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Shuhua's pov
i was at my desk , using my laptop while thinking about life. i wonder how and why miyeon is so pretty , i mean , whoever disagree with that , they must have no taste honestly.

but honestly, i haven't got all my memories back , i can't really confirm that i like her though. suddenly someone knocked on my door , usually i lock my door so no one would come in , so miyeon couldn't come in now. "what's up." i asked.

"let me in lol." miyeon said. i then walked to the door , unlocked it and opened the door for miyeon , she came into my room and closed the door because she knows i like to have my door closed. she lay down on my bed , "comfy" she said. 

"i know , i switched on the air conditioner, which makes it even more comfortable ain't it?" i asked with my eyes still fixated on my laptop. 

"yea yea." miyeon replied while walking to me. "what're you doing?"

"nothing much, just looking through things." i replied.

miyeon then stood beside me looking at my laptop. "wanna have dinner together tonight." miyeon asked. 

"i don't wanna go out." i whined. "order in"

"fine fine." miyeon replied and checked the time using her phone. "5.30pm." she said.


"it's 5.30"

"ok and?" 

"just saying , i'll order dinner at 6.30 then" miyeon said while lying on my bead.

"yah! don't sleep on my bed! you have your own room!" i said as i jumped onto her, so basically i'm lying on her now.

"ouch. it hurts you know." miyeon whined out.

"ain't my problem since you're sleeping on my bed." i said walking back to switch off my laptop. i then walked back to the bed and lay on miyeon again.

"you have the other side to sleep, why sleep on me?" miyeon questioned.

"this is my bed , i sleep wherever i want" i said and hugged her , and we let sleep take over us.

suddenly, i heard miyeon's phone alarm ring , i assumed it was 6.15 plus as miyeon said she was going to order the food at 6.30. i opened my eyes to see that i'm still on miyeon so i rolled to the other side of my bed and switched off her alarm as she put her phone there. 

i then took my phone to play until miyeon woke up , so if she don't wake up , guess we'll just not eat then. i was just scrolling through instagram and saw a picture of miyeon that she posted. unknowingly, i smiled.

suddenly , i saw miyeon get up , as i was looking at her pictures , i got scared and quickly scrolled to the other pictures just in case she saw.

"wait.. what time is it now?" miyeon asked.

"6.30" i said after i checked the time.

"quick give me my phone, quick" miyeon replied.

"okay okay.." i said as i took her phone and gave it to her. "don't have to be so anxious."

"yeayea , i have to order the food."

"so? you don't have to rush you know." i said. "so what are we eating?"

"what do you want to eat?"

"i'm fine with anything."

"i don't know what anything is." miyeon said while giving me a glare.

"fine fine.. sushi?"

"sure ok." miyeon said and went back to ordering the food.

we just sat on the bed while playing our phone. it surprisingly wasn't that awkward. i started gaming again.

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