Darkest Secrets

By Dainty_Demon

59 26 0

©Copyright I've seen the same images a thousand times. Each time more realistic than the last. A scared litt... More

Chapter 1: Hello
Chapter 2: Meeting Mr.Badboy
Chapter 3: Texting
Chapter 4: My Knight 💕
Chapter 6: Naps and Photos
Chapter 7: Bubbly Does not mean Bubbles 🥂
Chapter 8: I'm at His House?!?!
Chapter 9: I Have a Question....
Chapter 10: Sunburn Isn't Fun
Chapter 11: Nightmares aren't the Only Place with Demons
Chapter 12: Without You
Chapter 13: I'm Sorry
Chapter 14: We're the and up

Chapter 5: Surprise Bestie

2 1 0
By Dainty_Demon

“Princess we’re here” he says gently as he shakes me. 

“Huh, w-where am I?” I say with a yawn as I take in my surroundings.

“I drove us to Chick-Fil-A after your incident with Olivia, remember?”

“Oh sorry, I kinda forgot about that for a bit. I guess that’s what a good nap does to ya.”

“Yeah I guess so. So are you ready to get your butt up so we can get food, or am I just gonna have to eat all the food myself. Cause I won’t stop you if that’s what you want, I can easily eat everything in sight. Just don’t ask me to share if you decide you don’t want any” I bolt upright so quick my neck and back crack loudly. There is NO WAY I will resist food let alone watch this man eat my food in front of me without sharing.

“No no, I’m fully awake and ready for food. I will never resist my one true love.”

“Aw, how cute. I’ve saved you twice and now you’ve fallen for me” he says with that devilishly handsome smirk of his.

“In your dreams! I was talking about food, I would never wanna party with demons” I say with an eye roll. I was trying so hard to conceal the flutter he unknowingly fills me with. I really hope he doesn’t know the effect he has on me.

“Sure, sure. Whatever you say princess.” 

We finally went through the drive through for Chick-Fil-A after talking in the parking lot for a while. He said he didn’t know what to get for me so he figured he’d wake me up first. There were four cars in front of us so he took that time to ask me what I wanted.

“Uh, I’ll take the Chick-Fil-A deluxe sandwich with colby jack cheese and no pickles and a lemonade please.” I told him my order and oddly, he wasn’t looking at me. He was doing something on his phone. I would usually find that very disrespectful, but I’ll give him a pass since he’s buying me food.

“Ok I’ll take one deluxe sandwich with colby jack cheese and no pickles, one lemonade, one coke, and a grilled cool wrap” he tells the drive through lady.

“Ok sir, will that be on credit or debit?” she says with a flirty smile and batting eyelashes. I know Brett and I aren’t together or anything, but god I want to gouge out her eyes right now. 

“Debit.” He responds politely but very uninterestedly. She quickly prepares our meal before turning back to Brett with a wink.

“Here’s your meal. Have a lovely day!” she over enunciates the word ‘lovely’ making me sick to my stomach. That’s it, she’s losing her head too! Before I know it, Brett turns to give my cheek a kiss knowing that the lady was still watching. 

“Here you go baby” he says as he hands me my food. Ha take that! Why am I thinking this? We aren’t together. After finishing our food, he began the drive to my house.

“What was that about? You know in the drive through in front the lady. Why did you kiss my cheek?” I asked him at a red light.

“Oh c’mon, don’t act like you don’t know. You were sooo jealous” he says, turning to look at me with a smirk.

“I was not!”

“Whatever you say m'lady”

“Oh shut up and just drive.” And he did just that until we reached my house.

“Thanks for getting me food and driving me home Brett” I say as I get out of his car.

“Of course, you didn’t deserve Olivia’s wrath. No one should be treated like that.”

“Sadly not everyone believes that, but I’m thankful that you were there for me.”

“Always, anything for you.”

“Have a good night Brett”

“You too princess” 

I walk up the front steps and into the house. Only after I am safely inside do I hear the vroom of his sports car pull out of my driveway and leave my street. Aww, how sweet of him. I take my shoes off and put them on the rack beside the door before heading up the stairs to Selena and I’s room. I open the door and get welcomed by Selena’s angry face and a single chancla in her hand just waiting to strike.

“Where were you, school ended hours ago” she says with a voice that made me want to run and hide. Geez she’s gonna be one scary mother,

“Well it’s actually a funny story and I really think you’re gonna laugh a-”

“Save it. Just tell me already before I wack you” 

And so I told my best friend everything that happened today. Apparently, Brett and I spent more time than I thought at Chick-Fil-A just talking about random stuff and enjoying the little escape we had. Selena was more mad at the fact that I came home at 8:00 then the fact that I didn’t tell her.

“So, everyone at school thinks you and Brett are dating huh” she asks with a smirk.

“Oh crap, I forgot about that! What are we gonna do about that?”


 New message from: My Knight 💕

“Ooh, my knight huh” Selena teases me.

“Shut up and just let me see what he wants”

“Probably you” she says before I throw a pillow at her. 

My Knight 💕: hey princess, we gotta keep an act up at school so we aren’t seen as fake and Olivia won’t mess with you. What D'ya say we start fake dating for a while so she backs down?

Chloe: I don’t know…. You sure it’ll work

My Knight💕: Positive. Plus it’ll give you the confidence to stand up to her.

Chloe: ok fine i’m in

My Knight 💕: Good. you’re lucky today was a friday, it gives us more time to sell this. Is it ok if I come over tomorrow so we can take some couples pics together? We’ll need to change our lockscreens and stuff.

Chloe: Yeah, that’s fine. Come early though so we have a lot of time to get the perfect ones

My Knight 💕: Of course. Get a good night’s sleep, i’ll see you in the morning ‘girlfriend’ 😉😉

Chloe: 😂😂 ok ‘boyfriend’

“So… you guys are actually gonna convince everyone you’re dating?” Selena says from where she was sitting behind me peering over my shoulder. When did she emerge from the stack of pillows she fell in?

“Geez, you didn’t have to scare me. And i guess we’ll be convincing everyone but you, smart owl” I say with mock annoyance.

“I got best friend privileges, of course I’m gonna know. And plus it’d be kinda hard to keep it from someone who you share a room with”

“True. Just keep this on the down low though, ok”

“You got it boo”

After Selena’s 2 hour interrogation followed by discussing Brett’s plan for another 2 hours, it was now 12:00 and I was exhausted. I decided to listen to Brett and went to sleep, I can only imagine what tomorrow will be like.

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