't need you to go mad too," she criticized. Silvia shook her head.

" You mean his strange liking in Slytherin house and dislike of quidditch?" She asks.

" Yes that... But he also called me ' aunt Hermione' the first time he saw me! I'm not even related to either you and Harry... And he even told Ronald Weasley- who then told me- that we were married, apparently had at least one child, and that I was Minister and he ran the twins joke shop!" Hermione exclaimed. Silvia burst out laughing.

" Merlin... Oh my... I will definitely be sure to sneak him a memory charm then... God that would've been weird, if you and Weasley had gotten together..." Silvia said as she calmed down.

" Do you and Harry still talk with the Weasleys even?" Hermione asks curiously.

" On rare occasions like holidays I suppose, but no... Not as much as we use to," she answered with a sigh. " Have Albus and Scorpius been behaving in class?"

Hermione shrugged. " Today they seemed to gotten over whatever happened... Why're you and Harry keeping them apart? Sometimes I spot them in the halls and their faces are so depressed... I also think they had a fight, they aren't even trying to talk to each other," she explained.

Silvia lifted an eyebrow in amusement and moved a brown curl behind her ear. " It was Harry's idea but Malfoy and I don't exactly agree," she says simply.

Hermione nods and goes back into her office without another word.

Another three normal days pass but suddenly both Harry and Draco arrive at Hogwarts.

" Silvia! Where are the kids? Tell me now!" Harry hurried into her office, the Marauders Map laying flat on her desk.

" Which kids Harry?"

" Albus and Scorpius! For Merlins sake, just give me the darn map!" He shouted.

" What the heck is going on? No! I'm not giving you the Map when you barge into my office in my workplace!" She stood up and held the Map in her hands.

" Blood h***, Scorpius and Albus are missing from their common rooms," Draco summons the map to his hands and gives it to Harry.

" Right... It's a- wait it's a weekend... Why would Albus and Scorpius be out of their common rooms?" Silvia calmed down a bit, nervousness replaced the anger.

" They're in- wait now their gone... They were in the third floor girls lavatory..." Harry burrowed his eyebrows in confusion but Silvia groaned.

" Moaning Myrtles bathroom, come on!" She gave a quick concerning look to Draco before running out of her office after her husband.

The three of them hadn't been in the very bathroom for many years... Moaning Myrtles bathroom was where Draco was almost murdered by Harry. The scene haunted Silvia as she ran down the corridors and up a flight of stairs.

Reaching the door first, she hesitated.

" Potter...?" Draco said in confusion motioning to the door. With a glance at her he understood what was going through her head. As he sighed, Draco opened the door for them and they walked in.

As usual, water was spraying from a broken pipe, wetting the tile floor. By the sinks were the boys robes, soaked with water.

" Ooh Potter, Malfoy! I haven't gotten a visit from you in years!" Myrtle swooned over the top of the two men as Silvia glared.

" Myrtle where is Albus and Scorpius? The map and their robes prove they were here," Silvia asked, getting right to business.

" Oh how the cute one had to die... The spare..."

" What?!" Harry held Silvia as she paled.

" Oh they aren't dead," she giggled. " They're saving the spare with a golden trinket," Myrtle floated to the sinks.

After a moment Silvia gasped in shock. " Cedric? Cedric Diggory?! Harry you told me he was a spare... They're trying to save Ced... Oh god this is about Amos and Delphi's visit! Where on earth could they get a time turner? They were all destroyed years ago!" She ranted.

" What does Cedric have to do with this lavatory?"

Silvia looks at the two men. " The second task, the lake. The sewers lead to the lake... We have to stop them!" She blurts, figuring out her son's plan.

Harry takes Silvia's hand and they run to the edge of the lake... But once they arrive another wave of thick yet invisible fog washes over them...

Yay another part! I try to get things as accurately as I can, but I'm not using the script to write this at all because I have most of the events memorized and I like making this my own! Whilst writing this I joined as Narcissa Malfoy in the Hogwarts_Official rp and the community of people I found are absolutely amazing! Ilyasm! If you can't wait to see what comes next be sure to spam the star, comment your favorite parts, and follow me! I just broke 500 followed, hooray!

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❝𝘪 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶❞ *not related to any of my other harry potter instagrams*