Blossom and Brick a ppgz and...

By FanFictionWriter17

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this is my story about how i think the power puff girls lives would of turned out like as they grew up into a... More

Blossom and Brick a ppgz and rrbz love story
Chapter one, The new boys in school
Chapter Two, Teaming up with the ruffs in more ways than one
Chapter Three, The secret is out
Chapter Four, One furious Kaoru
Chapter Five Miyako and Kaoru says yes
Chapter six, Meeting The Parents
Chapter seven, A big change
Chapter Eight, The BBQ
Chapter nine, The camping trip
Chapter Ten, Camping Trip Part 2
Chapter Eleven, The ruffs and puffs meet the power punk girls
Chapter Twelve, Recovering from the fight
Chapter Thirteen, The Terrible Tuff Boys Were Born
Chapter fourteen, The new new boys in school
Chapter Fifteen, Momoko's Birthday
Chapter sixteen, A new life
Chapter seventeen, Kuriko.....
Chapter Eighteen, Kaoru's Birthday
Chapter Nineteen, Miyako's birthday
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty, The Ruff's Birthday
REPOST chapter 20
Chapter twenty-one, A day at the amusement park
Chapter Twenty- Two, our first college party
Chapter Twenty-Three, a surprise
Chapter Twenty-Four, Testing our new powers
Chapter twenty-five, a big problem
Chapter Twenty-Six, Breaking through the wall
Chapter Twenty-Seven, Finding the ruffs Part 1
Chapter Twenty-Eight, Finding the ruffs part 2
Chapter Twenty-Nine, Trying to figure things out
Chapter Thirty, Back to school
Chapter Thirty-One, Talking to the creator of the punks
Chapter Thirty-Two, The villains have a plan
Chapter Thirty-Three, Ambushing and revenge?
Chapter Thirty-Five, Is brick okay?
Chapter Thirty-Six, Prom?
Chapter Thirty-Seven, An apology?
Chapter Thirty-Eight, Smile
Chapter Thirty-Nine, Prom Part 1
Chapter Forty, Prom Part 2
Chapter Forty-One, We've got mail
Chapter Forty-Two, Last day of school
Chapter Forty-Three, Graduation day
Chapter Forty-Four- Graduation dinner
Chapter Forty-Five- The end of summer
Chapter Forty-Six, Saying good bye
Book Two! :)
Thank You

