
By aedalso

28.5K 1K 433

"i really really like you and it's totally fine if you don't feel the same" More

note//pls read shankyou :)
pls read :)


1.5K 53 43
By aedalso

[ shuhua pov ]

"Shuhua, uhm, i uh. I like you, will you be my girlfriend?" youngmin said.

"Eh i, sorry youngmin, you're just my friend." i said, rejecting him.

"I.. it's okay. your choice, i'm not forcing you.. but take the rose."youngmin said while giving me the rose.

"Oh uhm okay.." I said while taking the rose from him. He then walked away.

"Well, what was that all about?" miyeon questioned.

"I don't know man" i said while scoffing. 

"Okay.." miyeon said while looking away.

Then again, another guy came up to me and gave me a rose and said, "Shuhua, i like you!" sehun said while looking at the rose.

"Um.. I don't like you sehun.. you're just my friend." i rejected him while looking at him.

"Oh.. it's take the rose.." Sehun said while putting the rose in my hand.

"Thank you.." I said while looking at both the roses youngmin and sehun gave me.

"Uhm.. I'm gonna go now.. bye shuhua-ssi.." 

"Bye sehun." I replied.

"What the fuck." miyeon said.

"Yah yah yah! Language, language." i said while looking at her.

"You cursed during chemistry class." miyeon said while giving me the 'wth' face.

"What's your problem?" i asked.

"Well, today is an odd day.. two boys confessed to you." miyeon said.

"Yea lol." I replied.

"Well well, look at shuhua, be getting all the boys." soyeon said.

"I know right." Soojin said while laughing.

"I'm not the idle's visual for no reason right" I said while chuckling.

"Damn, your confidence." soyeon said.

"Lol." I replied

{ after a few hours in school//dismissal time }

"Oh my god, the last class was so fun oh my goodness, we didn't even do anything, we just had fun. I wished all of the classes were like that" I said happily.

"I know right, damn. but we still need to study for our exams sometimes." yuqi said.

"Yea yea." i replied with the uninterested tone.

Yuqi's POV

Minnie was tapping me and trying to get my attention. I've been ignoring her ever since i saw her hugging lisa. I don't know why i'm acting like that tho. do I like her? I really don't think so. Am i denying my feelings? Ah! This is so confusing, goodness!

"Yuqi ah!" minnie shouted while tapping me.

I was kinda frustrated to be honest. i don't know why. Hormones are changing? Lol that's lame. But i took minnie's hand off me and made a 'tsk' sound and rolled my eyes.

"Yuqi! Why are you ignoring me? What did i do?" minnie asked.

"Ask yourself." i simply said and walked away.

"Wait i'll follow her." I heard minnie said while running towards me.

'oh my goodness, what the fuck. why does she wanna follow me oh god.' i mentally cursed. "Yuqi ahh, why are you ignoring me." minnie whined.

"You hugged lisa!" I said angrily.

"So?" minnie asked.

"Oh my god, nevermind." I rolled my eyes and walked away.

"Are you jealous?" minnie ran to me and turned me around, and i almost fell,but minnie caught me, preventing me from falling.

"Dude.Whats wrong with you?" I shouted.

"I-i'm sorry." minnie apologised.

"For what? For making me jealous or for making me almost fall?" i asked and walked away again.

Minnie continued chasing me, and turns me over again

"What do you want?" i asked her, avoiding her gaze.

"Both okay, both. i'm sorry for making you jealous and sorry for making you almost fall" minnie said and hugged me.

I smiled and hugged her back.

"It's fine i guess." I said.

[ shuhua pov]

I finally reached home after a long walk. I stepped into the house and shouted for my mum, because i know she will always be home at this timing after my school.

"Mum! Mum! I'm home!" There wasn't any response, things started to tense up and i got really scared. Luckily, miyeon was there with me. I ran to my mum's room to see her lying in a pool of blood. I was so shocked that i couldn't even speak.

I knelt down in front of her and immediately broke down in tears. " did you die.. w-why.." I stuttered in between my sobs.

Miyeon was comforting me while i cried and cried. After a few hours of crying in her room, i had no more energy to cry anymore, i stopped crying and hugged miyeon. She hugged me back and we stayed in that position for a few hours until miyeon decided to call yuqi and tell her what happened.

Yuqi then told minnie,soojin and soyeon. They all came to my house and took care of the funeral stuffs.

"What would happen to you then shuhua?" yuqi asked me after cremation. I kept quiet because i had no mood to answer her because i kept crying and crying.

Few hours later, we went to collect her ashes and we put her down in the sea so that she can be free. Ever since then, i didn't laugh or even smile. all i did was always wearing a poker face and cry at night by myself.

I started wearing only black hoodies and black sweatpants to school and wore my black vans. I didn't pay attention in class anymore, i didn't answer to my teacher's questions, i talked back. I fought with other students. i've become a new me.

I hate my life, i hate myself. I started self harming and doing foolish stuffs to myself.

Yuqi tried to talk to me. All i did was nod my head and shook my head. I couldn't even speak.

I cried every night, looking at pictures of my mum and i.

Then one night, miyeon came to my house and stayed with me to make sure i was okay. Im grateful to have a friend like her.

But then one night, when she was staying with me, the memories of my mum and i kept coming back, i started crying really bad and started slashing myself. Miyeon was really shocked at what i was doing. she's never seen me done this before..

A/N: hii peopleee, ok this is quite long ;-; i hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry if it's lame ;-; i like some fluff in stories so there'll be some fluffs in my story okayss. i wonder what miyeon would do after she saw shuhua self harming? okayy byee.🤩❤️

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