The War of Love and Money

By AmelSmith

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A wealthy family fights for the inheritance when their grandfather decided Suddenly to write his will and giv... More

Characters Description
Cha-pter *2*
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The End

Cha-pter *1*

804 44 263
By AmelSmith

Today was a special celebration in the PIU, the Private Investigation Unit that completed 5 years of overtaking the crimes empire, they also got the most prominent project with which they will corporate with two of the biggest investigations departments in the city SCI and SID.

"Together will get closer to our goal. From the time I have started over this office, my only goal is to reach the heights of my idol Officer Zhan Fu. It's not like I want to compete with him,no, but I want to have this feeling to be on top of the world of investigation" Said Zhao Yunlan, as he closed a small notebook, gently placed the pencil in hand on the desk looking at his team.

"He is on top of the crime's world, you seem to admire him beyond boundaries, the only difference between you two is that you love him too much that you are turning gay for him. But he doesn't even know you exist" Da Qing was approaching his boss as he spoke sarcastically.

"Ahh! Why did I hire only assholes in this unit. I should change the team into more talented and smart sexy ladies instead of some dumb human beings, lazy and useless" For some ten minutes. The tone in which Yunlan spoke expressed more than ordinary gratification. But soon his mood went down after his secretary started verbally bullying him.

"Boss!" Called Lin with a tone filled with disappointment, he always pays the price of what Da Qing the wild cat says to their boss.

"Okay! No more talking about work, let's all go to drink. After tomorrow, we will be busy with a dangerous case. I got a call from SID and are asking for our help" Remarked the bossy man, with a meaning expression rubbing his hands together as he spoke, in the manner of one who is particularly well pleased with himself.

Soon Yunlan and his companions arrived at one of the fanciest restaurants in the city that they had never been to a place similar to it before. "Boss, you don't want us to end up washing the dishes, do you?" At this point the puzzled reaction of Da Qing was swiftly interrupted by his boss who always had a great deal to say.

"Shut up you moron! Today is my treat" He said in his sharp, clear voice. The men present collectively declared that such a behaviour was never his intention, Yunlan never treated them kindly or spent his money on his colleagues. He only loved to treat hot sexy girls to bars and casinos then take them for a one night stand.

"Weird!?" Da Qing coughed and said in an ironic way intended to mock and convey contempt towards his tempered stingy boss. For that especial occasion, Yunlan intended to treat them and celebrate what was coming. For him this new alliance with SID and SCI is a big deal of a project that will open several opportunities for him.

"I booked a table two months in advance, this is not the kind of place you get a table on impulse" Yunlan wanted somehow to treat their long nights of hard work with a bit of generosity and kindness. The restaurant was beautiful with it's large mullioned windows, long embroidered curtains, dark round tables, jasmine flowers placed on each table, delicate live piano music.

The guys were astounded to see this splendid place that reflected perfection with it's delicate details of lounge area with embroidered couches, oval coffee tables, tea served from silver trays in white teapots. The lighting was dim and the air was perfumed with the scent of elegance and luxury.

The waitress politely showed them to their seats. Looking around Yunlan seemed busy scanning the figures of all the people sitting around him listening to their noisy chatters. The restaurant was quite big as he found difficulty to find a certain someone.

"Are you expecting someone?!" Asked Lin while trying to read his boss's behaviour. They started searching with their eyes too seemingly trying to find a familiar person they could know. Soon Yunlan's eyes fell on a man with a brightly flawless skin combined with the elegance of his suit, designed to perfection. This man was most likely a masterpiece of God's creation.

His eyes suddenly met with Yunlan in a moment of stunned surprise. His sharp gaze in that instant had yearned for harm under severely thick long eyelashes. He walked a slight bend, but moved quickly to the restaurant's marble lobby accompanied by a beautiful elegant lady. The stiff master was politely greeted with a bow and a handshake by the restaurant director himself.

"Yunlan!?" Called the men with him.

"Is he a client?" Added Lin when they were being served a fancy wine to their table. They were for a moment distracted but soon averted their attention to the man their boss was caging with his eyes.

"I feel like a bullet overrun my rib cage and lodged in my heart. This feeling is not painful, but it is so strange that it cannot be explained" Yunlan thought to himself while his eyes still rested on the beautiful man. His smile faded, then a loud cheer from his friends distracted his focus.

The young elegant master visibly jumped and turned sharply toward the noise, his skin paler. He seemed annoyed with the presence of those unmanned men ruining the mood of the calm and fancy restaurant. He took his coat off and handed it to the servant, who seemed to have frozen momentarily and made his way to the table of Yunlan and his colleagues.

"Could you please celebrate quietly because we have other guests, Thank you" The servant nicely requested before the men apologized and lowered their voices. Soon their celebration begun.

