Looking Beyond The Lies (Drar...

By WhisperingDeath

100K 4.3K 1.9K

Can you look beyond me? Beyond my past? I'm drowning in lies, and I need you to save me. Harry falls hard a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Rest In Peace, Alan Rickman
Chapter 22 - How The Mighty Fall
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 8

4.4K 186 90
By WhisperingDeath

The day had arrived. Said day was one of Draco's favourite days. It wasn't often that he got to go to Hogsmeade, and that's what made it all the more exciting. He couldn't go the last two times because the first time he was sick and the second time, he had homework to catch up on.

"Hurry up Draco, or we'll be late. And you don't know want to miss out a third time, do you?" Hermione questioned brashly. She was dressed up in warm clothes, pulling her coat and scarf tighter to keep the cold wind out.

Draco, on the other hand, was pretty much the same. He was wearing a pair of black tight jeans, two jumpers, a grey overcoat, a white scarf and a grey beanie. He had the scarf tied up and stuffed down his overcoat. White mittens covered his frosty fingers as he held them tightly in his overcoat pockets.

Overall, he looked cute all dressed up like that. "Sorry, it's just cold. My limbs are a bit stiff." Draco's pale skin on his cheeks had turned a rosy colour due to the cold. Tiny snowflakes littered his hair that peeked out from under his beanie. They also sat delicately on his white blonde eyelashes, fluttering gently against his cheekbones.

Hermione marched over to him and giggled. "Honestly Draco, you'll catch a cold again if you don't pull your scarf up." And with that, she gently pulled up a bit of his scarf to cover his mouth and cheeks. So in between his beanie and his scarf, all that was visible was his eyes.

"Oh, you look so cute right now." Hermione laughed quietly as Draco rolled his eyes to her squealing. The fact that Hermione found him cute said nothing. She was his best friend. Who else would find him cute? Lots of girls squealing over The Boy Who Lived. He could practically hear it now.

"By the way, where's Ron? He's usually with us." The blonde questioned the witch beside him as they linked arms and began walking to the carriages. Snowflakes flurried in the air, and the soft crunch of ice was beaneaters them as they walked. Draco looked at the thestrals pulling the carriages.

"He went ahead with Neville, Dean and Seamus. They're going to The Three Broomsticks." Draco unlinked his arm from Hermione and held a hand out to help her up into the carriage. After, he climbed in himself and they set off. "We're meeting them there as well as Luna and some others. Gosh, it's great to get out." Hermione continued on her sentence.

Meanwhile, Draco pondered just who he would be seeing today.

The pair made conversation as they travelled to Hogsmeade. All the while listening to Hermione, Draco was also watching the scenery go by. He studied the sky, but it was completely grey. Focusing back on Hermione, he caught a sentence.

"Mm, Draco, what do you want to do today at Hogsmeade?" She turned to look at home with sparkling brown eyes. Her hair fluttered slightly under her beanie in the wind. And Draco wondered when her and Ron would get together. The blonde hoped it would be soon, because he was getting fed up of the amount of tension between the two all the time.

He felt a tap on his arm and he looked at Hermione. She looked at home expectantly and he remembered her question. "Oh, yes. Uh, well after meeting at The Three Broomsticks, I might go off and do something. I've got some galleons to spend." Draco shoved a mitten clasped hand into his pocket and felt for the small bag of galleons.

"Okay, that sounds good. Don't overspend, but what do you think you might get?" Draco shrugged to her question as she brushed some escaping her out of her eyes. He narrowed his eyes at her and smirked, deciding that now was a good time to plant his question.

"Not sure. But, while I'm gone, I'm leaving you with Ron, and I expect something to come out of it, you hear? I'm sick of the constant tension between you two." The blonde watched the her carefully, her eyes going wide and her eyebrows disappearing.

Her face went bright red and Draco smacked a hand across his mouth to hold back laughter. But it couldn't be helped because soon, he broke out and became a laughing mess.

All the while, Hermione attempted to reconcile with Draco. "I- we- it's- eh-... It's not like that. I don't like him and he doesn't like me!" She all but yelled while Draco was furiously trying to wipe the tears of mirth from his eyes, and failing as he kept giggling.

"He doesn't like me. Draco! Draco, stop laughing. It's not funny." Draco calmed down and gave one final flick to his eyes. Hermione was staring at him grumpily, face still red. She could be a rival for the Gryffindor house colours.

