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a/n: this chapter is gna be leaning more towards sooyeon side.

[ soyeon pov ]

i was just vibing to the song slumber party, blasting it from my speaker in my room.


soojin then suddenly walked into my room while i was screaming the lyrics at the top of my lungs.

i turned and looked at her while still screaming, "I GAVE YOUR GIRLFRIEND CUNNILINGUS ON MY COUCH"

soojin's eyes widened after hearing the sentence i just screamed at the top of my lungs. i then went to switch off my music.

"wilding over here huh?" soojin said, leaning against the door, with her arms crossed, she's so fucking hot bye-

so yeah, i may or may not have had a crush on soojin for the longest time ever, and has been simping for her duality ever since.

"sup?" i walked towards her.

"nothing much, just bored." soojin said as she walked into my room. "you're so short soyeon"

"just because you're bored doesn't gives you the rights to insult me bitch." i retorted.

"you're so short. a short, cutie." soojin patted my head and sat down on my bed.

damn right i was internally screaming and my heart was doing jumping jacks, she fucking patted my head.

im the type of person that isn't really good and showing my affection/love towards other people but for soojin i would gladly.

"come cuddle with me, im bored and in need of warmth." soojin straightforwardly asked me.

"sure." i agreed then went to cuddle with her.

we just talked about random stuffs and then i suddenly asked, "do you like anyone?"

"yeah i do. what bout' you?" soojin asked back.

"yeah i like someone."

"girl or boy" soojin asked again.

"what do you think?" i asked.

"girl, for sure." soojin was confident with her answer, well she isn't wrong either.

"yeah, and yours?"

"girl too, want me to describe her to you?" i bet it isn't me lmao.

"sure sure."

"she makes music, she looks fierce but is actually a softie and isn't even intimidating, she's short, she's cute, she's talented, she's perfect." soojin described wholeheartedly.

"she sounds like the perfect girl huh."

"yeah, do you wanna know who she is?" soojin asked, and me here, finger crossed, secretly hoping it's me.

"it's you." soojin confessed.

i jumped out of her arms feeling shocked and excited.

"WHAT ME?" i kinda screamed.

"yeah you."


"well now you know. come here come here." soojin said as she opened her arms and i ran into her arms.

we fell onto the bed and we just stayed in that position.

soojin suddenly kissed my head and damn i was shocked.

"well do you want to be my girlfriend?" soojin asked, passionately.

"yes, for sure. no doubts." i breathed.

"yay so we official now" soojin cheered.

"yayy" i cheered with her.

"i love you shortie." soojin said.

"i love you too bitch." i rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"woah why're you suddenly mad."

"calling me shortie is an insult and i refuse to take that as a sweet nickname or whatever."

"that sounds like a you problem. shortie is my nickname for you, and it's because you're my cute shortie." soojin ruffled my hair and gave her wide smile.

"damn." i breathed out again.

"i never thought i would've fall for someone this hard." i mumbled.

"you only fall for me jeon soyeon." soojin said firmly.

"possessive much."

"well that's because you're mine." soojin huffed.

"yeahyeah im all yours." i sweet talked.

"love you."

"love you too." i replied, giving my widest smile, just for her.

a/n: hi yes, kinda a short chapter, i hope you enjoy this chapter! thankyou sm fr 9k reads, rlyrly appreciate it a lot 😭😭

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