"SID sent me the profile of that woman, She owns a casino and is suspected of doing some illegal business. Weapons Trade, drugs and the last thing you can expect is gay pornography. So far, there is no conclusive evidence, but there are suspicions surrounding the place. That is why a secret investigation will be opened. The only problem holding us back is who her husband is, he belongs to one of the richest families in the country."

"You are such a liar Yunlan, and we thought we are here to celebrate but it's always related to work" Da Qing replied, methodically devouring a large amount of fish.

"Just focus on your plate you asshole, this is bigger than your small dicks" Yunlan remarked rather vulgarly. Not that any of the men didn't expected such a speech, as his vulgarity was merely regarded as eccentricity, because he had talent and brain, an exceedingly long tongue, and an eagle eye. He was a bright detective that forced them both to respect and admire him regardless.

The two made no reply, as the expensive food was served to them, in their opinion, was much too serious business to be interrupted. They started eating without complaints or talking leaving him all alone taking care of this case while reading the behaviour of the man with his woman. But Yunlan was caught in an endless beautify that made him lose control of his focus.


"Shen Wei! You seem angry" His wife, who was lean and anxious-looking asked with a gentle voice driving his full attention. He looked at her wrathfully he then loosened his expression and apologized. He was upset that there were fools and weirdos of the sordid class that disturbed his quiet night.

"Excuse me Mr. Shen Wei! Did you call for me?" Wei had called for the restaurant owner and told him that he needed to chase those men away if he doesn't want to close up his business. He didn't expect that the man would be acting as fast as he could running to Yunlan's table.

Before Yunlan could understand what he meant, he pushed him away and jumped standing from his seat in a frustrated way. The owner staggered into the table, almost falling into the ground. When Yunlan grabbed his special investigator ID card, the man sullen eyes surveyed the piece document.

"I apologize Sir, please enjoy your meal. I will gladly take your orders on the account of our restaurant" The owner heard footsteps approaching him, he turned around. The tall and handsome man caught his hand and moved him from his way gently before he targeted Yunlan with a sharp tone.

"This restaurant is too classy to serve peasants like you, I ask you to leave immediately with your friends. You are disturbing the calm atmosphere here and annoying the guests with your loud voice and your sordid words" Although he had seen many good-looking humans in his lifetime, none of them could match up to the man in front of his eyes today. Yunlan couldn't focus otherwise.

"His upper body is right and firm. His fair skin and defined muscles are extremely attractive, his face is angelic, lips are so tempting yet are sharp when moving. My bad, I am doomed. Since when I was interested in men?" Yunlan swallowed still not able to talk. He was bewitched by a strong spell, a spell that Shen Wei threw on him mercilessly.

"Have you seen enough?" Shen Wei said coldly, snapping him back to reality. Remembering that he was being disrespected and clumsily treated by this beauty.

"He is a detective" The poor man was caught in between them.

"A good reason enough to behave Mr. Detective, I think it's your duty to watch for the comfort of others, not to be a cause of inconvenience to them. Please pay attention to your behavior, as you are here sitting with people from the high elite of society and please stop gazing at my wife. Otherwise, I will accuse you of harassment"

"I'm going to have these rotters moved off this place straight away." Wei added internally before his wife joined and pulled him away apologizing for making such a fuss.

"Boss is muted!!" To their surprise Yunlan didn't talk back to Shen Wei but kept admiring him insanely. He knew deep inside that they are bond by fate, a long one that won't end after this short night. Before leaving Yunlan passed by Shen Wei's table. He grabbed his hand firmly and squeezed it, which made him moan from the severity of the pain and lowered his head.

"Let's meet again Mr. Shen Wei, but I promise you next time, you won't see me as kind as today" He said too close to his ear at the same time breathing from his sweet sent. Yunlan gazed at him. Shen Wei had a beautiful face, fair skin. His porcelain skin was shaded light pink, and his bright eyes were wide and filled with innocence. There was something about him that drew Yunlan in almost immediately.


"When a tooth hurts you, the severity of the pain, makes your only concern is to pull it out, and when it is pulled out, you subconsciously turn your tongue all the time toward that void that the tooth left, in a stronger and clearer sense that it left a void your body missed it." Old Shen was lecturing his atorney that he considers his best friend.

"It often takes a long time to get used to this emptiness. Should you pull it off! or just fix it? Then you say: Yes, it should have been pulled because it was causing you terrible pain. This is the case of some of the people in our life and some situations force you to abandon them and complete your life without them, even though they were the source of your happiness one day"

"Mr. Bai!?" Zhu Xin Ci was somehow confused not getting his words.