"Alright alright, I'll be serious now. But don't say that you don't like him. Or that he doesn't like you, because I know. I hear and see everything. You two need to get you act together and talk to each other. That's all I have to say on that topic." And it was good timing too, because the carriage had just pulled up to Hogsmeade.

"But-" Hermione's sentence was interrupted.

"No." With a firm voice, Draco stepped down from the carriage and into the snow. He held a hand out for Hermione and she grabbed it, stepping down and brushing herself off.

She shot a pleading glare at Draco but he walked off towards The Three Broomsticks. Hopelessly, Hermione trailed after him.

When they entered, the sounds of loud chatter and clinking glasses filled their ears. Draco scanned the place for his friends and found them over in a corner booth. Ron's hair wasn't easily seen as he was wearing a beanie. Nodding defiantly, Draco grabbed Hermione and pulled her through the thick crowd towards them.

When the two made their way there, they were greeted by everyone. As they sat down, Draco noticed she else was there. He counted the Patil twins, Susan Bones, Hannah Abbot, Terry Boot, Ernie Macmillan and Justin Finch-Fletchley. Interesting bunch, Draco noted.

"My my, aren't you looking awfully cute today." He was nudged in the side by Seamus, who was smirking at him from his spot on Dean's lap. Draco groaned in frustration and banged his head on the table.

"It wasn't on purpose, I swear." He felt a pat on his back and looked up, his eyes locking with Dean, who smiled at him. He smiled back, because Dean was a good friend to him.

"That's alright. Shay was just messing with you. Though you do look particularly good. I reckon you should go impress the person you like." That was all Dean said before he offered him a Butterbeer. Draco slipped a mitten off one hand and grabbed the glass, holding it to his lips and skulling it in one go. He felt the liquid warm his insides and it felt good.

"Nice mittens, mate." Wearily, Draco set down his cup and looked over at Seamus, who was inspecting his mitten covered hand. Draco slipped the other mitten back on and shoved them into his overcoat pocket, and directed a smile at Seamus.

He stayed a while more and listened to the loud chatter before deciding to head out. As he stood up, he locked eyes with Hermione and then cocked his head to Ron. Immediately, Hermione's face went red. Coincidentally, Ron noticed because he took his scarf off and wrapped it around her.

Thinking that maybe things would work out with them, Draco said his goodbyes and walked out. The cold air hit him in the face as the door swung shut behind him.

He stood there for a few seconds, figuring out where he should go first before deciding to screw it and go wherever.

He passed by a few shops before coming across Honeydukes and deciding that yes, he would go in there. As he opened the door, the bell above it tinkled and the sweet sugary smell assaulted his nose. There weren't that many students in here but there was still a majority of them.

Draco gently pulled the scarf down from his nose and mouth and then clasped his mitten covered hands together, slowly walking around, looking at some things that where a possibility of him buying.

But before Draco could pick anything up, he felt a presence behind him. "Hi, Draco." He knew it was Harry and he shivered when his breath hit his ear. Arms wrapped around his torso and pulled him backwards to Harry's firm body. Draco freaked out and stilled.

"I saw you walk in and my first thought was how edible you look dressed up like that. Are you teasing me?" Harry playfully spoke in his ear, his voice low and raspy. It sent a shiver through Draco's body and he tried to step away, but harry held tight.

"I wonder if you taste as good as you look, hm?" Draco's eyes widened and he squirmed harder, trying to break Harry's grip, but he couldn't.

"Hey, hey. Calm down, I'm not going to hurt you, I promise." The raven hair boy gently promised, and somehow, his words acted as a calming draught to Draco.

The blondes chest was still heaving from trying to get away, but he remained calm. He could feel Harry nuzzle into his neck and he focused on the sweets in front of him, acting as if he wasn't being playfully attacked by Harry Potter.

Draco was looking at a packet of Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans when he felt the raven's hot tongue swipe a line behind his ear. He dropped the packet and one of his hands flew back and clutched onto Harry's leg as he cried out a soft mewling sound.

Harry did it again, eliciting another mewling sound, and Harry revelled in it.


Ah hello, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, especially the end of it. I'll most likely update again tomorrow. Or before Wednesday. Thursday I may post a Christmas chapter. Um, I got inspiration for the end of this chapter because I was watching some yaoi anime... So, yeah. Also, please comment and vote because I have no idea if any of you are liking this story.

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