Chapter Thirty-Four, A tragic accident

1.5K 36 6
By FanFictionWriter17

Chapter Thirty-Four, A tragic accident

~Momoko's P.O.V~

"Are you kidding me!", kuriko shouted. "Ha! I told you I was going to win!", I said as I looked over at kuriko. Ken, kuriko, brick and I was all In the apartment. We were all sitting on the couch together. Kuriko and ken sat on my left and brick sat on my right. Kuriko and I was playing a racing video game. I don't see why she always picks this game. We are both very good at it so it causes us to be very competitive with each other. "I was so close to winning! You just shot right passed me right before the finish line!", kuriko said. "Are you trying to say you want a rematch?", I asked. "Yes!", kuriko said. "Well alright then lets play again!", I said as I pressed the restart button. The game restarted us to the start line. The timer on the screen started to count down 3,2,1, GO! Kuriko and I went at the same time. Our cars was trying to pass each others. I could hear a door open behind me. Im certain it was the front door but I wasn't about to look back and see who it was. "Come on momoko just wreck already!", kuriko said as she bumped her arm into mine trying to make me mess up. "No way!", I said as I bumped her back. "Playing video games again?", kaoru asked as she came into view. She walked over and sat on the love seat followed by miyako and boomer. Butch sat in the chair since there was no room on the love seat. "Yeah", i said to kaoru as Kuriko bumped into my arm again so I bumped her back. "I swear I'm gonna win this time!... And you better not let me win out of pity!", kuriko said. "You think I'd let you win on purpose? I used to do that when you was younger but your old enough to take it now!", I said. Suddenly my belt started beeping. "No not now!", I said. My friends all started to stand up. "Shit... Kuriko you win!", I said as I stood up and set the controller down on the coffee table. "We need to get to the roof and transform!", brick said. "This doesn't count momoko! We're Having a rematch when you get back", kuriko said. "Alright bye guys! No making out up here will I'm gone!", I joked as my friends an I began running for the door. Kaoru opened the door and we all ran out and down the hall to the door that leads to the roof. Kaoru pulled the door open and we all ran up the steps and out of the next door that led us to the roof top. We all quickly transformed into the puffs and the ruffs. I pulled out my compact and flipped it open. The mayors face appeared. "Blossom we need you now. There is a little boy trapped out on a ledge of a 10 story building! Across the street from the public park!", mayor said. "We will be right there!", I said. "Wait! That's not all! A few blocks over the terrible tuff boys z are causing all kinds of trouble!", mayor said. "Alright we will be on our way!", I said as I quickly closed my compact and put it back into my belt. "We have to split up", I said. "We will take the tuffs", brick said. "We will go help the little boy then we will be over as fast as we can", I said. "See you there", brick said as him and his brothers started to turn away. "Wait!", I said. "What?", brick asked. "Be careful!", I said. "You to", brick said as he turned away again. "Be careful boomie", bubbles said. "You to", boomer said as he followed brick. "Fido.. Don't get hurt", buttercup said. "I won't and you better not either", butch said as he smiled and followed his brothers. The ruffs quickly flew up into the sky and into the direction of the tuffs. We quickly flew up into the sky and headed in the direction of the little boy. I hope brick and his brothers will be alright... We flew in silence until we was flying over the park. I looked Down to see a huge group of people around the building staring up. "This must be the building", bubbles said. "It is because there is the little boy", I said. The boy had dark brown hair. He was wearing a blue shirt and blue shorts. He looked like he was only four years old. He was standing the ledge facing the wall trying to hold on. I could hear him crying in fear. "How in the world did he get out there? The closest window is ten feet away from him?!", buttercup asked. "Maybe he walked across the ledge?", bubbles said. "Look it's the powerpuff girls z!", a voice yelled from below. The little boy tried to look back to see us but his foot slipped and he fell from the ledge. "Bubbles get him!", I yelled. "Capturing bubbl---", bubbles started to say as she started to swing her wand. "Gotcha!", a voice yelled. I quickly turned to see brat smirking evilly and bubbles trapped in brat's bubble. "Help her!", I yelled to buttercup as I flew down trying to catch the boy. I quickly pulled out my yoyo and threw it at the boy making the string wrap around him. With a tug of the string the boy flew up to me and I quickly caught him. I hugged him close to me as he sobbed. "It's ok. your alright now", I said as I tried to comfort him. I quickly flew down and landed on the ground. A women came running forward and hugged the boy as he was still in my arms. I'm assuming this was his mother. "How did he get up there?", I asked. "We were at the park and three girls took him away from me and placed him on the ledge", the mother sobbed as I handed her the boy. "Get some where safe!", I said as I unwound my yoyo's string from around the boy. I turned to go help my friends but some thing grabbed my ankle and pulled up off the ground. I looked at my ankle to see a red ribbon wrapped around it. I looked back up to see berserk. "Berserk!", I yelled angrily. Berserk used her ribbons to throw me hard into the ground. I hit the pavement hard. I groaned as I looked up at her. "You idiot! Did you really think I was going to stay true to my word?!", berserk asked as she smirked. "I should of known you was playing me!", I yelled as I quickly stood up. "What can I say? I just couldn't wait for next weekend.. I want to kill you now!", berserk yelled.

