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Minnie POV
i woke up with my arms around yuqi waist,faces one inch apart from each other, one move and our lips would touch. i caressed her head softly and slowly, remembering we are together makes me even happier and gave me butterflies in my stomach as i kissed her forehead and sat up taking my phone to see a message from yuqi.

i read, 'hi my mousie, officially mine now🥺ilysm know that okay..i'm glad you didn't reject me. honestly,,i didn't really thought that you would like me back, i thought that you were into guys:( ilyily i cant tell you how much i love you because it's beyond infinity🥺❤️i'll always stay by your side no matter what and i'll support you in anything and evrrything!! i love you, when you read this, you must most probably be awake already,i hope you had a good sleep.don't be sad, if you are, talk to me okay. i love you wifey.🥺❤️good morning to you,wake me up after you read this. i love you❤️' i teared up after reading that message, i looked at yuqi and smiled, i pecked her on the forehead and woke her up.

"wake up giraffe.." i said softly while patting her head continuously. she finally woke up after a minute or so. she still look so cute even with her ruffled up hair. "good morning mousie" yuqi said as she smiled.

"good morning giraffe." i said as i smiled back and ruffled up her hair more. i kissed her forehead again and she looked up to me and smiled.

"i'm gonna go wash up." i said as i went to the toilet to wash up. after i brushed my teeth and changed my clothes i went back to bed and asked yuqi about the message she sent me.

"princess, whats with the message you sent me?" i asked creating a new pet name.

"w-wha- p-princess?" yuqi asked.

"yes my princess?" i asked as i pecker her on the lips. i could tell she was really shocked at what i just did, but of course, i was shocked myself.

"okay never mind, about the paragraph. why cant i write you one?"

"you called me wifey?"

"yes. my wifey" yuqi said as she puffed her cheeks out. help she's so cute.

i pinched her cheeks and smiled "cute" i said.

yuqi went to wash up and changed her clothes, when she came out of the toilet she went to the kitchen i followed her because why not? "wifey." yuqi said as she tapped my leg because she was bending down to see what's in the cupboard.


she then stood up and looked at me, "stop being so mean!"

"fine fine. what's up princess?"

"you don't have any food?" yuqi asked.

"uhh.. i don't cook at home."

"we're going to a grocery store , go go go" yuqi said as she did the 'shoo' action to me and back hugged me while i'm walking. "yuqi yuqi i'm gonna fall" i said and realised that if i fall, yuqi will get hurt so i turned us around quickly and took the fall. i groaned in pain and waited for yuqi to stand up first, after yuqi stood up, i slowly stood up while putting my hand on my back.

"i'm sorry.." yuqi apologised as she teared up.

"it's fine it's fine.. don't cry !!" i said as i hugged her tightly, comforting her.

"it's my fault that you fall, i'm sorry" yuqi said as she cried on the crook of my neck.

"shh.. it's fine.." i said as i patted her head with one of my hand. "don't cry.. let's go wash your face , and change okay.." and we went to the room. "don't cry lil princess. it's fine. i'm fine! don't cry" i said as i continued hugging her tightly. she then washed her face and when she looked up in the mirror she said, "ew"

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