"It is true that they will leave a void in your life, but it is sufficient that there is no longer any pain. I am thinking of giving up on my family, I feel like they don't love me but my fortune. I want to creat an endless war and let the strongest win it. Xin Ci!" He called before he added what was more confusing and scary.


"Let's proceed with our plan, I need to bring back my son. He is the only one that can stand for me and inherit my fortune." Xin Ci gazed at him a bit terrified of what will be happening inside the Shen family but more importantly he was worried about the cluless man.

"Will you tell Zhao Yunlan that you are his biological father?" With a puzzled look on his face, Mr. Bai frowned.

"Of course not, I need to test him first that he won't be swayed by the money and care for me most" He replied honestly.

"He is a smart detective, I am certainly proud of him. It was said that there had been many cases that were about to be closed in the precinct. However, he had diligently worked on them and solved the mystery of those cases with big acknowledgement from SID and SCI." Mr. Bai picked up his glass of wine and decided to take a sip.

Zhu Xin Ci glanced at him by accident, and he found that the man was overthinking a big matter that will sure bring this house upside down. He just couldn't take his eyes off him.

"Do you think he can break his alliance contract with both SID and SCI and join our little family game?" He sneered, as if he had just heard a joke.

"Don't look down on my plan, he is my only son, I want him to be involved in our business and take What was his since long ago" Shen Bai snapped. Xin glanced at his watch and was about to turn and leave when he heard his voice talk to him again.

"Let's meet with him tomorrow and about SID and SCI, make them break the contract with his office by tomorrow morning. I need his mind to be free from any engagement and focus on the mission I am giving him" He lit up a cigarette and puffed out a cloud of smoke. He couldn't really find another solution but to play wicked only to bring Yunlan into the family.

"My friend why are you taking the long way. Tell him that he is your son and just split the rights between your family members equally" Xin Ci sat back and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Never," He said coldly.

"If I tell him the truth, he will resent me not far, he will turn his back to me. I will sign a deal with him that saves us both from any delay" Upon hearing that Xin Ci coul understand at last his unreasonable reason. He nodded and assured the man to move fast with their plan.


"Hey!" Yezun came down the stairs and greeted Xin Ci who was leaving. Somehow he couldn't refrain from admiring this man secretly.

"Hello! How re you doing Yezun?" Coming closer they were standing face to face. Yezun was about to try and seduce him since the big hall was empty of any human being. Raising his hand to Xin Ci's chest then hearing a voice that could stop him in a swift move.

"Yezun Ah!" It was his lovely twin's voice that made him retrieve at the exact moment. If Yezun proceeded with his intended move, he will sure expose their long life secret. Not only they will be disregarded by the whole family members but probably disowned. Their old man forgives no mistake that could bring down the family name and reputation.

"By the way tomorrow is Christmas Eve, your old man wants to have a family dinner with all of you." Xin Ci announced surprisingly to them never their old man had ever celebrated any occasion with his family members.

"By the way Shen Wei! Young lady! Wish you a happy anniversary." Xin Ci
Congratulated the two and was about to leave. His eyes just rested on what was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. His secret love since long ago, the woman that was so strong to stand on face of Mr. Bai. To him this woman was worth all the love and affection he could offer her.

"Xin Ci!" Seeing that he was about to leave, the old lady frowned. Lan Yi was so happy to see him yet so annoyed by the twin presence.

"Happy Anniversary Wang! Wei!" With a flick of his cigar, a small ball of fire lit up even more. No one could come and go freely under his roof. Mr. Bai joined the small crowd of people as he looked to them all, especially to their beautiful faces that perfectly hidden evil and malice behaviour deep inside. He gave them a disgusted look.

"They say human and values can not be measured by money. It's very dangerous to grow up in the nest of your absolute enemies in such an enclosed space, anyone could just die." Shen Wei thought inwardly as he glanced to his grandfather subconsciously.

"Good night everyone we meet tomorrow at dinner" Xin Ci excused himself before he left the family members together.

"I need you to be present all of you tomorrow at dinner. Let's celebrate this annual occasion together." The young men, Wang and Yi, did not make a reply for nearly a minute. Something in the words of Mr. Bai had disturbed their thoughts, and left them, for a brief space of time, absorbed in his own reflection.

Everyone went his separate way. Wang and Wei were already disturbed by the incident on that restaurant that ruined somehow the happy mood for their wedding anniversary. To make it up for the night, Wang prepared a romantic lovely night in their chamber. She was eager to be in bed with her husband.

"Honey! Wanna make a baby?" She suggested while undressing herself. She just made Wei smiles and takes few steps close to the sexy lady who has long hair and holds ethereal beauty. Wang was the kind of wife anyone could dream of, but certainly not Shen Wei.

Author's Note:

After so many requests, I have decided to update this story.

I hope you can enjoy this.

Merry Christmas

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