~Brick's P.O.V~

"Bruise!", I yelled as I landed on the ground. My brothers landed next to me. Bruise quickly turned and smiled at me. "Ah brick. I'm so glad you three decided to show up!", bruise said as he smirked. "We're here to kick your ass!", butch yelled. "Bring it", brutal said as he smiled. "Oh we plan to!", boomer yelled. "I don't think so", bomber said as he twirled a baseball bat in his hand. "Like our weapons?", bruise asked as he help up a yoyo. "Hey... Those used to be ours!", Boomer said. "We ditched those for a knew version of our weapons along time ago", butch said. "Well they still work and I plan on taking you down", bruise yelled as he quickly threw his yoyo at me. I quickly flew up into the air dodging bruise's attack. I quickly threw my yoyo hitting bruise in the face. My yoyo quickly retracted back into my hand. I looked over to see butch now fighting with brutal and boomer was now fighting with bomber. I looked back down to where bruise was standing but he was gone. Where did he go? I quickly turned around and was face to face with bruise. Before I could even react bruise grabbed the collar of my jacket with one hand then used the other to punch he hard in the face. Bruise then quickly threw me down to the ground. I slammed into the ground hard. We wasn't flying very high off the ground when he threw me but it still hurt! I quickly pushed myself off the ground and flew up to bruise. Before bruise could move out of the way I swung my fist hard hitting him in the face. "Ugh!", bruise groaned. I went to punch him again but he stopped my fist with his left hand then used his right hand to punch me. Now we were pretty much having a boxing match while hovering in the air. Both of us was exchanging punches harder than the last. This went on for a few minutes until bruise round house kicked me. His foot hit my face hard. "Fuck!", I groaned. I quickly lifted my foot and kicked him hard in the stomach. "Ugh!", bruise ground as he doubled over. I quickly grabbed him and threw him down to the ground. I quickly flew down to the ground and landed next to bruise who was struggling to get back up. "Ready to give up", I asked as I used the back of my hand to wipe the blood off my lip. "Not until your dead!", bruise yelled. "That's not gonna happen!", I yelled. Bruise quickly used his leg to sweep my feet out from under me making me fall to the ground. Bruise started to fly up so I quickly stood up and chased after him. I quickly reached up and grabbed bruise my his ankle and pulled him down so he was face to face with me. I punched him hard again which made him angrier. Bruise quickly wrapped his hands around my throat trying to choke me. "Its a shame momoko isn't here.. id like her to see who the real man is here. to bad the punks are keeping them busy while we kill you three idiots. Don't worry brick ill take good care of momoko... You see we're going to live a long and happy life together.. Whether she likes it or not she will be mine.. She still a virgin? I can change that real quick", bruise said as he smirked. "Fuck you!", I yelled angrily as I uppercut punched him making him let me go. I quickly looked down to see boomer laying on the ground with bomber standing over him about to swing his bat down on boomer. I quickly grabbed bruise's ankle and swung him around and let him go. Bruise flew down and slammed into bomber before bomber could hit boomer with the bat. I quickly flew down and landed next to boomer. Bruise and bomber were now hurt and trying to get up. I quickly grabbed bruise's yoyo up off the ground. Butch pushed brutal over to us and punched him hard knocking him down next to his brothers. "We gotta tie them up and go help the girls.. It was a trap the punks set this up and there going to kill the girls.. The tuffs was just a distraction to keep us out of the way", I said as I threw the yoyo making it wrap around the three tuffs so they were tied up. "That's not going to hold them forever", butch said. "That's why we need to leave now", I said as I quickly flew up into the air. My brothers quickly followed me.

~Momoko's P.O.V~

We had been fighting with the punks for at least a half hour now. We were all hurt and losing energy. My heart was beating fast and my head throbbed in pain. I don't know how much more I can take. Berserk just won't give up. She stood In front of me huffing trying to catch her breath. Blood was smeared on the side of her face but it didn't seem to faze her. I used the back of my hand to wipe the blood off my lip. "Can't you just die already?!", berserk yelled. "No!", I said angrily threw my clenched teeth. "Fine!", berserk said as she shot her ribbons out at me. Before I could Dodge them they was already wrapping around my neck then lifting me up off the ground. I tried gasping for air but the ribbons was to tight so I couldn't breath. I could see buttercup trying to run over and save me but brute kept fighting her back. I kept trying to pulled the ribbons off my neck but the more i fought the tighter they got. This is it.. This is how I'm going to die.. I hope my friends make it and live a long happy life. I hope brick does to. I slowly closed my eyes as they were beginning to get heavy. "Blossom!", a voice yelled in horror. I opened my eyes to see brick staring at me in horror. "Let her go!", brick yelled as he flew towards me. "Alright", berserk said as she used her ribbons to throw me through the air. I slammed hard into brick making the both of us fly backwards. We both slammed hard into the ground. We were both groaning as I pushed myself off of him and he sat up. "Jeez you look like shit", brick said. "Thanks for the compliment", I said as I smiled lightly and was trying to get my breathing steady again. "Your welcome", brick said as he smiled and helped me up. "You look like you just got out of a boxing match with mike Tyson", I said. "I feel like it to", brick said. "So mojo couldn't keep you busy long enough huh?", berserk asked. "Mojo twisted your plan.. He sent guys to kill us while you was fighting the puffs", brick said. "That stupid monkey.. Well after we kill you puffs I guess I'm just going to have a talk with that monkey", berserk said as she cracked her knuckles. "Your not going to kill the puffs!", brick yelled. "Believe me I will.. I give you my word that I will.. Slow and painfully", berserk said as she smirked. "You know I don't like hitting girls but for you I will make an exception!", brick yelled as he flew up into the air. Berserk tried to hit him with her ribbons but missed. Brick quickly swung his fist hitting berserk in the side of the face. She looked hurt. Not because of the pain but probably because it was brick who hit her. Berserk's ribbons shot out at brick wrapping around his neck. "You think you can hit me?!", berserk yelled. Brick reached up trying to pull off the ribbons but couldn't. "Hey!", I yelled as I flew up into the air. I quickly took off my bow and threw it at her ribbon that was holding brick. My bow cut threw her ribbon and brick began to fall but he quickly started to fly and landed next to me. My bow returned to my hand like a boomerang. "I didn't know your bow could turn into a sharp object when you threw it?", brick said as He was trying to steady his breath. "Full of surprises", I said As i placed my bow back in my hair."Damn it!", berserk yelled as she looked at her ribbon. "There you are!", a voice yelled. I looked up to see bruise and his brothers hovering in the sky. "Shit", I muttered. I looked back behind me to see bubbles on the ground. Boomer was trying to keep brat away from her. Buttercup and butch was both fighting with brute. We are to weak to fight off all 6 of the villains. Brick and I turned back to berserk just she threw a huge piece of concrete rubble (from the park wall that we broke earlier) at me. Before I could even react brick pushed me away with all his strength. He sent me flying backwards. "brick!", I screamed as I seem the concrete hit him making him slam into the ground. I hit the ground hard but I didn't care I quickly pushed my self up off the ground and started running to brick. I kneeled down next to brick and tried pushing off the concrete. "Come on!", i groaned. With all my strength I was able to push the concrete off. There was allot of blood on brick and I could tell he was really hurt. "Brick! That was so stupid of you! You should of saved yourself!", I said as tears started to form in my eyes. I wiped brick's mouth trying to keep the blood out of it. "Momo... I love you..", brick said weakly and shakily. "I love you to brick! It's going to be okay!", I said. "No.. I'm really hurt", brick said weakly. "Brick you can't die!", I said as I sobbed. "I... I'm.. Sorr--", brick started to say but then stopped as his eyes went closed. Brick's head fell limp off to the side. "Brick?!", I yelled in horror. But brick didn't answer. "Brick no you can't!", I sobbed as I lifted up his head. With my trembling hands I felt brick's neck trying to see if he had a pulse. But I couldn't feel it.... Brick was dead. My heart felt heavy and hurt like it had never hurt before. It felt like the my heart had just died and shattered into a million pieces. "No no no baby", I sobbed as I set brick's head down. "Oh my god... You killed him! I think I'm in love", bruise said as he landed next to berserk. I looked up at berserk and she was staring at brick's body in shock. "You bitch.. You killed him!", I sobbed. I looked back to see butch on his knees with tears in his eyes. Buttercup was kneeled down hugging him. Boomer had tears running down his cheeks as he hugged bubbles in his arms. Brute and brat was just staring at berserk in shock. Brutal and bomber landed on the ground next to brute and brat. I looked back at berserk as she quickly flew away. "Hey wait!", bruise called as he followed her. The rest of the punks and tuffs flew off to. I looked down at brick's body laying lifelessly. I leaned down and pressed my lips to his forehead giving him one last kiss. "That should of been me!", I sobbed as I lifted him up and hugged him to me as I cried. I buried my face into his shoulder and sobbed. If I could trade places with him right now I would. I would do any thing to bring him back. He was the one i loved.. and now he is gone. memories of brick began to flood my mind. When I had first met him when we were younger. The time we met at school all those years later. The first time i heard him laugh. the first time i seen him smile. the first time he held me in his arms. Our first date.. Our first kiss. The time he met my parents. The first time he told me he loved me. The time he rushed over to my house late at night just to make sure i was okay. Our camping trip. Us laughing as we spun around in circles in the canoe on the lake. My birthday party. We laid under the stars that night. The prank he pulled yesterday. Suddenly a thought popped into my head. Along time ago when us puffs was still only 13 we was losing a lot of energy In a fight.. But peach saved up by giving us some of his chemical z power. What if I gave all of my chemical z power to brick? Will it bring him back? If it did it would mean I would no longer have the power to be a power puff.... "Brick... I give you my power!", I whispered, "brick I give you all of my power!". Suddenly I could feel energy being taken from me. It was all happening so fast. I was suddenly weak and dropped to the ground letting brick go. I started to lose my breath so I started to gasp for air. I started to feel dizzy like I was going to faint. I could feel myself transform back into my normal self. I started to close my eyes but a noise caught my attention. It was a light coughing noise. I opened my eyes to see Brick's eyes trying to open as he coughed. Brick was now also transformed back into his normal self as well. "Brick!", I said weakly as I smiled. "Momo?", brick asked weakly. Brick was alive! I saved him! Buttercup, bubbles, butch and boomer was now at our sides. I tried to keep my eyes open but I couldn't. I let my eyes close knowing brick was okay.

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